Acf International 2008 Annual Report

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Action Against Hunger

ACF International 2008 Annual Report


Comprised of five independent, non-profit organizations with headquarters in London, Madrid, Montréal, New York, and Paris, ACF International saves the lives of malnourished children while providing families with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. ACF bridges emergency relief with longer-term development, intervening in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity. Our 4000+ field staff—seasoned professionals and technical experts in nutrition, water and sanitation, public health, and food security—carry out life-saving programs in more than 40 countries. These programs reach nearly 5 million people a year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to vulnerable populations around the world.

ACF-USA Chairman: Raymond Debbane Executive Director: Nan Dale ACF-France President: Denis Metzger Executive Director: François Danel ACF-Spain President: José Luis Leal Maldonado Executive Director: Olivier Longué ACF-UK Chairman: Paul Wilson Executive Director: Jean-Michel Grand ACF-Canada President: Diane Bussandri Executive Director: Richard Veenstra Reflects the leadership of each ACF headquarters as of December 31, 2008

To view our financial information, please visit

Cover Coverphotos: photos:ACF-Uganda, ACF-Afghanistan, courtesy courtesy T. Frank; I. Eshragi/Agence ACF-Nicaragua. VU; ACF-Sri Lanka, courtesy J. Lapegue


Action Against Hunger Core Principles

Since its inception nearly three decades ago, Action Against Hunger | ACF International has led the fight against global hunger. From responding to complex humanitarian emergencies, to addressing malnutrition in refugee camps, to prevent-

The ACF International Charter affirms six core principles that all staff members worldwide pledge to uphold in carrying out their work.

ing seasonal food shortages, our teams deliver principled solutions to millions of


In 2008, as people across the globe faced a sharp rise in international food pric-


ACF launched new initiatives and fine-tuned others in response to this ever-shifting


and in regions served by few other international aid organizations. Whether in the

Free and Direct Access to Victims Professionalism Transparency

action against hunger


people in crisis every year. And by developing strategies in concert with local populations, ACF works to ensure that communities regain self-sufficiency for the long term.

es, dwindling employment opportunities, natural disasters, and entrenched conflict, environment. Our teams provided life-saving services in areas inaccessible by road aftermath of Typhoon Fengshen in the Philippines, in the wake of Haiti’s devastating hurricanes, or during the continued crisis in Darfur, ACF’s presence guaranteed that distressed populations received immediate assistance. After Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar, cutting off a large swath of the nation from access to food and water, ACF drew on the hundreds of staff members already working throughout the country to deliver more than 25 tons of emergency supplies to families struggling to survive. When a cholera outbreak threatened the lives of tens of thousands in Zimbabwe, ACF mounted an immediate effort to contain the epidemic by providing access to safe water and bolstering public sanitation measures. Our teams stayed after emergencies ended to help communities regain their livelihoods and secure food and water supplies for the future. We provided cash grants to small businesses, distributed seeds and tools to farmers diversifying their crops, built and repaired water sources, and provided instruction in health and hygiene. ACF remains committed to tackling the symptoms and underlying causes of malnutrition through cutting-edge research and advocacy. Seasons of Hunger, the ACF Hunger Watch report for 2008, underscores the role seasonal food shortages play in the persistence of malnutrition and advocates for proven, cost-effective solutions to help farmers during periods of routine scarcity. Another ACF report released in 2008, Feeding Hunger & Insecurity, provides policymakers and practitioners with a roadmap for addressing the effects of the global food crisis.

proud to present this report highlighting some of our key accomplishments in 2008.

ON THE COVER Our comprehensive approach to global hunger delivers a range of community-centered solutions to populations in crisis, like this young girl’s community in Karamoja, Uganda.



On behalf of the Board of Directors at each of our five ACF headquarters, I am

Chairman, International Chairmen’s Council ACF International 1



For almost 30 years, Action Against Hunger has led the way in defining the idea of global partnership.

