9th Circuit Appeal - Dkt 3 - Requests For Judicial Notice (combined)

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  • Pages: 20
Case: 09-56073


RICIIARD 1.FINE,lnProPer PrisonerID #1824367 c/oMen'sCentralJail 3 441BauchetStreet 4 LosAngel es,CA 90012 5 6 7 8









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Richard1.Fine(tTine'' )respectfullyrequeststhattheCourttakejudicial noticeofthefollowingdocuments: 1. November 10, 1988,Memorandum from Roger W . Whitby,Senior Assistant,LA CountyCounsel,toFrankS.Zolin,CountyClerkmxecutive Officerofthe SuperiorCourt. The relevance ofthisdocumentisits

revelationthatLA CountywouldpayLA SuperiorCourtjudgesûllocal judicialbenefits''despitetheircertainknowledgeofcontraryopinions issued by the Attorney General. (A true and correctcopy ofthe Memorandum isattachedhereto.)

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2. TheLoc#er-lsenbergTrialCourtFundingActof1997(Cal.Govt.Code 2 3 4 5 6

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18 20 22 24

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577000etseq.).Therelevanceofthisdocumentisitsdeclarationthatthe Statewassolelyresponsiblefortrialcourtfunding,inordertoremovethe differencesincompensationreceivedbyjudgesin differentcounties. (lnternet location: http: //- .leginfo.ca.gov/cgibiiwaisgate?WAlsdoclD=3g3zl117179+0+0+0&WAlSaction=retrieve) LA County's2008-2009FinalBudget,whichshows,atpages223through

240(orpages227-244ifusingthepdfpagenumbers),theCounty's expendituresfortrialcourtoperationsforthepastseveralyears.(Internet location:http://fle.lacounty.gov/lac/cmsl- l15150. pdf) 4. The2009-10 Judicial& CriminalJusticeBudgetAnalysis,prepared by California'sLegislativeAnalyst'sOffice,whichshowsthatincarceration rateshavealmostdoubledoverthepast20years,eventhoughcrimerates have dropped,the samezo-yeartimeframeduring which LA Superior

Courtjudgesreceivedpaymentsfrom LA Countywhilepresidingover casesprosecutedbytheLA CountyDistrictAttorney.(lnternetlocation: http://ww .lao.ca.gov/analysis-zoog/crimiustice/cj-anlogoo3ooz. aspx# zzee- li nk- 1- 1233270990) ThefollowingLA CountyCounselArmualLitigationCostReports(the onlyonesavailabletothepublic)

a) County CounselAlmualLitigation CostRegort FY 2007/08. (lntemetlocation:http: //counsel.lacounty.gov/llt07-08.pdf) b) SupplementalM nualReportofCountyCounselonLitigationCost ManagementforFY2006/07.(lnternetlocation: http://counsel.lacounty.gov/supp- o6-o7. pdf) c) Litigation CostManager's AnnualReporton Cost Reduction Measuresfor2006/07.(lnternetlocation: http: //counsel.lacounty.gov/lit06-07.pdf) d) ReportonLitigationCostManagementPerformanceforFY 2006/07. (lnternetlocation:http://counsel.lacounty.gov/perf- o6-o7.pdf) e) Litigation CostManager's AnnualReporton Cost Reduction Measuresfor2005/06.(lnternetlocation:

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hlp://counsel.lacounty.gov/lit-os-o6. pdf) 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 l0

6. The2002-03tlGeneralFundYnterpriseHospitalss-MonthBudgetStatus Report,''showing,atpage5 forexample,dramatic increasesin court-

relatedcostsanda$2.31milliondeficitççdueprimarilyto:1)a$1.25 million increasein salarpdriven localjudicialbenefits...''. (lnternet location:http://fle.lacounty.gov+c/ql- zoo3/cmsl- oo48o7. pdf,page7) Docket,USDC,Finev.Sherff(CaseNo.CV-09-1914)showingthatthe (s Attorney General''wascopied by the courton itslçmodified''7/6/09 NoticeofAppealto9thccA.(TheAttorneyGeneralisnotapartytothe action,adesignated interested party,oran intervenorin thiscase.) (Internetlocation:PACERdocument34https://ecf.cacd. uscouds.gov/cgibi* ktRpt. pl?840013852364541-L 8010-1) 8. Metropolitan News-Enterprise article of3/2/09,quoting Judge Charles Mccoy,PresidingJudgeoftheLA SuperiorCourt,whorevealedthatthe



