A Second Chance

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,688
  • Pages: 37
INT. CHURCH - DAY a funeral in new jersey, 1972. MOURNERS dressed in black, sobbing. leonard and desiree hill (both african-american, 30's)occupy the front row with their TWO YOUNG CHILDREN, BOBBY HILL, 4 ; RAYSHAWN HILL, 2. desiree is inconsolable, and yet leonard tries his best to comfort her. bobby and rayshawn both sob quietly. rayshawn is cradled in her mother's lap, too young to realize the gravity of the situation, rayshawn sobs because her brother and her mother are sad, surrounded by sad friends and relatives. the reverend turner addresses the congregation. REV TURNER o lord, help us to make sense of this. we understand that this is your will, but help us to understand the confusion in the mind of a young man that would have him end the life of an eight

year old boy... the congregation responds. desiree hill erupts with emotion. leonard is unable to restrain her as she dives toward the open casket bearing her oldest son. bobby is knocked to the floor as she stands, still holding rayshawn. rayshawn cries out as she witnesses her mother's breakdown. DESIREE why jesus? damn you! why take junior? please take me instead lord. take me instead dammit! leonard struggles to return his distraught wife to her seat with the help of an usher. DESIREE (cont'd) take me. jesus! i want to die! bobby tries to put his arm around his mother. leonard consoles rayshawn along with desiree as reverent turner continues to preach. REV TURNER it's the supreme test of our faith that no parent should ever have to endure. no parent should ever have

to bury a child and yet it happens every day. god acts in mysterious ways... desiree turns to a now-sobbing leonard. DESIREE i killed our son! it was my fault. i made him go! LEONARD no baby, it wasn't your fault. DESIREE he'd be alive today. he didn't want to go! i made him go! i killed our son! LEONARD baby. don't do this to yourself. there's no way any of us could have known this would happen! stop blaming yourself. JUNIOR (V.O.) that was me in that coffin. it just goes to show you how fragile life can be. timing, destiny, call it what you will but when it's

time to go, no amount of praying's gonna change a thing. one decision, with 50/50 odds of living or dying. wouldn't it be nice if we could, just once, go back in time and... FADE TO: TITLE CARD "ONE WEEK EARLIER" INT. HILL FAMILY HOME - DAY leonard carries a suitcase outside as desiree yells from downstairs to the children playing upstairs, their voices and footsteps filling the house with sound. dog barking upstairs. DESIREE (O.S.) leonard junior, i shouldn't be hearing your brother and sister playing when you're all supposed to be cleaning and packing. JUNIOR (O.S.) i already told them to stop playing, they don't listen.

DESIREE (O.S.) junior, you're the older brother and their protector, make them listen! rayshawn, bobby, don't make me have to come up there! listen to your brother! BOBBY (O.S.) mommy, rayshawn won't give me my football. RAYSHAWN (O.S.) it's mine! BOBBY (O.S.) no it's not, girls don't need footballs. that's my football! RAYSHAWN (O.S.) mine! mine! mine! BOBBY mom! JUNIOR (O.S.) see? they won't listen to you! why do you think they listen to me? desiree appears and rushed up the stairs.

JUNIOR (cont'd) (O.S) now you went and did it! here she comes! rayshawn is heard squealing. two sets of little running footsteps are heard. BOBBY (O.S.) ohhh! you're getting a beating now! RAYSHAWN (O.S.) no! mine foo-ball! mine! leonard enters the living room. the dog rushes to greet him. LEONARD des! where are the suitcases? i thought y'all were packed and ready. we have to hit the road before the traffic! you know how much i hate... leonard is interrupted by desiree's voice from upstairs. DESIREE (O.S.) leonard, i don't hear a word you're saying. come up here and help me get these kids ready

please! leonard sighs and runs up the stairs followed by the dog. INT. UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - DAY LEONARD (O.S.) what the hell's going on up there? leonard and the dog enter the chaotic bedroom. desiree has bobby and rayshawn on the bed. DESIREE put his shoes back on please, and we can't leave the house looking like this! leonard attends to bobby. LEONARD des! we'll be back in two days! we'll deal with it then! let's go! the traffic... DESIREE you know i don't like to come back to a messy house after a trip! i can't enjoy myself knowing that the house looks like this and i'll