Our comprehensive solutions to global hunger are needsbased, context-specific, and customized through direct community participation. While the programs we run may vary from one country to the next, they all share this defining set of characteristics: Comprehensive: Action Against Hunger integrates activities in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health, and advocacy. To tackle the underlying causes of hunger, we address the social, organizational, technical, and resource concerns essential to a community’s well-being. Lasting Solutions: Action Against Hunger works to ensure our programs can be sustained without us. By integrating our programs with local and national systems, we transform effective, short-term interventions into sustainable, long-term solutions. Community-Centered: A community-centered approach is key to building local capacity for the management and maintenance of our programs. Through training, workshops, technical support, and mentoring, Action Against Hunger builds local capacity and cultivates community knowhow for the long-run. Independent & Impartial: As a nongovernmental humanitarian agency, ACF is apolitical. But when it comes to human suffering, we are not neutral: We do our utmost to deliver effective assistance whenever and wherever it’s most needed. Full Accountability & Transparency: Action Against Hunger directly implements and oversees all of its programs, requiring full access to communities targeted for assistance. Committed to transparency and full disclosure, ACF ensures key financial information is publicly available and that its programs undergo external evaluation to assess their impact.


ACF-Colombia, courtesy S. Vera.

Today, nearly one billion people suffer from hunger and lack access to clean drinking water. Through an integrated approach incorporating Nutrition & Health, Food Security, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, and Advocacy, Action Against Hunger responds efficiently and effectively to help vulnerable populations around the world. NutritioN: Nutrition programs aim at assessing, preventing and treating acute malnutrition among the most vulnerable populations, especially young children and pregnant or lactating women. Health programs consist of fighting diseases linked with malnutrition.

ADVOCACY: Action Against Hunger seeks to alert and influence the international community when fundamental rights such as access to water or food are violated. Action Against Hunger’s advocacy efforts aim at affecting institutional and policy changes to help create a world without hunger.

WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE: These programs aim at guaranteeing access to drinking water and good sanitary conditions (by providing wells, water distribution networks, latrines, hygiene education sessions, etc).

Our food security programs offer a broad range of solutions for generating income and food production.

ACF ensures effective assistance by working directly with communities to customize lasting solutions to hunger.

(From left): ACF-Pakistan, courtesy J. Pomerantz; ACF-Niger, courtesy J. Leigton; ACF-Uganda, courtesy T. Frank.


ACF’s programs provide immediate assistance and long-term relief to malnourished children and their families.

FOOD SECURITY: Action Against Hunger’s food security programs include both emergency programs—such as emergency food distributions—as well as longterm programs. These programs aim at boosting agricultural and/ or economic activity, providing populations with sufficient access to food of a satisfactory quality and improving self-sufficiency.

action against hunger


















The breadth of Action Against Hunger’s international expertise goes beyond the scope of our current programs. We have worked in many other countries, including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Cameroon, North Korea, Mozambique, Macedonia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Western Sahara. This map reflects the reach of ACF International as of December 31, 2008.















(From left): ACF-Mali, courtesy S. Vera; ACF-Lebanon, courtesy S. Vera; ACF-Kenya, courtesy N. Dale; ACF-West Bank, courtesy B. Brignet; ACF-Colombia, courtesy S. Vera.

SELECT PROGRAMS Myanmar Action Against Hunger has worked to meet the basic needs of families in Myanmar since 1994. In early May 2008, Cyclone Nargis struck land, devastating much of the country and exposing an already vulnerable population to a food and water crisis. The Bogalay region was particularly affected, with the destruction of roads and bridges leaving 80,000 people isolated and in need of help. Hunkering down in improvised camps in the aftermath of the cyclone, survivors subsisted on damaged, moldy rice and gathered water from unprotected sources, including rivers clogged with animal and human corpses. Drawing on the more than 550 staff members already working throughout the country, ACF was able to mount an immediate relief effort for this population, distributing more than 5,600 tons of emergency supplies, including protein biscuits, water purification kits, pumps, and other life-saving equipment. Philippines The Philippine archipelago, which is highly vulnerable to seasonal typhoons, suffered a major disaster in July 2008 when Typhoon Fengshen destroyed homes, livelihoods, and water supplies, and left hundreds of thousands in need of assistance. ACF’s initial response focused on Corcuera and Banton— isolated areas of the central archipelago—and on Mindinao, the country’s southernmost island. Action Against Hunger distributed food and basic hygiene materials to 1,500 families (more than 7,500 individuals) on Corcuera and Banton, where most of the population had lost homes and livelihoods and where the price of basic foodstuffs had risen

