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Archive for the ‘Airbus A321 Type Rating’ Category Performance-Base Navigation (PBN) leave a comment » 1. What is Performance – Based Navigation (PBN): – PBN is navigation system that helps the aircraft to navigate and operating safely on a air traffic route, instrument approach procedure, or in a designated airspace. – PBN is divided into two systems: +, Area Navigation (RNAV) +, Required Navigation Performance (RNP) 1.1. RNAV: – A navigation system which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground stations (ILS, VOR, DME, etc) or space-based navigation aids (GNSS/GPS) or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these. 1.2. RNP: – Is the RNAV system with on-board navigation monitoring and alerting to warn the flight crew when the actual navigation performance is insufficient. In other word, RNP = RNAV + Monitoring + Alert. 2. Benefits of RNAV (RNP): There are two main advantages: Safety benefits and Operation benefits.

2.1. Safety benefits: – Replace circling and visual approaches in many plances. – Allows the aircraft to follow precise three-dimensional curved flight paths through congested airspace, or difficult terrain, therefore reduced CFIT. – Stabilized and managed approach – Reduced crew and ATC workload.

2.2. Operation benefits: – Time and fuel savings. – Lower noise (result of idle thrust descent) – Reduced Emissions. 3. Navigation specification by flight phase:

For both RNP and RNAV designations, “X” refers to the maximum lateral distance (in nm) from the track centerline that aircraft may deviate for 95% of flight time.

For example, Oceanic area (en-route): X = 10 Continental area (en-route): X = 5 Termail area (SID or STAR) : X = 1 Approach: X = 0.3

© copyright 2016 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use Written by Nguyễn Bình Long July 1, 2016 at 7:06 am Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating Tagged with pbn, rnp rnav

A320 Cockpit Layout with one comment Dành cho các bạn chuẩn bị bay huấn luyện trên simulator airbus A320 để làm quen với buồng lái A320. Chúc các bạn may mắn! 1.

Overhead Panel: Nhấn vào đây để tải về


Front Panel: Nhấn vào đây để tải về


Pedestal Panel: Nhấn vào đây để tải về

Written by Nguyễn Bình Long June 5, 2016 at 9:47 pm Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating Tagged with cockpit layout

Answers for SIM recurrent Winter 2016 questions leave a comment » Nhấn vào link bên cạnh để tải về: click here to download Happy Training! © copyright 2016 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use

Written by Nguyễn Bình Long May 26, 2016 at 10:19 pm Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating

Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) leave a comment » Reference Documents: [FOM] & [FCOM PRO-SPO-50] – RVSM airspace is airspace between FL 290 to FL 410 where the vertical separation is 1000 ft instead of 2000 ft, allows more traffic flying in the airspace. – RVSM procedures: 1. Flight planning and pre-flight:

+, Check required equipments for RVSM is operative, these equipments are: (i) Two PFD functions (for altitude indication) (ii) One Autopilot function (for auto altitude control) (ii) One FCU channel (for altitude target selection and OP CLB/DES mode engagement) (iv) One FWC (for altitude-alert) (v) One transponder. (vi) 2 ADR (Air Data Reference) + 2 DMC (Digital Management Computer) +, Check on ground the tolerances between 2 main altitude indications not exceed 20 ft. Check each PFD altitude indication does not differ from the airport elevation by more than 75 ft. +, The letter W is written in field 10 of ATC flt plan to indicate RVSM capability. 2. Before entering RVSM airspace: +, Check required equipment operative. +, Cross check primary altimeter and standby altimeters 3. Within RVSM airspace: +, Autopilot should be engaged for cruise and flight level changes. +, The aircraft should not be allowed to overshoot or undershoot the cleared flight level by more than 150 ft (45 m). +, At interval of approximately one hour, cross-checks between the two primary altimeters should be made. A minimum of two will need to agree within +/- 200 ft [FOM] 130 ft [FCOM] GiẢm độ cao phân cách tối thiểu (RVSM) – Không phận giảm phân cách cao (độ cao thẳng đứng) tối thiểu (RVSM) là không phận có phân cách độ cao tối thiểu là 1000 ft thay cho 2000 ft từ mực bay FL 290 đến mực bay FL410. Mục đích áp dụng RVSM là để tăng số lượng máy bay có thể lưu thông trong không phận mà vẫn đảm bảo an toàn bay. – Phương thức bay trong không phận RVSM: 1. Quá trình chuẩn bị bay: +, Đảm bảo các thiết bị bay yêu cầu bởi RVSM vẫn hoạt động tốt, bao gồm: (i) Hai thiết bị PFDs (để hiển thị độ cao) (ii) Một hệ thống lái tự động (để kiểm soát độ cao) (iii) Một kênh FCU (để thay đổi độ cao và kích hoạt chế độ OP CLB/DES). (iv) Một hệ thống cảnh báo độ cao (v) Một hệ thống transponder (để cung cấp thông tin trên màn hình radar của ATC) (vi) Hai hệ thống ADR và hai hệ thống DMC. +, Trên mặt đất, kiểm tra độ sai lệch giữa 2 thiết bị hiển thị độ cao không quá 20 ft. Độ cao hiển thị trên mỗi thiết bị không bị sai lệch quá 75 ft so với độ cao thực tế của sân bay. +, Chữ cái W trong mục 10, kế hoạch bay cho biết máy bay có khả năng vận hành trong không phận RVSM. 2. Trước khi vào không phận RVSM: +, Kiểm tra tình trạng hoạt động của các thiết bị yêu cầu bởi RVSM. +, Kiểm tra chéo độ cao hiển thị trên hai thiết bị hiển thị độ cao chính và thiết bị độ cao dự bị. Sai lệch không quá 200 ft. 3. Bên trong không phận RVSM: +, Hệ thống lái tự động cần được kích hoạt. +, Máy bay không được phép bay lệch mực bay quá 150 ft. +, Cứ mỗi 1 giờ bay, kiểm tra chéo độ cao giữa hai thiết bị hiển thị độ cao chính. Sai lệch tối đa là 200 ft. © copyright 2016 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected]

