Accounting Finance Paper New Course)

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,922
  • Pages: 8
*SF-7464* SF-7464

Seat No.__________

Second Year B. Com. Examination March / April – 2006

Accounting & Finance : Paper – I (New Course) Time : 3 Hours]

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(1) ØßõÀ ÕþfÞÞë ÃðHë çßÂë Èõ. (2) Éwß ÉHëëÝ IÝë_ µkëß çë×õ VÕWË ÃHëÖßí Øåëýäù.

Õëßç ËÿõÍçýÞù Çëáð Ô_Ôù Öë.1-1-2005×í ÂßíØí áõäë Öë. 1-5-2005Þë 20 ±ëÝðæí ìá.Þí V×ëÕÞë ×´. Öë. 31-12-05Þë ßùÉÞí ÚëÀí±ù Ñ ±ë"ìÎç ÂÇý ½äÀÜëá ÃëÍëÛëÍ<_ ÛëÍ<_ Õþë×ìÜÀ ÂÇý ç_ÇëáÀ Îí ÕÃëß


[Total Marks : 100

w. 31,950 12,000 78,000 3,000 10,000 18,900

äõÇëHë ÂÇý (25„ ÇìáÖ) ìÍÚõLÇß TÝëÉ CëëáÂëÔ (Öë.1-5-05 çðÔíÞë w. 550) ÂßíØ ìÀoÜÖ Õß TÝëÉ (ÂßíØ ìÀoÜÖ Öë.1-6-05Þë ÇñÀäí)

w. 21,600 5,000 1,500 3,000

TÝëÉÞí ±ëäÀ Öë. 1-7-05 ÕÈí w. 25,000 ±LÝ ìäÃÖ Ñ (1) ±ë"ìÎç ÂÇýÜë_ w. 7,500 ½èõßëÖ ÂÇýÞë Èõ. (2) Öë. 1-5-05 çðÔí ÀÜýÇëßí±ù 60 èÖë IÝëßÚëØ 20. (3) Õþ×Ü È ÜëçÞë çßõßëå ÜëìçÀ äõÇëHë ÀßÖë_ ÚëÀíÞë È ÜëçÞð_ çßõßëå ÜëìçÀ äõÇëHë hëHë Ãb_ èÖð_. (4) äæý ØßQÝëÞ ÀëÇë ÞÎëÞù Øß ±õÀçßÂù Èõ, Éõ ÕÍÖß ìÀoÜÖ Õß 25„ Èõ. äëìæýÀ äõÇëHë w. 7,50,000. ÀoÕÞíÞð_ ÞùîÔHëí Õèõáë_ ±Þõ ÕÈí ÞÎù ÞðÀçëÞ ØåëýäÖð_ ÕhëÀ ÖöÝëß Àßù. ±×äë lí Þë×ëáëáõ Öë. 31-3-05Þë ßùÉ ÞëØëßíÞí ±ß° Àßí IÝëßõ ÖõÞí 20 ãV×ìÖ ÞíÇõ ÜðÉÚ èÖí Ñ Õç_ØÃíÞë áõHëØëßù ìÚÞçáëÜÖ áõHëØëßù äËëäõáí èñ_ÍíÞí ÉäëÚØëßí

w. 10,000 Ý_hë Õß Õþ×Ü Ãíßù áùÞ 2,00,000 Ý_hë Õß Úí° Ãíßù áùÞ 2,000 ßíçíäß ÂÇý

w. 30,000 70,000 5,000

ìÚÞçáëÜÖ áõHëØëßùÜë_ Õ‚íÞí áùÞ w. 10,000 çÜëÝõáë Èõ, 80„ ßÀÜ ÖõHëí±õ VhëíÔÞÜë_×í ±ëÕõá Èõ. Þë×ëáëáõ Öë. 1-1-04Þë ßùÉ ÖõÞë ìÜhëÞõ w. 50,000Þí ìÀoÜÖÞí SF-7464]



