The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite states (the Eastern Bloc), and the United States with its allies (the Western Bloc) after World War II. India however took a non-alignment policy so as not to waste her man power and other resources during its time of peril. But India’s historical connection with the USSR and its rivalry with Pakistan and border issues with chins lead to many ups and downs in its relations with the United States of America. The primary focus of this project is to discuss the relations between the two countries during the Cold War period since India gained its independence in 1947. Another point to be observed is Pakistan. Pakistan played and is still playing an important role in the evolution of Indo-US relations. Any positive movement between the USA and Pakistan has invariably negative implication for Indo-U.S. relations. The project will also discuss about the USA’s approach towards India during the Wars with Pakistan and china. Actually Indo-U.S. relations during the post-Cold War have also witnessed many ups and downs, marked by the chilling bitterness, and some times, by friendly accommodation.