be too tired when we get back... LEONARD tell you what, i'll clean when we get back. how's that? DESIREE you always say that, then you fall asleep as soon as we hit the house. LEONARD look des! the kennel closes in 10 minutes and it's ten minutes from here. i don't want to make a special trip to take oscar, then have to come back. i want to do this in one trip! JUNIOR i don't want to go anyway. why can't i stay here with oscar? desiree and leonard answer "no" in unison LEONARD junior, we already discussed this. DESIREE don't you want to see amir? you're

the same age and you always get along. aunt justine and your cousins are dying to see you JUNIOR then let them come here. i don't like their house, it smells like smelly feet! leonard restrains laughter. desiree gives leonard a look. LEONARD your sister's house does smell like toe jam, baby! desiree swats at him, unable to suppress a smile. BOBBY what's toejam? toejam! toejam! DESIREE leonard hush! junior, you're too young to stay here alone! JUNIOR i'm eight years old! don't you trust me by now? desiree kneels to look junior in the eyes. DESIREE

honey, of course we trust you. junior, part of your job is to watch over your baby brother and sister! ZOOM IN CLOSE ON DESIREE (SOUND EFX) DESIREE (cont'd) your brother and sister are going, so are you! I/E. CAR - DAY junior sulks in the back seat as rayshawn (baby seat) and bobby (booster seat) nudge each other. leonard looks at desiree without speaking. desiree turns to see all three children asleep in the back seat. LEONARD i can't stand this neighborhood. they got that money from the lottery ticket and they still won't move. makes no sense to me. desiree shrugs. DESIREE the house has been in our family for three generations. everybody

justine knows is in this neighborhood. EXT. JUSTINE CLARK HOUSE - DAY leonard shakes his head as they pull toward the curb behind PARKED CAR IN FRONT OF A MODEST AND AGING HOME. commotion is heard in front of the house. two men argue with desiree's younger sister, justine clark (african american 20's) in front of her home, then storm away toward the parked car, oblivious to leonard and desiree's car pulling up behind it. MAN 1 you gonna give us what's our's, bitch! justine waves them off. the men slam their car doors, then speed away. leonard and desiree exchange concerned looks as they exit the car. DESIREE that's cousin mike. i wonder what that's about. justine's facial expression brightens up when she sees

desiree and leonard. JUSTINE hey girl. hello brother in law! they exchange hugs. DESIREE wasn't that mike? what's his problem? JUSTINE nothing. you know what a little money does to family sometimes. they come out the woodwork! he's just trippin over what he thinks i owe him. LEONARD he's not gonna act a fool while the kids are here is he? because, we'll take them... JUSTINE no! of course not. he's all talk. DESIREE maybe you should move away from here now.

JUSTINE and go where? we talk about this, remember? you know grandma's wishes. it has to stay in the family. junior and amir run past them toward the front door. JUSTINE (cont'd) hey, hey! what did we say about running? AMIR sorry mom. LEONARD baby, we got a long drive, we'd better hit it! JUSTINE you sure you don't want to stay for awhile? i'll make something for you to eat on the road. LEONARD no thanks justine. DESIREE we'll stay awhile on the way back. you have the number to our room at

the resort. call us if you need anything, don't worry about the time of day or night. JUSTINE y'all just enjoy your anniversary. ten years, three kids! lord knows y'all deserve the break! JUSTINE (cont'd) amir, your aunt desiree and uncle leonard are leaving now, say good bye to them. AMIR good bye aunt desiree, uncle leonard. DESIREE we'll see you in two nights junior, you and amir mind your brothers and sisters while we're gone. don't give aunt justine any trouble, y'hear? JUNIOR yes ma'am. JUSTINE

c'mon and show your folks some love. junior hugs desiree, then hugs leonard. DESIREE i love you so much! JUNIOR (embarrassed) mom! LEONARD your embarrassing the boy. DESIREE i don't care! leonard high fives junior and amir. LEONARD y'all be good. we'll see you tomorrow. c'mon woman, we have a reserved check in time. desiree follows leonard to the car, waving. close shot: justine watches the car disappear down the street. her face reflects both happiness and sorrow.