ÃëÍí ÛõË ±ëÕõá Öë. 31-3-05Þë ÖõÞí ìÀoÜÖ w. 20,000 Èõ. hëHë äæý Õèõáë_ ÖõHëõ w. 1,00,000Þí ÜñÍí×í Ô_Ôù åw ÀÝùý, ÉõÞë Õß äëìæýÀ 10„ TÝëÉ ÃHëäð_. Õþ×Ü Úõ äæý À<á ÞÎù w. 1,00,000 ±Þõ hëí½ äæõý ÂùË w. 60,000, ÖõÞù À<á µÕëÍ w. 62,000 Èõ. ìÜáÀÖù ÜÀëÞ Ý_hë ØõäëØëß VËë"À ßùÀÍ-Ú"LÀ

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µÕÉäë ÝùBÝ ìÀoÜÖ w. 50,000 70,000 30,000 50,000 18,000

µÕßÞí ìäÃÖù Õß×í ãV×ìÖØåýÀ ÕhëÀ ±Þõ ÖñËÂëÖð_ ÖöÝëß Àßù. 2


åùÛõrß VËùçýÞí ±õÀ åëÂë ßëÉÀùËÜë_ Èõ, Éõ åëÂëÞõ ÜñâìÀoÜÖõ Üëá 20 ÜùÀáõ Èõ. åëÂë ßùÀÍõ ±Þõ µÔëß äõÇëHë Àßõ Èõ. åëÂëÞõ ÜâÖí ßùÀÍ ØßßùÉ ÜðAÝ ±ë"ìÎçÞõ ÜùÀáõ Èõ. åëÂëÞë ÂÇëý ÜðAÝ ±ë"ìÎç ÇñÀäõ Èõ. ÞíÇõÞí ÜëìèÖí Õß×í åëÂë ÂëÖð_, åëÂë äõÕëß ÂëÖð_, åëÂë ÞÎëÞðÀçëÞ ÂëÖð_ ÖöÝëß Àßù Ñ Öë. 1-1-05Þë ÚëÀí±ù Ñ VËë"À w. 20,000, ØõäëØëßù w. 5,000, ÎìÞýÇß w. 50,000, ÕõËëßùÀÍ w. 500 Öë. 31-12-05Þí ÚëÀí±ù Ñ VËë"À w. 7,000, ÕõËëßùÀÍ w. 200 äæý ØßQÝëÞ TÝäèëßù Ñ w. åëÂëÞõ ÜùÀáõá Üëá ................................... 3,20,000 åëÂë±õ ÕßÖ Àßõá Üëá .................................. 20,000 ØõäëØëßù±õ ÕßÖ Àßõá Üëá ................................ 5,000 ØõäëØëßù Õëçõ×í Üâõá ßùÀÍ ............................. 80,000 µÔëß äõÇëHë ................................................. 2,00,000 ßùÀÍ äõÇëHë.................................................. 3,40,000 ØõäëØëßùÞõ ±ëÕõá äËëä .......................................... 500 Üë_Íí äëâõá CëëáÂëÔ .............................................. 400 åëÂëÞë ÂÇëý Ñ ÛëÍ<_ 4,000, ÕÃëß 12,000, ½èõßëÖ ÂÇý 3,000 ÜùÀáõá ÕõËëßùÀÍ 700, ±ëÃ×í Þëå ÕëÜõá Üëá 1200, ÎìÞýÇß Õß 20„ Cëçëßù ÃHëù. ±×äë ìä¿Ü äíÉâí À<_. ìá. Þí Öë. 31-3-05Þë ßùÉ ÀëÇð_ çßäöÝð_ ±Þõ ±LÝ 20 ìäÃÖù Õß×í ì¦áõÂë Õ©ìÖ ÜðÉÚ Üèõçñáí ÂëÖð_, ÇùAÂð_ Üèõçñáí ÂëÖð_, ÜñÍí ±ëäÀ½äÀ ÂëÖð_ ±Þõ ÕëÀ<_ çßäöÝð_ ÖöÝëß Àßù Ñ äæý ØßQÝëÞ ÜñÍí ìÜáÀÖÜë_ ÞíÇõ ÜðÉÚ äÔëßù ×Ýù Èõ Ñ ÉÜíÞ-ÜÀëÞ w. 1,00,000, Üõ´Lç w. 50,000 ÕþõÎ. å"ßÜñÍí w. 50,000, Ý_hëù w. 30,000 Cëçëßë ÎoÍ ÂëÖõ w. 30,000 á´ Éäë.