thanked attorneys who'd filed amicusbriefs siding with the Superior


CourtjudgesaftertheSturgeonv.Countvqff-t?, sAnzelesdecision,saying itl-hejudgesoftheLosAngelesSuperiorCourtaregrateful.And that appreciationwilllastforalongtime.''(lnternetlocation: hlp: //- .metnews.com/adicles/zoog/bfco3ozog. htm)

18 19

9. LA County BarAssociation'sûçupdate''forDecember2008,revealing

thatSçltlhecountyaskedLACBAtowritealetterinsupportofpetitionfor reviewintheCaliforniaSupremeCourt. ''(lntemetlocation:

hlp://- .lacba.org/showpage.cfm?pageid=lol74 22 23 24 25 26


10. TheNovember7,2008,casesummaryoftheCaliforniaCourtofAppeal, FourthAppellateDistrict,atpage11,showingthefollowingentitiesall submitted amicuscuriaebriefstotheCourtin supportofLA

Courtjudges'oppositiontoSturgeonv.Coun;vqfLosAngelesï LA

District Attorney, LA County Public Defender, California Judges Association,andtheAssociationofSouthernCaliforniaDefenseCounsel.

(lnternetlocation' .

http: //- . coulinfo.ca.gov/couls/minutes/documents/DNovo3o8.Doc) LoyolaLaw Schools'AlumniNewsletter,PublicRecord,Winter2005, which,atpage3,reportsMagistrateJudgeCarlaM .Woehrle'sreceipt

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the school's2005 Distinguished AlumniAward on October20,

(lnternetlocation: hlp://- .lls. edu/media/publicationsgublicRecordWinterzoos. pdf)

Thesedocumentsconstitutefactsnotreasonablysubjecttodispute.They showtheeffectofthepaymentsonthejudgesandtheirdecisions. LEGALSTANDARD A courtmayproperlytakenoticeof''mattersofpublicrecord''pursuantto

FederalRuleofEvidencesection201totheextenttheyarenotsubjectto reasonabledispute.Leev.CitvofLosAnzeles,250F.3d668,689(9thCir. 2001).Suchrecordsmayincludeadministrativerecords,reportsandprocedures. See,e.g.,lnterstateNaturalGasCo.v.SouthernCaliforniaGasCo.,209F.2d

380,385(9thCir.1953). ,Coinstar,Inc.v.CoinBankAutomatedSvs.,Inc.,998 F.Supp.1109,1114(N. D.Cal.1998). TheallegationsinFine'sEmergency Motion andunderlying Petition for


WritofHabeasCorpusareinextricablyintertwinedwiththeabovedocuments. 23

Accordingly,thisCourtisentitledtotakejudicialnoticeofthesedocuments,and FinethereforespecificallyrequeststhatthisCourttakejudicialnoticeofthe documentsidentifiedabove.

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oatedtss/w daxoçnly,204): 2 3 4 5 6

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Respectfullysubmitted, BY:

Rl 1.FINE, InProPer

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Cc U N TY O F LO5 A NCELE5 OFFICE OFTHtCOUNT'Y CcuN3tt *œe >*-kbo'>oaI-f*#*A' tbD*oo wK@T7K-*v< #%*ë@A' uo* GaGdL*@.C>tlFoq-'> *oo1a

