A Distinct Teenager

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  • Pages: 23
POSITIVELY A DISTINCT TEENAGER INTRODUCTION: There are over 50 billion teenagers all over the world. Oxford dictionary defines a teenager as a person who is between 13 and 19 years old. Naturally, this is the age where the child’s physical growth takes place; it is the stage where the child becomes conscious of the physical appearance, which I would call natural endowment. It is the age where the spiritual being of the child and the physical being struggle for superiority in the child’s life. Naturally, it is the age where most teenagers feel they have arrived and should exploit in the various aspect of life they are just discovering. A lot of discoveries takes place in the life of a teenager hereby giving them an avenue to be tempted, while some will fall into different kinds of temptations. Some will stand firm and not be swayed into the vices. I sometimes see teenagers like the parable of the sower, where some fell on the wayside, some on strong ground, some on thorns, while some fell on good ground and did yield fruits (Mark 4 verse 3 – 8), I say this because before most children become teenagers, parents would have grounded them so well into the word of God but by the time they go into their teens they tend to make friends with other teens that might have not leave forth the same godly upbringing they had and as such this friends influence them greatly. When I say I sometimes see teenagers like the parable of the sower, I see the teenagers as a seed being sown and the various kinds of ground as the different kind of friends they will meet. Some teenagers can be graded as excellent teens, some averages, some below average while some can’t be graded not because their performance is poor in class but because as an adult you are not able to comprehend such a teenager. It is naturally expected that

every teenager must be vibrant and active at this particular age and should have a 100% intellectual capacity to assimilate and retain every simple information that come their way. It is the age where the physical growth of the teen fully develops, for a girl, it is the age where most girls starts loosing their busy fats, the breast starts or develop, pubic hair comes out, her curves are slowing at the hips, the armpit hair grows and most importantly her beauty comes out like a sun in the sky that radiates and shows the beauty of the sky, it is only natural for a girl child to be conscious of her body, while some are happy about this development age where the red flag (menstruation) starts flowing. A boy child develops broad shoulders, pubic hair glows, armpit hair grow, voice breaking and also experiences wet dreams, this is naturally to most teenagers as the mush required this is to launch their attack and spread their wings on the opposite sex. The physical development brings or existence in most teenagers adventures that they will most often times take without the knowledge of parents or guidance and this has caused major set backs for over 30 million teenagers all over the world. It is very disheacering when you go into the prisons and you see teenagers as prisoners, the number of teenager prejudices is so alarming high, teenage prostitution is increasing by the day. The word decadence in teenagers has declined so much that most parents are helpless. In our society, it is just by the place of God that out of fifty teenagers, one can pick five that are distinct and unique from other teenagers. Be it own that I am not here or condemn teenagers but to put back on the path of God those who have gone astray and to those who are still distinct to tell them never to look back from the path of honour and stairs of greatness they are climbing.


POSITIVELY DISTINCT WHAT IS BEING DISTINCT POSITIVELY This is said to be where someone or something is clearly different or of a different kinds among its mates or range of things. It is that special attribute, behaviour, attitude performance in ones behavioural pattern that separates a person from other people. In a class where you love 20 students and you have a particular student that never misses to answer or ask questions whenever a teacher is in class, it is only natural for such student to be distinct in class because teachers will always ask such a student questions most especially if the child is brilliant. Isaiah 8 verse 18 “Behold, I and the children whom the word hath given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of host, which dwelleth in Mount Zion” from this verse one can easily see that Isaiah was not just distinct but his children were also distinct. They would have performed lots of great miracles and wonders for the Lord; it goes to show that in the whole of Israel, they were a distinct family, a peculiar household. Their being distinct is in a positive way, one can also be distinct in a negative way, where teenagers is known for telling lies or stealing, whenever things gets missing and that teenager is there, the first suspect will be the teenager even if its not the teenager that took what got missing; thing like this occurs in most parents homes and schools. It is so bad that most parents cannot vouch for their teenagers and as such are not proud of them. Where a teenager has decided to be distinct in evil things like fornicating, stealing, telling lies, aborting of pregnancies, defrauding (419), smoking, drinking of various kinds of alcohol and also doing some other terrible things that are not mentioned, then such a teenager that does not repent from such activities will get destroyed.