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µÔëß w. — — — 80,000 10,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 22,500 77,500 1,50,000 25,000 10,000 40,000 80,000 — — — — — 6,00,000 25,000 — 15,00,000

ÉÜë w. 2,00,000 1,00,000 1,50,000 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5,00,000 1,20,000 1,10,000 2,00,000 40,000 — 30,000 50,000 15,00,000

ÕþõÝë_çí ³LVÝðßLç Ào. ìá. Þí Öë. 31-3-05Þë ßùÉ Õñßë ×Öë_ äæýÞí ±ëà 20 ±Þõ çÜðÄ ìäÛëÃÞí ÜëìèÖí ±ë ÕþÜëHëõ Èõ Ñ ìäÃÖ ÕðÞÑ äíÜë ÕþíìÜÝÜ ÇñÀäõá Øëäë ±ëÕõá ÕðÞÑ äíÜë Õß ÀìÜåÞ VäíÀëßõá ÕðÞÑäíÜë Õß ÀìÜåÞ ±ëà Úð{ëïääë ÂÇý ÕðÞÑ äíÜëÞë ÜYÝë ÕþíìÜÝÜ ÜYÝð_ çíÔë Ô_Ôë Õß ÀìÜåÞ TÝëÉ-ìÍìäÍLÍ ßùÀëHëùÞë äõÇëHëÞù ÞÎù Öë.31-3-04Þë ½õÂÜ ÜëËõ ±ÞëÜÖ ÚëÀí Øëäë ±_Ãõ ÉäëÚØëßí Ñ Öë.31-3-04 Öë.31-3-05 Öë.31-3-04 äÔëßëÞð_ ±ÞëÜÖ



çÜðÄ w. 10,000 3,00,000 30,000 20,000 — 5,000 8,00,000 1,50,000 50,000 40,000 5,00,000

±ëà w. 20,000 4,00,000 40,000 30,000 10,000 8,000 9,00,000 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 2,00,000

30,000 60,000 50,000

40,000 50,000 1,00,000 [Contd...





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10 10 10

ENGLISH VERSION Instructions :(1) (2) SF-7464]

All questions carry equal marks. Show the calculation with the answer where necessary. 4



Ayushi Co. Ltd. was incorporated on 1-5-2005 to take over the business of Paras Traders from 1-1-2005, the details on 31-12-05 : Office expense Carriage outward Rent Preliminary exp. Director fee Salary


Rs. 31,950 12,000 78,000 3,000 10,000 18,900


Rs. Sales expense (25% variable) Debenture int. Bad debt (Rs.550 upto 1-5-05) Interest on purchase value (Purchase value paid on 1-6-05)

21,600 5,000 1,500


Interest received Rs. 25,000 after 1-7-05. Other details : (1) Advertisement exp. Rs. 7,500 included in office expense. (2) Labours upto 1-5-05 were 60 after ward they were 20. (3) Average monthly sales of last six months was three times as of average monthly sales of first six months. (4) Gross profit rate during the year is same and it is 25% of the cost price, annual sales Rs. 7,50,000. Prepare a statement showing profit prior to and after incorporation. OR Shri Nathalal applied for insolvency on dt. 31-3-05, his position on that date was as under : Pref. Creditors Unsecured creditors Liability on disc bill

Rs. 10,000 2,00,000 2,000


Rs. First mortgage on machine 30,000 Second mortgage on machine 70,000 Receiver expense 5,000

Unsecured creditors includes insolvent's wife’s loan of Rs. 10,000, she has given 80% of the loan from stridhan. Nathalal has given a car as gift to his friend on 1-1-04 of Rs. 50,000, its cost as on 31-3-05 Rs. 20,000. He started the business before three years with capital Rs. 1,00,000. On this capital 10% interest is calculated. Total profit for first two years is Rs. 1,00,000 and loss of third year is Rs. 60,000. His total drawings is Rs. 62,000. Assets Building Machine Debtors Stock Cash-Bank

Book value Rs.

Realisable value Rs.

