A New World Article 3

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4
The Forefront of Leadership In any transition between beliefs, the process of coming to understanding life involves a gross amount of details before coming to the point where a summary can be made. This opinion, if presented too early to those who wish to understand the system to which they are in transit, will appear paradoxical or meaningless. The wisdom of an outsider might categorize it as being destructive but the experienced learner will probably say more simply: life is a transitional state on the path toward a traditional civilization. It is a way out of modern society and a new path to a healthier, less manipulative form of existence. Logically there is another way of organization to society that will have all of the things that modern civilization does, but is motivated by an entirely outside force. Where we motivate ourselves with realistic goals, such as money and power, it is possible there is an entirely different way of finding out what is beneficial for our people. To escape our condition, and transfer over require an intermediate step based on what of their differences. This means that when perspective of modern society, what we see goals of the type of society that the true

to this other serenity, will probably the two systems have in harmony instead one looks at community from the outside are the intermediate and not final leaders of the commonwealth desire.

The goal of civilization is to create a new civilization of a traditional type; the purpose of the empirical transition is to nurture the best people among us and educate them in the ways of traditional thinking so they are ready to create the new society of our future. This process will take longer than one generation, and if done correctly, will have none of the problems of revolutions and other destructive transfers of power. As a matter of opinion, our empire has not had a sane government for so long that we have forgotten that it is like living under rule of an order that sustains us and nurtures us toward health. Modern society, like all great evils, hides itself behind pleasant illusions that have only long term consequences, much like the deception of any truth with flaws unknown. Societies thrive on doing what is right by an order that includes civilization, but is not limited to it. There is no division of thought into science, or as many independent disciplines; there is one worldview, and into it all kinds of suitable educations. Both past and future societies will be traditional: these principles are eternal, and any logical society will discover them if it survives long enough. These worldviews suggest that there is an order to the universe which we can discover by examining the consistency of its response to our actions, and if the responses are consistent, there will always be some way of enduring the world that is irrefutably more fitting than others -- we call these ways fate in that they are better bound to reality. In the realm, there is a cosmic order, or reason to the universe, and we fit ourselves into that, and try to do what is right by that order that also advances us. We think less in terms of strict boundaries like the individual, or society, or nature, but recognize all three as interdependent and that actions which serves the interests of all three at the same time turn about to be the best for each. Servants do not pride themselves before the order; there is no linear top-tobottom order to the collective as there seems to be where money and popularity are concerned.

The creative life in traditional societies does not conceive of his or her role in terms of themselves vs. society, themselves vs. world or vs him or herself; actions are not judged on ethics as much as they will be assessed by how close they are to the order, and therefore, how likely they are to be able to achieve order. Actions that are more in touch with progress advanced the individual, or his or her lineage, while hasty actions cause stagnation and loss. moral systems undermine the logic of any action. Truth and Consequence Money is incorrect and no means to an end, not as a reason for ethical actions. In modern time one cannot say it serves the prime directive. Our great societies are neither capitalistic nor socialistic, but a mixture of the two rooted in the idea of having a higher value system than the society. Voting is used to determine some choices, and citizens always have rights, but these rights/votes aren't a reason for an action -- if the citizens call for a great travesty, or if the rights of an individual conflicted with public need, those votes/rights would be ignored, even if you are a leader by profession. Traditional societies place people into careers, and nurture them, through a system of birthrights and social-casting which prevents the need for a modern economy. In truth everyone born has a birthright to some profession and unless they were grossly incompetent, would serve in that position for life. This lessened economic competition and allowed artisans to focus on the details that open market competition does not reward, like making exceptional products instead of competitive substandard ones. Antiques are individually intricate and more so specialized. Divergence of Separation Traditional societies create caste systems. Castes are hereditary groupings of professionals. They allow a society to concentrate people with certain abilities together and to encourage them to breed future generations to have those same abilities. We will always need leaders, warriors, artisans and laborers; when one gives each group a divinely-sanctioned role in the traditional order, there is no longer a need to compete on the basis of money and one is able to perpetuate the production of superior individuals for each task. Leaders often make poor artisans and so is conversely true. Hence, the separation. There was a caste for leadership and religion and philosophy; there was a caste for warriors and officers and artisans; finally, there was a caste for laborers and merchants. This is in direct contradiction of our modern society, which places merchants and entertainers and professional athletes above the rest of us. Pleasing those who need entertainment is not as important as organizing/leading society to complement the traditional order. As part of this structuralist system of thought, traditional societies have favored heritage and identity over the corrosion of conformity. Each nation was organized according to cultural similarity, and then eventually ethnic characteristics and possibly morals of command. Part of this Utopian system of thought, favors lineage and identity over unity.

