Aboa Policies 2008

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Alberta Basketball Officials Association



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Amendments The policies of the ABOA may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive subject to ratification at the next General meeting. No notice of motion is required.

Office of the Association


The ABOA may maintain an office. This office is currently located at Percy Page Centre, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, Alberta, T5M 3K6, email: [email protected] phone (780) 427-9044, fax (780) 427-2663.


All correspondence of the Executive should be directed through ABOA’s office, where it will be delivered to the person(s) responsible.


The ABOA office will maintain files on all activities of the Association.


BA Program Coordinator for Officials will provide administrative assistance to ABOA Executives for its affairs.

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Membership In order to maintain membership, an official shall meet the requirements as listed in the ABOA By-Laws with respect to the class of membership applying for.

Membership Fees


Membership fees for the respective classes of membership shall be as adopted at the Annual General Meeting. For current fee levels, contact the ABOA office.


The ABOA office shall forward the appropriate amount from every active member’s fee towards membership in Canadian Association of Basketball Officials (CABO) and Basketball Alberta (BA).

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Provincial Exam


Each active member shall write the annual ABOA exam as a condition of membership in accordance with Article 15I of the Bylaws.


The exam will be a closed book exam.


Date of writing

5.3.1 The exact date of the examination shall be set by the interpreter in consultation with the Executive. 5.3.2 Local boards shall be given the option of sitting the examination on one or more occasions during a given week. 5.3.3 Local boards shall return the completed examinations to the ABOA within 14 days of the sitting of the exam. 5.4

Exam Supervisor

5.4.1 Each board or individual wishing to sit the examination should arrange a neutral supervisor to oversee the examination. 5.4.2 Individuals in areas with no Board should contact the ABOA office to make arrangements to write the exam. 5.5

Number of Sittings

5.5.1 Officials who fail to obtain a mark of 65% or who does not receive the

required mark for a provincial or national appointment will be allowed to re-sit the exam one time only at a time determined by the Interpreter in consultation with the Executive. The maximum number of times an official may write the exam in one year is twice 5.6

6 6.1

The required mark for membership in the ABOA shall be 65%; for provincial appointments 80%; and for national appointments 86%. Local Boards or individuals should contact the ABOA office to make arrangements for a rewrite. Uniform An official’s uniform shall be neat and well-pressed. It shall consist of the following:

6.1.1 short-sleeved shirt with black and white stripes

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6.1.2 black trousers, preferably belt-less (Sansabelt). If a belt is worn it should be black. 6.1.3 black socks 6.1.4 primarily black shoes 6.1.5 black Fox 40 whistle with black lanyard. 6.1.6 the current CABO warm-up jacket. This item is mandatory at Provincial assignments, ACAC games and optional for all other games. (All officials in a particular game must have a CABO jacket in order for it to be worn). 6.2

The ABOA may maintain a small supply of officials clothing, rulebooks and manuals at the ABOA office for resale to members.


The ABOA and its local Boards are the sole distributors of the ABOA crest through specifically authorized agents. Only active members are permitted to purchase or receive the crest.




The official ABOA evaluation form shall be used for provincial evaluations. Three copies of the form shall be made. One copy shall go to the official being evaluated, one to the local Board Executive and one to the ABOA. All copies should be completed and forwarded within two weeks of the time the evaluation was done.


Only a Provincial Evaluator may do an official provincial evaluation.


An official receiving a provincial evaluation may be charged a rating fee of $20.00 for each evaluation.


Any official wishing a provincial evaluation should contact the ABOA office to make arrangements. An official may request a second evaluation by a different evaluator if he/she so desires. An additional fee will be charged.


Included in the evaluation may be a recommendation as to the level of basketball that the official is qualified to officiate.

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8 8.1

9 9.1

Provincial Assignments ABOA approves all assignments of officials to games that have provincial or interprovincial status. This includes all ACAC league or playoff games and ASAA and BA provincial tournaments. ABOA must also approve all officials appointed for assignments outside the province, including Western Canada Games, Arctic Winter Games and Canada Games.