e we> < *u*To-.<e*-'œ'T><w -**k

Novemb*r 1û. 1968

xr.'ran: s. zoltn

c un *o ek 8o up et rv locz rc u/e rtxeeutlve orficer 1:iNort:skzl stv.lt

Lo* An:*l**e C*ltiornl* 9:412 âttenttonl Frte D. Webberl Cn1.f Deputy R*I Judtcial compensatlon D..K Mr. zoltnl ïQu hav* ask*d our opinton foncernin: th* l*galtty * ' p r ovi d*xt bngbl. Judve s wit Co ty e pto ye e benefitl such *> th* Pt B*neli tnan dun savi nm gs Pl anl. ItL* tl ur inion *t jud ge szl arles mu@ set by th* gào el ltop ure, bQttb ot her be ns' eltt l may lan dt inb/ zome calel mult) be provided by th* County. Apxr.vgzg krticle VI, slttton 19 ot the California congtitutlon provtdel: pTh* L*vlllatur* shall prescrtb* compen*atlon for j urt/ re rd. *ar ju e of ou t of ru ed rç o* r. d o' Aayco npt reo ct elv *co tb * lgl ydg 'or th* ee of fr iel al

o fd fg àc .rh .aà lônby th . jg udg . vu hl le ênml yn ce lu se bef or .ay th * l u e * m . p* p dt n a n d n d *t *r d t oç 9 : d . a'ter tt hae beee eubmëtted tor decixlon.''

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8r. Felnk S. loààn Rov**ber lQ, 19:: Pa9* Tw*

x. a gen*ral proeosition. th* word ecoee*nsœtton. orlqlnally oelnt *w*9*@* or *wataryee but ** otbœr blneettl blv. evolv*d' àt h*: coa* to have a broager aeaninq, *n4 :* nQ* J---->l# us*d to intlud* b0th salary > del fded rln4* nefit l.19Th* uel teal, iol or htch mea nurts tog wa@ ln nt âlhe s*ctl on il q trk tl aiw nc* ehe oo h*v* held tbat vh*t* th* Conltltuelon r*quùr.. t*. Leqllllture to *pr**ay not leave or delegltq tbe rqpttlon to another body or person. county o' Madera vt iup/rior çouTa (1974) 39 C.A.3d 665. Foç r*alone which will beeom. app*rene below, w* belteve that eçpop*n@*tton* *a uaed ln Ntctton 19 referl only to th* lalary which 1* the eeolument of th* ju dl/t ll tce. @ AtAtt torn mycG ener l67 l doe not cal. aqree. : **. *. g.o ,ff 5: Qp..Th C*l. y. en. 49 61.Ops. Ak ty.c*n. 3:8. W* note lnitkally th*e judq.l, llke otb*r *l*œt@d o'fic*rf, ar* pald under tNe co-mon law rule thlt tb* *>l*:r 1* an incldent on tb* o'Ctc.. C onlequentty, tbly Jo not technicallg hav. auch ben*fita ** vac.tion, sick Ie*ve or ov*rtkme, wbich otherwlse mlgbt be conslder*d a p*rt ot compenxation. Re*dtn: S*exion 19 as a whol*, it appearp thae tN@ wqril mtoap*ollttone *nd lslïary* are uled Int*rchlag*ebly; that ï*, esalary'' kn th* second leneence *pp**rl to refer to the Mcompenl.tion* prelcribed pursuant to the ftrst sentence. Thil r**dbn: of S*ttion :9 t* suppoeted by tMe tzce that Attigle VI, Seetion 2ô provzdest

>Th* L*glslature shlll provtd. for retlr*ment, with

f r* alo nabor 1e l llo w*n e*, or *ge dls abt lit x.jfjudgelotcourts of record :f *co-p*nmatàonq la used Jn Sectbon 19 wa> intended to lnclude frtnge benwfltl such al retirement benefits, there would b. no n*ed lor 8ectïon 2Q.