Permitted for non-commercial use Written by Nguyễn Bình Long April 29, 2016 at 10:58 am Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating Tagged with RVSM

Các bước chuẩn bị cho một chuyến bay with one comment Chuẩn bị là một yếu tố rất quan trọng, nếu bạn có sự chuẩn bị tốt thì bạn sẽ có một chuyến bay tốt. Dựa trên kinh nghiệm qua thực tiễn đi bay, tôi xin chia sẻ với bạn đọc các bước chuẩn bị cho một chuyến bay khai thác bình thường như sau: A. Trước khi đến phòng điều phái ở sân bay (Dispatch) bạn nên chuẩn bị những thông tin sau: 1.

Thông tin chung về sân bay đến trong mục Route manual (VNEDOC – FOM – Part CVietnamairlines) hoặc đọc trong mục Airport briefing trong Terminal chart đối với các sân bay quốc tế.


Mở chart enroute xem đường bay cụ thể như thế nào (VNEDOC – ENROUTE CHART).


Kiểm tra Flight Operation Notices (VNEDOC – FON) xem có gì cần lưu ý về quy trình khai thác ở sân bay xuất phát và sân bay đến hay không.


Chuẩn bị thông tin ở sân bay xuất phát bao gồm: (i) Parking map; (ii) taxi route for departure; (iii) Standard Instrument Departure (SID).


Chuẩn bị thông tin ở sân bay đến bao gồm: (i) Standard Arrival (STAR); (ii) Approach chart for runway in use; (iii) Taxi route for arrival; (iv) Parking map.

B. Khi ở phòng điều phái thì cần kiểm tra những thông tin sau: 1.

Tình trạng kỹ thuật của máy bay.


Kiểm tra thông tin thời tiết (Metar, Taf và Prog chart). Đối với chặng bay dài thì cũng cần kiểm tra điều kiện thời tiết tại các sân bay dự bị trên đường bay, thời tiết tại các Fir.


Kiểm tra NOTAMs xem có thay đổi gì cần lưu ý ở sân bay xuất phát, sân bay đến và sân bay dự bị. Đối với chặng bay dài trên 2 giờ thì cũng cần kiểm tra NOTAMs của các sân dự bị trên đường bay và NOTAMs của các Fir. Sau đó kiểm tra xem có hoạt động quân sự đang diễn ra hay không.


Check kế hoạch bay (flight plan) và quyết định nhiên liệu dựa trên các thông tin: tình trạng máy bay, thời tiết, Notams, mực bay.

