A Low Cost Monolithic Accelerometer

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A Low Cost Monolithic Accelerometer S. J. Sherman, W.K. Tsang, T. A. Core, D.E. Quinn Analog Devices Semiconductor

Wmington, MA 01887 1. INTRODUCTION The ADXLSO is a complete scaled and temperature compensatedsurface micro-machined accelerometer with an output voltage proportional to acceleration. Full scale measurement range is +50g, with unpowered shock survival at 2000g. Ultimately, signal span accuracy of 5% should be possible for a temperature range of -55°C to +125OC and a supply range of 5V kO.25V. Bandwidth up to 1.5KHz is programmable with a single external capacitor. A digitally activated self-test will elecuostaticnllydeflect a functional beam so that a -5Og acceleration is indicated. An uncommitted amplifier, with rail-to-rail output range, and a reference allow re-scaling and offsetting of the raw output signal (1.8V fl.OV at f50g). Capacitors can be introduced in the gain network surrounding the uncommitted amp so that 2 poles of low pass filtering are possible without the addition of offchip active circuitry. The ADXL5O's objective specifications were crafted for crash detection in second generation automotive air bag systems which rely on single point sensing and per model programmable crash signature analysis for dramauc system cost reduction.



The sensor beam is electrostatically force-balanced so that the inertial force, F~=ma,is primarily balanced by a net electrostatic force, FE, created by a change in the beam voltage. As will be explained, this beam voltage change, AVo, is linearly related to acceleration, a, with the sensitivity being

&= a whae

m ~ A & V R (+~ l/r)


Q = capacitor gap m = beam m a s

T = loop gain AP = plate area G, = permittivty of nitrogen VR = In DC voltage difference between the outer plates Figure 2. is a simplified system diagram representing the essential elements in a forced-balanced scheme. Complementary lMHz square waves, centered around VR and -VR are applied to the outer plates of the sensor. The low input capacitance buffer is to prevent loading of the sensor. The synchronous demodulatord e w & and amplifies the lMHz beam node signal proportional to beam deflection. The low pass filter removes 2MHz spiking, a result of the demodulation process, and sets a dominant loop pole for overall frequepcy compensation. Two concurrent processes exist at the beam node; 1. position sensing, at 1MHz. For a uanslating center plate and fixed outer plates, an ideal parallel plate treatment reveals that output per unit deflection is f m t order linear, i.e.


Figure 1. is a depiction of the sensor's essential functional elements, which are formed from a single layer of patterned polysilicon @rocesscd on a h y a of sacrificialoxide 1.6 um thick). The elements stand on the subsaate at "anchor" points, a result of pre-patterned holes in the sacrificial oxide. The sensor. a differential capacitor, exists in a "moat" area,roughly 6OOum x 400um. with intemnnections from the beam elements to points external to the moat accomplished by N+ emitter diffusions. The large (by IC standards) nominal lateral capacitor




The sensor's low cost objective, ultimately S5 in automotive volumes, dictates a technology base that includes, 1. a monolithic approach. with integrated sensor and BiMOS inteaface circuitry 2. small chip size, 120x120 mil2 3. utilization of familiar materials and production proCeSSeS 4. the simplest possible mechanical structure. a single layer of self-supportingpatterned polysilicon above the subsaate surface 5. standardpackaging 6. exploitation of established technique, laser wafer rimmed (LWT) thin film resistors, for achieving performance objectives


gaps, 1.3um. between the outer plates and the common center plate, and the low permittivity of dry nitrogen. necessitate the paralleling of 42 unit cells to achieve 0.1 pf for each side of the differential capacitor. At that sensor source impedance level adequate signal-to-noise performance is possible.

1992Symposium on VLSl Circuits Digest of Technical Papers

where Vp is peak carrier amplitude and x is deflection b m ater,

2. force projection on the beam,accomplishedby a nonzero value of Vo applied to the beam through the 3 megohm resistor (R). The large value of resistance prevents the lMHz signal, sourced by only the 0.2pf. from being reduced through loading. The lMHz beam node signal is a classical error signal which is driven to zero by the global negative feedback


Authorized licensed use limited to: National Science Council. Downloaded on July 6, 2009 at 22:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

loop, ivhich adjusrs Lro to create the net elecuosuuc force balancmg the inerual force, with equilibnum at I = 0. For a two parallel plates, the attractive electrostauc force is F = E, ApV2/?_d2 10


are set with 200K resistors. The pre-amp IS a low accuracy space etficient insuumencation amplifier. The self-test current, I,,, is routed into RST . In the absence of accelerauon the loop output V, wiil adjust so the beam node is at 1.W. FE = 0, and x = 0. At that condmon

For the beam, the net force is the sum of attractive forces each of the outer plates,

FE = 2Ap€ovRvd&2


if the outer plates are biased at VR and - L'R, the center phte (beam')& biased at V,, and the beam remains centered, X = 0. Then

Loop gain is trimmed at R p l . X wafer level full scale acceleration mm technique under development leads to a calculated change in beam voltage required to force balance 50g full scale acceleration. With this calculated value, RP2 can be trimmed so that a 1V change is observed at V, for a 5Og input. 5.


Typical measured performance for the ADXLSO,observed Variables appearing in equation (5) are temperature stable in a 5% accuracy context. (V, is slaved from a 10ppm/"C reference.) For finite loop gain. T, the sensitivity takes the form of equation (l), with a 1 + 1 nterm in the denominator. The DC loop gain, To, is, in fact, trimmed 10 a value of 10. yielding a predictable bandwidth and adequate temperature desensitization of factors in the expression for To, such as carrier amplitude. Figure 3, is a more detailed blcck diagram representative of the chip organization. The carrier generator, a resistively loaded differential pair of bipolars, provides complemenraxy lMHz square waves which are AC coupled through 5Opf capacitors to the inputs of the sensor. E€ plate voltages (3.4V and 0.2V)

at the pre-amp output,follows. (Full scale output, F.S.O., is defined as 1OOg. or +50g, with a corresponding 2V


-55>T>125oC sensitivity dnft, 3.0% sensitivity PSRR, 60dB 4.15>Vs>5.25V zero - g drift, lOOmV -55>T>125"C zero - g PSRR, 48dB 4.75>Vp5.3V BW = lKHz noise. p-p, 1% F.S.O. transverse sensitivity, 2% shock sunival 2000g. 100pec >16OOg, 500psec (equipment limited) Photo 1 is a comparison of outputs from a shaker reference accelerometer (top) and the ADXLSO (bottom) for 20g, 100Hz excitation.

1 1




+ U-


1992 Symposium on VLSl Circuits Digest of Technical Papers 0

Authorized licensed use limited to: National Science Council. Downloaded on July 6, 2009 at 22:40 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


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