Abstinence Brochure

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,221
  • Pages: 4

an abstinence education program for America’s youth

students in middle and high school. All Truth4Youth presentations are led by trained and certified abstinence instructors and are guaranteed to encourage your student body to save sex for marriage. Truth4Youth programs are developed from a strong abstinence curriculum that is in full compliance with federal abstinence education guidelines. Through videos, games, interactive activities, and more, the message of abstinence is shared with kids in an age-appropriate and culturally relevant way.

Truth4Youth is a specific abstinence education program tailored to the needs of

Abstinence education is a health strategy that encourages teens to practice abstinence until marriage. Abstinence programs like Truth4Youth challenge students to consider the future. They teach important skills, like goal-setting and decision-making, as well as how to build healthy relationships. Abstinence programs teach how choices affect the future and the benefits of remaining abstinent until marriage. They also discuss the potential consequences of sexual activity before marriage, including pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional pain.

What exactly is abstinence education?

- Thirteen year old boy commenting on abstinence education program

“This program shows teens how important making decisions can be.”

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Goals: Making a game plan for your life Media: Who are you listening to? Why boundaries matter The risks and consequences of sex before marriage New decisions: Starting over The importance of choosing your friends Marriage as the expected standard

Truth4Youth teaches kids far more than just how to say no. It challenges young people to think about themselves, to recognize that they have inestimable worth. They are challenged to dream about the future and they learn how responsible behavior can help them achieve their goals. Other areas for student growth include:

What will kids learn in a Truth4Youth Program?

[A] has as its exclusive purpose, teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity; [B] teaches abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage as the expected standard for all school age children; [C] teaches that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems; [D] teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity; [E] teaches that sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects; [F] teaches that bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society; [G] teaches young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increases vulnerability to sexual advances; and [H] teaches the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity.

As defined in the Welfare Reform Act in Title V, all abstinence education programs must comply with the following guidelines: Abstinence education is defined as an educational or motivational program which:

abstinence defined

- Educator commenting on Truth4Youth program in her school

“Abstinence education discusses self-esteem, self-worth, relationships as a whole, rather than abstinence until marriage only.”

Sources: 1) American Journal of Preventive Medicine, October 2004; 2) 2003 STD Surveillance Report, Centers for Disease Control; 3) Centers for Disease Control, June 2004

• Having an STD can increase a teen’s susceptibility to cancer and HIV/AIDS.

• Half of all STDs are diagnosed to youth age 15-24.

• Teens who engage in sexual activity before marriage are also more likely to drink or smoke than teens that are abstinent.

More than ever before, youth need the truth about sex. They need to know that abstinence until marriage and sex enjoyed inside a marriage relationship gives them the best chance at a happy and healthy future. Plus, abstinence education brings to light important facts about our culture, and current trends concerning sex. For instance, did YOU know:

Do kids really need abstinence education?

Abstinence education, on the other hand, is based on the premise that kids can make good choices and should be encouraged to do so. The benefits of remaining abstinent until marriage are just too good to ignore. For example, studies show that: ¥ Individuals who remain abstinent until marriage report feeling happier in their marriages. They also report having more fulfilling sex lives than individuals who do not remain abstinent until marriage. ¥ Individuals who remain abstinent until marriage enjoy higher standards of living than individuals who do not remain abstinent until marriage.

In a word, no! Only abstinence education (not programs called abstinence-plus or abstinence-based ) offers teens the whole truth about sex before marriage — that only abstinence until marriage provides 100 percent protection against premarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Yet, some contraceptive-based sex education programs actually encourage teens to engage in sexual activity, putting their very futures at risk.

Aren’t all abstinence programs the same?

Yes! Abstinence education programs such as Truth4Youth are based on solid, scientific facts found in peer-reviewed, published journals, studies and surveys. All major health organizations agree that only abstinence until marriage to an uninfected spouse provides 100 percent protection against premarital pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional pain. Contraception-based sex education, on the other hand, is riddled with dangerous messages. For example, contraception-based sex education programs teach that relying on condoms makes sexual activity safe. Not so! In fact, the CDC recently published just the opposite, saying that condoms do not protect against HPV, a dangerous STD that can lead to cervical cancer, the leading cause of death among American women.

Is abstinence education “medically accurate?”

Kids deserve the best we have to give them. They deserve the guidance and direction of abstinence education.

All Truth4Youth programs are open to parents. Truth4Youth can also provide parent workshops and seminars that can be held in conjunction with school programs for adolescents or separately. In addition, trained abstinence advisors are available to answer any questions and suggest appropriate parenting resources regarding sexual health.

Truth4Youth believes that parents are the primary educators of their children. It is, therefore, their right and responsibility to know what their children are being taught regarding their children s sexual health. Truth4Youth seeks to undergird parental desires, supporting their efforts to teach healthy sexual attitudes and behavior.

do parents play a role?

- Parent of a child who attended a Truth4Youth program

“Truth4Youth is amazing!” My daughter loved it. Not only was she well-educated with age-appropriate materials, but it was a program that recognized her innocence.”

Because the message is so important, Truth4Youth provides all of its programming FREE of charge! So spend your money on books and give your teachers a raise, because Truth4Youth understands how hard you work to stay on budget.

My school’s budget is already tight. How much does Truth4Youth charge?

For more information about bringing Truth4Youth into your school, club or church, call (605) 275-6291 or log on to www.truth4youth.com

Truth4Youth programs are being held all across the Midwest. All Truth4Youth programs are custom-created to match your school s specific preferences. One-time assemblies, week-long programs, one-night events, teacher training services, and more are all possibilities. To speak with a Truth4Youth Coordinator about the many options available to meet your school s needs, call 605 275 6291 or log on to www.truth4youth.com today.

How can I bring Truth4Youth to my school?

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