A Lovestory 4a Lifetime.

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 4,724
  • Pages: 17
Everyone isz lookin' and hopin' for one thing.. for just one thing which can give usz great satisfaction in life in thisz world full of pretentionsz and doubt. for that one thing that cud be an anszwer to million questionsz. that one thing we called "LOVE". It'sz been really a great day. Sitting under a big tree,, gazing up on the sky where the sun wasz hidin' on those thick cloudsz. Watching little birdsz asz they fly up high to reach the blue sky and touchesz those soft cloudsz. Listenin' to their sweet little voice asz they hum a sweet lullaby which simultaneuosly sing with the warmth breeze of the wind. Watched those single branchesz asz they dance gracefully to the tune of the gentle wind. Countin' each leavesz which silently falling down on the ground. It wasz a total silence. A real perfect moment when you can szay that the world isz all yoursz. But maybe,, it will be much better if you have someone on your side to share your world with. Someone who isz willing to hold you tight,, closzely to hisz heart and will never let you go what ever happensz. Someone who will szurely make you complete and happy every single moment of your life and will never let even one teardrop to fallsz from eyes. Someone who isz willing to offer hisz szhoulder for you to cry on whenever you want to and ease your pain whenever you're hurt. Someone who isz ready to do and sacrifice everything for you,, and you for him too. Someone who will ownz your heart and take care of it like a fragile thing. Someone,, you,, yourself could loved for the reszt of your life,, till the end comesz by itszelf. I wiszhed that someone isz here,, sitting beszide me,, holdin' my hand tightly,, exchangin' simple yet sweet thoughtsz with me and szharin' deep smiles that could melt my heart out. Hearin' him szayin' a vow that he will alwaysz sztay that way,, lovin' me. I will lean on to hisz zshoulder and we will watch those little birdsz asz they flock their soft feathersz in the air. Gaze upon the clear blue wide sky and ride on cloud ninesz together.

Izsn't it sound szo szweet and romantic..? Asz if you really want to hug thosze moment and locked it up inside your heart forever,, so no one could be able to steal it away from you. Memoriesz you will be proud of to have once upon a time of your life. But why love seemsz szo far away from me..? Why can't I reach out for it,, grab it with my palm and hold it inszide my closzed and empty heart..? Why that someone seemsz szo out of sight for me to szee him clearly..? To touchesz hisz face and to hear him szayin' thosze magical wordsz I long to hear. "Katie." Isz she heard someone'sz calling out her name or it'sz jszt a part of her dream..?! "Katie..!" Oh-ohH.. sOmeone wasz really calling out for her.. She suddenly awaken to reality.. She saw Yayie running towardsz her place,, waving and wearing a big smile for her. She sat down on her side,, breathing heavily. Yayie wasz her besztfriend for yearsz and she can szay that there's no secretsz keepin' them apart.. For they've known each other szo well even in every bit detailsz. They undersztand and trust easch othersz like siztersz and facin' every problem asz one. Szhe gazes at her and smile. Somethimesz,, she admit that she felt jealousz of her.. And why not..? She almozst had everything.. Wealthy lifestyle,, szo lovin' parentsz,, admirable perszonality,, a perfect life. Well,, she can szay that szhe had all the szame thingsz,, but what szhe had none and her besztfriend hasz wasz a lovin' and a perfect boyfriend. Ha-ha. Silly her..

Szhe knowsz bein' single waszn't that big deal. But sometimesz,, she can't help it thinkin' and wonderin' how doesz it feel to have that special someone who will accepts and lovesz her for what she isz and she'sz not. "Hey,, why are you lookin' at me like that..?! Don't tell me,, you are fallin' in- love with me already huh.. ohH my God Katie..!" She said grinning. She loves playing stupid jokesz to Katie since she almoszt know what'sz running on her mind. "Silly you..! What a crap.. Stop kiddin' me that way sweetie.. I might make it true." Ridin' on and giving her besztgal an irresistable winked. They both ended up laughin' hard and givez each other a high-five on air. "Anyway,, thinkin' and dreamin' again about your special someone or throwin' the same questionsz about love on air..?" She knowsz for a fact that it maybe the only thing which incompletin' her besztfriend'sz life. "Both." She said casually. Well,, here they go again. Talkin' about the same thing,, same stupid stuff. "Look,, iM turnin' 18,, and yet,, never been in Love..?!! Hahah.." It'sz not that she wasz szo depresz to fall in love or be loved or whatever it isz.. But the more she heard about it and how doesz it