EXT. JUSTINE CLARK HOUSE - NIGHT the same car in which cousin mike drove away earlier parks in front of the dark house. INT. RESORT ROOM - NIGHT desiree awakes suddenly from a fitful sleep. her breathing is labored. leonard is awakened by this. LEONARD what's the matter baby? DESIREE bad dream. maybe i should call justine. LEONARD just a dream, baby. don't wake them up at 3am. try to go back to... the ringing phone startles both of them. leonard answers. LEONARD (cont'd) yeah? his facial expression changes from sleepiness to anger to distress as he listens. LEONARD (cont'd)

i'm her husband, leonard hill... desiree jumps from the bed and begins to get dressed. DESIREE oh my god! lord please, no! my babies! my babies! lord, jesus! LEONARD are they all right?...goddammit, sargeant, just tell me if they're all right! leonard throws the phone across the room. desiree is in tears. DESIREE what happened? it wasn't a dream! they're dead aren't they? i knew something was... LEONARD we gotta go! they won't tell me anything, but we need to get to the hospital now! they pause to look at each other for a second. they hug. LEONARD (cont'd) we have to be strong honey.

whatever it is, we're in this together! we need to go now. EXT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT establish county hospital exterior. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT leonard and desiree rush through the automatic sliding doors of the trauma center. they are met by officer john williams, (african american, 40's). OFFICER WILLIAMS mr. and mrs. hill? LEONARD i'm leonard hill, this is my wife desiree. officer, what happened to our children? as he finishes the question, bobby and rayshawn is heard o.s. BOBBY mommy! daddy! bobby and rayshawn run toward them with outstretched arms. desiree and leonard both break down and cry tears of

relief. DESIREE where's junior? BOBBY junior's hurt, mommy! the tears of relief turn to anguish as officer williams intercedes. OFFICER WILLIAMS your son is in intensive care. the doctors are trying to remove the bullet from... LEONARD bullet? what the fuck?... DESIREE where is he? i have to see him! OFFICER WILLIAMS i'll get a nurse. follow me. they pick up rayshawn and bobby, walking as they quickly walk. LEONARD officer williams, what the hell happened in that house?

OFFICER WILLIAMS looks like a botched robbery. DESIREE oh god! cousin mike? OFFICER WILLIAMS mike carter, and an accomplice, entered the home armed with 9mm automatic weapons... officer williams struggles to maintain composure. OFFICER WILLIAMS (cont'd) he killed the homeowner and her child as they slept. desiree stops in her tracks and she wails. DESIREE oh god! justine! amir! how could he do this? how could any human... leonard struggles to present to strong facade as he rubs desiree's neck and shoulder. OFFICER WILLIAMS (dazed) fifteen years on the force. fifteen years and i've never seen

anything like this! a doctor approaches. DOCTOR TURNER i'm doctor turner, senior attending. are you mr. and mrs. hill? DESIREE doctor, please tell me he's okay! DOCTOR TURNER your son suffered severe internal bleeding from multiple gunshots to his abdomen. doctor turner mournfully shakes his head. DOCTOR TURNER (cont'd) the loss of blood was profound. i'm afraid that... leonard and desiree begin to mourn before the sentence is finished. DESIREE no! no! no! he's not dead! god would not do this!

desiree collapses. leonard struggles to hold her up while still holding on to rayshawn and bobby. officer williams dabs tears from his own eyes. DOCTOR TURNER he coded about thirty minutes ago. we tried everything to regain a pulse. with the extended loss of circulation to his brain he would have been unable to function. i'm so sorry. OFFICER WILLIAMS your son's a hero. he was protecting bobby and rayshawn sleeping in the basement. we figure that he stopped carter before they could get downstairs. they must have shot him and run, not realizing that the kids were asleep in the basement. he was conscious

long enough to name

mike carter. he and his accomplice are in police custody. leonard nods and briefly smiles with pride as he continues to console his now-dazed and nearly catatonic wife.

