A Walk To Life

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,940
  • Pages: 13
a walk to life hi friends, I'm proud to tell you that I'm skipping class and hiding in the toilet trying to write this very beautiful song forward slash poem in a super bad ass english style and rhyme some of you might experience numb, bump some will give thumb up and some will make sound some may sound it loud, oh man this is it some even will become enlighten and decide to change his forward slash her name in to Cuzi, Dubi, Xixi etc I have no idea what I'm gonna write but I can feel the magic magic in the yeaaaaaaaaaaaah airrrrrrrrr people please breath I know I guy named John and he's a homeless Ay are scared of him and zay think he's nothing but a mess I think I didn't see him for about a year Oh old John, please tell me you still stay zere in the corner of that very unknown street in this very big town Houston crazy yesthisishomeofaguynamedsmith I want to tell you about this big John he had a million winkles on his face they grows fast in that very tired place now the number must be two million and three winkles Man, I don't have even one in my face life is unfair, it just bites me but leaves no scar I don't have nothing but pimples pimples come and go they won't stay they'll soon leave my face and it will soon be naked pimple won't make good girlfriend no good, me no like pimple unlike winkle, I'm loving winkles they came from a place call zinkle town they were made from things called sinkles down this idea might come from a dude called Dr. Suess Dr. Suess, why do you distract me from the moo, hoo, zoo, too cool, shoes, lool, hool in my studio huhu stu plus s Ok, I'm back But I'm tired of big John the millionaire winkles Cuz it seems to me he's nothing more than a selfish freak Of course he doesn't want to share winkle He pretends he does not know there are people who are needing it

Big John chooses to pursue a career in mathemati-it oh man, he doesn't want to be homeless no more he wants a career too, he's self taught in solving lottery calculus he has his own formula, he makes his recipe called ready to go John I'm disappointed... John... John please have some character with s mathemati-it tycoon lottery ticket and Dr. Beer are so uncool John, a millionaire winkles in asset is hard to find John please listen to me, I've crossed many oceans (in my opinion again... mmmm I add two more words of course) to come to America (sadly I didn't walk or take a boat) Man, I flied on the sky to get here, hate me I'm lazy kid anyway I know you truly one of a kind God damn John I left him to go to a gay place in Montrose street to meet a lady called Misterie, I'm telling you she's one of a kind, if you don't believe me you must look at the way she fights it's so so awesomaniac She walks in a dancing move she dresses so cool and she is sophisticated Oh man, she's a happy jelly melly dude i wish I could have that kind of happiness So the bad ass in me came up with a great plan How to steal happiness from a gay man Just to let you know I'm working hard on it it's a good project to work on in case some of you wanna join haha da da di da la la bla bla bla Ok, I'm back Oh forgot to tell you I'm the dude who loves to walk on dark streets I just love walking walking and walking and look at people driving here and there they suddenly come from here and there nowhere, from nowhere heading to nowhere an unknowing place, even for a smart kid like me still don't know how to drive to it but still they think they can do it ok i don't care oneday when I was walking on a grey corner of a place called The Place in Place Street I met a guy who called himself a business man he had a big bag of stuff and asked me to buy (don't worry it's not weeds) I don't smoke (a tip from me to ladies who have long legs and happen to innocently like me - innocent is good I'm telling you - But you must pretend you don't know, so it can be our secret) I'm back... sorry dudes, I'm super easy to get distracted I told him in reply, mister sorry me no money He looked me in the eyes to reply, Sir please don't lie

help me out it's only five bucks And I looked at him with curiosity But what exactly is it? a bag of souls you stole from the Dark Is it bad? Is it super bad and hard to find? tell me tell me tell me tell me Oh my brother, the business man laughs I'm sorry I'm tired it's 2 in the morning and I need to go to bed I have school tomorrow you know i think I might fail one class it's your fault, you know that don't you Ok see you later god damn i forgot to sign yesthisismypoem