exponentially. On Mindinao, meanwhile, the typhoon left 70 percent of the population without access to drinking water. In response, ACF distributed water tank filters, supplies of soap, and hygiene kits to 15,000 people to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses—household items that ACF purchased locally to support the devastated region’s economy. Kenya Beginning in December 2007, allegations of fraud in Kenya’s presidential election erupted into widespread violence that lasted for weeks. The Rift Valley bore the brunt of the violence: in the provincial capital of Nakuru, more than 30,000 people sought shelter in camps or with relatives. In response, Action Against Hunger secured clean water and sanitation facilities for the displaced and distributed essential non-food items such as soap, blankets, and clothing. Once the situation stabilized, ACF’s food security experts uncovered unmet needs among the displaced sheltering with relatives or friends—i.e., those who missed out on the assistance provided in camps. In partnership with a local bank, ACF provided these residents with small cash grants for reviving livelihoods or rebuilding businesses destroyed during the conflict. The grants supported a wide variety of microenterprise activities, from women’s cooperatives that purchased spinning wheels for a textile business, to vegetable sellers who pooled funds to support a small shop. Designed to generate income, these activities meant immediate nutritional improvements for the families involved, most of whom managed to save some of their grant money as insurance against future crises.

(From left) ACF-Guatemala, courtesy B. Grignet; ACF-D.R.Congo, courtesy Burger/Phanie; ACF-Cambodia, ACF-Uganda, courtesy A. Krstevski. courtesy J. Lapegue

In March 2008, routine nutrition surveys uncovered an alarming spike in malnutrition rates in the capital of Monrovia, a crisis that led to a 40 percent increase in admissions to ACF’s feeding programs over a five month period. In response, ACF scaled up emergency nutrition programs in the capital and called on the international community for greater assistance. Action Against Hunger distributed 24 tons of food throughout the country and continued to implement a variety of programs, from agricultural support and veterinary assistance projects, to income generating activities.

Recognizing the link between HIV/ AIDS and malnutrition, Action Against Hunger launched an ambitious HIV prevention program to complement its food security and water and sanitation projects. ACF began by exploring local attitudes and beliefs on sexuality and HIV/AIDS before embarking on a comprehensive education campaign. This innovative campaign targeted at-risk populations often ignored by state and local organizations—young people aged 15 to 25 and women engaged in sex

We work directly with local populations to identify existing coping mechanisms and develop appropriate solutions.

(From left): ACF-Liberia, courtesy V. Burger; ACF-Nicaragua, courtesy E. Sahsa; ACF-Kenya, courtesy S. Bruas.

work. Through collaborative efforts, ACF helped build a network of public health organizations addressing HIV/ AIDS for a range of previously excluded vulnerable groups. Sudan As the humanitarian crisis in Darfur continued for the fifth straight year, Action Against Hunger helped provide assistance to the 2.5 million displaced people struggling to survive in camps in western Sudan. In 2008 alone, ACF distributed 800,000 food rations and completed water and sanitation projects benefiting thousands of Darfurians. ACF also continued its work in southern Sudan, helping communities to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the devastating civil war that formally ended in 2005. Despite periodic bouts of insecurity, ACF worked to prevent and treat malnutrition in the region by implementing programs in nutrition monitoring and treatment; carrying out water and sanitation projects;

ACF’s 30 years of humanitarian action ensures expertise in a wide range of countries and cultural contexts.