We have lost over a billion teenagers due to their associating themselves with evil devices, some are so proud by themselves that they go as far as giving themselves nice names like, serpent, scorpion, evil genius, red devil and so on. In the introduction I referred to teenagers as the seed being sown, a teenager is like a flower coming up and where it not see the sunlight to give it the very to grow, it withers and gradually dies, most teenagers are from very good Christian homes where as a child they where given the best upbringing. A child should get but on attaining teenage status, things begin to fall apart. A teenager wants to fly high without thinking of the consequences of the aspirations wanting to fly high. I am not saying it is wrong for a teenager to want to fly high but what kind of flying high, Is it one that will bring glory and honour to, to God, to your parent and to you as teenager or one that will bring shame to the name of God, your household and to you as a teenager. How many times as a teenager have you shown yourself distinct in your academics, in your home, among your friends, in your neighborhood, what word do people say about you, is it one that makes you cry and hate them because they say you are a bad person or one that makes you smile and happy because they say you are good example to your generation. A teenager should have a checklist, where they try as much as possible to check and score oneself by doing this you would know, if you are truly distinct or you are just like the next teenager beside you. God has not created everyone equally, in every person there is a distinct traits that will make you different I mean clearly different from the next person, but how clearly different from the next person, but how clearly different you want to be is very important to God, your parents, your siblings and importantly you as a teenager. Most teenager do not have a sense of direction, neither do they have the WILL POWER to resist most evil traits and terrible habits, they have cultivated so much bad habit that they felt it is the way of life, why would a teenager want to wear his trousers below his

waist and allow if to drag down all in the name of fashion am sure most teenagers do not know that this fashion started in the American prisons, because prisoners are not allowed to use belts to hold their trousers so that they do not use the belt to hurt each other or to commit suicide and as such the prisoners trousers drop down and when they are released from the prisons and go back home they continue with this trend and as such our teenagers have taken solace in this kind of outrageous fashion taking after ex-convicts. The female teenagers wear chains on their ankle, low trouser where their pants are shown for Public glare, it is now the fashion tread for teenagers to expose their cleavage in low neck or deep cut v neck blouse not to forget teenage boys that now braid, perm and weave their hair. One can say this being distinct but I can boldly say it is being distinct in a negative way. Why would a teenage boy wear earrings, this is an bait that was cultivated from the homosexuals, am sure most teenagers do not know the history of their fashion, due to not having a sense of direction teenagers have taken to what they see. 1. Braiding of hair for male is derived from SANGO god of iron. Why would a born again teenager want to belike Sango. Jesus Christ is suppose to be our role model. 2. Dropping of trousers below the waist – Ex-convicts (prisoners). 3. Wearing of chain on the ankle – prostitutes (this is used as a sign to attract it customers). 4. Wearing of earrings – Homosexual (gays) attract it customers. 5. Wearing of long chains on the neck. These vices do not glorify God neither does it give a wonderful impression of a teenagers. Why would a teenager want to be distinct in the kingdom of the devil rather than being distinct in the kingdom of heaven. Most teenagers do not find fulfillment in their being distinct in a negative way but because they feel it is the way of life they tag along with it. Being distinct positively, among other teenagers brings the best and portray a teenager as a godly teen.

