A Nation Divided

  • June 2020
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A Nation Divided Running head: A NATION DIVIDED

A Nation Divided Julie C. Moon Grand Canyon University Old Testament History BIB 113H October 15, 2009


A Nation Divided A Nation Divided Kings of Israel or Northern Kingdom King

Dates of Reign




Kept or Violated



22 Yrs Violated



2 Yrs Violated



24 Yrs Violated



2 Yrs Violated



7 Days Violated



12 Yrs Viloated

He led the revolt of the ten tribes of Shechem. His false religion caused Israel to Sin. His false alter was destroyed, his arm paralyzed, and his son stricken by God due to his sin. He was stricken with a plague from God and died. He was the son of Jeroboam. He was assassinated by a rebel named Baasha. He killed Nadab. He fought with Asa and built a wall to cut off trade to Jerusalem. He was rejected by God because of his sin. His seed was predicted to suffer the same judgment as that of Jeroboam. He was the son of Baasha. He was assassinated by the commander of his royal chariot troops while he was drunk. He fulfilled prophecy by slaughtering all the seeds of Baasha. He was trapped by rebel soldiers in his own palace, resulting in a fiery suicidal death. He made Samaria the northern capital. He was the most powerful king up to his time. He arranged the marriage of his son


A Nation Divided



22 Yrs Violated



2 Yrs Violated



12 Yrs Violated



28 Yrs Violated

Ahab to Jezebel. He married Jezebel. His Baal-worshiping practices caused a great famine to fall upon the land. He tricked godly king Jehoshaphat into a twofold compromise- matrimonial and military alliance. His death for his many sins was predicted by three prophets. The death of Jezebel was also predicted. He was killed in battle with Syria. He was the oldest son of Ahab and Jezebel. He persuaded Jehoshaphat to enter into a ship-building enterprise with him. He suffered a severe fall, which proved fatal, in his palace in Samaria. He turned to the pagan god Baal-Zebub for healing, but received instead condemnation. He was the youngest son of Ahab and Jezebel. He persuaded Jehoshaphat to ally with him against Syria. He was on the throne when God used the four lepers to save the city of Samaria from starvation. He was also the king with whom the Syrian leper Naaman met. He was finally murdered by Jehu in the Valley of Jezreel. He was anointed by Elisha and ordered to execute the dynasty of Ahab, which included Jehoram and Jezebel. He executed


A Nation Divided



17 Yrs Violated



16 Yrs Violated

Jeroboam II


41 Yrs Violated



6 Months Violated

Jehoram, Ahaziah, the sixth king of Judah, and Jezebel. He also executed the seventy sons of Ahab along with their descendants and friends. Finally, by trickery, he assembled all the priest of Baal in a large convention hall in Jezreel, where he ordered the slaughter of each priest. He was the son of Jehu. His army was wiped out by the Syrians. He experienced a brief period of remorse over his sins, but apparently not genuine repentance. He was the son of Jehoahaz. He defeated Amaziah, the sixth king of Judah, on the battlefield. He led Amaziah back to Jerusalem as a captive and left the city, taking both wealth and hostages. He was visited by Elisha on his deathbed. He was the son of Jehoash. He ruled longer than any other northern ruler and was also one of the most powerful kings of the north. He recovered much of Israel’s lost territory. Jonah the prophet lived and ministered during this time. He was the son of Jeroboam II, great-greatgrandson of Jehu, and the fourth ruler in his dynasty. He was murdered by a rebel named Shallum, thus


A Nation Divided



1 Month Violated



10 Yrs Violated



2 Yrs Violated



20 Years Violated



9 Yrs Violated

filling God’s prophecy against Jehu. He was murdered by a cruel soldier named Menahem. He was one of Israel’s most brutal dictators. He rewarded any opposition on the part of his subjects by a wholesale slaughter, including the riping open of pregnant women. He bought off the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser with a two-million-dollar bribe. He was the son of Menahem. He was assassinated by his army commander, Pekah. He joined Syria in an unsuccessful attack against the Judean king Ahaz. He ruled for twenty years although only eight years are in view here. His first twelve years were shared by a co-regency arrangement with both Menahem & Pekahiah. Pekah was assassinated by Hoshea. He was Israel’s final king. He joined with Egypt in rebelling against Assyria. For this he was imprisoned and the people were exiled to Assyria.


A Nation Divided Kings of Judah or Southern Kingdom King

Dates of Reign




Kept or Violated


931-914 B.C.