Chúc các bạn có những chuyến bay thành công! © copyright 2016 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use Written by Nguyễn Bình Long March 30, 2016 at 9:40 am Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating, Uncategorized

A320/A321 Limitations and memory Items leave a comment »

Trong link tải ở phía dưới là đáp án cho bộ câu hỏi A321 limitation và memory items cho học viên phi công cơ bản trước khi bay huấn luyện visual traffic pattern. The document in the following link is the answers of the A321 limitation test that all cadet pilots must complete before conducting base training. Nhấn vào đây để tải về: Click here to download

© copyright 2016 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use Written by Nguyễn Bình Long January 27, 2016 at 8:14 pm Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating, Uncategorized Tagged with A321 limitations

VNA’s Standard Callouts leave a comment » Download link (pdf file): Nhấn vào đây để tải về 1. Preliminary cockpit prep: 1.1. After checking onboard documents: – CM 1: on board document checked – CM 2: Checked 1.2. After exterior walk around: – PF: Checked – PNF: Exterior Checked 2. Cockpit prep: 2.1. Security check before boarding – PF: checked – PNF: cockpit security checked 2.2. Flight Instrument Check: – PF: (1) Instrument Check 2.2.1. PFD: 1. Speed 30 2. V1….Blue 3. V2….Magenta 4. CLB, NAV Blue, 1 FD 2 5…..ft (initial) Blue 6. Elevation……..ft 7. QNH……… 8. Vs zero, pitch…., bank….. 9. Radio Alt……ft 2.2.2. HDG: 1. …….(on PFD) 2. …….(on ND) 3. ……..(on DDRMI)- Digital Distance Radio Magnetic Indicator. 4. ……..(on Compass) 2.2.3. ND: 1. GS zero, TAS dash

2. First waypoint: name, bearing, distance – PNF: (2) Ready 2.2.1. PFD: 6. Checked (or plus/minus…ft) 9. Checked 2.2.2. HDG: 4. Checked 2.2.3. ND: 2. Checked 3. To remove ground supply: 3.1. Initial ground contact: – PF or PM: Ground (from) Cockpit 3.2. External……..disconnection: – PF or PM: Remove External…………. 4. Before Engine Start/Push Back 4.1. After ATC clearance obtained and set – CM 1: (2) Checked – CM 2: (1)……Departure (SID name), ….ft/FL, HDG….(if any), Transponder……. 4.2. Before start up clearance received – CM 1: (1)Before start C/L. – CM 2: (2)down to the line 4.3. After all cabin doors are closed, and aircraft is clear of stair/jetway: – CM 1: cabin crew, arm slides and cross check. 4.4. After start up clearance received: – CM 1: (1) below the line – CM 2: (2) before start C/L complete. 5. Push back/engine start: 5.1. Non push-back start: – CM 1: cockpit to ground – GND Mech: ground to cockpit – CM 1: ready for start – GND Mech: confirm brakes are set – CM 1: brakes set – GND Mech: clear to start one, two (or both) – CM 1: Starting one, two (or both) Note: before turning On ignition: +, CM 1: Clear to start, ignition on? +, CM 2: confirmed When start complete: – CM 1: start complete, disconnect – GND Mech: disconnecting 5.2. Push-back start: – CM 1: cockpit to ground – GND Mech: ground to cockpit – CM 1: ready for push back and start – GND Mech: brakes off – CM 1: brakes off – GND Mech: commencing push back When clear to start: – GND Mech: Clear to start one, two (or both)

– CM 1: Starting one, two (or both) Note: before turning On ignition: +, CM 1: Clear to start, ignition on? +, CM 2: confirmed When push back complete: – GND Mech: park brakes – CM 1: brakes parked When start complete: – CM 1: start complete, disconnect – GND Mech: disconnecting 6. After engine start: All engine started and stabilized and GND is disconnected – PF: (1) After start C/L. – PNF: (2) After start C/L complete 7. Taxi: 7.1. When taxi clearance obtained: – PF: clear left (right) side – PM: clear right (left) side 7.2. Brake transfer check – PF: (1) brake check – PM: (2) pressure zero 7.3. Flight control check (can be done before start of taxi) – PF: flight control check 3. Rudder – PM: 1. Elevators: full up, full down, neutral 2. Ailerons/spoilers: full left, full right, neu tral 3. Rudder: full left, full right, neutral (put foot on rudder to follow the rudder movement). 7.4. When cabin report obtained/checked – CM 1: (2) checked – CM 2: (1) cabin ready 7.5. During taxi: – CM 1: (1) before takeoff C/L – CM 2: (2) down to the line 8. Before takeoff: 8.1. When line up clearance obtained: – CM 2: cabin crew be seated for takeoff 8.2. Before entering RWY: – CM 1: RWY…identified Final cleared – CM 2: RWY…identified Final cleared 8.3. Lining up on the RWY: – CM 1: before takeoff C/L below the line – CM 2: before takeoff C/L complete 9. Takeoff/Climb 9.1. When both pilots ready, setting thrust levers to initial stabilization value – PF: Take off 9.2. When both engine thrust stabilized at 50% N1 (or 1.05 EPR) – PF: (2) Checked