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8e. Fran: s. lolto Novlpber à0e 198: P*9* Thre*

prto: to Artkele V1, s*ctton 1: (whàch w*s added in

z b*ctt juon dlci ep* lon @p n96 ,:S lal 1: o Yn NI TNnl rat *ed ln** e*r tr :ovtded under hrtlct. *Th *s o o mtàon*h*l o' l th* &c el*n od rl dg. . oœot oe *z: co grt rl eoofd >*ju rl tt x' * d, tu h* ply therlof peelerlbld by eN* Levlstature.e Thl. 1*>çu*g* lg*tn *u99**ee the Pa/ment oc a satary, rath*r than oth*r heoefitl. TN* pr@d*e*l*or to Artlçl* V1,Sectton 11 #as Artirke VZ, s*ction l7. whlTh provldedl

*Th jua stof th* Sup Cour t* nd thethe Dt l* trl ottà cc oe ur * o: App@ le t* ,m. and the Ju dqof es or

d S up <@ jn r: lot rhe co lu rre to ln :t# tn hu la ln lce :*v f* nro *f lf 14e ,*a lt*tve tdftor tm*s ,tr*cel tbel: servtee sueh eompensltion as i* or shall be

p ro*rl vlde db y law.lrTb * sa l*r i*: f th* dgep of the lup or court. atî eo urti e.obavt nqJu but on* judq*. *nd in *là countiel in which th* t*rm. of t b-*, * jud ges or th* su er iorb. cou te xpf reor at tMe same tt lhall not her *p af ter ir ntr *ls *d diminklhed lfter their etection, nor uurlag t>e t*r. for whtoh thly vbalt havq bmen llected. Upon th* adoption Q' tbta amendment the lllarlw* then eet.blllhed by law shalï b* - td uniformly eo the

ju lt t* eel an dc* ju dq elth th en to Qt fc le e,tT h* e al*r tes o t k > J us ki l of e s u p r e m m o ur an d of t h* Dkltvttt Couxt. of Apeeal .* 11 be pald by the

stxt.. one hllf of th* salary oq each lup*rior c our tb lu dg*th*r *hall *idbb *S tat l; * nd thefor ot hee alf *o;b* php all .y-th i4 by thq oounty pblçh he ts eletted. On and after t>* rirst day o' J Anuary: A.D. l@Q7: th* lu4ttces oc th* Supr*m* Court sbatl eaçh rlceive am apnual salary of $ 8u,4 *nd th* Ju ,ltt ft r* Di trict Co rC tQ *,of Appeal lh le :e, 4ao çh rh ee cel le vv e*m nlan n/ ual

l of oa ol n* tr hy 1:. .1 #7:QQ4; the Kaid :alzrie: to be payabl@ Forwer sertlon 17 also appear: to u:e th@ terml ecompenl#tton* and mlalaryl lnt.rchangeably.

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Mr. rrAn: *. lotln dpvember l@: 19e: P*:* rour


Th. l*w@u*;* pf 'ora*r Seetton 17 ls dttectiy traceabl* tq the C/n*tltutlon of 1479. and thence to th* Collt:tutton o' 1:49. Artlele 7I. S*etton 15 of th* Conltttutlon of ::49 provldedl * Th* Jultlçel o' eh* Supr*me court, *od Judqes ot kh@ Dlltrict Courte *h*11 sev*rally, at stated t lo.. duTtng tb*ir conkinu*o<* lo off1=*, rel*lve for thetr s*rvl<** * comp*nlatton, to be pafd out of th* trellury, whiob *batl not b. tnexeased or 4l*tnl*h*d durio: th* t*r. roT phlçh they shall hav* been ll*çt*d. Tb* county Judqes sh*lT azso **v.g*ll:, et *t*t*4 ti>**, r*c*&v* for thetr s4rvâœ*. * eo-p*nlltsoo t* b* patd out Q' eh* eounty trealury ot thelr relpelttv@ eountlesf whloh Nhalz lpk b. tnerea:*d or dtainished during the tlrm for uhicb they shltl bave been eleeted.? lt il llmlr that 'eomp*olatkon'?a: used kn section 45 m.ane -s*l*r#.* Por th*t matter: w* doubt that publlc o'fsellls ïn ettber 1849 or :879 rpcetved much the w*y ot frtnq* b*nefttw tn any evene. hu htlt or lcœl ly ec ean nslt to nar e yen Cor .nd judqe :: : be*n T us es,and un d*r ltooa to onp me ''l al tbi laha* carrl4d ov*r ko th* pre*ent Jay. Th. L@gillatur. h** interpreted th* eonltttutional tanguaq. tn tb. >am* wly. chapter z.5 o' Tltle e of th* Governl*nt codm (sectton: 6:20:, et s*q.) tl entttzld 'rompeneatlon on Julktcl. *nd Judg*l ot Courtx o' Reeord.* zt dgal. exçlustvely wkth :allry lnd not wtth Jrinv* bea*ettg ot *oy other form ot reaunwratson. s tak r1y, v*rn-lnt cod. secti n7$ Q3nes ,uhi tsyr *f par t1* of th*Go Judq*l Retlr *ment Lo >u, d0 efl *c >h a1*r 'ollovl: *'g.l*ry. m*anl t5* comp*n:ztlon rec*àved by * judv'e ag the exolument ot the offtee of )ud9*....''