ACAC Assignments The official must meet the following criteria:

9.1.1 must obtain a mark of 80% on the exam. 9.1.2 must have obtained a provincial evaluation in the past two years at the level of game appointed or comparable ASAA Provincial. 9.1.3 must have attended a provincial clinic, or approved alternative, in the past two years. 9.1.4 must be recommended by his/her local Board. 9.1.5 must abide by the ABOA Code of Ethics. 9.2

Local ACAC Boards shall submit a list of recommended ACAC officials to the Evaluation Chairman by such date as specified by the Executive.


The ABOA Evaluating Committee shall submit to each Board a list of approved ACAC officials by such date as specified by the Executive.


Each local Board shall have 14 days to appeal in writing to the Evaluating Committee to have officials added to or deleted from the list.


The Evaluating Committee shall notify each Board in writing as to the status of each official on the appeal list. Boards and/or members shall have the right to appeal to the Executive.


The Executive may forward the final list of approved officials to the appropriate league commissioner.


Any official who fails to meet the criteria shall immediately have all provincial assignments withdrawn for the remainder of the season.


Boards may apply to the Executive to have additional names added to the approved list during the season in the case of emergency.

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10 ASAA & BA Provincial Tournament Assignments

10.1 The official must meet the following criteria: 10.1.1 must obtain a mark of 80% on the first writing of the exam. 10.1.2 must have obtained a provincial evaluation in the past two years. 10.1.3 must be recommended by his/her local Board. 10.1.4 must currently be working the level of game appointed or equivalent 10.1.5 must be available to work the entire tournament. 10.1.6 must be capable of working the championship game. 10.1.7 must abide by the ABOA Code of Ethics.

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10.2 The Executive shall decide the number of assignments that each Board shall receive each year based on the location of each tournament and the amount of funding available. 10.3 Boards shall submit a list of recommended officials to the Evaluating Committee by such date as specified by the Executive. 10.4 The ABOA Evaluating Committee shall review all names submitted by each Board. 10.5 The Evaluating Committee shall notify each Board in writing of the names of any members who do not receive approval. 10.6 The final recommendations of the Evaluating Committee must be submitted to the Executive for final approval. 11 National and Out-of-Province Assignments 11.1 The official must meet the following criteria: 11.1.1 must obtain a mark of 86% on the exam. 11.1.2 must have obtained a provincial evaluation in the past two years at the level of game appointed or comparable ASAA Provincial 11.1.3 must have attended a provincial clinic or approved alternative in the past two years. 11.1.4 must be recommended by his/her local Board. 11.1.5 must have received a provincial assignment in the past. 11.1.6 must currently be working the level of the game appointed or equivalent 11.1.7 must abide by the ABOA Code of Ethics 11.2 The Canadian Association of Basketball Officials requests officials from the ABOA for specific national tournaments including CIAU men and women, CCAA men and women, Canada Basketball national championships and the Canada Games. 11.3 Boards may be invited to submit a list of recommended officials to the Evaluating Committee by such date as specified by the Executive. 11.4 The final recommendations of the Evaluating Committee must be submitted to the Executive for final approval. They will then be forwarded to BA. Both ABOA Executive and BA will only make changes for non-technical reasons and any changes must be referred back to the Evaluating Committee. ABOA Policies 2008

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12 Clinics

12.1 Approved Clinicians: only ABOA approved clinicians may conduct a provincial clinic. 12.2 Method of Booking Clinics: 12.2.1 requests should come through the ABOA office where date(s), location, contact person, length, and emphasis will be determined. 12.2.2 The ABOA Interpreter will make arrangements for an approved clinician and determine the cost of the clinic. 12.2.3 ABOA will keep a record of all clinics. 12.3 Out of Province Clinics: any requests for clinics out of the province must be approved by the ABOA before the clinic is to proceed.

