9th Circuit Appeal - Dkt 4 - Certificate Of Record (from Usdc)

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  • Words: 136
  • Pages: 1
Case: 09-56073


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DktEntry: 6999150

Case2:09-cv-O1914-JFW-CW Document45 Fi led07/21/2009&MOSe 0 cùo Dt Wl I EAB/VPCEL R D . S.Y Ce O R T OY F AE L SK UNITEDSTATESDISTRICTCOURT

JtL212œ! FILED

CENTRALDISTRICTOFCALIFORNIA PAI. E CourtofAppeals RICHARD1.FINE, DocketNo.09-56073 D oc tnNio un ma bned r/ to s) Cs o rt p als PLAINTIFF/APPELLANT Co mk pea ro Cf ro suA po pf eA al sp (g lf




DistrictCourt DocketNo.CV09-0l914-JFW-CW

D te ranscrip tts) Fia le dTNONE RE OUESTED

CERTIFICATEOFRECORD InaccordancewithRule11-2oftheLocalRulesoftheU.S.CourtofAppealsfortheNinthCircuit, YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatalldocumentswhichcomprisetheClerk'sRecordonAppeal

(pleadings,exhibits,andotherpapersfiledandthereporter'stranscriptts),i fany,areavail abletopartiesin


thedi visionoftheDistrictCourti nwhichthecasewasfil ed.Al1casesfiledi nLosAngeles(Western Divisi on)arelocatedi nRoomG-8at312N.SpringStreet,LosAngeles,CA,90012;casesfiledinRiverside (EasternDi visi on)arel ocatedi nRoom 134,3470TwelfthStreet,Ri verside,CA92501;andcasesfiledin SantaAna(SouthernDi vision)arel ocatedi nRoom 1053attheRonaldReaganFederalBl dg.andU.S. Courthouse,411W.FourthSt.,SantaAna,CA 92701. Thebriefingschedule,whichhasalreadybeensetbytheU.S.CourtofAppealsTimeScheduleOrder, remainsineffect.Ifyouhavenotbeeninformedofthedatesforfilingbriefs,youmustimmediatelycontact theU.S.CourtofAppealsat95SeventhStreet,SanFrancisco,CA,94119-3939. CLERK,U.S.DISTRICTCOURT

7/21/09 By L.Rendon Date DeputyClerk NOTE:Thecasenumberincludesthedesignationofthedivisionitishledin: CV/CRdesignatescasesfledinLosAngeles(WesternDivisionl; S ACV/SACRdesi gnatescaseshledinSantaAna(SouthernDivisionl;and EDCV/EDCRdesignatescases-fil edinRiverside(EasternDivision) cc:COunSClOfRecord A-3(6/01) CERTIFICATEOFRECORD -U.S.D.C.

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