plGf 2:/43

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Mr. rrllk :. iplin Nov*/blr lQ. 198: P*:* rive

conlequeotly: w* conctud* thlt vhll. the ç*gt::*tuT* mult prelerkbe th* ,*1*ry of a yuperlor court ju*g* .od ..y .no-t deleqat* that rllponstblllty to 4oy otber pereon or .#g Artlct* V1, S@rtton 1: ot th* C ka natà tlr uti do **co no pro t. blpr k ovz th,dt ho l* uIti ror vza lp g.co oe *p to ào mul le ut nty fh ro pa qrd or * lon bln tl a eor lud g o1. tH@lt b* qla sl l*t qrert e h*@ ukhor lq ie ed rt rh el qt uto rou ednt sy. uch Io fact. addlttopll ben*ràt* àn *0-* in*tantew. ro< *x*-pl.. Governa*nt Cod* seetion :32e4.3

provàd.. thlt judg*s *r* deeped eo :*county eaplpyees

fo tN ttt* rp lp i*) çataio ao 'ovî thA t. that l rr tig àe @t (d *al td nqpu wl tQ hlt gro of upkp ze n4u rp al nl nd pr de judqe. *r* entttl*d to tbe lAme or xlœilar h**1th and w*liare b*neftts ** ar* :ranted tp tœpïoyeql of th@ c ounty ln whioh th* tourt #. located. Thul, judgee are el*arly *ntltled to aedlcal, d.ntll .o4 lk'e insurance b*neflta luçh al thQ** provtded tn eh* elexible B*nerlt Plan. sixillrly. Government Code Section 53214.5 a u t h o rtx*: judqel to particip*te in de'erred comp4nl/tlon planl *ltabltlhed by counti*l. Wbile S*çtlon 53214.5 u** prob*bly tngplted by Qh* ext.tence of d*f@ered comp*nlltlon plln* eltablilb*d pursu*nt to secttoo 457 ot the Znternal Revenut Cod*, 4Ol(k) plans lueb a. oug glvlngl etap ar* also dererred compensatiop planl. and health cwre *nd depend*nt c*r. retmburltm*nt

a ccount: *> u*11 al sallry rpdurtton agreementl provtd*d und*r th* 'lexlble 8enetlt Pz*n are deferr@d coœpenlatlon arrangements, *n4 conlequently ** b*lleve t hat judgel' partitlp*tton th*r*tn 1: authorlzed by Seetton 532:4.5. tt 1* kru. th*e partiûip.ntl ln tb* Plexible Ben*fît Pïan m.y eleçt to tek. pmrtor *ll of the county': contribvtlon al taxabl. ealh? and th*t the County provlde. aatehtn: eontrlbuttons to th* 4Q1(kp p'Rn. W. b*llev. that thele benefltl aTe simil*rly authoriœ/d by s*ctiooa 532:0.) .:d 53;:4.5, ltnc@ they : rd :lP t of th @nae pla rc lz çe tt ad tar ton, Gov er nn tsca out deho s* te ld onby 6,t 2h 0o 6. 6.s*e vhl con h a. ln

ptovsde. tQr payaent oe gup*rloreovrt jud9** eokely

plc.i 2)?qa

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AL WATC8 1*:

