A - Proving God Exists - God Named The First Human Being.

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 2
The existence of God is proven in these documents. A - PROVING GOD EXISTS - God Named The First Human Being. B - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The True Nature Of Political Reality. C - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Things And Names. D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The Power Of God. D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Sport Is Invented. E - PRVOING GOD EXISTS - The Initials Of The Names Of God Applied To The Creation Of Things And The Means Of Production. A - PROVING GOD EXISTS - God Named The First Human Being. I know God exists and I want to prove God exists by showing, by proving that God created all things on this earth, and the names for all things on this earth. Upon reading my writings that reveal and prove the existence of God, people who believe that the Bible is the word of God have to agree with me that it was God who thought of all words, that all such words were with God before they were with human beings, that human beings therefore could only have learned such words by means of inspiration from God, and that words have meaning. As you read my writings that prove the existence of God, people who say that they believe that the Bible is the word of God have to agree that I have proved that that is so, that God exists, and that God inspired the writing of the Bible. To begin proving this, we ask the question, who named the first man, the first human being that existed on this earth. The first human being that existed on this earth was Adam, and obviously as Adam, being the first human being that existed on this earth couldn't have thought of his own name, it is obviously revealed therefore that God exists and that God thought of the name Adam. As therefore God created the first human being and God thought of the name for the first human being, that such name being Adam, then this illustrates, reveals, proves that God thought of all languages and all words before human beings did. This reveals for example that God invented the alphabet. As the word Adam is constructed from letters of the alphabet, God could only have thought of the word Adam if he had already conceived of the alphabet. A feature of the Bible is that there are repeated and linked ideas in different places in the Bible, in the Old and New Testaments, which reveals that all the books of the Old and New Testaments were written, were inspired, by the same mind, the mind of God. An example of this, is John 8 : 58. "Before Abraham I was. Your father Abraham was very glad to see my day." This passage in the Bible re-emphasises the idea that God named the first human being he created, Adam. This can be shown. The word Abraham is interesting because it contains other words such as bar, bra, ham, am. We now realise also that God when he initially conceived of the alphabet, he invented the alphabet so that b=d=p. Therefore as p=d=p, as therefore ab=ad, the words 'ad=da=dad' is obviously intelligently designed by God to be in the word Abraham to re-emphasise the point already made in the Book of Genesis that God named the first human being, Adam.

Therefore, when God says "Before Abraham I was" he is re-emphasising the idea that the names for people were in his mind, were with him, before they were with human beings. It is revealing also that God says here "I was" and that the word Abraham contains the word "am", and therefore there is a linkage revealing the verb "to be" in this citation from the Bible, indicating also that it was God who invented the English language and all languages. Why does God say for instance "Your father Abraham was very glad to see my day" immediately after he says "Before Abraham I was." Obviously to emphasise the idea that the word "Father" is symbolically contained in the word "Adam" and the word "Abraham", as ab=ad=da=dad=father, and to reveal to us that he God the Father thought of such words, created such words, invented such words. God therefore thought of all languages, and all words, before human beings did. What does the word "revelation" mean. The word "revelation" being a Biblical word, as we have the Book of Revelations in the Bible, obviously means that the proof of the existence of God is to be revealed. And the proof of the existence of God is revealed by revealing these insights in the Bible which reveal and prove the existence of God, and the observation of repeated and linked ideas in the Bible illustrates that all the Book Of The Bible were written by, inspired by, the one intelligent mind, the mind of the one and only God.

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