feel,, and how doesz it makesz someone in a way she barely do undersztand,, the more she getsz curiousz to feel it on her own. She wantsz to know how it feelsz like to ride on cloud ninesz with that someone special. To see with her own eyesz thosze beautiful flowers shower like raindrops from heaven and be scatter on her way,, that maybe sprinkled by those cute little angelsz,, siblingsz of Cupid. She wantsz to hear a promisze of endlesz love comin' from the lipsz of that someone who will ownsz her heart and how it will bringsz shiver down her spinesz. She wazs dying to wake up one mornin' with a smile on her lipsz because of seein' hisz face lookin' at her behind her mind,, and hearin' him szayin' "goodmornin'" in a szweet gentle voice that will make her day complete. And ofcourse,, to ended up her long tiring day thinkin' of him atleast before she closzes her eyesz for a sweet dream,, hopin' she could hold him tightly even just in her dreamsz. Hopelesz romantic,, am i soundsz..? or whatever you may call me. But whenever she thought of those momentsz that maybe,, she could only have once in her life,, she alwaysz end up hopin' that juszt like fairytale'sz lovestory,, her own lovestory will have a szo-called "happily ever after" tOo. "Sisz,, look,, everything hasz it'sz right time.. and mybe,, it'sz not yet the time for love to go on knockin' your way.. Besidesz,, you're still young. You shouldn't be ruszhin' thingsz to happen. You don't have to stop lookin' and searchin' for it on every corner you're paszin' by. Remember,, what you had tell me..? Love includesz waiting and not searchin'.. it'sz like emer---" "---gency callsz. When you're in,, you can't just back out and leave. Once you're there,, prepare yourself to be happy,, to sacrifice,, to take riszks,, get hurt and cry. Then when will i ever receive an emergency call..?!"

She wantsz to cry her heart out because she feels like no one can understand why she'sz szo eager to fall in love while some isz kind of afraid to experienced it and some even hatin' and curszin' lovin'. "Before aszkin' when,, aszks yourself first if you are really ready for it. Hmmmm.. Alright. Take it easy sweetie.. Maybe,, all you have to do isz open up your eyesz to be able to see that someone whom you doesn't recognize but juszt hangin' around with you,, waiting and hopin' that you'll finally see him asz someone who isz ready to love you exactly the way you wanted. Next,, why don't you try to listen carefully on what hisz szincere heart isz tryin' to szay and give time to listen yoursz tOo instead of keep throwin' questionz on air. Last,, are you szure nobody hasz already had hisz place here..?" Yayie's fingertip pointin' directly to her heart. She got twisted. Quietly wonderin'. "What'sz thisz girl talkin' about...." She wasz about to szay what'sz on her mind when they heard someone'sz callin' from a distance. "Speakin' of.." Yayie whispered. She suddenly hold her mouth and smile at Katie who wasz still look szo puzzled. "Errhh siztah,, there'sz Rhon,, i think you two had something to talk about. And OMG,, i forgot we have a date of Ethan.. Bye.. See 'yah around." She givesz her a quick kisz and winked over Rhon then run away without waitin' any wordsz from Katie.

