A Is For Arabesque

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 706
  • Pages: 5

is for Arabesque, an ancient element of Islamic art that is usually used to decorate

mosques. The complex patterns often resemble plants and animals, and add to the over-all feeling of peace and serenity within holy grounds. Many within the world of Islam see Arabesque as an infinite pattern that extends beyond human comprehension, and cultivates spirituality rather than the literal iconography of Christianity. (Forcing the worshipper to focus on a deeper level beyond the visual image of what they are worshipping.) Arabesque comes in two modes – one that focuses mainly on symbolism, representing elements of nature, like earth, wind, and fire, the second mode mainly focusing on nature.

Jamaica Reddick


is for Ghusl, known as the ritual washing/cleansing that a Muslim performs,

so that they may be cleansed before performing the salat. (The salat being the five daily prayers every mature Muslim must say). Another name for Ghusl is Wudu. The three compulsory acts of Ghusl are wetting ones entire body completely, rinsing the nostrils up until the fleshy part, and rinsing the mouth in so that water reaches the entire mouth. This act is similar to the Christian tradition of at baptism, cleansing new Christians in holy water. (Although baptisms are performed rarely more than once or twice within a lifetime) In the event that water is not available to perform this act, clean sand or dust is used.

Jamaica Reddick


is for Jahiliyyah, an Islamic concept of “the state of the state of ignorance of

the guidance of God” or “ignorance of divine guidance”. Reffering to the spirtual/social state many muslims were in before discovering the grace of Allah. This term is used in Muslim societys, almost as an synonym for disruptive and radical ideas, that come from a lack of Sharia law. With Jahiliyyah present in any islamic community, it is believed that community will be destroyed, because Jahiliyyah views such things as “manners, ideas and concepts, rules and regulations, values and criteria”, as “evil and corrupt”. In essence, jahiliyyah equals evil.

Jamaica Reddick


is for Nuh. Nuh is the Arabic form of Noah and just as in the bible, in the

Quran is seen as a prophet. The Islamic view of Noah follows basically the same plot as the Noah in the bible. 1. Noah was inspired by Allah to warn people of the impending flood. This flood was caused by the wrongdoings of man, and because of their disobedience. He did this for almost a thousand years. 2. The chieftains told Noah that he was wrong and that he was a mere mortal like the rest of them. Noah responded saying that he was right, being a messenger of Allah. He also told the people they had the option of repenting and being shown mercy so that they could forgo all this pain. 3. Noah completed his ark; the chieftains mocked him as he did so. He packed up his family and animals, all the people who decided to live in sin drowned. Noah was right. He was all like boo-yah. Noah is seen as a grateful servant.

Jamaica Reddick


is for Yunus. Yunus is the Islamic version of Jonas. Much like with Noah,

his story follows the same plot, but with few and major details. Jonas’s story is found in the Quran in the following scriptures: 139 So also was Jonah among those sent (by Us). 140 When he ran away (like a slave from captivity) to the ship (fully) laden, 141 He (agreed to) cast lots, and he was condemned: 142 Then the big Fish did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame. 143 Had it not been that he (repented and) glorified Allah, 144 He would certainly have remained inside the Fish till the Day of Resurrection. 145 But We cast him forth on the naked shore in a state of sickness, 146 And We caused to grow, over him, a spreading plant of the gourd kind. 147 And We sent him (on a mission) to a hundred thousand (men) or more. 148 And they believed; so We permitted them to enjoy (their life) for a while. Jonas is seen as a prophet just as Yunus.

Jamaica Reddick

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