CHAPTER TWO WHY SHOULD I BE DISTINCT POSITIVELY I Cor. 6:19-2 what? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s. These verses tells us that our body is the temple of God, where the Holy Ghost resides, it is a common fact that the holy ghost can only dwell in a place that is holy and pure, an adage says cleanliness is not to Godliness. The Holy Ghost can’t stay in a dirty and corrupt environment, a teenager’s body is suppose to be pure and holy so that the holy ghost can reside there comfortably and do its wonders in the life of a teenager, it goes further to say ye are bought with a price, Jesus Christ bough us into the kingdom of God by dying for our sins, it will be wrong if as a teenager we crucify him for the second to me by allowing our bodies to be used for immoral acts. From the braiding of hair by male teenagers and wearing of ankle chains by female teenager, which are all physical information about a person, the words that are said as a teenager also determines of a teenager is distinct positively. As a teenager, one would know when a category of people do not want to associate with you and when this happen, it could either be as a result of such a teenager’s bad character or good character where other teenager decides not to associate with a positively distinct teenager, such teenager should be proud of yourself because it goes to show that you will not go astray, hereby making you to become the best person. It is very common fort hem to call you names like SU, miss perfect, iya Jesu and all sorts of names. The truth is that it is for jut a short while, remember Jesus was called sorts of names. As a teenager you have to be distinct because you are a light in the world, you are to be a good example to your younger siblings. They should look up to you and see the image of Christ in you. I know someone will have just said but am the last child, what about your younger cousins, nieces, nephews and neighbours don’t you think, they expect the best from you. Once told a teenager “please for the sake of your parents that are working extremely hard to provide

for you, please be of a good behaviour” and the teenager replied and said, “Aunty Bukky why can’t I do it for myself” and I replied “Thank God you know you are very important to yourself but since you do not realize it and would rather misbehave, then do it for your parents. As a teenager, we should always know that whenever we achieve any great result, people will congratulate us first before they praise our parent and like wise when we misbehave people will condemn us first. A teenager must not live a bad life because it is the common way of another teenager. SMOKING Most teenagers pick up the habit of smoking as early as fourteen and fifteen years because they see another teenager he knows doing it. Why would a teenager want to fulfill the urge of having a cigarette in his hand and smoking? Here a teenager feels he wants to be a distinct among his friends not knowing that he is opening an allowance for the devil to control his life. Why would a teenager want the devil to control his life when God is there? INDECENT DRESSING Your appearance leaves a permanent impression of you on other people, where a teenager decides to dress and expose parts of their body e.g. the breast, waist live and under pants for all to see, you leave people with no choice than to give you indecent names. Why would a teenager want people to call then names like streetwise, when people give you negative names. It is putting a course on you because there is every possibility that those negative names will take up its effects on such a teenager and am very sure that some parents would not welcome the teenager into their homes. WORDS OF THE MOUTH What sorts of words do you speak, are they word that glorify God, are they words that show that you are a teenager for God or are the words that makes other teenager run away from you. The idea of having slongs as the order of the day among teenagers does not

edify God. Some teenagers are very good at cursing and swearing that it has become a daily activity for the. Why would you as a teenager see it as a game and fun to play to insult each other parents at will? There is no more regard for parents, even when some teenagers say they are playing, they go as far as insulting their parents. The kind parties we attend affect us, where a teenager attend parties that bad vices are allowed to take place there, such a teenager can be easily initiated into the world. Most teenagers get initiated into cult groups through these parties. Don’t get me wrong am not saying you should not attend parties but know that party that is filled with worldly activities e.g. the dressing of the guest are morally wrong, the drinks served are morally wrong, the music played are morally wrong, then as a child of God you should not be there. RELATIONSHIP A teenager would want to explore the possibility of relationship with the opposite sex, it could be platonic relationship (friendly but out involving sex) or an intimate relationship (friendly relationship sometimes of a sexual nature) most teenagers would often misinterpret an ordinary gesture from other teenager before you know it, they start having sexual feelings, we know the teenage years is the time when sexual development burst in the lives of young people and without proper counseling you see most teenagers falling in the act of sexual evil. We have high percentage of teenage pregnancies and lot of teenagers going into abortions. So high and all they want to do is to have sex. Why would a teenager want to have sex at an age where all the energy is suppose to be used to win souls for God? The spiritual implication of a teenager having sex is that such a teenager is driving God away from him and hereby selling his soul and body tot eh devil. Sex has become a thing of competition to some teenagers; they go as far as

bragging about escapades not understanding the damage they are doing to their body and also the destruction of their spiritual man. A lot of teenagers have contacted various kinds of several diseases; some have lost their lives creating sorrows and sadness in the family. Like the bible quotation I Cor. 6:19-20 our body id the temple of God that should be kept and not be defiled by any corrupt practices. Having sex when one is not legally married defies your body, which serves as a temple of God, it is a place where God loves to dwell and want to use at peace with the teenager, imagine you fall into a gutter filled with all sort s of dirty particles, am sure you can imagine the stench that will ooze out of your body such a teenager will run into the bathroom and wash up, like wise when a teenager’s body is defiled with sexual practices. The Holy Spirit will certainly rush out and also want to wash up. Am sure every teenager that is a child of God will not want the Holy Spirit to depart from their life. A teenager that keeps off relationship that does not glorify God is certainly a positive distinct teenager and a mirror into the Holy Spirit infact such a teenager is God’s best friend.


HOW CAN I BE DISTINCT? I Samuel 18 verse 14-15 “And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him, wherefore when Saul saw that he behaved himself very wisely, he was afraid of him” The catchy phase in the above verse is behaved himself wisely in all his ways as a teenager you are expected to behave wisely in all your ways and certainly the word will be with you. Being distinct comes with a godly behaviour, it is attribute of Christ that is suppose to be in every teenager. When our Lord Jesus Christ was a teenager, he exhibited a positively distinct character, he did not loose his head because he was the saviour, our Lord was very obedient,

submissive and humbles to every one that cam across him. As a teenager how do you exhibit to your character traits to people around you, how do other people see you and what do they think about you? RESPECT As a teenager, you are expected to respect everybody around you not just elders, younger ones are to look up to you and want to be like you because at every point in time, you give respect to those around you. In school you teachers are to speak about you and make you a reference point to other teenagers that do not have respect, though the teenage years can be the years where most teenagers tend to loose control of themselves and feel that they are not grown ups and as such tend to loose regard for their elders. Our Lord Jesus Christ was once scolded by his parents despite the fact that he did the right thing but he did not disrespect his parents. As a teenager you are expected to always say “Am sorry” when you know you have offended not just your parents, but also you friends and neighbours. As a teenager you are expected to say “Please” and “excuse me” most teenagers are not in the habit of using these words, they are too proud to use any of these word. Word as little as “please” makes you a distinct teenager, it makes a difference for you. When I was a teenager I had a friend, who never fails to greet people, she would always greet people, she would always greet each those that were younger than her, she was never proud to say “Good morning” to anyone, her greetings to people made her distinct and when she wanted to travel out of the country, her help came her from people she never expected. She was loved by all. Despite coming from very humble background, she left the shores of Nigeria with over 2 million naira. A teenager that is respectful will certainly be humble. Humility draws us closer to God, it makes us God’s special teenager and God is always happy and pleased with us.

Remember Christ’s attribute was humility and that was why he lied down his life for us to have salvation. OBEDIENCE Respect brings obedience, you can’t be respective and not be obedient. Ephesians 6 verse 1-3 “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right, honour thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. That it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. This is the only commandment with a clause that God gave children, it goes to show that God expects every child of his to be obedient so that it be well for that teenager and that teenager may live long on earth. But it is unfortunate that most teenagers are very disobedient and rude, they talk anyhow, they insult people at will, some of them do not spear their parents from their disobedient, and most parents can’t take their teenagers out with them because they know they will disgrace them. Where a teenager is obedient such teenager will certainly distinct and will always stand out because when his mates that are disobedient are being punished the obedient teenager will not be punished strictly because such teenager did not disobey instructions. It is most unfortunate when you see teenagers in prison, cells, welfare homes and even at times they are sent or stay with uncles and aunties that are extremely strict through all this are forms of difference to teenagers but why would a teenager want to go through agonizing experience in other for him / her to learn to be obedient where a teenager is obedient always, it is s must that God promises for that child all come to pass and that is why he give a special and serious commandment to children, the only commandment with a clause and not just a clause but one that can either be a blessing or a curse. THE BIBLE: 2nd Timothy 2vs 15 “study to show they self approved into God, a workman that needeth not to be shamed rightly dividing the word of truth”. The Bible is

