A Fully Integrated Bicmos Pll For 60 Ghz

  • November 2019
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A Fully Integrated BiCMOS PLL for 60 GHz Wireless Applications

Wolfgang Winkler, Johannes Borngräber, Bernd Heinemann, Frank Herzel IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany An integrated PLL tunable from 54.5 to 57.8GHz manufactured in a SiGe:C BiCMOS technology is presented. The PLL is aimed at wireless transceivers in the unlicensed band from 57 to 64GHz [1]. Existing 60GHz transceivers are based on compound semiconductors [2]. By contrast, silicon-based solutions will enable a high integration level at low cost. The known 60GHz systems utilize free-running oscillators for frequency synthesis. These solutions are subject to frequency changes due to device parameter variations with process and temperature. Our PLL solution allows a simple stabilization of the frequency. In [3], a 45GHz PLL manufactured in a SiGe bipolar technology is presented. It uses a VCO running at half the output frequency in conjunction with a frequency doubler. By contrast, the proposed PLL avoids a frequency doubler and uses a fundamental LC oscillator resulting in a higher output power at a given power consumption. Furthermore, the BiCMOS implementation allows combining fast bipolar circuitry with low-power CMOS blocks in order to achieve a high integration level. The schematic of the fully integrated PLL is presented in Fig. 21.9.1. A VCO with a coarse and a fine-tuning input is embedded in a PLL with two parallel loops sharing the frequency divider and the phase-frequency detector (PFD). This topology allows combining a relatively wide tuning range with a low noise sensitivity [4]. The coarse tuning loop with a tuning range of 3GHz has no resistor in the loop filter, but only a large MIM capacitor to minimize the noise contribution. The fine-tuning loop contains a standard loop filter for stability. The fine-tuning range is as low as 600MHz, which minimizes the noise contribution from the fine-tuning loop. The PLL is fabricated in a SiGe:C BiCMOS technology with fT/fmax = 200GHz/200GHz [5]. The chip micrograph of the PLL is presented in Fig. 21.9.2. The chip size is 1000 × 800µm2 including pads and 700×560µm2 without pads. The VCO is based on a modified Colpitts principle in a symmetric configuration similar to [6], and is followed by a cascade of ten static dividers. With the symmetric signal the sensitivity to substrate noise is reduced and the signal coupling to the symmetric ECL divider circuit [7] is more effective. Figure 21.9.3 shows the measured coarse tuning range, which amounts to 3GHz. Another 600MHz tuning range results from the fine tuning. A VCO frequency around 55GHz will result in an IF of about 5GHz in a 60GHz heterodyne receiver. This will allow circuitry developed for 802.11a WLAN to be reused in an integrated 60GHz WLAN transceiver. The measured PLL lock range is from 54.5 to 57.8GHz. Figures 21.9.4 and 21.9.5 show the PLL output spectrum with different resolution. The measurements are performed on wafer using the spectrum analyzer FSEM 30 in conjunction with the harmonic diode mixer FSZ75 for frequency extension to the V-band. To prevent mixer overload, a 20dB wave-guide attenuator is inserted. The reference spurs are 50dB below the carrier. The circuit operates from a 3V supply except for the first divide-by-two stage which needs a 4.3V supply. A signal generator provides a sine-wave reference signal from 53.2 to 56.5MHz with 100mV amplitude. The total power consumption amounts to 650mW.


An important issue is the optimization of the loop bandwidth. The high PLL output frequency results in a large PLL division factor if a commercial crystal oscillator is used to drive the PLL. This enhances the jitter contributions of the input signal and the charge pump, which are low-pass filtered in a PLL making a narrow-band PLL desirable. However, due to the absence of highquality passives in an integrated PLL, the VCO phase noise, which is high-pass filtered in the PLL, will significantly degrade the PLL jitter performance. As shown in [8], the corresponding rms phase error contribution (in radians) can be deduced from the single-sideband phase noise SSSB [1/Hz] of the free-running VCO measured at the offset ∆f from the carrier, and the loop bandwidth fL [Hz] according to

σ φPLL = ∆f



fL Figure 21.9.6 shows the RMS phase error as a function of fL for two typical VCO phase noise values. Obviously, a relatively large loop bandwidth will be required for an acceptable phase error, resulting in a subtle trade-off with the other noise contributions in the PLL. In conclusion, the PLL bandwidth of 200kHz visible in Fig. 21.9.5 should be significantly increased in a redesign. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the IHP technology team for chip fabrication. This work was partly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the project acronym WIGWAM. References: [1] W. Winkler et al., “60 GHz Transceiver Circuits in SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology,” ESSCIRC, pp. 83-86, Sept., 2004. [2] Y. Shoji, K. Hamaguchi, and H. Ogawa, “Millimeter-Wave Remote SelfHeterodyne System for Extremely Stable and Low-Cost Broad-Band Signal Transmission,” IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 50, pp. 1458-1467, June, 2002. [3] G. Ritzberger, J. Böck, and A. Scholtz, “45GHz Highly Integrated Phase-Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer in SiGe Bipolar Technology,” IEEE MTT-S Intl. Microwave Symp., pp. 831-834, June, 2002. [4] F. Herzel, G. Fischer, and H. Gustat, “An Integrated CMOS RF Synthesizer for 802.11a Wireless LAN,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, pp. 1767-1770, Oct., 2003. [5] B. Heinemann et al., “Novel Collector Design for High-Speed SiGe:C HBTs,’’ IEDM, pp. 775-778, Dec., 2002. [6] W. Winkler, J. Borngräber, B. Heinemann, and P. Weger, “60GHz and 76GHz Oscillators in 0.25µm SiGe:C BiCMOS,’’ ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 454-455, Feb., 2003. [7] W. Winkler et al., “High-performance and Low-Voltage Divider Circuits Fabricated in SiGe:C HBT Technology,” ESSCIRC, pp. 827-830, Sept., 2002. [8] F. Herzel, W. Winkler, and J. Borngräber, “An Integrated 10 GHz Quadrature LC-VCO in SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology for Low-Jitter Applications,” IEEE CICC, pp. 293-296, Sept., 2003.

• 2005 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference

0-7803-8904-2/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.

ISSCC 2005 / February 9, 2005 / Salon 7 / 12:00 PM

Figure 21.9.1: Circuit schematic of the PLL.

Figure 21.9.2: Chip micrograph of the fully integrated PLL.

Figure 21.9.3: VCO output frequency as a function of coarse tuning voltage.

Figure 21.9.4: Output spectrum of PLL including 20dB external attenuation.

Figure 21.9.5: High-resolution output spectrum around the carrier including 20dB external attenuation.

Figure 21.9.6: Plot of rms phase error due to VCO noise versus loop bandwidth fL.




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