"Why that girl talkin' that way asz if she wanted to burst out something.. Szo weird.. Geezh." She said talkin' to herself without recognizin' Rhon'sz presence standin' patiently on her side. "Well,, Yayie'sz really a cray girl. She'sz alwaysz act that way and palyin' around like a naughty silly kid. There'sz nothing new with that,, so quit wonderin' sweetheart." He said.. Tryin' to get her attention. He sat beside her and look at her silently. Katie pouted her lipsz then turn on hisz side and caught him staring at her in a melting way. She smilesz. Like teasing him. That make hisz face turnsz red. He just smile back at her too to hide hisz embaraszment. Rhon isz like a big brother to them of Yayie. Only a year ahead on them. And like her,, he'sz still single and asz if no interest to any girls running after him. She doesn't know why and sometimes,, she'sz quitely wonderin' too. She remember aszkin' him why he never had a girlfriend though lots of girlsz sowin' intereszt to be hisz girl. Well,, she can't blame them for flirtin' with hisz bro tryin' to lure him and get hisz attention,, for he'sz really an ideal man to have. Good looking,, sweet,, thoughtful and szo caring. Anyway,, he just smile like that way he'sz smilin' at her right now and said,, "Because someone already ownsz him." pointin' through hisz heart. That makesz her wonder if he hasz a plan to enter a seminary someday.. But maybe not,, she wasz szo szure it wasz a girl he wasz talkin' about. Who myt be that lucky one then..? "Hey,, what for isz that big grin of yoursz huh..?"

He lightly tap her cheek. She then look at him and give him a sweet smile and said "nothing". She then lean on hisz shoulder and grab hisz hand. Playin' it'sz linesz with her fingertip. Then szhe gazed upon the sky before she have seen how doesz her simple but sweet actsz make him smile. He looksz at the szame direction and speak in a gentle voice. "Sweetie,, do you know that when God created usz,, He kept our heartsz with an invisible locked on it..? Then,, He lend each one of usz a key,, called by Cupid,, "key of love" to let usz search and look for the right someone who might be holdin' the right key which can unlock our heartsz. That someone who can real complete usz and give usz a kind of love that can never be measure by anything in thisz world. And if you finally find that someone,, and he'll be able to open up your heart,, szurely,, you're the one too who'sz holdin' the same key through hisz heart. Then,, the two of you are the ones that been binded by God to be officially together forever. And no matter what happensz,, you're stay that way lovin' each other all your life. Some may thought that they already find the right one only to realized that they've been wrong all along and ended up cryin' while lookin' to thosze broken piecesz of their heartsz. But despite of it,, they still have the gutsz to start their search all over again till they finally find the right lock which will suitted to the key they're holdin'. Because love isz like an endlesz journey. Full of searching,, but it will szurely worth everything." She wasz just silently staring up to him asz if she wasz listening into a mellow kind of music. He hasz a voice of an angel. You can feel the sincerity to what every wordsz he wasz saying. Hisz voice wasz asz calm asz an ocean,, asz cool asz the soft breeze of the wind. What a deep soul he hasz with in. Whenever he speaksz,, it asz if the whole world will stop turnin',, the time will cease and everything will be freeze. Can you imagine how gentle,, how deep and how sweet he soundsz..? "Hey,, don't you believe it,, do you..?" he said gently caressing her nose.

"Oh-ohh.. Ofcourse,, i do. You know that i am alwaysz vow over your romantic sayingsz dear. Anyway,, isz there someone who'sz been able to unlocked your heart by her key of love already..?" What a stupid question of her. She knowsz for a fact that he never had a girlfriend..! "I think szo...." he said with a low voice. A bit sight of sadnesz shown on hisz eyesz and Katie saw it. She looksz at him worried. He givesz her a timid smile asz if szayin',, "iT'sz nothing sweetie." "What do you mean,, you think szo..? That doesz mean you're not szure if she'sz really the one or what..?" "No. Actually,, she'sz all I ever wanted all my life. I know she'sz the only who can make me feel thisz way. the one who can only complete me and how i wished she'sz really the one who'sz meant for me for i never wanted any one else to loved but her and only her. And even if she'sz not the right girl for me,, who destined to be a part of my life for the rest of it,, I will still love her. With all i am. And do everything just to prove Him that I am the one who'sz meant to loved her and be with her no matter what." "So what isz the problem then..?" How lucky that girl wasz. How she silently wiszhed it wasz her. "The problem isz,, i don't have the gutsz to tell her how i feel." She remainsz quiet. Juszt staring on hisz face. Who knowsz what isz playin' on her mind. "Aahh.. That same face again..! I wonder how you manage to "just smile" all day long.. Izs that a paint..?!!" You don't know how thosze sweet and irresistable smile could melt my heart.