the greatest weapon a teenager needs to grow spiritually and be grounded with faith and in truth. How else can a teenager not get influenced by the things of the world except such a teenager is deeply rooted in the word of God, the word of God is life, it is to get onto the pathway of a teenager. The bible is the only book in the world where the author is ever present ministering to the reader. As a teenager the bible should not at anytime depart from the mouth, heart, hand and presence of you but you should meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For than thou shalt make thy way prosper and thou shalt have good success. There is no way you will fail or become a failure when you make the bible your father and not saying there will be no trying times as a teenager because there are times the age to do some things that do not glorify God will come but when one is grounded in the word one can’t succubus to the vices. At every time in point when negative peer pressures arises there will certainly be a word from the bible that will make one stand e.g. James 4 vs 7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God desist the devil and he will flee from you. Even the strongest of temptations like sex, stealing, smoking etc the movement of a teenager has the a above memory verse rooted in his heart, it will spring up at right time. The problem with most teenager is that they see the bible as only Sunday tonic, as a teenager your spiritual man should be bursting out and doing exploit because it is at this age that your spiritual man will conflict with your physical man and when your physical man over power your spiritual man, then there is a big problem. You don’t need your parents, Sunday school teacher or your Christian religions knowledge teachers top remind you to read your bible.

Samuel willingly gave his heart to God and did wonders, he became a very powerful Prophet of God. What do you want people to say about you when you make the studying of the bible a part of your life, I mean a very important part of your life, then you will discover secrets of success, then you will discover the joy of eternity, you will discover that the holy spirit becomes your very best friend because only then can you know and have a deeper understanding of the holy spirit. The reading as studying of the bible will make you discover God’s purpose for your life. The bible should be basic standard to life. You are supposed to be a leader, the word of God for you to discover the truth that will make you a positively distinct teenager and how else can you achieve this, if you don’t study the bible. You will certainly know the good from the wrong and bad things. You are supposed to be positively distinct both at school, home and everywhere you find yourself. You are expected to be a.

Fruitful at all times


Sincere at all times


Humble at all times


Coolheaded at al times


Patient at all times


Careful at all times


Loving and caring at all times


Well mannered at all times


Forgiving at all times


Studious at all times


Pray always

As a teenager if you can observe all the cardinal points above, you will certainly be distinct positively.

CHAPTER FOUR HOW DO I REGAIN MY LOST POSITION Most teenagers would feel they can’t be distinct anymore, I know some were distinct but due to either bad company or their own mistakes they stopped being distinct. I don’t think there is any teenager who does not want to be positively distinct but if you fall into one of the 2 categories above I make bold to tell you that you cam regain your lost position, lost glory and your lost positively distinct ability which will give you the status of a godly child. 1.

REPENTANCE: WHERE YOU ONE LIVED A POSITIVELY DISTINCT LIFE This is the changing of heart and coming back to God, it is what I call the 360 o turn around from any thing, everything, every act and every way that does not glorify God. Ezekiel 14 v 6. Where a teenager does things that are outside the commandments of God then you are wallowing in sin, the day you discover that you are no longer on the pathway of Christ then that day you stop being positively distinct and the only way you can stage a come back to cry totally and completely from and friends and doing things that go contrary to the word of God. This is you coming back to God like the prodigal son.


FORGIVENESS This is the next step, asking for forgiveness from God and also from your parents, friends and whosoever you know you have hurt with all you negative and bad character. Remember forgiveness follows repentance, if you do not repent you can’t be forgiven. A teenager that has lied, stole, cheated, gossiped, fornicated has certainly sinned against God and against al those you might have done any of this negative acts to. You need to make sure you ask for forgiveness so that you can be free from all the guilt that might want to cling to you and always know that

you have become a new creature old things have passed away and you have become new. 3.