ACF’s therapeutic programs target children under five as the most vulnerable to malnutrition.

Mali In Gao, Mali, HIV/AIDS rates have doubled over the last five years, threatening the population’s food security and increasing malnutrition rates. When income earners fall ill, whole families can experience declines in living standards and are often at greater risk of hunger and malnutrition. Moreover, individuals living with both HIV/AIDS and malnutrition respond poorly to standard anti-retroviral treatments.

action against hunger

Liberia Action Against Hunger has been actively involved with reconstruction and development efforts in Liberia since the end of its 14-year civil war in 2003. The last two years have left Liberia particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in global food prices given its reliance on food and oil imports.


SELECT PROGRAMS teaching health, hygiene, and cooking classes; distributing seeds and tools; and working with the local population to diversify crops and generate income. Zimbabwe In 2008, Zimbabwe faced increased political unrest and economic dislocation as inflation climbed to unprecedented rates. Water, sanitation, and public health systems began to collapse, and by August, a cholera outbreak threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people. In response, Action Against Hunger—in Zimbabwe since 2002—launched emergency programs to contain the epidemic by providing immediate access to safe water, ensuring public sanitation measures, sanitizing public water points, and promoting health and hygiene education. These emergency efforts continued into 2009.

Poverty, deprivation, and hunger are all too common, but ACF’s programs help restore dignity, health, and self-sufficiency.


Central America (Guatemala and Nicaragua) Action Against Hunger’s programs in Guatemala and Nicaragua continued to help communities recover from the devastation of Hurricane Felix, which struck the region in early September 2007. ACF’s programs provided water and sanitation assistance and bolstered local efforts to enhance food supplies. In addition, Action Against Hunger supported disaster preparedness efforts in the region by building an early warning system and strengthening the capacity of Guatemala’s disaster response agency to mitigate the impact of future storms. Haiti Wracked by decades of political turmoil and environmental problems that have degraded soils and diminished agricultural yields, Haiti’s population has long been vulnerable to natural disasters. In 2008, conditions only worsened as Haiti was struck by three successive hurricanes—Gustave,

Our 4,000+ staff are seasoned professionals and technical experts in water and sanitation, food security, public health, and nutrition.

Hanna and Ike. Aware of the country’s vulnerability to severe weather patterns, Action Against Hunger had already prepared for such disasters by pre-positioning stocks of water and sanitation supplies in the cities of Port de Paix and Port-au-Prince. After the hurricanes, ACF was able to rapidly ship emergency equipment to the hard-hit city of Gonaives, which was inundated and cut off from the rest of Haiti. As the crisis wore on, communities were increasingly hard-pressed to access food. Action Against Hunger responded by launching several interventions to bolster income and distribute food—establishing feeding centers for young children, setting up cash-forfood programs that employed Gonaive residents in digging buildings out from the mud, and distributing 11 tons of food to people in need of immediate assistance.

Our emergency interventions ensure access to clean water, a first line of defense in mitigating a natural disaster.

(From left): ACF-Guatemala; ACF-Colombia, S. Vera; ACF-Nepal, Remael. (From left)courtesy, ACF-Guatemala, courtesy B.courtesy Grignet;S.ACF-D.R.Congo, courtesy Burger/Phanie; ACF-Cambodia, courtesy J. Lapegue

action against hunger

ACF-Nepal, courtesy S. Remael.


Peru Action Against Hunger’s programs in Peru were established in 2007 in the wake of an earthquake that struck the country with such force that it devastated coastal areas. Immediately after the earthquake, ACF rebuilt water and sanitation infrastructure to prevent an outbreak of water-borne illnesses and other diseases. By 2008, ACF had expanded its efforts to include food security programs that help rural communities replace livelihoods lost during the earthquake.