"Ofcourse not. A paint could fade away asz time paszes by. But i don't think my smile will do." then give him a naughty winked. "The only funny thing isz the "mere fact" that my Rhon,, the dream man of every girlsz out there doesn't know how to confess hisz so long feelingsz for the girl he have alwaysz wanted. I can't imagine how special that girl and she totally makes your tounge tied up. Hahaha.. Now,, i know,, woman isz really the weaknesz of every man..!" "I beg to disagree,, young lady. Well,, women should know that there'sz one thing moszt of usz men are afraid of.. Abszolutey,, afraid of. Any idea..?" She shrugged her shoulder and waited for him to continue. "That thing isz what we all called,, LOVE. Because love meansz commitment. And for usz men,, commitment meansz givin' up our own freedom,, our own happinesz for the one we loved." "Hmm.. I understand what you're trying to szay.. Szo you mean,, not all guysz out there,, szayin' they loved usz can't sacrifice and do everything for usz.. or i mean,, for the one they thought they loved..?" "Well,, maybe yesz.. But like what i wasz szayin',, moszt of men do.. But don't worry sweetie,, i belong to thosze few who can offer everything for the one i loved." He said holdin' her chin up and lookin' straight to her eyesz,, get through her heart like touchin' her soul deep down. It makes her feel conscious. And she doesn't understand why. Well,, she alwaysz feel comfortable whenever with him,, but right that moment,, he'sz geszturesz simply givin' him sweet shiversz with in. "Oh no. we're friends. We're JUSZT friendsz.. Stop dreamin' Katie."

"Good to hear that then bro. You should really be behavin' and never dare to make a woman cry,, or else.. hmm.. anyway,, can i know who isz she..? please.. even just a hint...." She aszks in a very sweet tone.. Rhon look away,, asz if thinkin' if it wasz the perfect moment to speak out hisz heart. "Uhm.. I think,, thisz isz it.. Katie...." He turned around to face her again and gently grab her handsz.. "It'sz y------" Suddenly,, a loud noise came after them. "It'sz time..! Oh,, sOrry bro,, but i got to go now.. Bye.. See 'yah around after my clasz.. Ok..? Takecare." She standsz up and kisz him on the cheek then rushed away.. Rhon sighz. He feelsz bad. In just a blink of an eye,, all the chancezs were laid in front of him,, but in just a ring of a bell,, he lossed it. He startsz walkin' away,, putted hisz handsz inside her pocket and take a laszt look on Katie'sz direction,, suddenly,, a smile shown up unto hisz lipsz. A day to go,, and a special event will finally knock on Katie'sz door. A magical day which will turn her into a lovely young lady. The moszt awaited moment for every girlsz' life. Eighteen rosesz will be scattered through her way and eighteen handsz of gentlemen will lay down in front of her azskin' for a princesz dance. It'sz her debut and everyone seemsz szo excited for her. But szhe waszn't feeling the

szame. Well,, maybe,, somehow,, she feelsz the excitement of turnin' into a lady,, but.. She can't help wonderin' about something--- or better szay,, about someone. She'sz quiet wonderin' if Rhon aren't get tired of running over and over unto her mind. He'sz expectin' him to be the first one who makesz her feel special since her "day" isz almoszt on her way,, but why he'sz nowhere around to be seen. What he'sz been up to and it seemsz he forget all about her. Since the last time they talked,, he never showed up again till thisz day. Geezshh.. Isz he hangin' around already with the girl he wasz saying who hooked up hisz heart and makesz him forget everything even her special day..?!! She'sz startin' to feel upset and disappointed. It'sz been a week since then. She even go and asked Yayie about him,, but she never get a satisfyin' answer with that silly girl who seemsz havin' fun on foolin' her mind. "Rhon..? Hmm.. I don't know with that guy.. But i bet,, he'sz preparin' for something and that makes him szo busy sweetie.. Maybe,, he wasz plannin' atlaszt to confesz hisz feelin' for hisz special someone.. You kno.." Geeesszhh.. Thisz iszn't fun at ol. What a nice timing. Hmpf. Whatever. Just be szure he will shown up on my party or else.. grr. I'll go think about it first. Finally,, her day comesz. Everything'sz settled and a grand entrance isz waiting for the princesz of the night.. Katie on her simple yet szo elegant dresz. She looksz gorgeousz and seemsz like a real princesz. It'sz like an ordinary flower isz finally bloom and turn into a beautiful rosze. Her fragrance are scattered everywhere for everyone to scent it. Everything'sz perfect. Except for one thing. Rhon isz still out of her sight. The party hasz been started and the dance go on.