– PNF: (1) Stabilized 9.3. When takeoff thrust lever set: – PF: (1) read FMA changes +, All armed modes with the associated color (e.g. blue, magenta): “G/S blue”, “LOC blue” +, All active modes without the associated color (e.g. green, white): “NAV”, “ALT” – PNF: (2) checked 9.4. Before passing 80 kt: – PM: Thrust set (when EPR matches with preset EPR) 9.5. At 100 kt: – PF: (2) checked – PM: (1) one hundred knots 9.6. At V1: – PM: V1 9.7. At VR: – PM: Rotate 9.8. Gear retraction: – PF: (2) Gear up – PM: (1) Positive climb (3) Gear up (after monitoring the gear indication) 9.9. If AP is engaged by PM: – PF: AP 1 (2) on 9.10. Checklist: – PF: (1) After takeoff/climb checklist. – PNF: (2) Down to the line 9.11. At transition altitude: – PF: (1) Transition altitude. Set STD Checked. (4) Plus/minus ….ft (if any) – PNF: (2) STD set (3) Cross check passing FL….now 9.12. Checklist: – PF: (1) below the line – PNF: (2) After takeoff/climb checklist complete. 9.13. RVSM operation: At TOC (cruise altitude) and at interval of one hour in cruise. Check PFD altitude indication of ADR1 and ADR2. – PF: (2) Checked. Plus/minus….ft (if any) – PNF: (1) Cruising Fl……Check 10. Descent 10.1. At FL 200 or TOD (if cruising below FL200): – PNF: cabin crew prepare for landing. 10.2. At FL 100 or 10000ft: – PNF: cabin crew, ten thousand feet. 10.3. When cleared to altitude and approaching transition level – PF: (1) Set QNH….Checked (4) Plus/minus…..ft (if any) – PNF: (2) QNH…set (3) Cross check passing…..ft now. 11. Approach and landing: 11.1. Approach checklist: – PF: (1) Approach checklist.

– PM: (2) Approach checklist complete. 11.2. Activation of approach phase: – PF: (1) Activate approach phase – PNF: (2) Approach phase activated. 11.3. RA alive: – PF: (2) checked – PM: (1) Radio altimeter alive Note: (1) crew should now keep RA in scan to landing. (2) PM monitors pin-programmed auto callout, or announces if inoperative. 11.4. At G/S*, Final App engagement, or below GA altitude for approach using FPA guidance: – PF: (1) set GA altitude…….ft – PM: (2) GA altitude – SET. 11.5. FAF: – PM: (1) Passing…..(Fix name), …..ft – PF: (2) Checked 11.6. Final approach slope check against ALT/DME table: – PF: (2)….ft high/low or On slope – PM: (1) DME…., ….ft, passing now. 11.7. When aircraft in landing config: – PM: Cabin crew be seated for landing. 11.8. Landing checklist: – PF: (1) Landing C/L. – PM: (2) Landing C/L complete. 11.9. 1000 ft RA: – PF: (2) Landing RW…..Stabilized/Un-stablized. GA flap. – PM: (1) one thousand (monitors pin-programmed auto callout, or announces if inoperative) (3) Checked 11.10. 500 ft (if visual approach or circling approach): – PF: stable 11.11. 100 ft above MDA/DH: – PF: (2) Checked – PM: (1) One hundred above 11.12. MDA/DH visual reference: – PF: (2) continue – PM: (1) minimum 11.13. MDA/DH no visual reference: – PF: (2) Go around – Flaps – PM: (1) minimum 11.14. At 100 ft above airport elevation: – PM: Head/Tail/Cross wind…..kt 11.15. After touch down: – PM: +, Spoilers (ground spoilers extended indication on lower ECAM) +, Reverse Green (REV green on upper ECAM). +, Decel (aircraft decelerates and DECL on the Auto brake) 11.16. At 70 kt: – PF: (2) Checked – PM: (1) seventy knots. 12. Discontinued Approach When discontinued approach decision is made: – PF: Cancel Approach.