( for this one, I think we should keep the bad grammar, let me know if it makes sense or confuses u, thanks Dai ca)

bullshit overload for appetite oh-ho, oh-ho bullshit overload for appetite Such an instinctive desire they come, they eat and they say bye bye oh-ho, oh-ho bullshit overload to be acquired put on a great smile, then come and get it bullshit

chicken and egg, which one came first? chicken and egg, which one came first? I used to think life put a curse on me. When I was a little kid, I saw guys came to my dad and sweet talked him. I saw they greeted one another and laughed with their evil

smiles. They scared the shit out of me, I hated going to their houses. I hated when they said how good I was. I didn't understand why. I just see acting. I felt like I could get into people souls and search their hearts. I shut the temptation to read people minds down and chose to ignore what I saw. For years I didn't use it and thought it was gone. No it's not. Sometimes I can tell my friends their personalities based on the way they drive, their faces, habits etc. I come to a room loaded with people and I can point out who the smart kids are. Sometimes they bump to me too. Sometimes those feeling got me, he was doing that because he wanted love. He dictated his kids and became a control freak dad, turned his house into a prison and traumatized his family in the name of love. He wanted people to love him back by doing good things, he wanted people to appreciate him by forgetting himself and serving their needs, but obligating them under his conditions. They saw that and hated it. He didn't understand, crying out people didn't appreciate him. The evil inside him running the show by controlling his motivation, he wanted to be called a good man (by definition: giving out, being generous etc) and more. There are all kinds of people in this world. I kept thinking and thinking... how the f u c k did I see that and still didn't understand people. How could I strip them naked searching and still couldn't get them. I saw all their needs and wants. The more details I got, the more I became lost in the information I observed. I come to realize that I can't come inside people mind uninvited. What I saw in them are only versions of myself. I didn't see their entire hearts. Whatever evil or goodness I popped out, we all shared them. That's why it's possible for me to see. I don't know them, I just know the part of me exists in them. And I stripped the evil part of me naked for people to see. I did everything I could to bring that part of me into the light hoping it could be killed. The harder I try, the stronger he becomes. He's so calm and relax now. I feel like I'm the evil, not him. There is no f u c k i n g different between me and the guy who hides his s h i t in the closet, hoping people won't find out. I think I'm better than that guy but I'm not. We're all same s h i t. we are ashamed of ourselves, I'm ashamed of my weakness and flaws. I was being extreme, picturing myself perfectly like God in the book. I wanted to be a picture of God too, perfect, talented, flawless. The evil in me saw my weakness and he has been using my lousiness, my goodness wannabe to run my life. In the name of benefiting mankind and better condition of life, I want the power to serve the weak and the poor. How funny! chicken and egg, which one came first? There's no chicken, there is no egg, there is only the progress of becoming. Chicken and egg only exist in our perceptions, in the physical shapes that light reflected. One day when I truly understand myself, I'll see me in a chicken, I'll see me in an egg. I'll see myself existing in nature forever. I'll come to accept the rules and willing to let go. And even death is not scary anymore because there's no death. There is only the progress of becoming! All my physical and mental pain will be gone and I shall have peace when I stop fighting life to coming into existence. For my uncle with love and respect. Beo Nguyen

I cut my hair myself I cut my hair myself and watched them falling down, what a feeling, I sensed the rejuvenation running through the body and it reactivated all my sleeping nerves. This was the second times I decided to shave my head. The first one I tried was about a year ago. The experience I got was hard to explain, words seemed worthless. Just the emotion and the illusion of leaving part of my unwanted history behind, I shaved my head to get a new look, to become a new person. I shaved my head myself and through the experience I figured out my lost spirit. There, you closed your eyes and let the shaver led the way, you sensed your hair dropping on the floor, suddenly you grew eyes everywhere, and you felt like you saw things you’ve not seen before. You felt you experienced dimensions. You just felt it, the sensation of the inner world. And people asked me why I destroyed my look. I looked them in the eyes and smiled. Only those who did what I've just done knew the answer why, we wanted the answer, the feeling but we, human were too hesitated to take necessary steps. I shaved my head and I knew I would do it again several times later during my life. It was my own philosophy, something I kept for myself; I said it was a secret. It happened simultaneously and harmony with nature. I did it; the ceremony was devoted to teach myself the art of patience and commitment to the work that I was pursuing. I lifted it to the next level; I moved it toward the point of simple judgment. Today I shaved my head again to reborn, reeducated myself once more time. Today I felt alive. The fear, the feeling of what was waiting ahead or the failure to shave my head myself, I recognized the truth laying in fear and frustration. All of us, even the heroes spend our day living in defeat until we did something. If we wanted something to happen, new things must be done. Each day I stood on the string hanging across the fire sea, below me was hell. In front of me was future and myth. I knew I was eaten by my angers and cries for long. I hold inside the gift, the miracle, the power but also my greatest doubt. I’ve been feeding the doubt and neglecting the task for too long. No more excuses. I was born to do what I was born to do. I knew it was my mission.