DESIREE i told him to mind his brother and his sister. i told him that was his job...if only i hadn't made him come... LEONARD then rayshawn and bobby might not be here. stop blaming yourself. it's not your fault. the only person at fault is that coward... DESIREE doctor, i want to see him. DOCTOR TURNER mrs. hill, i don't know if that's such a good idea, you're about to go into shock and... DESIREE dr. turner, take me to see my son, or i'll search this hospital and find him myself! OFFICER WILLIAMS doc, i'm gonna need for her to identify the body anyway. it's procedure in a homicide. i'm

sorry. dr. turner reluctantly leads desiree, leonard and officer williams toward the operating room. INT. - SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE - NIGHT SHOT FROM ABOVE, close on junior lying on the operating table, covered with a bloody sheet with disconnected tubes by his head. leonard and desiree, seated next to the table, hold junior's hands. pull back and fade to black. REVERSE FAST MOTION SEQUENCE (EFX) TO: INT. HILL FAMILY HOME - DAY JUNIOR i'm eight years old! don't you trust me by now? desiree kneels to look junior in the eyes. DESIREE honey, of course we trust you. junior, part of your job is to watch over your baby brother and

sister! ZOOM IN CLOSE ON DESIREE (SOUND EFX) DESIREE (cont'd) your brother and sister are going, so are you! LEONARD besides, child services finds out we left you alone for a weekend, they'll arrest us for neglect. JUNIOR bobby, rayray and i can stay at billy's house! they like oscar and you won't have to put him in the kennel. LEONARD boy's got a point, des. we'll never make the kennel in time and oscar can't go with us. we'll save some money leaving oscar with the kids next door! DESIREE no! i will not impose on the douglas' in that way. besides,

they have roaches in their house. i don't want anything in this house that's been in that house! bobby snickers. BOBBY billy douglas' house has roaches! desiree rolls her eyes toward leonard. DESIREE now look what you made me do! leonard cracks up. RAYSHAWN mommy what's roaches? LEONARD (laughing) we'll hose them all down in the yard before they hit the house. even oscar. how's that? desiree rolls her eyes again. LEONARD (cont'd) and we'll burn all their clothes and their suitcases before...

DESIREE okay! okay, i'll call ben and roz and see if it's okay. junior claps his hands in celebration. LEONARD bobby, rayshawn, get your bags, we gotta go! junior, bring your bag down. let's go! double time, y'all! DESIREE i hope i don't live to regret this. LEONARD he'll be fine! call them so we can hit the road! desiree reaches for the phone. EXT. HOME OF BEN AND ROSLYN CARTER - DAY ben douglas (african american, 30's) and leonard converse by the hill's packed car. desiree writes numbers on a pad and hands them to roslyn douglas (african american, 30's). rayshawn chases bobby across the douglas' front lawn as junior and billy toss a football.

DESIREE roz, i can't tell you how much we appreciate this. i hate to impose on such short notice... ROSLYN don't be silly! we love the kids and we love oscar. it's no imposition at all. just enjoy yourselves! we'll see you in a couple of nights! stay longer if you want to. billy loves the company! DESIREE that's the number at the resort... leonard nudges ben and nods toward the women! ben chuckles and shakes his head. LEONARD des! c'mon woman! let's go! DESIREE okay, we'll call if we're delayed. bobby, rayshawn, come say good bye. bobby and rayshawn run and jump into their mother's arms.

DESIREE (cont'd) good bye my babies. i love you so much. you behave yourselves! go hug your dad. they both run toward leonard and jump into his arms. desiree turns toward junior and billy. DESIREE (cont'd) (exaggerated) good bye junior! junior continues to toss the football, answers casually. JUNIOR bye mom! desiree turns to leonard. DESIREE do you believe him? junior runs toward his mother with his arms open. JUNIOR i'm kidding mom! have a good trip. they hug. DESIREE you behave yourself, y'hear me?

