A Timeline Of The Barbars

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A timeline of the Barbars

A time-line of the Barbars World News | Politics | History | Editor

(Copyright © 1999 Piero Scaruffi)

Huns ● ●

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Mounted archers 200BC: Mao-tun unites the Huns (Xiongnu, Hsiung-nu) in Central Asia around Lake Bajkal and southeastern Mongolia, with capital in Longcheng (near Ulan Bator) 176BC: the Hsiung-nu attack eastern China (the Tocharians) 140BC: Han emperor Wu-ti conducts campaigns against the Hsiung-nu 121BC: China defeats the Hsiung-nu 51 BC: the Hsiung-nu split into two hordes, with the eastern (southern) horde subject to China 50 BC: the western Huns expand to the Volga 48 AD: the Hsiung-nu empire is defeated by the Han and dissolves 337AD: Constantine dies and the Roman empire is divided in eastern (Costantinople) and western (Rome) empire 350AD: Hunnic invasion of South-eastern Europe 376AD: Huns, led by Uldin, reach the Black Sea and the Danube, conquering the eastern Goths 395AD: the Huns raid Armenia 408AD: Uldin crosses the Danube but is defeated by Rome 408AD: the Roman patrician Aetius is taken prisoner by the Huns 412AD: the new Hun leader Donatus is murdered by the Romans and is succeeded by Charato (Karaton), who unifies all Western Huns 425AD: Huns are hired by a western Roman general (Aetius) to fight in Italy during a political crisis 430AD: the new Hun leader Rugida (Rua) signs a peace treaty with the eastern Roman empire (annual salary in return for peace) 433AD: Rugida (Rua) signs a treaty with the western Roman empire that surrenders Pannonia to the Huns in exchange for military help 433AD: Aetius becomes the de-facto ruler of the western Roman empire 434AD: Rugida (Rua) dies and is succeeded by Attila (a friend of Aetius) and his brother Bleda 435AD: Aetius employs Huns to fight Vandals and Franks 436AD: Aetius and the Huns destroy the Burgundians 439AD: Attila helps Aetius 441AD: the Huns raid eastern Roman outposts along the Danube 441AD: the Huns sign a peace treaty with the eastern Roman empire 445AD: by murdering his brother, Attila becomes sole leader of the Huns, who are centered in Hungary (Pannonia) 447AD: the Huns and Valamer's Goths attack the eastern Roman empire in the Balkans and Attila reaches the walls of Constantinople 449AD: Attila signs a new treaty with the eastern Roman empire 450AD: the new emperor Marcian reneges on the Hun-Roman treaty

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A timeline of the Barbars ● ●

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Scythians: ●

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750 BC: the Scythians (or Sakas), a pastoral nomadic Indo-European group, settle between the Don and the Carpathians 674 BC: the Scythian king Partatua marries an Assyrian princess 653 BC: the Scythians invade the Median empire 626 BC: the Medes defeat the Scythians 514 BC: the Persian kind Darius invades Scythia 360 BC: king Atheas unites all Scythian tribes and expands their territory to the border with Macedonia 339 BC: Atheas of Scythia is killed in the war against Philip of Macedonia 225 BC: the Celts in the west and the Sarmatians in the east destroy the Scythian kingdom

Vandals ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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451AD: Huns travel from Pannonia and attack Gaul but are defeated by Aetius and the Visigoths 452AD: Huns cross the Alps but renounce attacking Italy for fear of the plague and Attila concludes peace with Pope Leo 453AD: Attila dies 454AD: Goths expel Huns from Pannonia 454AD: Aetius is murdered by his emperor 461AD: the Huns besiege Paris 469AD: the Hun king Dengizik dies and the Huns disappear

70BC: Julius Caesar establishes the north-western border at the Rhein 100AD: Vandals inhabit the land between Elbe and Vistula (northern Germany) 160AD: Vandals inhabit Slesia 270AD: Vandals cross the Rhein 330AD: Constantine grants the Vandals land in Pannonia (Hungary) 360AD: the Vandals convert to christianity 406AD: Vandals cross the Rhein and occupy Spain 407AD: Roman general Stilicho (of Vandal descent) stops the Vandals on their way to Italy 419AD: Gunderic unifies the Vandals of northern (Alans) Spain and southern (Vandals) Spain 421AD: Vandals defeat the Roman army 427AD: Gunderic dies and is succeeded by his brother Gaiseric/Gensenric 427: Gaiseric's Vandals cross the strait of Gibraltar and land in Africa 429AD: Vandals, led by Gaiseric, invade northern Africa and are recognized as an independent kingdom 439AD: Gaiseric conquers Carthage 455AD: Gaiseric's Vandals sack Rome 468AD: A Roman expedition against Gaiseric's Vandals is defeated and Rome recognizes Vandal rule over the Italian islands 477AD: Gaiseric dies 534AD: the Roman general Belisarius recaptures Africa from the vandals


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A timeline of the Barbars

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Scandinavia? Non-literate 0BC: Poland 50: Danube (Marcomannic war) 150AD: Roman expansion in Europe halted 200AD: Visigoths (Balthi family, forests of Central Europe, originally known as Tervingian Goths) and Ostrogoths (Amals family, from the Don to the Dnestr, originally known as Greuthungian Goths) 238AD: First Gothic incursion into the Roman empire 250AD: Goths settle in Scythia (Black Sea) 268AD: Goths raid Athens 340AD: Christianization and literalization of the Goths (Ulfila and the "Gothic bible") 370AD: Ermanarich rules all the Greuthungian Goths from the Baltic to the Black Sea 375AD: Ermanarich is defeated by the Huns and commits suicide, while his Goths become subjects of the Huns 376AD: the Tervingian king Athanaric is defeated by the Huns and his Goths are pushed into the Carpathians by the advancing Huns 376AD: Athanaric's rival Fritigern converts to (Arian) christianity in order to benefit from Roman help, crosses the Danube and demands admission to the empire 378AD: the Romans are defeated at Hadrianapolis by Fritigern's Goths and the emperor is killed 395AD: Stilicho (a German of Vandal descent) is appointed supreme commader of the western Roman army 390AD: the Gothic general Alaric is hired as a Roman commander 395AD: Alaric unifies the Goths of the Balkans (Visigoths) 397AD: Stilicho attacks his old friend Alaric, but lets him repeatedly escape 401AD: Alaric invades Italy but is defeated by Stilicho (who lets him escape again) 402AD: the western Roman empire moves its capital from Rome to Ravenna 408AD: Stilicho is assassinated in a coup 410AD: Alaric sacks Rome 411AD: Alaric dies on hs way to Africa and is succeeded by his brother-in-law Ataulf, who marches back north to Gaul 412AD: the Romans expel the Visigoths and force them to settle in south-western Gaul and help fight the Vandals 414: Ataulf marries Galla Placida, the emperor's sister 415: Ataulf marches into Spain where he is assassinated and is succeeded by his brother Wallia 418: the emperor grants Wallia's Visigoths to settle in Aquitaine (Atlantic coast of France) 447AD: Valamer unifies Goths in Pannonia and helps Huns fight the Romans 451AD: Visigoths help Rome fight Huns (and their subjects Valamer's Pannonian Goths) 454AD: Valamer's Goths expel the Huns from Pannonia and his Goths regain their independence 456AD: the Visigoths enter Spain 462AD: Visigoths gain Narbonne 466AD: Euric becomes leader of the Visigoths 469: Euric conquers Gaul as far as the Loire 471AD: following a revolt against Rome, Strabo is appointed general and leader of the Thracian Goths, who are "foederati" 473AD: Euric invades Catalonia

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A timeline of the Barbars ● ● ● ●

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476AD: Theodoric becomes king of the Pannonian Goths 475AD: Euric declares his independence from Rome and founds the Visigothic kingdom in Spain 476AD: Euric invades southwestern France 476AD: Pannonian Goths revolt and Theodoric is appointed general by a contender to the title of emperor 476AD: Strabo dies 476AD: Odoacer, a mercenary in the service of Rome, leader of the Germanic soldiers in the Roman army, deposes the western Roman emperor and thereby terminates the western Roman empire 480AD: Euric invades Spain 484AD: Euric dies 484AD: Theodoric becomes consul 488AD: Theodoric unifies Pannonian and Thracian Goths (Ostrogoths) 488AD: following orders from the eastern Roman emperor Zeno, Theodoric's Ostrogoths (still settled in Pannonia) invade Odoacer's Italian kingdom 493AD: Theodoric's Ostrogoths kill Odoacer and Theodoric becomes the new king of Italy, with capital in Ravenna 496AD: Franks attack the Visigoths in France 507AD: Visigoths are defeated by the Franks and move to Spain 508AD: Theodoric de facto annexes the Visigoths (southern Gaul and Spain) 526AD: Theodoric dies and his kingdom disintegrates 534AD: the Visigoths move their capital to Toledo 536AD: the Roman general Belisarius lauches a campaign to recover Italy 539AD: the Ostrogoths conquer Milan 546AD: the Ostrogoths led by Totila sack Rome 546AD: the Lombards under Audoin invade the Danube valley 550AD: Codex Argenteus 550AD: Getica 553AD: the Ostrogoths are expelled from Italy by the eastern Roman armies 554AD: the new king of the Visigoths, Athanagild, accepts the emperor's sovereignity over Spain 561AD: the Ostrogoths are destroyed by the eastern Roman empire 568AD: Alboin's Lombards, expelled by the Avars from Pannonia, invade northern Italy 569AD: Leovigild becomes king of the Visigoths 580AD: Arian synod in Toledo 586AD: Leovigild dies after unifying most of Iberia 587AD: the new Visigothic king Recared converts to catholicism and the Gothic language is abandoned 603AD: the Lombards convert to Christianity and move their capital to Pavia 612AD: the Visigothic king Sisebut forces the Jews of Spain to release all slaves and convert to Christianity 614AD: the Visigoths reconquer all of Spain from the Roman empire 620AD: the Visigoths conquer the last Roman possession in Spain 711AD: the Moors invade Spain and destroy the Visigothic kingdom 718AD: Pelayo unites with the Visigothic leaders who have been defeated by Tariq, and creates the kingdom of Asturias in northwestern Spain, thus creating the kingdom of Leon 751AD: the Lombards, under king Aistulf, conquer Ravenna from the Byzantines 774AD: the Franks of Charlemagne annex the Lombards