13 Recommended Rates of Payment

13.1 Recommended rates of payment shall be set by the ABOA Executive and approved at the Annual General Meeting. 13.2 Ten (l0) % will be deducted off all provincial game fees by ABOA. 13.3 Evaluator and clinician honoria will be determined by the Executive.

14 Exchange Program 14.1 ABOA will attempt to run as many exchanges whenever possible. Local Boards are encouraged to initiate Board-to-Board exchanges 14.2 The Evaluation Chair shall co-ordinate the exchange program and shall submit a plan to the ABOA Executive for approval.

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15 Newsletter and Website 15.1 The Executive may appoint an individual who will be responsible for producing and distributing a newsletter at such times as determined by the Executive and for maintaining a website. 15.2 Content will be determined by the Executive and submissions by local Boards and individuals may be considered.

16 Meetings 16.1 All travel, meals and accommodation expenses shall be covered for each Executive member attending Executive or Annual General Meetings. 16.2 The order of business at the Annual General Meeting shall be: 16.2.1 Call to order and roll call 16.2.2 Adoption Of agenda 16.2.3 Reading of minutes of last Annual General Meeting 16.2.4 President's address 16.2.5 Officers' reports 16.2.6 Financial report and statement 16.2.7 Old business 16.2.8 New business 16.2.9 Election of officers 16.2.10


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17 Committees 17.1 Evaluation Committee 17.1.1 shall consist of the Provincial Assigning/Evaluating Chairman, one provincial evaluator from each of the CBOA, EBOA and SABOA Boards, and such others as may be added by the Evaluation Chair. 17.1.2 shall be responsible for co-coordinating all provincial evaluations. 17.1.3 shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive all provincial and national assignments.

17.2 Education Committee 17.2.1 shall consist of the Provincial Interpreter (Chairman), one provincial clinician from each of the CBOA, EBOA and SABOA Boards, and such others as may be added by the Executive. 17.2.2 shall be responsible for conducting all courses to qualify Master Course Conductors and Certified Clinicians. 17.2.3 shall have input into the format of the annual provincial clinic with approval by the Executive. 17.2.4 shall contribute technical articles for the newsletter re: rule changes, points of emphasis, interpretations, etc.

17.3 Nominating Committee 17.3.1 shall consist of the Supervisor (Chairman) and such others as may be added by the Executive. In the event that the Supervisor is interested in running for a position, the President shall appoint another member as chairman. 17.3.2 shall be responsible to arrange and promote candidates to stand for election for all positions to be elected.

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17.4 Grievance and Discipline Committee 17.4.1 shall consist of the Vice President and a minimum of two others as may be added by the Executive. 17.4.2 the committee shall review all written grievances; gather information and/or testimony from the appropriate parties. The committee shall rule on the grievance and make a recommendation to the Executive. 17.4.3 the Chairman shall notify the complainant in writing, with a copy to the Executive, of the results of the grievance within 7 days of the decision. 17.4.4 the complainant may appeal the ruling to the Appeals Committee.

17.5 Appeals Committee 17.5.1 The Appeals Committee shall consist of three ABOA members appointed by the Executive. They may not be members of the Executive or the Grievance and Discipline Committee. 17.5.2 the Committee shall gather and review all written grievances, information and/or testimony from the appropriate parties. The Committee shall rule on the appeal and make the decision known to the Executive. 17.5.3 the Chairman shall notify the complainant in writing, with a copy to the Executive, of the results of the appeal within 7 days of the decision. 17.5.4 the decision of the Appeals Committee is final.

