Formula for carbonic acid is: H2CO3 (can break down into H20 and CO2) CO2 is considered an acid because of its relationship with carbonic acid A base is: Formula for bicarbonate is:
pH refers to:
The ratio of bicarbonate to carbonic acid is:
The pH value range is:
The normal pH range of blood is: Acidosis is Below 6.8 is incompatible with life. Acidosis always causes: Alkalosis is Above 7.8 is incompatible with life. Alkalosis always causes: COMPENSATION is:
Partial Compensation exists when: Full Compensation exists when: No Compensation exists when:
ACID-BASE REGULATION: 1. Chemical Buffer System
2. Respiratory Regulation
3. Renal Regulation
ACID-BASE BALANCE MEASUREMENT (ABG) 1. Before performing ABG, the Allen test should be done:
2. ABG Normal Values: pH PaCO2 HCO3 PaO2 O2 Saturation Base Excess/ Base Deficit (BE/BD) 3. Method of determining ABG situation
TYPES OF ACID-BASE IMBALANCES: 1. Respiratory Acidosis is always caused by: a. Acute causes of respiratory acidosis
b. Chronic causes of respiratory acidosis
c.. Compensation in respiratory acidosis:
d. Assessment findings in respiratory acidosis: 1. Lab
2. Clinical manifestations in respiratory acidosis:
e. Interventions for respiratory acidosis:
2. Respiratory Alkalosis is always caused by: a. Examples of causes of respiratory alkalosis
b. Compensation of respiratory alkalosis
c. Assessment findings in respiratory alkalosis: 1. Labs:
2. Clinical manifestations:
3. Interventions for respiratory alkalosis:
3. Metabolic Acidosis is due to either an acid excess or a base deficit a. Etiology 1. Acid excess examples
2. Base deficit examples
b. Compensation in metabolic acidosis
c. Assessment findings of metabolic acidosis: 1. Lab:
2. Clinical Manifestations
d. Interventions for Metabolic Acidosis:
4. Metabolic Alkalosis--is due to an acid deficit or base excess) a. Causes:
b. Compensation of metabolic alkalosis
c. Assessment findings of metabolic alkalosis: 1. Lab:
2. Clinical manifestations of metabolic alkalosis:
d. Interventions for metabolic alkalosis: