Accessing Windows File Servers

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A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers




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Thu, Jul 29 '04 at 9:47AM PDT • Submitted by J^T

Windows servers use a Microsoft-proprietary network protocol called SMB to provide file services. Mac OS X 10.1 and later can act as a SMB client. There are five items of data that are crucial in the SMB world: The server address � either a DNS name (, an IP address, or (if you follow tip 8) a WINS name. The share name � the name of the "share point" the the server is serving the files under. Your user ID � your corporate Windows login ID. Your Windows account domain � where your user ID "lives" in the Windows world. (For tip 8) The Windows resource domain for workstations in your region -- a grouping of Windows machine names. In small-scale environments, the Windows account domain and resource domain might be the same. Read the rest of the hint for the tips... The nine tips: Note: these tips are written assuming a corporate intranet environment, but they'll work anywhere.) 1. Get Panther (Mac OS X v10.3) � earlier versions of Mac OS X have

User Functions Username: Password: Login Don't have an account yet? Sign up as a New User • Lost your password?

SMB functions, but Panther does it much better.

2. When creating your Mac OS X account, set your "Short Name" to your

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corporate user ID in lower case. This can save you much typing later! (You can only set your short name when you create your Mac OS X account. If you already have something else, remember this tip for next time you set up a machine.)

What's New: 3. Use Finder's "Connect to Server" function with a "smb:" URL, rather than trying to browse to the server via the Network folder. Browsing is unwieldy and very slow in a large-scale corporate environment.

4. When responding to the "SMB/CIFS Filesystem Authentication" box, CAREFULLY read all the values. They all look very similar and are easily

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mis-read. A very common stumbling point is the domain name � in

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some environments it defaults to something that's close, but not quite

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10.4 Server: Enable the Blojsom Admin... Sync iCal with Google Calendar and se...

5. Here's how to convert UNC names to "smb:" URLs: Add "smb:" to the

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front and flip all backslashes to forward slashes. Example:

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SERVERSHARE\Folder1\Folder2\File.dat becomes smb://SERVER/SHARE/Folder1/Folder2/File.dat

10.4: Boot another OS while OS X is h... Recover from an incomplete Erase Free... [+6] Add a 'Go to Parent Folder' button to... [+31]

6. Use the smb URL scheme knowledgeably.

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29/03/07 17:36 - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file s...

Basic format: smb://server/share

A hints milestone reached...

List all shares on a server: smb://server

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Specify an Windows domain and user ID:

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This last format is the best format to use to add a share to your

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favorites or make an alias.

10.3: Remove the authentication timeo...

Example: smb://DOMAIN;[email protected]/SHARE � connect to the share (DNS name for server) Example: smb://DOMAIN;[email protected] � list the shares

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Example: smb://DOMAIN;userid@SERVER/SHARE � connect to the

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share (WINS name for server)

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7. Use server favorites and aliases to save typing. (And use the

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smb://domain;user@server/share URL format for your favorites and aliases.)

What's New in the Forums? 8. Set your Windows workgroup/resource domain and WINS server:

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1. Find out your Windows resource domain for workstations in your office and local WINS server address. (Ask your desktop computer support people.)

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2. Launch the "Directory Access" utility (in the

Ditto namedfork/rsrc errors

/Applications/Utilities folder). 3. Click the padlock icon in the lower left of the window and authenticate as an admin user.

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4. Select SMB, and press Configure. 5. Set Workgroup to your Windows resource domain, and WINS server to your WINS server IP address, and press OK. 6. Press Apply and wait for a few seconds.

Server Help??? Running native mac apps and ssh forwarding can itunes display artwork without embedding the cover

7. Restart your Mac. 9. Advanced trick � use a ~/.nsmbrc file to get the Windows account domain to default correctly. Place a text file called .nsmbrc in your home folder with the following two lines. Change the "workgroup=" value to your Windows account domain.

The Editor's Corner... Here are some of my (robg) other projects... • The Robservatory

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• Mac OS X Power Hound

[default] workgroup=DOMAIN

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Enjoy! [robg adds: We've run versions of some of the above before as standalone

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hints, but this one really pulls it all together in one spot quite nicely...] •




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A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers

The macosxhints Poll

By: J^T on Thu, Jul 29 '04 at 3:32PM PDT

How many networked (Ethernet, AirPort, etc.) devices are on your home network (do not

29/03/07 17:36 - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file s...