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APPENDIX A ABOA Benefits of Membership As a member of the Alberta Basketball Officials Association, you belong to a community of individuals with a common bond. This bond develops a variety of values, skills and awareness that is unique to officials; which in turn allows them to contribute positively to the on-court experience of the game of basketball. Specific benefits of value to each ABOA member include: Communications and Resources • Access to current basketball and officiating resources through the ABOA website and newsletter - ‘Stripes’ • Educational bulletins, rule and mechanics clarifications from the Interpreter • Points of emphasis from the Evaluation Chair • Standardized national exam administration and procedures • Provincial clinics conducted annually or in rotation with Super Weekend • Member discount for Super Weekend • Clinicians for Local or Regional Clinics • Awareness of Development Camps in North America Representation • Voting privileges at the ABOA Annual General Meeting and on bylaws and procedures • Representation through your local board at executive and cabinet meetings • National representation at annual CABO meetings and education and evaluation seminars • Comprehensive insurance through the ABOA group plan with Basketball Alberta • Resolution of grievances, violations of policies or code of ethics, and incidents of misconduct or abuse Pathways for Development • Selection to Zone or City Championships • Eligibility for selection to Basketball Alberta and ASAA Provincial Championships • Opportunity to officiate Team Alberta U15 / U17 provincial team players • Experience gained and opportunities for advancement by refereeing provincial player development programs such as Regional Training Centres or Centre for Performance • Eligibility for selection to Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) games • Opportunity to participate in referee exchange programs • Eligibility for selection to Canada West Panel games • Receive an evaluation or observation from a Provincial Evaluator ABOA Policies 2008

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• •

Eligibility for selection to National Championships, Western Canada or Alberta Summer Games Identification and nomination for FIBA Card

Reward and Recognition ABOA annually recognizes the outstanding contributions or performances of its members and submits nominations to CABO for national recognition. This is done through the following programs… • Outstanding Achievement Awards for performance at each of the provincial, national and international levels • Honorary Life membership in ABOA • Nomination for the CABO Wink Willox Award • Eligibility for provincial and national scholarships, notably the Ritchie/ Nicurity CABO Scholarship for post-secondary student official and the CABO Camp Scholarships

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A member in good standing of ABOA should: •

always conduct himself/herself as a representative of the sport of basketball as a whole.

be obligated to report violations of these Code of Ethics to the ABOA Executive

give his/her best effort in every game he/she officiates

remove himself/herself from any obligations to any person affiliated with any game he/she might be assigned to officiate.

avoid situations that might make him/her appear to be under obligation as above.

be prompt for assignments

apply the spirit and intent of the rules and uphold the integrity of the game.

avoid criticizing or attempting to explain another official’s judgment or decisions.

avoid arguing with players, coaches or other team personnel

not solicit games from any coach, league or representative thereof

not officiate a game with any non-ABOA active official unless it is specifically to assist with the development of that official.

not officiate any game after having an alcoholic drink that day.

An official in violation of this Code of Ethics may be referred to the Grievance and Discipline Committee.

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APPENDIX C MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between: Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference and Alberta Basketball Officials Association

Whereas the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) requires the services of basketball officials; and whereas the Alberta Basketball Officials Association (ABOA) is the organization responsible for the provision of basketball officiating services; the following shall constitute an agreement of the terms of the arrangement whereby ABOA officials are contracted to officiate ACAC games in the 2006-7, 2007-8 through 2008-9 seasons: The ACAC and its member institutions shall: 1. Provide a safe, secure environment for the conduct of ACAC basketball games. Host colleges will provide an on-site person to be responsible for the safety of the officials from their time of arrival to their final departure from the college premises. 2. Provide a secured change room separate from any teams competing. 3. Provide separate shower facilities in close proximity to the change room and the gymnasium. 4. Provide a written schedule of games well in advance of play. 5. Provide remuneration for services at the following agreed upon rates: Regular Season Games: Playoffs: Hotels:

2006-2008 $65/official $75/official

2008-09 $70/official $80/official

Accommodation paid for by the ACAC at the local host hotel (reservations made by the ABOA designate on ACAC credit card)

Meals/Mileage (as per ACAC Operating Code): 2.2

ACAC Officials (amended September, 2005) 2.2.1 Breakfast $10.00 - an allowance or reimbursement for breakfast may be claimed only if the time of departure is earlier or the time of return is later than 7:30 am. 2.2.2

Lunch $10.00 - an allowance or reimbursement for luncheon may be claimed if the time of departure is earlier or the time of return is later than 1:00 pm.


