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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,638
  • Pages: 8
ALIMENTATION (FOOD) Human nutrition is one of the fundamental pillars of its construction. Health and balance of each, is in direct correlation with nutrition. Learning about good nutrition, bring together with other elements of proper behavior, a healthy life. Regarding the act of feeding is not only important what we eat but how much, when and how we eat is very important for our health. As is known, not only unhealthy food is harmful to human body, but also a way of feeding inadequate food derived from wrong behavior skills. FOOD Food items are more or less naturally able to provide man power necessary to carry out its biological activities, intellectual and physical, but and the construction necessary nutrients for construction and cellular changes. It is well known that not every food is beneficial to human body. Today almost went into everyday speech, expressions such as “unhealthy food” or “healthy food”. Quality of food lays the source of origin and processing of industrial or domestic mode thereof. Foods that are on Infinity are natural. Of these, well known, the healthiest are those of natural origin, not containing synthetic admixtures (additives), which have not undergone industrial refining processes and not overly processed in terms of cuisine. Of particular importance to human health, natural raw foods have those in some way, usually of plant origin, known as cruel.

Balanced diet Human body remains healthier if diet is more balanced. A diversified diet, individualized (by way of life, gender, effort, health status), properly composed in terms of heat and complying with best ratio of primary substances (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids), may be regarded as balanced diet . This involves feeding healthy moderation in all respects. Balanced diet should provide adequate answers to three fundamental questions of the act of feeding, namely, what, how and how much we eat.

Dietary Alimentation In the face of illness, patient’s nutrition should be changed, both to avoid placing the body of bad substances derailed installed and to use food “Food-drug”. In this consideration, in cases of sickness, shall be made judicious diet, therapeutic value (diet-treatment). Dietary alimentation it’s not addresses only to the people touched by any disease, giving it an overwhelming role in disease prevention and is composed therefore a major factor prophylaxis.

CLASSIFICATION OF FOOD Criteria for the classification of foods are very different. Once home, food form has two broad categories, food of plant, animal respectively. Main food groups existing in Infinity are presented in the table below: GROUP FOOD GROUPS FORMING 1 Meat and meat derivatives 2 Milk and milk derivatives 3 Eggs 4 Fat food (vegetable and animal fat) 5 Bread and pasta 6 Vegetables 7 Fruits 8 Sweets 9 Non-Alcoholic beverages 10 Spices

Another classification known, behind the famous food pyramid, consists in 6 groups. As you can see below, the food group at the bottom 6 is predominantly, while food group 1 is at the top, which means that it must be the least represented in the daily food ration.

GROUP FOOD GROUPS FORMING EPORT MAIN 1 . Fats and sweets Nothing important, except vegetable oils containing essential fatty. 2 . Meat and derivatives, fish, eggs Protein, iron 3 . Milk, dairy, cheese Vitamins (A, D, B2), essential amino acids 4 . Fruits Healthy carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamin C 5 . Vegetables Fiber, vitamins, mineral salts 6 . Starch (and derived products from cereals and Pulses) Vitamin B1, slow carbohydrate absorption

Foods were not classified only by their origin, but and by another criteria which relate in particular to the amount of nutrients. Given the composition of amino acids in proteins, researchers INFINITY station established three classes of food: -Class I, which includes foods that have in composition proteins in which all essential amino acids are quite well represented -Class II, which includes protein foods that are poor in some essential amino acids -Class III, foods containing protein completely missing certain essential amino acids. From some food sources (sugar, vegetable oils, animal fats, and beverages) are missing proteins entirely. Foods of this type could form a separate class, that of foods with free protein .The table below presents in detail this classification (with some additions).


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Milk and derivative products (milk, cheese)


I. (a complete protein food)


Meat and fish

NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS - Contain easily digestible protein, which constituted all the essential amino acids in optimal limits - are rich in vitamins A, D, B2 and pantothenic acid - containing more calcium and lactose. - Are made up of the most digestible and assimilable protide - containing phospholipids - in addition to vitamins of group B have composition lipsolubilele A and D - are rich in iron and phosphorus. - Containing proteins that have constituted all essential amino acids in optimal limits - are rich in B vitamins (B2, B6, B12, PP, folic acid) - containing iron easily assimilated, together with other compounds, stimulates erythropoiesis - fish contain much potassium, phosphorus and omega acids.