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hr. Frllk s. loltn Rovemb@r l4. 1:*: P*:. skx fro- * county payeotl. -** *dded 'or tN planf. *v vor *nkl 4umt tha t*eurb ben*ttts are not a* pe f: l*a o l* l* l*t# y av* th xl ed Yyng *t*t ut C ue lt ty . v* belt*vk th*t th*

po uu rp eeTac of*t per ttt ng4Q ju d%) ge. tQ pArtictp @lt s. peut c oo ty *re ta *ntd l( fufz llc y :p

y .*r tlvl ;l:pe ovi d e th* a t*thj* ud g *l, l oben long a@ the œ ur d o' l u p or l ' t n d f e h g t e * 1 . * th* county ân doânv @o. Thi. would *1*4 be tru. efioe t to o t h * t b e n e' t k . ' or j ud q * l? s u c h * * * pr o r tg # i o n al d*velopœent *tlou*n<* ot bonug .

S u p efl or wo ur t jud geg *r* ty ech nt ç*l lm yao Gy t.r ee e o a g t l t ut' z o n al o f' l c er g. b vt t h * a r * t n quall----nty qfficlis. They s*Tv* the populatte aem ct y o n o ; a p a r t l e a l lr c o u nt y, t he t r e . l ar l e g *r * p al d i n R ar t by eb* tounty tp wh th*y ltt, 4nd as aoted above, they *<* d*emed to bm1ch touoty qaploy**: tor purpol*s o' N rtàct- tton jn hlaltb and ltfe tnsurlnee proqramp aa vwll a. ln d*rerred comp/nx*tton ptanl. Th@ lal*ry of a lupertor court judge ls th* gam* g t l t q wt Th bv gd. utn *$ 1oe ,r unv me ye be k:ïldp. comp* nu ge: *te* db ad ge pon tm h*1 *c tur oa 'àlc io vj ngyth er *nd tn eomp*rieon to khlt he could larn ln prbvat. p r * e t t<.. on t h * ot b *r hpaend? ju d qe e ldn L oa An q *1 * * t of c o u n k y a r e o od @ r at *l y e o / n l at e d b a s * u p on t b * c ol tlvtnq here And kn coap.eilon to wlet th*y coutd eavn in prlvat. prletbç.. Tb* Board o' Sup*rvtaor* bal ev#deltly foun4 tbœt tn oed*r to *ttrart and rvtltn qualâiled judge: to l*rve tn this County, tt is qeeeleary aa4 approertlt. to provide thex wtt: b*neritx : oeh .@ tN* Flfxtbl. Benefàt Pl*n contrtbutton and tbe 401(.)mateb: whlgb *r* Avallable to mlny *meloyt@. in tb# prtvmt. lletor: *. w#tk as to County *m/loy*** and cpuriofrto*rl and employeeg oth*r thln judg*s.


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8r. eran. 1. tolân R*v--n*K l:, 19** P4q* 3*+*n

zt .ay be nerelsary for the Board of supervtlora to

provld@ aealtéooal benertt. tor judqel ln th* futur. in o d*r ko tain l* ae nd Gr fpea r-ào -le in*tht htg lhCo uv n*l ty.of judlctal compmtenc. zf** o*n >e o' ru
@y /r 2v 'e;.1* '!Z6*.' ....'.---e R creR M.WHITBy / Senlor Axltltaot county counsel

APPRA'S AND RetEAsrD: * >nrt '. . kïï..;. .ezsmo

Cpunty Counl*l

R NM o*f vl1 o: k

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1am GregMcphee.Mybusinessaddressis2450N.LakeAvenue,PMB 227,Altadena,CA 91001.