Action Against Hunger’s research and advocacy department, Hunger Watch, continued its insightful report series this year with Seasons of Hunger, a publication that highlights the role seasonal food shortages play in the persistence of malnutrition. The report’s cogent analysis and detailed case studies illustrate why seasonality has been called the “father of famine.” In poor, rural communities, hunger and malnutrition often arise not from a single catastrophe or bad harvest, but from the losses that accumulate during periods of routine scarcity between annual harvests. In a typical scenario, a subsistence farmer finds himself unable to store the food he has grown, and, in need of money to pay off debts or cover expenses, is forced to sell his harvests at very low prices because other subsistence farmers have simultaneously flooded the market with their goods. Ironically, these farmers often purchase these very same crops later in the year at much higher prices. As their money runs out, families are forced to ration food, cut spending on necessities, sell off assets, or resort to other coping strategies that leave them impoverished. This routine scarcity takes a significant toll on children under five, whose repeated exposure to cyclical hunger can result in permanent physical and intellectual damage. As parents sell off productive assets such as livestock or land, their ability to provide for their families during the next shortfall is greatly reduced. This is the seasonal cycle that, year after year, increases the vulnerability of so many communities. Seasons of Hunger documents these dynamics with a number of illustrative case studies and advocates for proven, cost-effective initiatives that can prevent this type of hunger. A range of options exist to help struggling families during times of hardship—from cash-for-work and voucher transfer programs, to child growth promotion and community-based management of malnutrition—to ensure access to food and income during seasonal shortages. Seasons of Hunger concludes by calling for public support and political commitments to end the scourge of seasonal hunger.

(From left) ACF-Guatemala, courtesy B. Grignet; ACF-D.R.Congo, courtesy Burger/Phanie; ACF-Cambodia, ACF-Nepal, courtesy S. Remael. courtesy J. Lapegue

ACF’s latest publication assesses the global food crisis and offers proven solutions As global food prices spiked over the past two years, the lack of coordinated international action was evident as the number of hungry rose to nearly one billion people. In response, Action Against Hunger carried out a series of household studies in Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, and documented its findings in Feeding Hunger & Insecurity, a comprehensive report that calls for a systematic approach to the global food crisis.

security programs. A coordinated approach is essential if we are to break the deadly relationships between malnutrition, food insecurity, poverty, and public health crises. Acute malnutrition is a key indicator of systemic problems. A condition that undermines all other development efforts—enabling disease, hampering productivity, and limiting education and income opportunities— malnutrition must be the starting point for an integrated set of solutions.

Action Against Hunger researchers found troubling patterns in case study after case study: communities around the world adjusted to the rising food prices just as they cope with seasonal hunger—consuming fewer foods of diminishing quality, cutting spending on non-food necessities, and selling productive assets. And while our teams detected no immediate rise in acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger is concerned that the crisis has diminished the capacity of these communities to weather price shocks in years to come.

There are a range of measures we can implement to mitigate the effects of routine food scarcity:

ACF-Myanmar, courtesy Haung.

Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programs, deploying therapeutic Ready-to-Use Foods (RUFs), have dramatically improved coverage rates and numbers of children treated. But only a tiny fraction of the 19 million children with severe acute malnutrition ever receive this life-saving treatment—between three and nine percent, by some estimates. This community-based approach should form a fundamental part of any strategy that targets hunger or malnutrition. Growth Promotion Programs can reduce malnutrition among pre-school children and pregnant and lactating women through a combination of growth monitoring, prenatal care, breastfeeding promotion, health, hygiene and nutrition education, and supplementary feeding programs.

Social Pensions for elderly citizens or other vulnerable groups provide vital support for people with limited ability to work. Food Aid Programs, when handled appropriately, can provide short-term relief while bolstering regional agricultural production and stimulating local markets. Index-Linked Cash & Food Transfers, such as food-forwork programs, can reduce the risk of seasonal hunger and malnutrition through the use of vouchers indexed to the actual cost of food. A minimum package of these programs could provide temporary relief for communities faced with seasonal shortfalls, periodic nutritional crises, and catastrophic natural disasters. If integrated with longer-term programs, a holistic approach can address acute malnutrition while transitioning toward broader food security through agricultural assistance, improved access to markets, and income generating activities. Food shortages and the threat of seasonal hunger are no longer impossible to prevent: we have the tools to prevent extreme hunger and help vulnerable communities overcome seasonal challenges.


