A1-a2 Disclosure Document

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 714
  • Pages: 3
Welcome to English 8 Mrs. Garcia Mrs. Cox

The easiest way to contact either of us is by email. Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Room 306


Phone: (801) 768-7010

For more class information visit the class blog:

The price of the democratic way of life is a growing appreciation of people's differences, not merely as tolerable, but as the essence of a rich and rewarding human experience. ~Gerome Nathanson


this course each student will improve his/her reading, writing, speaking,

listening, and viewing skills. These skills will be an asset to each student in his/her life.


is the backbone of our curriculum. We hope each student will gain a

greater love and appreciation for literature as we examine the real-life applications in the readings. We will also work on improving student writing using the six-traits of writing methods.

This course is set upon the idea that tolerant students will become better learners and leaders in the future.

Homework: The amount of homework any student has will depend on the effective use of class time. Students should plan a regular reading time each day to complete their independent reading requirement. There will be a unit project assigned at the end of each study unit. Students will be expected to complete 700 pages of outside reading each term. A record of independent reading will be kept

“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we

Plagiarism: Texts we will study:

Eighth-grade students have been taught they should not plagiarize. If the student uses information from a source without giving credit to the source, the student will have to re-do the entire assignment. Only half- credit will be given for the assignment once plagiarism has occurred.

Various short stories

Informational texts


The Devils Arithmetic by Jane Yolen

Nightjohn by Gary Paulsen

The Biography of Malcolm X by Walter Dean Myers

Class Materials Needed: • • • •

• • •

Each day the student will need to bring the following to class: A one inch binder (for English only) Five dividers College rule loose-leaf lined paper Pencil/Pen (blue or black ink only) Book for free reading (daily) Flash drive for writing lab

Course Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on daily work, tests, writing samples, presentations, essays, reading requirements, and class participation. Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. Late work will be accepted one day late for up to 80% credit. If you have an excused absence, you will have the same amount of days you were absent to make up the work. Grading is based on the following scale: A/A- = 100%-90.0% B=/B/B- = 89.9%-80.0% C=/C/C- = 79.9%-70.0% D=/D/D- = 69.9%- 60.0% F = 59.9% and below

Expected Classroom BEE-Havior: 1) BEE Polite (don’t interrupt, ridicule, or disrupt, no cell phones or electronic devices) 2) BEE Prepared (come to class with all necessary learning tools) 3) BEE Involved (ask questions, participate and contribute) 4) BEE on Task (Pay attention, work on Language Arts– only) 5) BEE Successful (try hard, do your best, Citizenship: Every student will start each term with 85 citizenship points. These points may be lost if the student behaves inappropriately, breaks class rules, and/or after the third tardy. Each offense will result in the loss of five points; however, if students behave in a positive manner, are prepared and exhibit good citizenship in class they may receive additional points in five point increments. 90-100 = Outstanding 70-89=



Needs Improvement



Students should bring only water in clear bottles to class. Eating in class is prohibited. **Gum is acceptable as long as we cannot see it or hear it.**

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mrs. Garcia/ Mrs. Cox 8th Grade English Disclosure Brochure Student Name: _______________________________________________________________ Please have parent sign and return to Mrs. Garcia by:

______________ August 2009.

I have read and discussed the disclosure brochure with my son/daughter, have checked the blog, and am aware of the class policies and procedures. ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________ Student signature (_____)___________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell phone number _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian email address *Please indicate on the back if there is anything I should know about you to serve you better as a student in English class.

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