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A timeline of the Barbars

Franks ●

Donatism-Arianism ● ● ● ●

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See a timetable of the Holy Roman Empire

260AD: Paul of Samosata preaches that Jesus was not God 264AD: A council excommunicates Paul of Samosata 268AD: Lucianus of Antioch (born in Samosata) preaches that Jesus was only a man 311AD: Donatus and others rebel against the appointment of the bishop of Carthage, claiming independence of church and state 313AD: Constantine recognizes the Christian church 314AD: Donatism is condemned as a heresy 316AD: Donatism splits from Catholicism and spreads throughout Africa 318AD: Arius (b 256), a student of Lucian, preaches in Alexandria 320AD: Arius is expelled by the patriarch Alexander and during his travels through the eastern Roman empire converts more bishops 325AD: at the council of Nicaea the Arians are defeated 340AD: Ulfila converts the Goths to Arianism 353AD: the new emperor favors Arianism 379AD: the Roman empire bans Arianism 411AD: thanks to St Augustine, Donatism begins to decline 496AD: Clovis converts the Franks to catholicism 534AD: the Roman empire destroys the Arian kingdom of the Vandals 555AD: the Franks conquer the Arian people of France 587AD: the Visigoths convert to catholicism 639AD: Islam invades Africa and Donatism disappears 650AD: Arianism disappears after the Lombards convert to catholicism

Avars ●

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375 AD: nomadic Mongolian tribes of central Asia (possibly remnants of the Hsiung-nu, Xiongnu, Huns) organize themselves into a confederation, the Juan-juan (Avars) 394 AD: Kutelburi becomes khan of the Juan-juan empire, that stretches from Manchuria in the east to Lake Balkhash in the west 450 AD: the Juan-juan fight the Northern Wei dynasty 500 AD: the Juan-juan convert to Buddhism 552 AD: the Juan-juan are defeated and expelled by their Turkic-speaking vassals 558 AD: the Avars (remnants of the Juan-juan) invade the Russian steppes and push the Slavs to the west 560 AD: the eastern Roman emperor Justinian hires the Avars to fight the Huns and Slavs 568 AD: the Avars invade Pannonia and Dalmatia, expelling the Lombards who move towards Italy 571 AD: the eastern Roman empire signs a peace treaty with the Avars 590 AD: the empire of the Avars extends from the Volga to the Danube to the Baltic Sea

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A timeline of the Barbars ● ● ● ●

Khazars: ●

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599 AD: the Avars capture and execute 12,000 Byzantine prisoners 626 AD: the Avars lay siege to Costantinople 796 AD: the Franks defeat the Avars 810 AD: Bulgars, under king Krum, destroy the Avars

630: the nomadic Turkic-speaking Khazars emerge from the break-up of the western (Kok) Turkish empire and settle in southern Russia with capital at Balanjar (Verkhneye Chir-Yurt) 640: dual kingship (kagan and bek) 650: the Khazars' expansion drives Bulgars westward 683: Khazars raid Armenia and Georgia 725: the Khazars transfer their capital to Samandar in the northern Caucasus 730: Khazars raid Azerbaijan 737: the Khazars are defeated by the Arabs and forced to convert to Islam 750: the Kazars transfer their capital to Itil (Atil) on the Volga River 762: the Kazars invade the Transcaucasus 860: Cyril visits Khazaria 861: the Khazars under king Bulan convert to Judaism 896: the kingdom of Hungary is formed by seven Magyar and three Khazar tribes 939: the Khazars defeat the Rus led by Oleg 965: Khazars are defeated at Sarkel by Svyatoslav of Kiev 1016: Byzantine emperor Basil II and the Rus defeat the last Khazar kagan Georgius Tzul

Celts: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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1600 BC: Stonehenge 1200 BC: Celts inhabit northern France and western Germany 500 BC: Celts settle in the British islands 400 BC: Celts use iron 400 BC: Celts invade Northern Italy 300 BC: Celts settle in Ireland 279 BC: Celts raid Delphi in Greece 58 BC: Julius Caesar conquers the French Celts (or Gauls) 47 AD: Rome conquers the English Celts (or Britanni) 410 AD: the Romans withdraw from Britain 432 AD: the Roman missionary Patrick is taken prisoner to Ireland 750 AD: several monasteries founded in Ireland, from which Irish monks evangelize the rest of Europe 795 AD: Vikings raid Ireland 831 AD: Vikings invade Ireland and found Dublin 850 AD: Vikings trade slaves along the Dniepr and Volga 968 AD: Brian Boru defeats the Vikings 1002 AD: Brian Boru unifies all of Ireland

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A timeline of the Barbars

World News | Politics | History | Editor (Copyright © 1999 Piero Scaruffi)

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