JUNIOR okay mom. bye dad! DESIREE go and give your dad a proper hug please! junior runs toward leonard and hugs him. leonard shakes ben's hand and climbs under the wheel. LEONARD let's go, des! they'll be fine! desiree hugs roslyn and rushes to the car. junior and billy resume their game, bobby and rayshawn resume their chase, ben and roslyn douglas wave as the car disappears down the street. FORWARD FAST MOTION SEQUENCE TO: INT. RESORT ROOM - NIGHT desiree awakes suddenly from a fitful sleep. her breathing is labored. leonard is awakened by this. LEONARD what's the matter baby? DESIREE

bad dream. i should call justine. LEONARD just a dream, baby. don't wake them up at 3am. try to go back to... the ringing phone startles both of them. fade to: INT. CHURCH - DAY mourners dressed in black, sobbing. TWO CASKETS, one large, one small in front of the church. leonard, desiree and all three children occupy the front row. desiree is crying. leonard comforts her. bobby and rayshawn sob quietly. the reverend turner addresses the congregation. REV TURNER o lord, help us to make sense of this. we understand that this is your will, but help us to understand the confusion in the mind of a young man that would have him end the lives of this

young mother and her child... the congregation responds. FADE TO: TITLE CARD "THIRTY YEARS LATER" EXT. - HILL FAMILY HOME - DAY voices are heard inside the house as a late model cadillac slowly approaches the front of the house. JUNIOR (O.S.) they're here! y'all shut up now! bobby, rayshawn, get your kids quiet up there, they'll blow the surprise! RAYSHAWN (O.S.) bobby, that's your son. can't you shut him up for even a minute? BOBBY oh shut up, rayshawn. you just worry about your's! JUNIOR both of you shut up and get down here! they're getting out of the

car! leonard and desiree (now in their 60's) are removing groceries from the trunk. DESIREE that's got eggs in it dear. please be careful. LEONARD yes dear. i'm 65 years old and i obviously never learned how to carry groceries! desiree rolls her eyes at leonard DESIREE don't sass me! she smiles. leonard uses his free hand to slap her butt. DESIREE (cont'd) hey! if you drop those eggs, i'll... LEONARD what? you'll do what, woman? leonard turns the key in the front door and opens it. INT. HILL FAMILY HOME - DAY

from the exterior pov, junior, rayshawn, bobby, and their respective spouses, surrounded by many children and other guests yell "surprise" and throw confetti and balloons and blow whistles at startled desiree and leonard. the living room is decorated with a giant banner: "happy 30th anniversary mom and dad". both desiree and leonard are visibly moved. they exchange hugs, pick up and kiss grandchildren. DESIREE i don't believe you kids! junior! bobby! rayshawn! we had no idea! who's responsible for this? RAYSHAWN curtis, the kids and i flew in from chicago last night. bobby got in from new york this morning. junior's company's travel service made all the arrangements. BOBBY no small task getting me a flight from wisconsin! JUNIOR nobody made you sign with the

packers! anyway, we thought we'd do more than flowers this year! what's 30 years? BOBBY pearl necklace... bobby presents a box to desiree. she opens it. DESIREE my god! oh my god! RAYSHAWN put it on her daddy! JUNIOR pearls, and?... DESIREE diamond ring... desiree presents leonard with a ring box. he opens it. LEONARD damn. look at that rock! leonard removes the ring and slips it on his finger. BOBBY mack daddy pinkie ring in the house!

they all hug. LEONARD you guys are something else. thank you! damn! DESIREE you hear that? you're something else! that's about as much emotion as i've seen from him in 30 years! desiree begins to cry. LEONARD oh, there she goes. DESIREE i love you all. you've all made me so happy. i wish justine were here to...i just can't...what's cooking? BOBBY dinner! we're starving! c'mon let's eat! junior shoves bobby. BOBBY (cont'd) what? i'm sorry. i'm hungry.

they adjourn to the kitchen. FADE TO BLACK.

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