I cut my hair, myself To watch them to falling down To watch my feeling, to sense What so called awakening The rejuvenation ran through the body To reactivate the sleeping Nerves This, the second time, I decide to shave my head The first one, which was tried not so long ago The experience I got, which was hard to explain Words seem to be worthless Just, the illusion I guess Parts of my unwanted history

I sent them behind I shave my head A new look, I’ll get The activity, the cut There, your eyes were closed The shaver led your way You sensed your hair Dropping on the floor, Suddenly you grew eyes everywhere Things you’ve not seen before You just felt your lost spirit Dimensions, you experienced Sensation, you touched Your inner world of looks And people asked me, why I destroyed my look I looked them in the eyes and smiled Only those who did what I've just done Would know the answer why I shaved my head and I knew I would do it again Several times later, during this life My own philosophy, simultaneously and harmony happened within nature. I did it; the ceremony was devoted to teach myself The art of patience and commitment To the work, that I was pursuing Lifted it to the next level; I moved it toward Today I shaved my head again I met myself, again once more time. Today I felt alive. The fear, the feeling of what was waiting ahead Or the failure To shave my head myself, And I recognized the truth laying in fear and frustration. All of us, even the heroes spend our day living in defeat Until we do something. If I want something to happen, new things must be done. Each day I stand on the string hanging across the fire sea, below me was hell. In front of me was future and myth. I know I was eaten by my angers and cries for long Just to know what’s ahead. I hold inside the gift, the miracle, the power But also one greatest doubt. I’ve been feeding the doubt and neglecting the task for too long. No more excuses. I was born to do what I was born to do. I knew it was my mission. To shave my head myself

Emptiness she came and looking for me she searched inside, she turned she touched she did everything to be pleased she asked, she creamed and she yelled she cried, accusing to be released the string attached the two with trauma the need to be safe, secured but it was empty, my heart was empty It was cold, too cold turning against the belief so the doubt, the grief scratched the look of her eyes and pain covered how could you hold on to emptiness falling inside nowhere wouldn't bring you to anywhere my heart was empty It was cold, too cold the string attached the two with trauma just keep on searching

The suicide of a bug Set me free like the bug jumping into fire in death, he found something alive long live the spirit, the suicide Sorrow, it helped to continue your growth it's me, the crazy bug in this short life, I just bug life it's me, the fire in the bug's life, I burn it till death I'm the bug, the firing bug I'm the fire, my spirit or desire give me the energy, to carry on the quest give me the bug, so I can burn it So death could help that poor bug, found life life bugged bug’s life, lived life of the bug bug and bug, too many live life … maybe, i do not know I guess it comes and goes

maybe I'm just the fucking bug trying to think what to do with his life so, watch me into the fire in dead, he found the meaning of life

For My Beloved, TCS and my uncle Which dust has transmigrated to me For one day I awaken from dust Oh, what a sublime dust! For one fate running Which dust has transmigrated to me For sometime I will become dust Oh, what a weary dust! For those unallayed grief cried Many years I was flesh and blood For one day with the snow The languishing leaves fell down God, one hundred years only for today!

To kiss an ass Today I’m hungry for a kiss Kiss ass, I count one, two, and three… Where are you, why don’t you kiss with me? Together, we kiss some asses Kiss ass, I’ve kissed so many But still wondered How many more I can kiss Fat ass, small ass They are just asses, so let kiss But you said, you don’t feel like You are going to do it O.K, just do some practice Here’s my ass, why don’t you kiss Where is yours, so I can kiss Kissin asses And there is things to ask Just, just a fast old way Proven to make things your way Oh, how could you master that fast?