13. Go around: 13.1. Go around decision: – PF: Go around- Flaps 13.2. Flaps retraction: – PM: Flaps… 13.3. Gear retraction: – PF: (2) Gear up – PM: (1) Positive climb (3) Gear up 13.4. Checklist: – PF: (1) After takeoff/climb C/L – PM: (2) Down to the line 13.5. At transition altitude: – PF: (1) Below the line – PM: (2) After takeoff/climb C/L complete. 14. After landing: 14.1. Checklist: – CM1: (1) After landing C/L – CM2: (2) After landing C/L complete 14.2. When parking brake set On. CM2 will PA on CM1 order or approval: – CM2: Cabin crew disarm slides and cross- check. 15. Parking: – PF: (1) Parking C/L – PM: (2) Parking C/L complete. 16. Securing the aircraft: – PF: (1) securing the aircraft C/L. – PM: (2) securing the aircraft C/L complete. 17. Other call outs: 17.1. Checklist callouts: – Interrupt checklist: “Hold checklist at….” – Resume checklist: “Resume checklist at…” – Upon completion of a checklist: “…..Checklist complete”. 17.2. Actions commanded by PF: – All actions performed on the FCU and MCDU must be checked on PFD and ND (eg: “FL 350 blue”, “FL 200 magenta”). – “Set” command means using an FCU knob to set a value, but not to change a mode. eg: +, Set go around altitude…….ft; set FL… +, Set heading… – The “Manage/Pull” command means pushing/pulling an FCU knob to engage a managed/selected mode or target. eg: +, FL 190 pull; FL 190 manage. +, Pull heading….; Manage NAV. +, Pull speed…..; Manage speed Note: if the value was pre set, there is no requirement to repeat the figure. Simply call e.g Pull heading; pull speed; Fl pull. – Call out for VS/FPA: +, V/S plus (or minus)…….. pull +, FPA minus 3 degrees Pull +, Push to level off – The “ARM…” command means arming a system by pushing the specified FCU button. eg:

+, Arm approach +, Arm LOC. – The simple On/Off command is used for the AP, flight directors, A/THR and the bird (flight path vector). eg: A/THR On; Bird On. 17.3. FMA: – Call out any FMA change: +, All armed modes with associated color (e.g. blue, magenta): “G/S blue”, “LOC blue” +, All active modes without associated color (e.g. green, white): “NAV”, “ALT”. PM should check and respond “Checked” to all FMA changes called out by the PF. 17.4. Altitude: – PM call out “one thousand to go” when passing 1 000 ft before the cleared altitude or FL, and the PF calls out “checked”. 17.5. Gear callouts: – PM selects the L/G lever position as required from PF and replies after checking the red lights on the LDG Gear: “Gear up (down)”. 17.6. Flight parameters: – In approach: +, “Speed”: if deviation is -5 kt/+ 10 kt +, “Sink rate”: if descent rate > 1 200 ft/min. +, “Bank”: if bank angle > 7 degrees. +, “Pitch”: if pitch < -2.5 degrees or pitch > 7.5 degrees. +, “LOC” or “Glide”: if deviation is 1/2 dot LOC or 1/2 dot GS. +, “Cross track” if XTK > 0.1 NM +, “V/DEV” when vertical deviation > 1/2 dot. +, “Course” when > 1/2 dot or 2.5 degrees (VOR) or 5 degrees (ADF). +, “….ft High (Low)” at altitude checks points. – In go around: +, “Bank”: if bank angle > 7 degrees. +, “Pitch”: if pitch > 20 degrees or pitch < 10 degrees. +, “Sink rate” if there is no climb rate. 18. Abnormal and emergency call outs: – Ecam procedures: +, “ECAM action” commanded by PF when required. +, “Clear…..(title of the system)” asked by PM or commanded by PF. For status page, use “Remove Status”. +, “ECAM action complete” announce by PM when all applicable actions have been completed. +, “Stop ECAM” if PF require an action from the PM during ECAM procedures. When ready to resume the ECAM, use “Continue ECAM”. – Memory items: +, GPWS: PULL UP, TOGA +, Reactive Windshear: “WINDSHEAR TOGA” +, Unreliable speed indication: “UNRELIABLE SPEED” +, TCAS: “TCAS, I have control” +, Emergency descent: “EMERGENCY DESCENT” +, Loss of braking: “LOSS OF BRAKING” +, Stall recovery: “STALL, I have control” +, Stall warning at lift-off: “STALL, TOGA 15 degrees” © copyright 2015 Nguyễn Bình Long

[email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use

Written by Nguyễn Bình Long November 21, 2015 at 11:50 am Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating, Uncategorized

Tài liệu học huấn luyện chuyển loại Airbus A321 with 4 comments 1. Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) – Click here to download. 2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) – Click here to download. 3. Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) – Click here to download. 4. Vacbi 320 Question Bank – Click here to download 5. Safety A321 Question Bank – Click here to download © copyright 2015 Nguyễn Bình Long [email protected] Permitted for non-commercial use Written by Nguyễn Bình Long October 17, 2015 at 9:26 am Posted in Airbus A321 Type Rating Tagged with A321 documents

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