LIVING RIGHT AND DOING RIGHT The road to restoration might not be an easy task but with the right attitude and with meditating and doing the word of God, one will certainly be restored. It is like climbing a ladder to the top of it and how else can you get to the top of the ladder unless you climb rightly. Living right is the only way you can be distinct positively because by living right you are sure that you are doing exactly what God wants. Living right is the ability to ignore every bad activity and do only things that edify God and makes people see the godly child that you are. You need to be bold to live right; you need to have fear of God to live right because it is only when you have the fear of God and not the fear of man that you can do the right things. There are times you might be punished for doing the right things, this should not deter you but it should spur your future is always do the right things because it might be God’s way of trying to see if you can stand the test of time. Who ever punishes you for doing the right will certainly realize the mistake. Doing Right comes with living right, you must never be seen or caught in a place that does not edify God because it goes to show that you are not living or doing the right things. Do you remember Joseph while he was in Egypt in the house of Potiphar because Joseph lived rightly; he did the right thing by not sleeping with Potiphar’s wife. Living right can only be achieved if you are grounded in the word of God and how can you be, that is by studying the word because this serves as the link chain to doing right and you will regain your lost positively distinct character.

This I will say is meant for teenagers who had once given their lives to Christ but to due pressure or due to fact that they were not properly grounded in the word of God, they stopped being distinct. But for those who had never known Christ and had never been distinct positively except negatively in their lives the first step is for them to accept Christ as their Lord and personal saviour. You must be born again, you must confess Christ, Jesus Christ is the most positively distinct great man the human race had ever known. As a teenager you are expected to be Christ like, you are to follow in the foot steps of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your words should be Christ like your ways should be Christ like. This is the major step to start living a positively distinct life, because after accepting Christ you automatically become a candidate to positive living and distinct life, you become a new creature and the spirit man in you is awaken to start leading you right. The moment you start living right and doing right even before people starts commending you, you as a person will see the great difference in you because you will discover that what ever does not glorifying God will irritate you. People will see a different you, people will see a teenager fro God, people will see a teenager making a difference positively. You will certainly step on peoples toes, some might even mock you to your face but always go to God and always study the bible because it is only by doing this that the sort of courage and strength you need to face any obstacle that will come your way can only be built in you. This is a new phase for you are ready to take the bold step. Yes, I now you will certainly do it.

CHAPTER FIVE POWER – UP (PRAYER) Prayer is the key that open doors and makes way where there seems to be no way. It is a very important factor and aspect in the life of a teenager. Every teenager must build up the passion to always pray if as a teenager and you don’t have the flame or passion for prayers then you might be heading for danger. There is always a time in the life of teenager where he/she encounters personal struggles, this is the time when prayer comes to take its position in the life of the teenager. At every stage of a teenager growth up from the ages of 13 years – 19 years, it is like a game of chess, where either the teenager checkmates and wins or the personal struggles of the teenager checkmates and wins. Due to the fact that most teenagers can’t go to their parents and discuss some very important issues, they resort to meet the wrong people and get the wrong advice. But if you a teenager that power-up (prays) and always seek God you will certainly not be misdirected because God in His infinite mercies will give you the answer you are seeking either in dreams or even through your parents that you are scared of discussing the issue with. 1ST THESSALONIANS 5 v 17 pray without ceasing Paul admonished us to pray without ceasing as a teenager we should be vibrant in prayers, the kingdom of God sufferent violence and only the violent taketh it by force, like wise to be a positively distinct teenager it is mot an easy task, we must always pray so that we do not go astray, we do stumble and fall by the way side. I know most teenagers would say my parents always pray for me but the truth is that your parents might not know the personal struggles and challenges you are passing through and as such they will not pray concerning it but because you know, it is now left for you to pray concerning them.