OnJuly 15,2009,1servedtheforegoingdocumentdescribedREQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY MOTION on interested parties in thisaction by depositing atruecopy thereof, which was enclosed in a sealed envelope,with postagefullyprepaid,in theUnited States Mail,addressedasfollows: AaronMitchellFontana PaulB.Beach LAWRENCEBEACHALLEN&CHOI,PC 100WestBroadway,Ste.1200 Glendale,CA 91210-1219

KevinM.Mccormick BENTON,ORR,DUVAL&BUCKINGHAM 39N.CaliforniaStreet P.O.Boxl178 Ventura,CA 93002

Icertifyanddeclare,underpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheUnited StatesofAmerica and theStateofCalifornia,thattheforegoing istrue and correct.

Executedonthis15thdayofJuly,2009,atAltadena,California. v,,f.5 * '... . , . . . . ...'e g


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PrisonerID #1824367 3 4

c /oMen'sCentralJail 441BauchetStrees

kkEzu -mn






RICI-IARD 1.FINE, AppellantandPetitioner,






U.S.DISTRICTCOURT, AppelleeandRespondent.




Richard1.Fine(çTine'')respectfullyrequeststhattheCourttakejudicial 20



California(ssstateBar''). 24

26 27 28

Thedocketsheet,attachedhereto,showsthattheStateBarhaswaivedits righttofilearesponsetothePetition. TherelevanceofthisdocumentisthattheReportandRecommendationof

theMagistrateJudge(ût Report''),whichwasapprovedbytheDistrictCourt

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Judge,referred to the State Barrecommendation fordisbarment,atpage 6, 2

footnote4,eventhough such ûtdisbarment''wasnotpartofthetirecord.'' At

4 page9,footnote7,theReportalsoreferredtottdisbarmenf',eventhoughsuch 6

wasnotpartofthettrecord.'' Aftersix JusticesoftheCaliforniaSupremeCourtdeniedapetition for

8 9

review ofthe StateBarrecommendation,Filefiled foraPetition forWritof

10 CertiorariintheU.S.SupremeCourt. 12

14 15


20 21 22 23 24 25

ThequestionspresentedtotheU.S.SupremeCourtare: 1.Whetherreceiptofillegaltsunconstitutionalpayments''from countiesby membersoftheCaliforniaSupremeCourt,andthereceiptofttretroactive immunity''from criminalprosecution,civilliability,and discipline for such activity through legislation written by the Judicial Council of CaliforniaonwhichothermembersoftheCaliforniaSupremeCourtwere participants and members,violates Petitioner's Fifth and Fourteenth AmendmentrightswhensuchmembersoftheCaliforniaSupremeCourt refused to recuse themselves from Petitioner's disbanuent case and decided thatPetitionerwasguilty ofttmoralturpitude''fortiling cases challenging the illegalttunconstitutionalpayments''from counties to

judges? Whetherthe FirstAmendmentrights are violated by using the words tsmoraltumitude''asareason to disbarPetitionerfrom makingtruthful andsoundpleadingsinCourts? WhetherPetitionerwasdenieddueprocessbyvariousactsoftheOfticeof ChiefTrialCounselofthe California State Barand StateBarCourt

judges? 4.Whether the statutory system ofthe California State Bar Act Petitioner due process both asto lack ofnotice and lûappearance


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TheattentionoftheCourtisinvitedtothetirstquestionpresented,which isthesameissue astheunopposedrecusalgroundinthiscaseexceptthatit 5

relatestoCaliforniaSupremeCourtjusticeswhoreceivedtheunconstitutional andillegalpaymentswhiletheywereSuperiorCourtjudgesandweredeciding

thelegalityoftheirownactionsbydisbarringFineforfilingFederalcivilrights 8 lawsuits challenging the State and Federalconstitutionality ofsuch county 9


The State Bar's election to waive a response to the Petition on this 12

signiticantissueisamanifestationofthesham ofthedisbarmentcase.Itisalso

14 an indicationthattheMagistrateJudgeandtheDistrictCourtJudgewerenot 16

onlywrongtorefertodocumentsoutsidetherecord,butdidnotperform the necessary researchtodetermineiftheiroutsidereferenceswereClcurrent''and


