Acct 101 Syllabus

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San Francisco State University Department of Information Systems Course Syllabus ISYS 350-02: Business Application Development Fall 2008 BUS 219 M 19:00-21:45 Instructor: Leigh Jin

Contact Information

Department of Information Systems

Office: SCI 332

College of Business

Voice: (415) 338-6286

San Francisco State University

E-mail: [email protected]

1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132

Class Notes, Online Test, and Assignments:

Office Hours:

MW: 5:00pm – 7:00pm;


ISYS 263

Texts and Documents: 1. Required: Lowe, D., J. Murach and A. Steelman (2007). Murach’s Java SE 6. ISBN 1-890774-42-1, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc. 2. Required: Steelman, A. and J. Murach (2008). Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP. ISBN 1-890774-44-8, Mike Murach & Associates, Inc. Software:

1. Required: JDK 6 Update 4, free download is available at: 2. Required: NetBeans IDE 6.1, free download is available at: 3. Recommended: MySQL 5.0 Database Server Community Edition, free download is available at:


Evaluation and Grades:

Scheduled Exams

500 pts

3 exams (Exam I: 100 points; Exam II: 100 points; Exam III: 300 points). These are open book exams. The questions are closely related to the lectures and the programming assignments you have done. Please refer to the Schedule of Lectures for the dates.

Class Participation

100 pts

10 in-class lab exercises (each 10 points). I will collect these and give you credit for doing them, but they must be done in class to receive credit. In other words, you will not be able to make it up if you miss any one of these class participation exercises.

Programming Homework

300 pts

6 programming assignments (each 40 - 60 points). A detailed description of the assignment and due date information will be posted on the iLearn website.

Online Test

100 pts

Test questions are randomly selected from the online test bank, they must be answered online through iLearn website to receive credits. The detailed instructions can be accessed through the iLearn website.


1000 pts

The final grading will be primarily based on the following scale: A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF:

950 and above 949 - 900 899 - 867 866 - 834 833 - 800 799 - 767 766 - 734 733 - 700 699 - 667 666 - 634 633 - 600 599 and below

Minor adjustments may be subject to my discretion.


Online Learning through iLearn • A flexible online teaching tool through is extensively leveraged to facilitate your learning process. Not only class notes are posted here, but also must your assignments be submitted online through iLearn system. About Homeworks: • You have to submit your assignments through iLearn. Please DO NOT Email me your homework. In other words, emailed homework will receive 0 point. •

Homework assignments will be available during the semester with rigid due dates. Unless otherwise specified, each assignment must be submitted before 7:00PM on the due date. Late assignments will receive 0 point.

You must do your own programming. You may consult with others or reserved instructor manual concerning programming solutions, but you must do your own coding. If you have received substantial assistance from another student, please acknowledge that person’s help in the comments part at the very beginning of your program.

Do not give your code to other students. Both copying others’ code and giving away code are considered to be academic dishonesty. And both will receive 0 point for the assignment.

You must use good programming style. You should use meaningful identifiers, consistently indent blocks of code, and make appropriate comments in your code.

All programs should have comments that conform to the Javadoc conventions. All major classes and methods should include a description of the code. You should also include a description about author, date and intention of the assignment at the very beginning of the program.

Computers do go down, networks fail, and data gets destroyed or lost the night or hour before a program is due. Please plan ahead and back up all of your work!

About Exams • There are three exams, they are open-book and open notes. The format of each exam may involve multiple choices, fill-in blank, debugging, and coding. •

A scantron (form No. 882-ES, green color) will be required in the exams. Please write your name on both the exam paper and the scantron. Submit both the exam paper and the scantron before leaving the classroom.

You are expected to take each exam at the scheduled time. If you have to miss an exam for any legitimate reason, you must write me a formal letter to explain your excuses and request a make up exam at least three days in advance. In addition, such written requests must be supported with legitimate evidence/documents from relevant authorities, such as doctors, policemen, managers, etc. The format and content of the make-up exam may be altered at my discretion.


Assessment Rubric for ISYS 350 Note: This rubric will only be applied if source code is submitted. Absence of source code will result in 0 points Criteria


EXCELLENT Solution reflects understanding of all requirements(9-10)

GOOD Solution demonstrates developing competence(6-8)

FAIR Solution demonstrates general understanding but insufficient implementation skills (3-5)

POOR Solution demonstrates lack of understanding(0-2)

• The assignment has been completed

• Most of the assignment has been completed

• No more than one-half of the assignment has been completed

• All requirements are implemented correctly

• Most requirements are implemented correctly

• Program compiles

• Program compiles

• Program does not compile and/or does not terminate gracefully

• Program does not compile and/or does not terminate gracefully

• Program executes and terminates gracefully.

• Program executes

• Significant percentage of the solution is implemented correctly

• Significant additional work is required to complete the solution

(0 – 2 points) CORRECTNESS (0 – 6 points)

• Thorough and organized testing has been completed PRESENTATION, ORGANIZATION, DOCUMENTATION (0 – 2 points)

• Some testing has been completed

• Identifiers appropriately reflect semantics and follow specified naming convention

• Identifiers do not adequately reflect semantics and/or identifiers do not adhere to specified naming convention and/or indentation detracts from readability of source code

• Identifiers and indentation significantly impede readability of source code

• Classes and methods are appropriately commented

• Classes and methods are partially commented

• Classes and methods are not commented

• Comprehensive set of output from test cases is included

• Some output from test cases is included

• No output from test cases is included


ISYS 350 Fall 2008 Schedule of Lectures (subject to change) Week and Day 1 MON 2 MON 3 MON MON 4 MON 5 MON 6 MON 7 MON 8 MON 9 MON 10 MON 11 MON 12 MON 13 MON 14 MON 16 MON

1 2

Topic Sep 08 Sep 15 Sep 22 Sep 29 Oct 06 Oct 13 Oct 20 Oct 27 Nov 03 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 Dec 01 Dec 08 Dec 15 Dec 22

Syllabus, JDK1-Chap 2: Introduction to Java Programming JDK-Chap 3: How to Work with Data JDK-Chap 4: How to Work with Control Statement JDK-Chap 4: How to Work with Control Statement Exam I, JDK-Chap 6: How to Define and Use Classes JDK-Chap 6: How to Define and Use Classes JDK-Chap 7: How to Work with Inheritance JDK-Chap 7: How to Work with Inheritance Exam II, JSP2-Chap 4: A Crash Course in HTML JSP-Chap 4: A Crash Course in HTML JSP-Chap 5: How to Develop Java Server Pages Thanksgiving Recess, No Classes JSP-Chap 5: How to Develop Java Server Pages JSP-Chap 13: How to Use MySQL as the DBMS JSP-Chap 14: How to Use Java to Work with a Database 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Exam III

JDK refers to the book: Murach’s Java SE 6 JSP refers to the book: Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP


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