I have heard of a teenager whose parents are Pastor but this teenager got so addicted t watching pornographic films, certainly we know this teenager will not tell his parents about his challenges but if he has prayed concerning his weakness for pornographic films, the Lord would have intervened. When you pray you are communicating to God, it is a time when you tell him things; it is a time when you pour the worries of your heart into his palms. Prayer builds up build the spiritual man in you, it brings the holy spirit closer to you than you can imagine, it serves as a guiding factor for you because you can always run to God in prayer when you feel the desire to do wrong. A simple “God help me” “God have mercy on me”, “God please save me”, though might sound simple but they are very powerful prayers that has saved over 1 million teenagers across the world because at the nick of time before they do the wrong things this simple but powerful prayers comes out from their lips and miraculously God intervenes and draws them back from whatever sin they had wanted to committee. Mathew 26 v 41 “watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, the spirit laded is willing, but the flesh is weak, our Lord Jesus Christ knows the importance of prayer and that is why he has given us this instruction, infact Christ himself never did anything without first praying to his father in heaven. With the kind of negative influence that is fast having its hold on teenagers, it is only a teenager that does not cease from prayer that will be able to stand and not fall into the temptation. A prayer less teenager is a powerless teenager and certainly will become an instrument of the devil. The kingdom of darkness is largely targeting at teenagers, they are seen as the most naïve people on earth or how on earth can you describe where an adult man will only buy a bottle of soft drink and some cheap snacks for a female teenager and the teenager will be glad to sleep with the man. Most female teenagers are seen as easy prey for most men, nut where the female teenager is prayerful, it is just not possible for her to fall prey because the holy spirit would have ministered to her the influences of the man.

Power-up which is the little of this chapter is the engine room of every teenager, every time you pray, you are lubricating your system at times it’s possible you are changing the padoil deposited in you. Prayer results and nourishes the spirit man, while it creates armour for the physical being. As a teenager you can become positively distinct if your prayer life is always power up. It is really painful when I see teenagers who don’t pray and are not willingly to develop their prayer life, how else do you think you can resist the devil or how else do you think the devil can flee from you if you don’t pray. One of the weapons of a teenager is to power up (prayer) because of you are one that can’t separate yourself from bad friend the only way you can do that it to pray to God to separate you from the bad friends or where you have picked up a bad habit, the only way you can desist from such habits is to pray to God and that is why prayer is very important, it is the master key that breaks chains, bonds and destroys sins. It is also the answer that builds and purifies the body and soul. Luke 18 v 1 ‘And he speaks a parable unto them to this end, that man ought always to pray and not to faint” to faint means to be weak. Christ expects us to pray always never getting discouraged of praying and never getting satisfied of praying because the moment any one of this steps in, there is the possibility that the next step can be fatal. Teenagers prayer is the only true and positively distinct life, prayer like I said earlier on is the master key that breaks chains and that will also out back the chains. Have you given yup hope on yourself as a teenager, do you feel as if you can never make a positively distinct impact in your life, do you feel as if you can’t stop that bad habit that no one knows about except you or that you can’t do without the friends that influences you negatively, have you given up hope? Why don’t you go on your kneels and talk to God now, he is waiting for you, his arms are waiting to enable you, his ears are waiting to hear your voice, his mouth is waiting to tell you “beloved I have heard your prayer and today I answer when you have asked of me”

Psalm 34 v 15 and 17, I Peter 3 v 12 makes to understand that God’s ears are open unto our cry, when we call upon him and he certainly delivers us. That is why you s a teenager must never think that God does not hear your prayers God hears our prayers and is always answering our prayers. Do not stop praying as a teenager, it is the age that your prayer will make ways where you don’t expect, it is the age you are suppose to experience God the most, it is the age you are suppose to be a prayer warrior because by doing this you would have settled a lot of areas in your life with God. Let the fire of prayer never die in you. Amen

CHAPTER SIX The Strength and energy of a teenager is not for show, it is for service and worship unto our heavenly father, you need to flee from the land of Egypt that is holding you down, you need to slay the Goliath in your life, the Goliath and the land of Egypt that does not want to let you go and serve the Lord, the Goliath that believes he is bigger than you and wants to destroy you, you need to tell the Goliath that though you are small but with god all things are possible and that you can kill the Goliath. As a teenager you need to wise up like Samuel, that did not defile the calling of God, he followed God and obeyed all his instructions. You need to rise up like David that faced the challenged of Goliath and went ahead to kill the Goliath, imagine if David had not faced the challenge don’t you think the children of Israel would have ended up becoming slaves again, why do you think you are small, have you forgotten that God loves his little children dearly? How do you want to face the challenges that are waring their heads up in your life, is it by succumbing to what others want you to do or is it by using the word of God. O God thou art my God, dearly will I seek thee: …….. and is your ……………… as a …………. My flesh …………… for thee; in a