20 22


stillsupportedbytheStateBar. ThePetitionwastiledon June 11,2009,thedaybeforetheReportwas filedand28daysbeforetheReportwasapprovedbytheDistrictCourtJudge. AtthetimetheDistrictCourtJudgeapprovedtheReport,heknew ofthe


25 Petitionasshownatpage25,line28throughpage26,line2,ofttobjections 26 includingMemorandum inSupportofObjectionstoMagistrateJudge'sReport; 28


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1 2


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Thesamett objections''showedtheDistrictCourtJudge,atpage45,lines

3 15through26,thatinthecaseofRichardLFinev.StateBarofCalifornia,etal,

4 USDC CaseNo.CV-08-2906JFW (CW),theStateBardefendantsdidnot 5 6 y

opposeaMotiontoSetAsideJudgment. TheMotionshowedthattheCalifornia

SupremeCourtJusticeswerebiasedinthedisbarmentcaseastheyhadreceived 8 &çunconstitutional''andillegalpaymentsfrom countieswhentheywereSuperior


10 Courtjudges. 11 12

By notopposing theissuein thePetition and in theStateBarDistrict

13 Courtcase,theStateBarhasshownthatitdoesnotopposeFineontheissueof 14

15 therecusaloftheCaliforniaSupremeCourtJusticesinboththeSupremeCourt

16 andtheDistrictCourt. 17

18 Unfortunately,thisconcession hasnotbeen accepted by theMagistrate 19 JudgeandDistrictCourtJudge. Theyhaveabandonedt heirroleasjudgesand


21 havebecomeadvocatesagainstrecusal. Further,theyhaverefusedtofollow the 22 principlesofdueprocesssetforthinCaverton, etaI,v.W.F.MassevCoalCo., 23

24 lnc.,etal,566 U.S.

(2009)decidedJune 8,2009,which isbinding

25 precedentinthiscase. 26 27 28


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oatedtus/. Qayotluly,2009

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Respectfullysubmitted, BY:



22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Docketfor0Case: 8-157309-56073 No.08-1573 Title:


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Richard1.Fine,Petitioner V.

StateBarofCalifornia Docketed: June24,2009 LowerCt: SupremeCourtofCalifornia CaseNos.: (5168418) DecisionDate: February11.2009 RehearingDenied:March25,2009 w--Da te-'v. w

'w-e--e w--proceedingsand Ofders------w--------w-----

Jun112009 Petitionforawritofcertiorarifiled.(ResponsedueJuly24,2009)

Jun262009 Ju182009

WaiverofrightofrespondentStateBarofCaliforniatorespondfiled. z' DISTRIBUTEDforConferenceofSeptember29,2009. --Ph -One---

AttorneysforPetitioner: BrianW.Shaughnessy


913M Street,N.W. Suite101 Washington,DC 20001 Partyname:Richard1.Fine AttorneysforRespondent: TraceyL.Mccorrnick CounselofRecord


OfficeofGeneralCounselStateBarofCA (415)538-2324 180HowardStreet SanFrancisco,CA 94105-1639




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PROOF OF SERVICE STATEOFCALIFORM A, COLTNTY OFLOSANGELES 1am GregMcphee. Mybusinessaddressis2450N. LakeAvenue,PMB 227,Altadena,CA 91001.

On July /5 ,2009,1served the foregoing documentdescribed as REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE IN SUPPORT OF EMERGENCY MOTION oninterestedpartiesinthisactionbydepositingatruecopythereotl whichwasenclosedinasealedenvelope,withpostagefullyprepaid,intheUnited StatesMail,addressedasfollows: AaronMitchellFontana PaulB.Beach LAWRENCEBEACHALLEN& CHOI,PC l00WestBroadway,Ste.1200 Glendale,CA 91210-1219

KevinM.Mccormick BENTON,ORR,DUVAL&BUCKINGHAM 39N.CaliforniaStreet P.O.Box1178 Ventura,CA 93002

lcertifyanddeclare,underpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheUnited StatesofAmericaandtheStateofCalifornia, thattheforegoing istrue and correct.

Executedonthisf.S dayofJuly,2009, Jtadena,californi. xe G



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