A Mega Event

  • June 2020
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A VISIT TO AN INDUSTRIAL EXIHIBITION A Mega Event (1st Time in Mubarak Colony REC History) organized by the RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTRE SENIOR BRANCH MUBARAK COLONY HYDERABAD SINDH, PAKISTAN. In this event the whole REC corridor was permanently decorated by pictures of our Da’i, Imams, AKDN Institutions, and history which were ollected by REC Teachers and Management. All classrooms were decorated by REC Students with glass painting and charts regarding their course work. After the visit of REC there was a Fun Fair which was organized also by Activity Committee, Students, AVD Committee, Teachers and Management of REC. There were so many games related to Fun and Religious. Publication stall and Food stall were also there. There was a play which was organized by 10th Class in this they show Reality of our Society through role plays and there was a movie show (Imams Diff Movies) organized by AVD Committee. The main purpose for organizing this Mega event is any parent or student who come here just for visit can gain knowledge with the help of this Permanent Exhibition……… It is really an excellent opportunity to learn about our Islamic & Ismailia History. Thanks and congratulations to all Teachers, Students, Activity Committee, AVD, Rovers (for Security purpose of Fun Fair) and Management Of MREC for organizing such a great and excellent event.

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PAKISTAN AND CHINA RELATIONSHIP /CONNECTION Both their friendship unbreakably strong, Both their friendship unstoppably long, Such a friendship, more valuable than gold, All Pakistanis and Chinese, all the young and the old, From the past, from the ages of our elder ones, Such a friendship, such a truthful one stuns, This friendship outstands any other, in front of our eyes, So truthful, so strong, there are no lies, For Pakistan and China friendship to live on, standing beside are us, me and you, We see this friendship perfect itself, as I said truthful and strong, it's all true! This friendship, our elders have seen, They know all; they know what it means, Now it's our time, us young ones, you and me, We have to learn a lot, many things we have to see, China will always be our friend, I know that, you know that, friends from beginning to no end! The China Connection By Shahid Javed Burki 2009-09-18

In a long one-to-one conversation with President Asif Ali Zardari late last year I talked about Pakistan’s economic relations with China, one of the two large countries that borders Pakistan. The other, of course, is India. The president said that it was his wish to put the relations with China on firmer footings rather than on [Type text]



ad hoc developments of the links that marked the past. I thought then-and continue to believe even more strongly now-that the president was on the right track. Pakistan needed to develop a strategic relationship with its large neighbor. Pakistan should see China as an opportunity not as a competitor in the global market place. However, in order to make this dream real. Policy-makers in Islamabad needed to develop a fuller appreciation of what was happening in China and how that would affect Pakistan. There is conventional thinking and then there is unconventional thinking about China’s economic future and how it will influence the world. Conventional thinking accepts the fact that China’s rate of economic growth will continue to outpace by a wide margin the rate of increase in America’s gross domestic product. Inevitably, even though the size of the Chinese GDP at the end of the first decade of the 21st century is about a third of the United States’, it will equal that of the latter in about a couple of decades. If the present trend continues it will overtake the United States before the 21st century is too old, perhaps as early as 2030. Conventional wisdom also accepts the fact that in matching the size of the US economy in the coming decades, China will have departed significantly from the well established pattern. On previous occasions the catching up was done by the economies that were not very dissimilar from the one that was in the lead. This happened when France caught up with Britain after the latter had taken off because of the industrial revolution. Germany came next and then the United States. The Soviet Union tried to catch up with the western economies in the second half of the 20th century by adopting a very different model of economic growth. It failed spectacularly. But China is likely to succeed. What makes this catching up very different from the earlier ones is that it will be done by a very populous country that will remain poor in terms of per capita income terms. The consequences of this event will be very different than those that resulted from the previous catch-up [Type text]