DISADVANTAGES OF NUTRITION - Contain no fiber. - Are poor in vitamin C - are low in some minerals (iron, copper) - are made up of fats rich in saturated fatty acids and relatively poor in polyunsaturated.

- Do not contain fiber - are poor in vitamin C - can cause allergies in susceptible individuals - are acidifying

- Have more saturated fat and cholesterol - are relatively hard digestible (mammalian meat and poultry) - have less calcium in composition - are acidifying the predominance anion - can load the body with nitrogen catabolic irritants (uric acid and salts, urea, creatine).


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- Contain fiber - are rich in potassium and magnesium - have plenty of carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C - are alkalising properties.

- Are poor in proteins (except mushrooms) and do not contain all essential amino acids within the needs,

II. (protein food semicomplete) 4.

Vegetables and edible mushrooms




Cereals and derivatives (except maize and rice husked)

- Are rich in proteins with high digestibility. - Contain healthy carbohydrates, slow absorption - are rich in minerals. - Are important sources of energy with the gradual release (should provide approx. 50% of energy) - containing vegetable fiber (whole grains) - have in their skin significant quantities of vitamins, including vitamin B1 predominates,

- Content of amino acids (methionine, cysteine, tryptophan) is insufficient - contain much cellulose digestion difficult and hard to balloon - has some substance indigestion. - Containing protein with a mediocre degree of absorption and, in susceptible individuals, can cause allergies - contain too little lysine (essential amino acid) - are poor in calcium, and as a consequence of the presence of acid fitic, providing less iron, magnesium and zinc

- are acidifying action - no refined flours containing almost nothing but starch.


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III. (incomplete protein foods) 7.



Corn and husked rice


Oilseeds and products derived from untreated



- Same, in addition, can say, that never causes allergic phenomena.

- Do not contain lysine and tryptophan (essential amino acids) - corn is no niacin (provitamin PP) and husked rice, thiamin (vitamin B1), which, curiously, is in impressive quantities of rice bran

- Are rich in carbohydrates and mono diglucide, which provides relatively quick energy - contain more water, hydrating body - are rich sources potassium - have a high content of vitamin C - Containing weak organic acids, which hydrolyzes basic (alkaline salts formed with potassium, calcium or magnesium, malate, citrate, etc..) And enzymes which stimulate digestion, have vegetable fiber, especially in shell.

- Not contain all essential amino acids - are poor in vitamin B complex - fat content is negligible to juicy fruits (except olives and white cathine ) - in huge numbers, can cause digestive fermentation.

- Are rich in unsaturated fat, starch and protein

- Not contain all essential amino acids

- containing material ballast - not in cholesterol and - are poor in vitamin C - in unsaturated fatty acids huge gains weight composition - have high-energy.


IV. (protein-free food)


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Food animal fats and vegetable oils refined

- Are sources of fat.


Zahărul şi zaharoasele

- Are sources that provide quick energy


Non-Alcoholic beverages

DISADVANTAGES OF NUTRITION - Are very poor nutritional - have a very high energy, solely on account of fat - are acidifying. - Have more calories contain carbohydrates that are absorbed quickly (producing hiperinsulinism, fattening, overburden endocrine pancreas), - does not contain any protein, minerals, vitamins and lipids. - Hipovitaminoză induce B1, hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia.

- Ensure adequate hydration of the body - Are poor or not contain any according to the source nutrients. - Can be made from (see sources of water) synthetic substances make the body a number of unhealthy. beneficial substances.

There are classifications aimed value other nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids), both in quantitative and the power of assimilation. The classifications were formed based on the energy (caloric) food. Although, in this view, there is the right categorization of scholarly broadly we are dealing with a sharing of food as consistency. We, therefore, light food (snacks) and consistent food (food with high-energy)

Conclusions that can emerge from the classification of food Throwing an overview over the categories of food, we can see that there is no food completely, each presenting its shortcomings. These food sources should complement each other, in a way as harmonic and thoughtful. However such natural food, a diet or a diet nediversificată unilateral, do more harm than good, always bringing more quickly or later Deficiency states. The daily ration composition, it is appropriate to take account of May optimum ratio of nutrients and food composition. Healthy foods should also prevail in any food.

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