Dinner $20.00 -an allowance or reimbursement for dinner may be claimed only if the time of departure is earlier or the time of return is later than 6:30 pm.

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Claims for meals on a receipt basis, where the cost of the meal exceeds the meal allowance, may be made in those cases where:

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The ACAC official is not in close proximity to an eating establishment which can provide a reasonable meal at a cost similar to the amount of the meal allowance, or

When it clearly disrupts ACAC business being conducted to move to an eating establishment that provides meals similar in cost to the amounts of the meal allowance.

2.2.4 Receipted meals which exceed the meal allowance should be reasonable and generally should not be significantly higher than the meal allowance for that meal. Receipted meals for less than the meal allowance may be claimed.

: Air Transportation: Air transportation for officials’ travel to Grande Prairie for each home weekend paid for by the ACAC at best available fare (reservations made by the ABOA designate on ACAC credit card) In addition, the ACAC shall provide the following travel honoraria for all required travelling officials: * $25 per passenger for same day, return trip by ground transportation (minimum 200 km. return trip) * $40 per official for same day or overnight, return trip (one night) by ground transportation (minimum 400 km. return trip) * $75 per official for overnight trip (two nights) by air transportation 6. When necessary, provide written documentation concerning an official's performance, behavior and/or conduct to the ABOA’s ACAC provincial evaluation/assigning chairperson. 7. Deal with any incidents of abuse directed towards officials by ACAC participants as reported by ABOA. 8. Provide the ACAC Officials Report Forms for any ACAC game where an ejection, technical, or flagrant foul is assessed by the officials immediately following completion of the game. The forms shall be provided to the officials in the change room.

The ABOA and its member officials shall: 1. Officiate all scheduled ACAC regular season and playoff games. 2. Designate an ACAC provincial evaluation/assigning chairperson responsible for the selection, administration, evaluation and supervision of ACAC officials’ assignments and for dealing with any concerns between the ACAC and the officials. 3. Establish a central assignment process, which will incorporate the selection, advancement and travel of all ACAC officials. 4. Complete the ACAC Officials Report Forms for any ACAC game where an ejection, technical, or flagrant foul is assessed. The Report must be completed in its entirety, in a clear and legible manner before leaving the venue, and presented to the on-site contact prior to departing the venue.

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5. Comply with requested ACAC invoicing procedures. 6. Consult with the Conference basketball facilitator in the determination of playoff officiating assignments. 7. Respond to concerns expressed by the ACAC about the performance or behaviour of any official working ACAC games. 8. Report unacceptable behaviour of an ACAC player, coach, or official to the ACAC Commissioner and the Executive Director. In witness whereof, the parties hereof have agreed to comply to the best of their ability to the requirements herein:

Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference

Per: ________________________________


Wade Kolmel, VP, Operations, ACAC Alberta Basketball Officials Association

Per: _________________________________


Dick Vanderstam, President, ABOA

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APPENDIX D LETTER OF AGREEMENT Between Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association and Alberta Basketball Officials Association The intent of this agreement is that the Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association (ASAA) will contract the Alberta Basketball Officials Association (ABOA) to provide for the officiating needs of the ASAA at each ASAA Provincial Basketball Championship for 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. Conditions: Date of cost estimate By December 1 each year of this agreement the ABOA will provide the ASAA with a reasonable estimate of total costs anticipated for the coming championship as agreed to below so that the ASAA can inform Provincial Championship hosts what to include as the entry fee in the registration packages they publish on their championship website and send to ASAA zone secretaries. It is understood by both parties that this figure may go up or down based on flexibility included in the wording of this agreement. Payment by ASAA Approximately 3 weeks prior to each Provincial Basketball Championship, the ASAA will pay the ABOA 50% of the estimated total cost of providing officials at ASAA Provincials. A bill will need to be provided to the ASAA office. Following the championships, and upon receipt of a detailed breakdown of expenses incurred by the ABOA, and following satisfactory responses to questions posed by the ASAA about “additional” costs incurred over and above the initial estimate, the ASAA will pay the outstanding amount to the ABOA Game fees per official • 2007 @ $37.00 per official per game • 2008 @ $38.50 per official per game • 2009 @ $40.00 per official per game Per Diem Rates  Local official (an official living in the center the games are being played in)- $20 per day  Non-local officials – based upon the following, as required: o Breakfast $9 o Lunch $11 o Supper $15