periods. As to how China will maintain this extraordinary growth path is a question that begins to separate conventional thinking from the unconventional wisdom. The first major difference between these two points of views concerns the links between China and the western world. According to conventional wisdom, China’s growth model will keep it dependent on the markets of the developed world. If these falter for some reason, China will be unable to maintain its hectic pace of growth. And if the rate of growth falters, China will have to deal with a slow down in the rate of growth in employment. In fact, it may have to deal with massive layoffs of workers. The current slow down has cost 20 million workers their jobs. If this trend persists there may be social unrest which the Chinese system may not be able to absorb. Unconventional thinking suggests that the future growth of the Chinese economy will forge new relationships between China and Asia in particular and that the process may have already begun. Some recent economic data about the way the “second rise of China” is affecting the Asian economies has already begun to lend substance to the second view, the unconventional one. I have used the phrase “China’s second rise” in some of my earlier writings to distinguish it from the one that propelled China to the front of the global economic system. China became the world’s industrial workshop, producing cheaply manufactured goods for consumption in the United States and Europe. Those links had profound influences on the western economies. Exports from China resulted in the restructuring of the international production system as firms relocated their production facilities by closing down operations in the old industrial countries and relocating them in China. Politicians began to call this process “exporting of jobs” and railed against it. It became a major issue in the contest for the American presidency in 2008. [Type text]



There were well noted results of China’s first rise. By exporting cheap products to the western markets China contributed to the low rate of inflation in these countries. Interest rates also remained low which helped firms to borrow and invest in the process of restructuring in which they were engaged. By exporting much more than it was importing, the Chinese built up large foreign exchange reserves. When the current crisis began in the West, Beijing held $2.1 trillion of reserves. The crash of the western economies had the expected consequences for the Chinese economy. The West has not fully noticed that the way the Chinese are stimulating their economy will make it less reliant on the export industries on which it relied so heavily in the past. Beijing has used both the government’s budget and the state controlled banks to pump money into the economy. While most of the public sector money has gone into building new infrastructure, the banks have lent for investing in increasing the capacity of the economy to increase production. The government is putting almost $600 billion into the construction of infrastructure while the banks have doled out more than $1 trillion in loans in the first half of this year. More will come in the second half. There are two pints about the Chinese economic effort that most analysts have missed but are of tremendous significance for the global economy. Citigroup recently increased its estimate for annual Chinese economic growth to 8.7 percent in 2009 from 8.2 percent, and to 9.8 percent in 2010 from 8.8 percent. For the first time the catalyst of global economic revival is coming from China in pulling the world economy from the deepest recession since the Second World War. Second, China is pulling with it the rest of developing Asia. Exports to China from East Asian economies rose 18.7 percent in the second quarter of 2009, according to customs data, a sharp turnaround from the 16.2 percent drop recorded in the previous quarter. There is no doubt that the centre of gravity of the global economy has begun to shift towards China. Islamabad should begin to understand the changes taking place in China to develop a sound strategy concerning its [Type text]



relations with that country.

LABOUR PROBLEM IN PAKISTAN CHILD LABOUR PROBLEM Early in the morning when the children put on school uniforms and go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economic life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet. These are also part of our society who have forgotten the pleasures of their childhood. When a child in addition to getting education, earns his livelihood, this act of earning a livelihood is called as child Labour. The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child Labour as: 1- when a child is working during early age 2- he overworks or gives over time to Labour 3- he works due to the psychologically, socially, and materialistic pressure 4- he becomes ready to Labour on a ver

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Essay Child Labour is a complex problem which demands a range of solutions. There is no better way to prevent child Labour than to make education compulsory. The West understood this a long time ago. Laws were enacted very early to secure continued education for working children; and now they have gone a step forward, and required completion of at least the preliminary education of the child before he or she starts work.y low


'Quality education key to socio-economic problems' KARACHI (APP) - Federal Minister for Labour and Manpower, Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah has said that the quality education and skill development is the only answer to all social and economic problems of the country. As a step forward, his Ministry has planned to introduce model technical institutes for children of workers where those students who do not opt for science group subjects after class 8 would be given two years compulsory technical training in different trades to make them mentally productive and acceptable in the market. “No Government can arrange jobs further for BAs and MAs having no skill. We can also export our human resources with their proper development,” the Minister said while speaking at a seminar on “Industrial Relations Act (IRA) 2008: A Charter for Harmonious Relations or a Harbinger Of Industrial Chaos” organised by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry here at the Federation House on Saturday.

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