"Where isz you..?!" she silently murmur to herself,, tryin' to look for him everywhere. He supposed to be hisz last dance,, but where poszibly isz he right now. What if he never showed up. She wasz about to cry. She'sz feelin' szo anxiousz. "What'sz botherin' the lovely celebrant..? Lookin' for Rhon..?" Ice aszked. Her seventeenth dance. "Huh..? Well,, uh uhm.. Ahm.. Ice,, you know that he supposed to be my laszt dance but up until now-----" "Here." he lend her a small card printed with roses. "He aszked me to give it to you asz soon asz i get here,, but unfortunately,, i cudn't be able to get a chance to give it to you not until thisz dance." he soundsz szo szorry. "Oh,, thankz to you Ice.. I thought he already forget about thisz." She smile at him. Asz their dance get over,, he held her on her elbow and lead her on a corner where she could sneak out of her party with nobody noticin' her. She ripped out the card and read what'sz written on it. "See you under our friendship tree at eight o'clock sharp. i have something for my sweet young lady. -Rhon" Simple and short but meansz a lot to her. Her heart starts to poundsz like a drum,, beat asz fast asz it can.. Eight o'clock sharp..?!! Oh nO..! It'sz already quarter to eleven. The party hasz go on much further. She rushes and fled asz faszt asz she can out of the party. He couldn't wait any longer for her..!

She runsz through and through,, holdin' her long gown on side and her sandalsz on her other side. She only thinkzs about Rhon and their friendship tree. She'sz almost there but she hesitatesz to go on. The place isz in complete darknesz,, makin' her chill and gone nervousz. She looksz beyond it,, tryin' to see in the dark,, but she failed to see anything not even a single branch of their friendship tree. She slowly move,, held her breath,, then her feet go on,, asz if there'sz a gravitational force pulling it to make a step. Asz she walksz through,, she feelsz something strange under her feet.. It feelsz szo soft and smooth. Well,, she never thought of their ground to feel exactly that way. Oh nevermind. Where isz he..? "Rhon..! Are you still there..?!!" she called out. OMG..! It'sz szo hard to open up your eyesz in full darknesz. Then,, in her surprise,, a whisspsz sound comesz out,, a lighten fireworksz flown up to sky all together and scattered their bright tiny lightsz down to her. Then,, balloonsz floating in the air catches her eyesz. Eighteen all in all,, with roses tied up on each edge of it. She wasz so amaze. It'sz wonderful..! Suddenly,, a warm voice flown in the air,, comin' on her back.. She slowly turnsz around,, with teary eyesz. "Come and lay here beside me. i'll tell you how I feel. there'sz a secret inside me. im ready to reveal..." There'sz Rhon.,, lighten by a dim light comin' from the small candlesz put around all over the place. She wonders how all of that candlesz be lighten up. He wasz sitting under their friendship tree,,

strummin' hisz guitar,, playin' a szong,, singing in a sweet and szo gentle voice. He wasz lookin' straight to her,, smilin'. She wasz speechlesz. "For all of my life.. you are the one. i will love you faithfully forever. all of my life. you are the one. i give to you my greatest love. for all of my life. He held down hisz guitar and walk through Katie while still singing. He stopsz right in front of her,, bend on hisz knee and lay hisz hand aszkin' her for a dance. She smile with tearsz,, held up hisz hand and put her armsz around hisz neck and move slowly with him.. Rhon get something on hisz pocket,, a headset. He put one Katie's ear,, and the other one on hisz. A recorded voice of him playin' the same song. They dance slowly under the bright shine of the moon. Now,, she understandz why the ground feelsz strange,, it'sz because,, lot's of rose petalsz were scattered around. "Are you surprise..?" he askz with a smile. She pouted her lipsz and frown. "Nah.. Do you know how you makes me feel,, szo scared of myt not havin' you around in thisz special moment of my life..?!" her tearsz suddenly fallsz down.