Feeding Hunger & Insecurity argues that malnutrition’s root causes must be addressed strategically rather than through one-off responses to nutritional crises. Addressing acute malnutrition must not be secondary to investments in poverty alleviation or health programs; saving lives through treatment and prevention must complement longer-term food

Global Cereal Reserves are currently at their lowest levels in 30 years and should be increased to mitigate market fluctuations and provide emergency supplies during shortages.

Employment Guarantee Programs provide reliable wages when labor employment is hard to find. India has implemented the world’s most comprehensive program, guaranteeing 100 days of work at minimum wage for at-risk families during times of seasonal hunger.

action against hunger




President Nelson Mandela “Action Against Hunger is in war-torn countries that many fear to tread. They are technical people…that forgo the comforts of modern life to assist local populations and refugees at the most fundamental level in the most dangerous locales. They provide nutrition, healthcare, sanitation, and food sustainability. They train populations to be self-sufficient. Although these dedicated men and women want to eliminate the need for their services, humanity is not willing and forces them to witness the most heinous actions.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu “Action Against Hunger—the title speaks for itself. This is a remarkable organization with a staff of energetic, enthusiastic and deeply committed people who are determined to make a difference to the lives of thousands of people. There are millions who do not have access to clean water, food, health services or education. They are condemned to a grinding life of poverty with no choices. Action Against Hunger is changing this. Their training programmes are improving the quality of life and health and, above all, bringing hope to thousands in underdeveloped countries. I commend them for their outstanding work and welcome the opportunity to express my support.”

Anderson Cooper “I’ve been covering humanitarian crises since the early 1990s and have often been impressed by the work of Action Against Hunger. They are among the first to respond when tragedies unfold, and they work to ensure that communities have a fighting chance to get back on their feet. In addition to the life-saving work CNN viewers have seen covered in Darfur, Action Against Hunger also has teams working in communities all around the globe.”

(Top):ACF-Angola, courtesy M. Espriu; (Bottom): ACF-Philippines, courtesy J. Lapegue; ACF-Nicaragua, courtesy E. Sahsa.


ACF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL RESOURCES Increasing Funds to Expand Global Effectiveness Since 2004, ACF International has increased its financial resources by more than 70%, growing from 73€ million to more than 126€ million. This steady growth has allowed ACF to implement strategies that prevent and treat acute malnutrition and help restore communities to self-sufficiency, while still having the capacity to respond rapidly and effec­tively to nutritional crises whenever and wherever they occur. The chart below presents a five-year history of the combined annual operating budgets of ACF Interna­tional’s five headquarter offices. While the revenues received in any given year include euros, dollars (in some cases both US and Canadian), and pounds, the totals have been converted into a single currency for the pur­pose of comparison. The conversion rates used in this table reflect the historical average rates of exchange for the year in question (e.g., in 2003 the USD/ Euro rate was 1.23, whereas in 2008 it was 1.47).



€ 50M











ACF INTERNATIONAL ALLOCATION OF REVENUES: A COMMITMENT TO DIRECT FIELD SERVICES In 2008, as in previous years, more than 80% of all funds directly supported our field programs in nutrition, water & sanitation, and food security. The balance covered the general management and administration costs of the five headquarter offices, along with expenses related to fundraising, press relations, and public outreach.







(From left) ACF-Guatemala, courtesy B. Grignet; ACF-D.R.Congo, courtesy Burger/Phanie; ACF-Cambodia, courtesy J. ACF-Kenya, courtesy S. Bruas. Lapegue

247 West 37th Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10018 Tel: +1 212.967.7800 Fax: +1 212.967.5480 [email protected]

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