A Gate Of Hell

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,166
  • Pages: 3
A Gate of Hell - Queen E. Dixon March 25th, 2007,on a sunny Saturday afternoon at 2:35 PM, I came home from helping a friend and lay down to take a nap. All of a sudden, the right side of my bed started to roll like a wave of water as I was laying on the left side of my bed. I did not feel the bed moving, I only saw it moving. Well, I am a born again Christian and I know to call on the name of Jesus when these things happen. So I started pleading the blood of Jesus over my bed then bam! I was standing up on the floor behind my bed. I remember standing there and thinking to myself, how did I get up here without remembering and who is this woman laying in my bed?!? And why is my bed still rolling like this? Then I looked down at my body. I was slim and beautiful but naked! I specifically remember that there is no time in eternity, none! We are governed by time in this reality but in the spirit realm, there is no time governance. Also, I remember that all thoughts and communication are conveyed through thinking and then the recipient just receives what you are saying and then back and forth like that. No mouth needed! I was then taken from my apartment and I appeared in this massive room where there were people of every colour and shape and size from every nation standing there, all dressed in very bright white. I thought to myself, this is a room of saints. However, I was immediately told by my invisible spirit guide, who I knew was standing there beside me, that the white robes that these people were, people who were professing Christianity but had evil continually in there hearts. There were millions of people!!! Suddenly, I saw their flesh start to drip off of them like chocolate melting in heat. The flesh just started to drip off of these people right onto the floor. I just stood there in quiet amazement. I was told that all of these people are on their way to hell because they profess Christianity but have evil in their hearts continually. Then I was taken up into eternity, this is what took place. I was up in the air somewhere in eternity and I was looking down on this scene. There was a female, who has the same complexion as me laying on her back on this platform naked. She had shreds of clothing, white and black in colour, hanging around her neck. She was up on her elbows looking intensely at something in front of her. There was a great being standing beside her that I could not see but I knew was there who was ALL POWERFUL! Over the entire scene was a canopy and the canopy was the spirit of God. The platform that this female lay on was a flat surface but there was a funnel under the platform and inside this funnel was a great whirlwind that kept this funnel in place. Then, all of a sudden, I was down and inside this body. Now, I lay there. I was whimpering but too much in utter awe at what was happening in front of me. 1

All of a sudden, a great circle appeared in front of me. The circle grew to the size of a two story house and a flat brown surface appeared inside this circle that acted as a door. Words appeared on this flat brown surface in a foreign language that resembled Hebrew. Although I didn't know the language, I could understand what the words said: THE GATES TO HELL!!!!!!!!!! These gates started to open, and then I saw the fire...blue, yellow and red flames. I was told that the flames that I was looking at are 20,000 times hotter than the fire on earth and that this fire is fed by sulphur and brimstone. I then saw the darkness. The sun lights the day here and the moon lights the night here, but there is no darkness like it is in hell. The darkness is alive with pure evil!!! I then saw the darkness..the sun lights the day here and the moon lights the night here, but there is no darkness like it is in hell. The darkness is alive...with pure evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was about to be thrown into this fire and then,all of a sudden, I was back into this body. I lay here in this body, feeling heavy physically because the spirit is free with no flesh and blood, just completely free but I lay here. I was about to be thrown into this fire and then, all of a sudden, I was back into this body. I lay here in this body, feeling heavy physically because the spirit is free with no flesh and blood, just completely free but I lay here. The GOD of all ages spoke directly to me, this is what He said to me, and let me just say that He was ANGRY. When He spoke, His voice went through my bones like a massive vibration!!! All I could do is just lay there and hear my master speak. He said,"This is the end of all sin. If you do not serve me with your whole heart, I will use you to save others but you will die and go to hell." "If you do not serve me with your whole heart, then you serve Me not at all." Than the Lord of hosts got even angrier and said, "TITHES AND OFFERINGS ARE A COMMANDMENT. THIS IS HOW MY WORD IS PREACHED, THIS IS WHAT TAKES CARE OF MY CHURCHES!!!!" The Lord said, "You go and tell them....WITHOUT HOLINESS, NO MAN CAN ENTER INTO MY KINGDOM!!!" The Lord said to me exactly what was in the bible, "Be ye holy as I am holy!!!!" This is what I changed me forever. I was living half holy before this experience but not anymore. I am on my way to Heaven. I do not ever want to go back to this disgusting place. The Lord has also told me that he is going to use me to preach the unadulterated truth of his word..NO SUGAR COATING...NO EASINESS...JUST HOLY GHOST BOLDNESS. This is why I was born. He gave me a boldness to tell


people things that they do not want to hear...It is ALL OR NOTHING WITH JESUS CHRIST....NOTHING ELSE WILL SUFFICE.....ALL OR NOTHING...ALL OF YOU OR NONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Jesus Christ is my lord, my God and my king, this record is true and real and is my personal beginning of wisdom. The word of God says in Proverbs, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." I fear him now and have an utter reverance for the god of ages that I never had before. Email me at: [email protected]


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