A Community-based Ftth Network Krsnet In Ostrobothnia Finland

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 25
A Communitybased FTTH network KrsNET in Ostrobothnia, FINLAND Ulf Grindgärds Specialplanner The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia Vice-chairman Finnish Regional Networks Assoc.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


About Ulf Grindgärds •

Ulf Grindgärds – Special planner – The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia – P.O.Box 174, FIN - 65101 VAASA FINLAND – Mobile: +358 44 3206566 – [email protected]

Has been working with FTTH-infrastructure matters in Ostrobothnia for the last nine years. Seven years of these engaged by The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia now Special planner with responsibility to implement the Ostrobothnian Regional Broadbandstrategy. One of the founders of the association Finnish Regional Networks Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia



Situated on the West Coast of Finland A breathtakingly beautiful region The international, bilingual city of Vaasa as its centre. Consists of 17 municipalities

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia • Formed by the 17 municipalities in the region, the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia is a joint municipal authority referred to in the Finnish Local Government Act (365/1999). • http://www.obotnia.fi

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The regional Broadbandstrategy of Ostrobothnia • The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia adpoted a broadbandstrategy in december 2005 saying that 2010 a household would be given the possibility to connect the home with a capacity of 100 Mbit/s - 1 Gbit/s in a symmetric way. • The network is also aimed to be an open network so that whatever serviceprovider has access to the network on equal terms to make the services available for the consumer. The consumer again must have the possibility to choose services by himself.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia



the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia has a common umberella-concept through which the network is going to be constructed

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


CONCEPT WITH IMPLEMENTATION AT MUNICIPALITY-LEVEL • FTTH-projects is to be founded at municipality level through out the region. • The first step at municipalitylevel is to form a workinggroup • The municipality-group start with a mobilisation- och planningproject (financed by the Regional Council)

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The local mobilisation project (6 months) 1. A networkplan and a calculation with the help of the villagers (local circumstances) 2. Informationmeetings (What? Why? And How?) in every village to get the people involved. (A calculated price for the connections is available at the meetings). 3. After the informationphase pre-connection-agreements are made to see if you reach the needed penetration and the willingnes of the households to invest the money needed. 4. If you have enough pre-connection-agreements you proceed by making a calculation based on pre-connections to check the price. 5. Binding agreements. 6. With the final agreements on hand the decision to start to build the network is made. 7. To do this you found a communitybased company (cooperative) if it hasn´t been founded at an earlier stage. Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


ACTION • Case KrsNET in Kristinestad.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


About Kristinestad • • • • • •

7.306 inhabitants (31.08.2008) 57 % swedish-speaking, 41,9 % finnish, 1,1 % others Founded 1649 Area: 809 square metres/. 9 inhabitants/square metres. Coastline including islands: 370 km Economy: Agriculture an forestry 12 %, manufacturing and industry 25 %, service 63 %. • Level of unemployment: 4,4 % (May 2008)

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia




www.krsnet.fi Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


BACKGROUND • The Municipality founded an ICT-kommtté 2003 to make plans for the next generation network. • A consultancy-report was made by Arto Karila. – Suggested the concept of partnership between the inhabitants and the municipality

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


STUDIES OF OTHER MODELS • 2005 the FFH- model in Kungälv, Sweden was studied. • In december 2005 a common open BIG meeting was arranged with people from all over the municipality. • At this meeting it was decided to found a planning- and mobilisationproject with the municipality as projectowner.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia



The process was started at the beginning of 2006 – A state co-funded (local action group) planningand mobilisation project wos started. – 7 local working groups was founded – Networkplanning and calculation with assistance by byNET Ltd and the local working groups. – Information meetings in every village. – Pre-connection phase – 40% penetration needed to keep the connection fee human

– Networkplan number 2 to check the price – More informationmeetings for the inhabitants. – The decision to start the construction of the net was taken

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The Coop KrsNET was founded 26th of November 2006 • The Coop KrsNET was founded 26.11.2006 by 27 founders. The businessidea is to build, own and operate a fiber optical network connecting all the homes in Kristinestad. • The net will be operated as a multi-service open access network. This quaranteed, as the network is owned by the users.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The construction phase was started in June 2007 • The situation in December 2008 – 600 members with binding agreements. – Summer and autumn 2008 rolling out the network – 450 homes activated. – The first Internet Service Provider in place. – The municipality has connected all the schools and other buildings.

• Backbone – ”village” connecting network 140 km – about 15 active nodes Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


The network was realised through a huge partnership where as well the inhabitants as the municipality were involved

The role of the municipality. The generator! Not networkowner.

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Facts about KrsNET • The construction cost is covered by the connection fees which is 1700-3000 euros/connected house – The connection fee was paid in three instalments – The household had the possibility to take a loan in local banks.

• To cover operational cost and costs for maintainance a monthly fee about 15 euros is collected • NOW at the starting point one Internet service provider: – 2/2 Mbit/s – 5/5 Mbit/s – 15/15 Mbit/s

6 euros/månad 12 euros/månad 24 euros/månad

• During February 2009 the first IPTV-service provider will start selling TV-channels and films. Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia



Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


FTTH-projects in Ostrobothnia KNT-NET

Korsholm-NET Tao-NET

Pedersöre-NET Nykarleby-NET

Malax-NET Korsnäs-NET Närpes-NET


Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Finnish Open Networks

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Ulf Grindgärds

[email protected]

Österbottens förbund • Pohjanmaan liitto • Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


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