Now, you want more asses My friend, you already loved kissing Ass pissed and kissed Life is that simple, just to kiss asses pissed You said, and I laughed Sure, it’s just ass Why don’t we just kiss? And one two three Kiss ass, my friend Life, it’s just that easy

lock or locked When you lock your soul, the gate to the world is closed When you lock yourself, hell is reality to be When you lock hope, dream is strange to see When you lock sympathy, what do you expect? And what you expect, what you expect A weird place, such a place to be locked And you lock everything, you’re constantly lockin’ you locked your world, locked the clock locked the time, the memory, locked the things that should not be locked locked your heart, you stayed there locked your freedom, you there lockin’, you keep lockin’ everything constantly locking you made fears tears of locking you locked your cries, locked your silence

and forgot why what you did it for things just constantly being locked

The F song f u c k it, we roll we do not mind we stay on top we play hip hop we did spring roll we are so high we do not mind f u c k it we roll top to bottom we fall with style like shooting stars ha ha haha bla blabla ka ka ka oh she's so cool I love her too hey you, hey you why don't we cheer let have a beer ok, ok we kill some shots we feel so hot hey you, hey you close me tight get through the night life is so short f u ck it, who mind it feels so nice it feels so rough it feels so tough smile f u c k it, we roll we do not mind we stay on top we play hip hop we did a keg we make a mess we are so high we do not mind

f u c k it we roll top to bottom we fall with style like shooting stars ha ha haha bla blabla ka ka ka

Oh baby, I need a rest Doing, dreaming, I so imagine I so masturbate, cause I so want more Enough, there aren’t enough, never enough In this road to unhappiness I, through wet dream Wild, angry, mad I so, need rest So I ask For tomorrow from yesterday I so don't know today Who am I? More more and more So I so I I write a line with types of scripts who cares I'm not there Have been thought and said Precisely the same way So I masturbate More more and more Really at, reach there Yet yet, no no Past, present or future I fall out from no where Not a question of knowing I do, as it is fear, the knowing Who am I? Who are you? I sing or shout That moment in this moment Reason Time is to be sent, spent Can I return to this memory? Illusion of present, present So I, I masturbate I want to see God

This moment, the balance The fraction of so I, I so moment Then, you see, taste, and touch smelling me You, increasing as the thing is in motion Approaching in its passing I am and you are So I constantly ask For Who am I Between lines I draw The unknowning miserably, my thought please help me babe, 1 and 2 and 3 as it was eaten me inside things i could not dare to cry masturbation the object is love, but the subject is sin the spin of what to be called the hint from God God me, God you oh God I so need masturbation it's fucking boring you people why don't just stop talking

Save Our Dreams I have a dream, which had short life then died But its beauty does make my mind memorized Without it, lonely I’m at night Of all the brightnesses in the sky There, the shiniest, I claim to be mine it’s my dream and it will take me high I have a dream, always kept by my side If you have one, don’t let it die! Save our dreams, save our dreams Remember a story of an eagle in a chicken egg The eagle that was born and thought He was nothing but from an ordinary egg

Remember all the greatest things of man kinds They all start with burning desires If you have one, then don’t let it die Save your dream, as I saved mine! To the architect of life If it was me, who could not shine too bright Ambition slaves me, a servant of the darkest Yes, I have short life and I soon, will die But the space inside my mind Light a dream for someday born a person who will live With that same burning desire The precious moment comes again I shall return to save our dreams

A boy and an old man. About a boy and an old man, almost ready to die the boy is smart, and smartness demands to be put on the height high, high and high how high do you want to be high, high and higher as far as the light could reach the peak, that's exactly where I want to be high, high and high how high do you want to be high, high and higher you know what I want to step on your shoulder as high as the sky plus your height that's exactly where I want to be the old man didn't say nothing he told the boy to pick up a penny on the floor and closed his eyes.

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