0,80,000 1,50,000 0,50,000 1,20,000 0,18,000

50,000 70,000 30,000 50,000 18,000

Prepare statement of affairs and deficiency A/c. SF-7464]





Shobheshwar Store have a branch in Rajkot, sends goods at cost price, Branch sales on cash and credit, Branch sends daily cash to H.Q. Head office pays all expense of the branch. Prepare Branch A/c, Branch Trading and profit loss A/c. On Dt. 1-1-05 : Stock Rs. 20,000, Debtors Rs. 5,000, Furniture Rs. 50,000, Pettycash Rs. 500 On Dt. 31-12-05 : Stock Rs. 7,000, Petty cash Rs. 200 Transactions during the year : Rs. Goods sent to Branch ....................... 3,20,000 Goods returned to H.O......................... 20,000 Goods return from debtors .................... 5,000 Cash received from debtors................. 80,000 Sales Debit ......................................... 2,00,000 Cash.......................................... 3,40,000 Discount to debtors ................................... 500 Bad debts.................................................... 400 Branch expenses : Rent 4,000, Salary 12,000, Advertisement Rs. 3,000, Petty cash sent Rs. 700. Goods destroyed by fire Rs. 1,200, Depreciation on furniture 20%. OR The Trial Balance of Vikram Electric Co. Ltd. as on 31-3-05 and additional details, prepare according to double A/c systems. Revenue accounts, Net revenue A/c. Capital income expense A/c and Balance sheet. Particulars 2000 equity share each of Rs. 100 1000 Pref. share each of Rs. 100 15% debenture Mains Meters Land-Building Transformers Machine Furniture Debenture interest Office expense Electric generation cost Electric distribution expense Repairs expense Salary-wages Cash-Bank Sales of Electricity Meter Rent Interest on Investment Depreciation fund Contingency reserve Investment Debtors-Creditors Net reserve A/c on 1-4-04



Dr. Rs. — — — 80,000 10,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 22,500 77,500 1,50,000 25,000 10,000 40,000 80,000 — — — — — 6,00,000 25,000 —

Cr. Rs. 2,00,000 1,00,000 1,50,000 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5,00,000 1,20,000 1,10,000 2,00,000 40,000 — 30,000 50,000






Other details : (1) Additional during the year : Land-Building Rs. 1,00,000, Mains Rs. 50,000 Pref. share capital Rs. 50,000, Machines Rs. 30,000 (2) Provide depreciation fund Rs. 30,000 3

Preyansi Insurance Co. ltd. presents the following information of Fire and Marine insurance for year ended on 31-3-05 :



Marine Rs.

Fire Rs.

Reinsurance premium Claims paid Commission on Reinsurance paid Commission on Reinsurance accepted Expense to control fire Re-insurance recoveries Premium received Commission on direct business Interest-dividend Profit on sales of investment Reserve for expected risk on 31-3-04 Liabilities for out standing claims : On Dt. 31-3-04 Dt. 31-3-05 Additional reserve on 31-3-04

10,000 3,00,000 30,000 20,000 — 5,000 8,00,000 1,50,000 50,000 40,000

20,000 4,00,000 40,000 30,000 10,000 8,000 9,00,000 1,00,000 60,000 20,000



30,000 60,000 50,000

40,000 50,000 1,00,000

Additional reserve of both the department by increase 10% of premium. Make proper provision for expected risk. Prepare Revenue accounts of the both departments. OR 3




Give specimen of revised formats of Balance sheet and Profit and loss A/c of Commercial Bank. (without schedule) Following are balances of Viraj Bank Ltd. on 1-4-05 Loan-cash credit and O.D. A/c Rs. 85,00,000, Bad debt reserve A/c Rs. 60,000, Income from Interest discount Rs. 10,00,000. Bad debt write off during the year Rs. 10,000, Loan sanctioned during the year Rs. 90,00,000, Amount returned during the year Rs. 70,00,000, Bad debt reserve at the end of year Rs. 1,00,000. From the above particulars calculate the amount of profit and how much amount should state in Balance sheet, by preparing necessary accounts. 7






“The duty of financial management is not only to get 10 finance.” Conclude the statement in context to F.M.


Describe briefly the financial sources of securities.


OR 4



Describe factors affecting estimate of working capital.



“Mutual funds” Discuss in detail.


Write short notes : (any four) (1)

Small Industries Development Bank


Zero interest bond




National Stock Exchange of India


Right shares


Speculative transactions


Methods of debenture issue


Industrial development Bank of India.





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