And started his ministration as a child just like our lord Jesus Christ, he did not also allow himself to be misguided rather He stayed in the in the same house with Eli whose own children were bad, Samuel made up his mind to be a positively distinct teenager, if he had wanted to be misguided he would have allowed himself, he did not corrupt his body with the sacrificed meant for God. As a teenager why would you encourage evil things around you, why do you allow yourself to be controlled by the devil, why not flee and take a bold step by reporting the elders when you see other teenagers doing wrong, Genesis 37:12, Joseph always reported the evil deed of his brothers. Though they hated him but the Lord found him, I know others teenagers will not be pleased with you, the most important thing is for God to be pleased with you, the bible says Joseph being seventeen years old was feeding the flocks. How often do you help your parents at home? Most seventeen year olds are ashamed to do some house……….. most especially if they have gained admission into the university. They now see themselves as big boys and girls. Who told you, you are a big boy or a big girl. You can never be too big to help your parents. The kinds of friends nd company you keep can either make you or destry you. 1 Corinthian ………… “be not ……….. evil communications corrupt good manners. If you have friends that steals and tell lies a lot before you know it, you will find your self doing what they are doing. A lot of teenagers have been destroyed due to the bad company they keep. Some have been sentenced to jail because they ended up going for armed rubbery with friends, some have been killed. A lot of teenagers have had to drop out of school due early pregnancy. If you have a friend that is born again then you should stop such friendship. Ephesians 4 v 29 “let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers” let every word that comes out of your mouth be that of peace but it is very unfortunate that most teenagers cant say a sentence without injecting ………….. or foul languages even in churches you hear teenagers use very bad words, when you use this words you are causing a separation between you and the Holy spirit because the Holy Spirit cannot stay in the body of one that does not use his mouth to edify God. Psalm 103 v 2-3 says “

A teenager is suppose to be like an eagle with its rare quality of strength and advantages, God expects you to distinct just like the eagle of distinct, the eagle is powerful, large and it is a bird that will not just eat anything that comes its way is extremely selectively, the eagle soar high and that is why as a teenager God expects you to soar high, he expects you to be above positively that the ordinary teenager, he expects you to be focus, determined an d hard working. Don’t you think that if God can make the eagle a very special bird then he must have created you hundred times special than the eagle his words says “you are created in his image and after his likeness, God breathed life into you and this has made you to be small god, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, why then won’t you make God proud for creating you, why then won’t you make him see another Samuel in you. Why won’t you as a teenager be selective with your words, friends, food you eat, the drinks you take the places you go, the clothes you wear. If you eagle can be selective with the things they eat, remember an eagle is not a vulture they eat dead things out it hunts for its food, why then would you as a teenager eat things that destroys you e.g. beer, cigarette, dangerous drug i.e. cocaine and heroine, why not eat food that will not only nourish your body but also your soul which is the word of God that brings eternal life. How high do you want to soar, is it like an eagle and is safe in the sky or like the chicken that can be killed at anytime, remember the height you want to go in life depends on you and how you want to get there but the only surest way and safest way to soar high is to look unto God and take the steps our Lord Jesus Christ took. Ephesians 6 v 11 “Put on the white armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”, teenagers what sort of armour are you wearing, what are your defenses and attacks against the devil. It is pertinent to be truthful, it is important to be righteous, it is wise to know that gospel, it is right to have faith, it is paramount you are saved, it is great to know that word of God, it is just to always pray these are the only way one can defend and attack the devil when it comes to face you as a teenager because only then you can know what to do if all this armour are present in your arnoury.

You cannot remain a teenager for life but its important you lay the foundation of being positively distinct because only then you can see your next phase as a youth an easy stage to walk into. Romans 8 v 14 says “for as many that are led by the spirit they are called the sons of God”. You must be called a son of God because you are one and that is why as a teenager you must be positively distinct.

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