The original article had its dashes and backslashes mangled during the editing process. Until robg gets a chance to fix the original post, here is the fixed version: Windows servers use a Microsoft-proprietary network protocol called SMB to provide file services. Mac OS X 10.1 and later can act as a SMB client. There are five items of data that are crucial in the SMB world: The server address -- either a DNS name (, an IP address, or (if you follow tip 8) a WINS name. The share name -- the name of the "share point" the the server is serving the files under. Your user ID -- your corporate Windows login ID. Your Windows account domain -- where your user ID "lives" in the Windows world. (For tip 8) The Windows resource domain for workstations in your region -- a grouping of Windows machine names. In small-scale environments, the Windows account domain and resource domain might be the same. Read the rest of the hint for the tips... The nine tips: Note: these tips are written assuming a corporate intranet environment, but they'll work anywhere.) 1. Get Panther (Mac OS X v10.3) -- earlier versions of Mac OS X have SMB functions, but Panther does it much better. 2. When creating your Mac OS X account, set your "Short Name" to your corporate user ID in lower case. This can save you much typing later! (You can only set your short name when you create your Mac OS X account. If you already have something else, remember this tip for next time you set up a machine.) 3. Use Finder's "Connect to Server" function with a "smb:" URL, rather than trying to browse to the server via the Network folder. Browsing is unwieldy and very slow in a large-scale corporate environment. 4. When responding to the "SMB/CIFS Filesystem Authentication" box, CAREFULLY read all the values. They all look very similar and are easily mis-read. A very common stumbling point is the domain name -- in some environments it defaults to something that's close, but not quite correct. 5. Here's how to convert UNC names to "smb:" URLs: Add "smb:" to the front and flip all backslashes to forward slashes. Example: \SERVER\SHARE\Folder1\Folder2\File.dat becomes smb://SERVER/SHARE/Folder1/Folder2/File.dat 6. Use the smb URL scheme knowledgeably. Basic format: smb://server/share List all shares on a server: smb://server Specify an Windows domain and user ID: smb://domain;user@server/share This last format is the best format to use to add a share to your favorites or make an alias. Example: smb://DOMAIN;[email protected]/SHARE -connect to the share (DNS name for server) Example: smb://DOMAIN;[email protected] -- list the shares Example: smb://DOMAIN;userid@SERVER/SHARE -- connect to the share (WINS name for server) 7. Use server favorites and aliases to save typing. (And use the smb://domain;user@server/share URL format for your favorites and aliases.) 8. Set your Windows workgroup/resource domain and WINS server: 1. Find out your Windows resource domain for workstations in your office and local WINS server address. (Ask your desktop

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29/03/07 17:36 - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file s...

computer support people.) 2. Launch the "Directory Access" utility (in the /Applications/Utilities folder). 3. Click the padlock icon in the lower left of the window and authenticate as an admin user. 4. Select SMB, and press Configure. 5. Set Workgroup to your Windows resource domain, and WINS server to your WINS server IP address, and press OK. 6. Press Apply and wait for a few seconds. 7. Restart your Mac. 9. Advanced trick -- use a ~/.nsmbrc file to get the Windows account domain to default correctly. Place a text file called .nsmbrc in your home folder with the following two lines. Change the "workgroup=" value to your Windows account domain. [default] workgroup=DOMAIN Enjoy! --J^T

A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: osxfan57 on Fri, Oct 15 '04 at 11:01AM PDT A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: drtofu on Tue, Apr 11 '06 at 9:42AM PDT

Keychain and SMB servers By: J^T on Thu, Jul 29 '04 at 3:44PM PDT

By the way, if you use the full smb://domain;user@server/... syntax, the Mac OS X Keychain will work.

A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers By: tjfarrell on Thu, Jul 29 '04 at 6:05PM PDT

Thanks for this. I have two related questions. First - what does tip 8 do for us? What do we lose by not doing it? Second. I often get error messages such as "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "smb://user@server" could not be read or written (Error code -36). " Does anybody know if this error code is a mac error code or an error code from the server. If from the SMB server, where do I find the error code definitions. Thanks. ---T. Farrell

A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: sapridyne on Thu, Jul 29 '04 at 9:06PM PDT A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: maelcum on Fri, Jul 30 '04 at 11:19AM PDT A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: Fillman on Thu, Aug 5 '04 at 7:09PM PDT A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers - By: intensity on Mon, Aug 9 '04 at 6:43PM PDT

M$ smb firewall ports By: FlaSheridn on Fri, Jul 30 '04 at 1:44PM PDT

For the Windows end, see, "Internet firewalls can prevent browsing and file sharing". • Microsoft file sharing SMB: User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports from 135 through 139 and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports from 135 through 139. • Direct-hosted SMB traffic without a network basic input/output system

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29/03/07 17:36 - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file s...

(NetBIOS): port 445 (TCP and UPD). Usual disclaimers apply; M$ seems to assume you won't turn your firewall on, and that if you do, you'll have to live with breaking stuff, rather than the compromise of running a firewall and opening ports.

Another possibility By: mcwelch16 on Tue, Oct 5 '04 at 5:31PM PDT

I was just having immense trouble mounting a workgroup. I even checked just about every forum I could find and didn't find the answer that solved my problem. My persistence payed off, however and I discovered something that got my system working. In the Authentication for loggin onto a server it says "WORKGROUP/DOMAIN". By default, it was displaying my workgroup and nothing more. I added a '/' to the end of the workgroup (my domain is empty) and all of a sudden everythign was working perfectly. To save myself the trouble of having to type the '/' every time, I modified my connect line to say "smb://WORKGROUP/;SERVER/SHARE" I hope this will help save some people some time and frustration.

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29/03/07 17:36

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