Each nation was organized according to its ethnic similarities, among those of the same race. Ruled by emperors who ruled over kings who presided over a number of local lords who in turn administered local cities, towns, villages and geographic holds. The emperor did not directly command kings, nor did they directly command lords, but would pass down edicts and needs and allow those to be implemented according to the standards of the local community. In this view, traditional societies should become naturally a complete denouncement of materialism, seen throughout as a diminutive worldview, in contrast to the accepted ideals of tradition. Materialism causes us to eventually forsake the divine mindset of traditional order, and encourages the production of callous and dishonorable people who will form a social order that denies the noble endeavors of the highest states of mind, art, learning and spirit. Triumph and Clarity Traditional societies become reborn, and from this, a spirit of cooperation and constructive behavior often becomes the means to triumph over the immoral corrupt behavior of the reign of terror. In traditional societies, life is encouraged to rise and is rewarded with its own success when it does. Among other advantages, traditional societies understand the existential questions of individuals with the common good of society by coming up with a system that rewarded more enlightened mindsets and did not give approval to the greedy, selfish, hateful, and parasitic outlooks it saw as evil. In contrast to modern societies, which deal exclusively with the material, traditional societies put to their rulers to create the energy for the revolution. Traditional societies see civilization as an organic entity in which all parts depend upon each other and nature. The idea of introducing rewards that anger internal elements against one another can be seen as insane, although this competition is heartily encouraged. These affairs give a sense of fair play, of honesty and of a goal beyond simple accomplishment. They desire unifying the individual mind with the organic order of tradition, and thus not only rewarding the body but the spirit with the knowledge of that which was once imagination, so each life has a defined purpose. As modern time progresses the simplicity defines it's structure. A polluted world with more people than needed for manageable self support begin to notice the burdens of overpopulation and begin to search for rational solutions as one does in such circumstances, and being thick/obtuse/stupid and of low moral and physical quality; unavoidably use up too much land, and in many atrocious ways disturb native ecosystems and exterminate its species. Even worse, often as climate change haunts them, their leaders give lies all while many let these offenses continue. Within our collective society we are not happy. We work more than in traditional societies and are subject to aggressive competition from all angles, which requires increasing amounts of our time if we want to live in non-criminal, nontoxic, non-outlying areas and thus have a chance to raise our families well. Our society turns us against each other and over power we feud as do any animal.

Not surprisingly, this produces a neurotic population with low self-confidence. They distract themselves with material possessions, entertainment and status, but have trouble getting to sleep at night; these people may confess they feel on some subliminal level that they have traded their time for something cherished yet valueless and begin to exhaust their living conditions, and through that action experience a harrowed life. By our own means they have all the material comforts, but are never satisfied. Each cycle more souls recognize that modern society is inherently disgusting and that it's proudest claims to its crudest level, have been encouraging their own decay for the profit of a few who will ultimately not escape the disaster they are creating. Disciples of Conformity Those of us whose thoughts are our own are no longer thinking of solutions within society, but how to replace it with something that works better. The best of our thinkers from the ancients through the modern philosophers agree begrudgingly to ideas of a traditional civilization, that which without them would take a descending path toward degradation, poverty, failure, and eventually war. The emperors are like kids behaving badly when a teacher's back is turned; eventually having to face the mess they've made. High and low are often told that the evil in the world can be eliminated through War, but that does not suffice; rather, everything we feared about our enemies binds our judgment. A problem not as simple as one political idea versus another, but unforeseeable solutions since one deserves the other. These efforts bridge modern society with this new way of modern successful life. When and if we desire to study different castes and separate them so each may live autonomously and determine its own future; we want to bring out the best in all of our populations. We want to make a sane life not just for profits, but for all and our environment. Modern society is crass, and should reward us for our spirituality and personality traits that are unique and honorable. Each day, we get closer to this goal, as more people turn away from modern methods as they become unworkable. We will get even closer as more people realize that our ultimate goal is a traditional society and not some intermediate state -- diversity, capitalism or socialism, conservatism or liberalism, holism or separation -- and that we must measure our ultimate objectives and be confident. This life away from a scape of progress takes us towards a way of doing things correctly that fits into any era, the ideals of society are given context and seen for what they deserve. The joys driven into us by years of inconceivable propaganda and cynical entertainment. An ethical goal is to fix the problems of modern society by replacing it, and only with that knowledge does patriotism not only make sense but becomes inherently desirable.

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