Account Payables

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 9

Contents 1) Oracle payables Introduction ....................................................................................................................2 2) Table Structure Representation ( ERD Diagram) ....................................................................................................3 3) Main Tables Used in Oracle Application Payables ..............................................................................5 3.1 AP_INVOICES_ALL.............................................................................................................................................5 3.2 AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL ...................................................................................................................5 3.3 AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL .......................................................................................................................7 3.4 AP_HOLDS_ALL .................................................................................................................................................7 3.5 AP_AE_LINES_ALL .............................................................................................................................................8 3.6 AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL.......................................................................................................................................8 4) Interface Tables ..................................................................................................8 5) Sample Queries:..................................................................................................9

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ORACLE PAYABLES MODULE 1) Oracle payables Introduction

1) Payables includes two fully integrated workbenches, the Invoice Workbench and the Payment Manager 2) Oracle Payments is a product in the Oracle E-Business Business Suite of applications, which Serves as a funds capture and funds disbursement engine for other Oracle applications 3) The centralization of payment processing in Oracle Payments offers many benefits to deploying companies. Companies can efficiently centralize the payment process across multiple organizations, currencies, and regions

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2) Table Structure Representation ( ERD Diagram)

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ORACLE PAYABLES MODULE 3) Main Tables Used in Oracle Application Payables

There are many other tables also in AP but here I am putting only few commonly used tables. For other table if needed we can dig further. 1- AP_INVOICES_ALL 2- AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL 3- AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL 4- AP_HOLDS_ALL 5- AP_AE_LINES_ALL 6- AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL TABLES are present in the AP schema. Table description for these tables are 200&c_type=TABLE 3.1 AP_INVOICES_ALL Owner:AP AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that it calculates on invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table

3.2 AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution line information that you enter for invoices. There is a row for each invoice distribution. A distribution line must be associated with an invoice. An invoice can have multiple distribution lines. Your Oracle Payables application automatically creates rows in this table when: Payables Page 5

ORACLE PAYABLES MODULE 1) You choose a distribution set at the invoice level 2) You import expense reports 3) You match an invoice to a purchase order or receipt; ituses information from the matched purchase order or receipt 4) You import invoices via the Open Interface Import process 5) You select to automatically calculate tax 6) You select to automatically do withholding. Each invoice distribution line has its own accounting date. When you account for an invoice, your Oracle Payables application creates accounting events, accounting entry headers and accounting entry lines for those distribution lines that have accounting dates included in the selected accounting date range for the Payables Accounting Process.The accounting entries can then be transferred over to General Ledger by running the Transfer to General Ledger process which creates journal entries. Values for POSTED_FLAG may be Y for accounted distributions or N for distributions that have not been accounted. Values for ACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG may be Y if distribution has been accounted and system is set up for accrual basis accounting or N if either distribution has not been accounted or accrual basis accounting is not used. Values for CASH_POSTED_FLAG may be Y if distribution has been accounted and system is set up for cash basis accounting, N if either distribution has not been accounted or system is not set up for cash basis accounting or P if distribution has been partially accounted in the cash set of books. The MATCH_STATUS_FLAG indicates the approval status for the distribution. Values for the MATCH_STATUS_FLAG can be null or N for invoice distributions that Approval has not tested or T for distributions that have been tested or A for distributions that have been tested and approved. Invoice distributions may be interfaced over/from Oracle Assets or Oracle Projects. Your Oracle Payables application sets the ASSETS_ADDITION_FLAG to U for distributions not tested by Oracle Assets; Oracle Assets then adjusts this flag after it tests a distribution for assignment as an asset. For supplier invoice distributions entered via Oracle Payables, the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to N if the distribution is project–related, otherwise it is set to E and it is updated by Oracle Projects when the distribution is processed by the Oracle Projects Interface Supplier Invoice process. Oracle Projects sets the PA_ADDITION_FLAG to Y or Z after the item is successfully processed, or may be set to a rejection code if the line is rejected during transfer to Oracle Projects; see Quick Codes listing for all the errors. You must correct the rejection reason an try to retransfer the line. For expense report adjustment lines interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle Payables which net to zero with another line, this value is set to T. Both lines are associated with Payables Page 6

ORACLE PAYABLES MODULE the original invoice by the Oracle Projects Interface Expense Reports to AP process. Values for the ENCUMBERED_FLAG are as follows: - Y indicates regular distribution that has been successfully encumbered by Payables; - W indicates a regular distribution that has been encumbered in advisory mode even though insufficient funds existed; - H indicates a regular distribution that has not been encumbered because it was put on hold; - Nor null indicates a regular line that has not been encumbered because it has not been looked at yet; - D is the same as Y for a reversal distribution line; - X is the same as W for a reversal distribution line; - P is the same as H for a reversal distribution line; - R indicates a line to be ignored by encumbrance and approval code because neither the original nor the reversal distributions were looked at and they offset each other so, they can be ignored. 3.3 AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about scheduled payments for an invoice. You need one row for each time you intend to make a payment on an invoice. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to determine when to make payments on an invoice and how much to pay in an automatic payment batch. Values for HOLD_FLAG may be ’Y’ to place a hold on the scheduled payment, or ’N’ not to do so. Values for PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG may be ’Y’ for fully paid payment schedules, ’N’ for unpaid scheduled payments, or ’P’ for partially paid scheduled payments. For converted records, enter a value for AMOUNT_REMAINING. 3.4 AP_HOLDS_ALL AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non–matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice–shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table. This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Approval), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID,and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE. Payables Page 7

ORACLE PAYABLES MODULE 3.5 AP_AE_LINES_ALL An accounting entry line is an entity containing a proper accounting entry with debits or credits both in transaction currency as well as functional currency along with an account and other reference information pointing to the transaction data that originated the accounting entry line. An accounting entry line is grouped with other accounting entry lines for a specific accounting entry header. Any such group of accounting entry lines should result in balanced entries in the functional currency. 3.6 AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines created for a given accounting event and a particular set of books. An accounting entry header can either be transferred over to GL or not at all. That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none at all. The transferred to GL status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAG are Y, N, or E. Y indicates that the accounting entry header has been transferred to GL. N indicates that the accounting entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possible reasons: either the transfer process has not run or it has run but the accounting entry had an accounting error on it. E indicates that an error was encountered during the transfer to GL process.

4) Interface Tables The Payables Open Interface tables store invoice and supplier information for import into Payables base tables The Invoice Open Interface Import program builds Payables invoices based on the invoice records in the Payables Open Interface tables. After the import program builds the invoices, they can be viewed, modified, and validated in the Invoice Workbench Tables used are a) AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE b) AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE. The Payables Open Interface table descriptions list the columns in the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table, the AP_INVOICE_LINES_ INTERFACE table, the AP_SUPPLIERS_INT table, the AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT table, and the AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT table. Although columns are validated against columns in other tables, the tables have no foreign key relationships.

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You should run the following SQL script to determine if there are invoices in AP_INVOICES_ALL that are not flagged as paid even though there are corresponding entries in AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL: select ap_invoices_all.invoice_id, ap_invoices_all.invoice_num, ap_invoices_all.invoice_amount, ap_invoices_all.amount_paid, ap_invoices_all.payment_status_flag from ap_invoices_all, ap_invoice_payments_all where ap_invoices_all.payment_status_flag= 'N' and ap_invoices_all.invoice_id = ap_invoice_payments_all.invoice_id and ap_invoices_all.CANCELLED_AMOUNT is null; If you want to locate a particular invoice, you may add the following line to the script: and ap_invoices_all.invoice_num = 'invoice_num';

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