17 Yrs






41 Yrs Kept



25 Yrs Kept

3 Yrs Violated

He was the son of Solomon. His stupidity and tactlessness sparked the civil war. He had eighteen wives and sixty concubines; they gave him twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters. He sees his capital, Jerusalem, invaded by Shishak. He defeated, by supernatural intervention, the northern king, Jeroboam on the battlefield. In spite of God’s help at this time, he later degenerated into a wicked king. He was Judah’s first righteous, saved, king and lead Judah in a revival. God answered his prayers. He even deposed his own grandmother because of her idolatry. He later backslid and threw into prison a prophet who had rebuked his sin. He died with a foot disease, which problem he refused to take to God. He was the second righteous king of Judah. He instituted a nationwide Bible education program by sending out teachers of the Word of God. He later marred his testimony by compromising with three ungodly northern kings. He appointed a religious


A Nation Divided









8 Yrs Violated

1 Yr Kept

6 Yrs Violated

40 Yrs Kept

director and civil director, thus recognizing the separation of church and state. He married Athaliah, daughter of Jezebel and Ahab. He began his reign by murdering his six brothers. He received a posthumous message from Elijah predicting judgment upon him because of his wicked and murderous reign. He was attacked and defeated by the Philistines and Arabians. He died of a horrible disease and was unmourned at the funeral. He was the son of Joram and Athaliah. He was killed by Jehu, the tenth northern king. She was the mother of slain king, Ahaziah. After the death of her son, she took over the throne of Judah and slaughtered all of his children except one who was hidden from her. After a rule of six years, she herself was executed. He was the surviving heir of Athaliah’s bloodbath. For a while, he lived for God, but later became a cruel leader. He sanctioned the stoning of Zechariah, the godly Jewish priest who had rebuked Judah’s sin and called for national repentance. He was executed by his own palace guard. He was the son of Joash.


A Nation Divided Amaziah


29 Yrs Kept



52 Yrs Kept



16 Yrs Kept



16 Yrs Violated



29 Yrs Kept

He was a good king for a while, and executed the men who had assassinated his father. He was rebuked by a prophet for hiring some mercenary Israeli soldiers to help him fight against Edom. He reluctantly dismissed these paid soldiers and, with God’s help, defeated Edom with his own soldiers. He foolishly brought back some of the Edomite gods for worshiping purposes. The reckless king then declared war on northern Israel and was soundly defeated. He was a mighty warrior and builder. He attempted to intrude into the office of the priest, however, he was punished for this sin by leprosy. He was a good king. He built the upper gate of the Temple and erected fortresses and towers. He defeated the Ammonites and received a huge annual tribute of silver and wheat from them. He was perhaps the second worse king of Judah. He sacrificed his own children to devilish gods. He was the first person to hear about the virgin birth. He was Judah’s second best king and the richest of all. He organized the greatest Passover celebration since Solomon. He saw the


A Nation Divided



55 Yrs Violated



2 Yrs Violated







31 Yrs Kept

3 Months Violated

11 Yrs Violated

death angel defeat the Assyrian enemies which had surrounded Jerusalem. He was supernaturally healed of a terminal disease and given an additional fifteen years to live. He foolishly showed the wealth of Judah to some nosy Babylonian ambassadors. He ruled longer than any other king of north or south. He was the worst, most wicked king of all. He experienced the new birth while in an enemy prison. He is the son of Manasseh. He, like his father, is a wicked sinner, but he did not repent. He was executed by his own household servants. He was the godliest king since David. He was Judah’s last godly king. The book of Moses was discovered in the Temple during his reign. He led his people in a great revival. He was killed in a battle with the Egyptians. He was the middle son of Josiah. His reign was evil and short lived. He was deposed after only ninety days by the Pharaoh who killed his father. He was carried into Egyptian captivity where he eventually died. He was the oldest brother of Jehoahaz. He was put on the throne by the Egyptian Pharaoh. He


A Nation Divided





3 Months Violated

11 Yrs Violated

was probably Judah’s third worst king; he was very materialistic and selfcentered. He murdered the innocent and often persecuted Jeremiah, the prophet. He burned a copy of a part of God’s Word. At his death, he received the burial of an ass, as Jeremiah had predicted. He was the son of Jehoiakim and the grandson of Josiah. He was an evil king and because of this, he incurred a curse from God, stating that his sons would not sit upon Judah’s throne. He was carried away into Babylonian captivity where he eventually died. He was the youngest son of Josiah and uncle to Jehoiachin. Jeremiah was persecuted during his reign. He rebelled against Babylon and for this he was blinded and carried off as a captive to Babylon. Jerusalem was burned to the ground and the Temple destroyed at this time.


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