Acceptance I was asked in English one day To write a poem about how I feel, And I began thinking, “Okay… something that appeals…” But this feeling I have, It’s not happy, it’s not sad, It’s not anger, it’s not fear, Nothing that makes me feel bad. It’s a warm sort of feeling, It’s kind of bittersweet, Sometimes an annoying nag And sometimes a pleasant treat. I find this feeling… special. It means something deep inside me, And I can write it all out And like an eagle, let it free. I was born on June 5, 2003 In a hospital where I was small like a flea Yet smiling with glee Even though to the world I was a newbie. I grew up in the city With my family until we moved Down in the East Bay, I mean, I was young, I didn’t necessarily approve. I went to school there, Made a couple friends, About 10, I made amends, I fixed conflicts and tied loose ends. But there was something missing, That feeling never left the inside, It was a scared little mouse, Something that I decided to hide. It was like toast without butter,
Like holidays without a gift, Like an ocean without life, That feeling was an empty riff. My friends, well, they weren’t really friends, Except one, I still remember him to this day, But in reality I felt like an outsider, Like a foreigner, like a stray. I was bullied a little bit, One time I was actually almost bit, But I lacked any strength, any grit, I fell into this dark pit. I thought humans were dark, With sin we were all doused, And the only place I really felt safe Was my humble happy house. But then things changed, And it all felt strange, We were moving away from the East Up North to arrange. I still remember that first day, That middle school where I sat And I prayed. And I prayed. And I prayed... That I could find new friends. Then I heard a “Hey!” I turned around and saw a boy. About 11, but filled with joy. Our conversations had no end, That guy was my first friend. That feeling began buzzing and shifting like a bee, It was a darkness now cleansed by a new light, This luminosity was young, but strong, I was cured from the plight. Then like a bird with a web,
I began to rise, I met more guys, became more wise, Grew in size, I touched the skies. All of a sudden I rose out of this dark pit, That feeling I’ve hid for so long… Like a candle, it was lit, And began singing happy songs. I rooted myself into this new place, Every day I met a new face, I went to parties, joined bands, I was filled with a boisterous bubble of grace. For the first time in my life, I felt that feeling that’s been gone for so long, What started off as a shy weak emotion Grew to be healthy and strong. Everything grew better, It was like I unlocked a key, I was on top of the world And even met someone that was special to me. And still, I ponder this feeling, When it’s close, I forget. You forget its importance until it’s gone. I just can’t name it yet! It was something gone for so long, Then it came back when I felt companionship, When I felt a sense of belonging, When I had true friendship. This feeling I have, It has such a nice presence, I guess you can call it… Acceptance.