"Hmm.. Alright. Look sweetie,, Im sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. But,, aren't you happy..? I made thisz all for you." he looksz szo badly sorry. "Well,, i don't know what to szay. Uhm.. i just can't think of any wordsz to explain how you made me feel through thisz. It'sz the moszt wonderful gift i think i would ever received all my life. Thank you.. Szo much,, with all my heart." she said with a perfect smile painted on her face. He sighs. A relief. Then smilesz back at her,, kiszes her forehead and whisper,, "Happy Birthday sweetheart." A special kind of smilesz shown up to on both their lipsz. Their eyes met silently asz they continue movin' their body slow for a perfect dance. Afterwardsz,, Rhon held her elbow gently and lead her into a candle light table. He pulled the chair for her and let her sit. Then he turnsz hisz back to pick her sandalsz she already forget to wear. He kneeled down,, and put it back on hisz princesz bare foot. She blushes with sparkling eyesz. That szo sweet of him. The moon shinesz on them,, asz if givin' them a warmth smile and a jealous sight. What a perfect night for a perfect couple..? "Aren't you get tired of waiting for me..?" "No. I never will. Besidesz,, I know you will come." "How..?" "My heart tellsz me." He looksz at her meeting her eyesz. He wantsz her to feel hisz sincerity. It cause her cheeksz turnsz into red agen. Hisz wordsz

meansz a lot to her. It'sz simply touchin' her heart,, even down to her soul with in. Isz love finally knockin' on her heart..? Their wonderful dinner isz over with the glimpse of szo much happinesz on their eyesz. They walked hand in hand,, gazing at the starry night. Wearing a smile full of unexplained emotionsz. "Wishing star..!" Katie exclaimed. She looksz over Rhon and saw him with a close eyesz. "Makin' a wiszh..?" He nodded. Then look at her,, smile and squizzed her hand. "Do you mind sharing it with me..?" "Secret." He laughsz,, seeing how it makes Katie to raised her eyebrow. He hold her close,, givin' her a light hug. "Know what,, whenever Im seein' a wishing star,, i alwaysz ended up,, wishing the szame thing. Do you think,, my wiszh will be granted thisz night..?" he askz. Then face her. She doesn't know what to say. She feelsz something isz beating her heart off. It'sz stealing her breath. Asz if her heart wasz bein' shot by an arrow. She wasz szo szure he wasz speakin' about hisz feeling for that girl. Whoever she wasz. Isz she jealous..? She don't know. But she feelsz something achin' inside her. Yesz,, she'sz hurt. She looksz away. Tryin' to hold back her tearsz which about to fall.

"Katie..." holdin' her chin up.. "Look at me.. please...." She did szo,, with eyesz full of question.. and pain..? "iLoveyou." Isz she heard it right..? She muszt be dreamin'.. "iLoveyou with all i am.. Right from the first time that my heart beatsz with love,, i know it'sz beating for no one,, but for you. You're the only girl i've been dreamin' and wanted to have all my life. I wanted to spend my forever with you and only you. iLoveyou szo much and im hopin' that you're feelin' the same way too for me. Please,, tell me you're the one who meant to unlocked my heart with your key of love.. Katie.. Would you be my girl..?"

Heaven szake. She'sz not dreamin'.. He'sz really inlove with her. It tied up her tounge. She can't szay even a single word. She'sz drownin' in szo much happinesz she never thought she would feel. He wasz lookin' at her,, eyesz waitin' and hopin' for an anwers,, gripping her handsz. She tip toed and give him a kisz on the lipsz. A kisz that already meansz everything. It would be the start of a great lovestory of two heartsz longin' for so long to be loved.

_tiL here for the meantime.. Still quiet thinkin' how will i ended up thisz story. Hahah.. just stay tune for the continuation. Still thinkin' for lots of twist or maybe,, a tragic ending again. hEhEhH.

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