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Transport* • 2007 @ $4,000 • 2008 @ $4,500 • 2009 @ $5,000 * The ASAA will keep the door open to discuss extenuating circumstances that may involve the ABOA asking to exceed the dollar amounts allocated. We also understand that when costs do not reach the noted amounts we will be rebated accordingly When provincial championships are held in rural centers where local accommodations are not readily available, the reasonable cost (based upon $0.25 per km) of transporting officials from the nearest center with hotels to the venue would be in addition to this mileage allowance. Accommodation: To be based on double occupancy for officials traveling 100km+ one way at a rate provided by the host hotel including taxes or reasonable hotel cost for the area in which the championships will occur if there is not a “host” hotel or if such a hotel is fully booked. The ABOA should consult the ASAA Accommodation Guide for the best rates, and the ABOA is responsible for booking their own rooms. It is expected that the ABOA will make every effort to book rooms in advance of the tournament. Regionalization & Neutrality: The ASAA would like the ABOA to work to the best of its ability to optimize the utilization of local officials to make up the majority of officials at each ASAA Provincial Championship event with the understanding that this may not always be possible. The ASAA trusts in the ability of officials within your association to remain neutral regardless of where they come from, and we appreciate the ABOA’s understanding that the main reason for our request of more local officials is to keep the cost of participating in provincial championships as reasonable for participating teams as possible. Maximum Number of Games Both parties recognize that, in order for the officials to perform at an optimal level, no official will be required to work in excess of 2 games per day. For this reason, the minimum number of officials required at any tournament is the greater of: a) 8 officials; or b) the maximum number of games on any given day. Assignor/Evaluator: We understand that the ABOA includes assignor/evaluator personnel at each championship at their cost and that the only communication that will take place between evaluator and officials

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during a match will be if the evaluator feels “ . . . it is necessary and important in the interests of fair play” (ABOA correspondence to ASAA, Feb. 7, 2000). Communication with ASAA Hosts The ASAA will forward a list of tournament contacts to the ABOA a minimum of one month prior to the commencement of the provincial championships. Once the contact list is received, the ABOA will contact the ASAA Provincial Championship hosts and forward the name and contact information of a designated person with whom the hosts can communicate regarding provincial championship officiating matters. Miscellaneous While the ASAA cannot require provincial championship hosts to comply with all requests that may involve decisions made at the school level, we will request the following of each host in respect to ABOA officials: • Event pass to all facilities used during the tournament or a reasonable supply of ASAA “All events passes”, if those passes are not provided to the ABOA by the ASAA. • Lockable change rooms, separate from those of players. Different change rooms for men & women • Safety and security of officials during tournament play, especially post-game • Invitation to the opening ceremony for a representative from your association to say a few words of welcome on behalf of the officials • Parking needs to be accommodated as best as possible at each location • Access to hospitality room provided for coaches Rule Changes The ASAA will make every effort to keep the ABOA and Basketball Alberta informed of any proposed rule changes (Notice of Motion) that will be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ASAA. However, if such Notices are not provided to the ABOA, it will be incumbent upon the ABOA to obtain the Notices of Motion from the ASAA website three weeks prior to the AGM of the ASAA. It is anticipated these Notices will be available on the ASAA website by mid-April each year. As any school zone or ASAA Commissioner can submit a Notice of Motion to change policy as late as April 1, it is not possible to involve the ABOA in discussions regarding those motions. However, if the ASAA considers significant changes to the basketball rules it follows, the ABOA will be involved in discussions regarding those rule changes. AGREED TO BY:

Dirk Vanderstam, President, ABOA

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John Paton, Executive Director, ASAA

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