9k Speeding Up Multiple Choice Test

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  • Pages: 3
Chapter 9

Multiple choice test


9 Speeding up

SoW ref

9K Speeding up




There is only one correct answer to each question. Tick () the box next to the answer that you think is right. 1

What is the way we calculate speed? A speed = distance moved x time taken B speed = distance moved time taken C speed = time taken x distanced moved D speed = time taken distance moved


Which of the following is not a unit of speed? A centimetres per thousand years B kilometres per hour C kilograms per second D metres per second


What is the speed of this car?

A 20 km per hour C 80 km per hour 4

B 40 km per hour D 100 km per hour

Here are the results of two good races in the school sports: 100 m Boys – Winner: J Mebo, 10 sec 1500 m Girls – Winner: H Chai, 4 min 10 sec (250 sec) Which line on the table gives their winning speeds correctly? A B C D


100 m race 6 m/s 10 m/s 10 m/s 100 m/s


1500 m race 6 m/s 6 m/s 25 m/s 25 m/s



Hodder Science Assessment Pack © 2003 Hodder & Stoughton Educational

Chapter 9 5

Multiple choice test

What is the correct name for the sensor used in this experiment?

A proximity sensor C thermistor

B light gate D AND gate


How do parachutes make people fall through the air more slowly? A catch rising hot air B decrease the weight of the person C have a large area so exert a low pressure D increase air resistance at low speeds


How do you calculate the acceleration of an object? A force applied area it is applied to B force applied x distance moved by the object C change in speed time taken for that change D distance travelled time taken


The acceleration of the car is:

A 5 m/s C 12 m/s

B 5 m/s2 D 12 m/s2

Hodder Science Assessment Pack © 2003 Hodder & Stoughton Educational

Chapter 9 9

Multiple choice test

Which answer best describes the movement of the tug of war match in the drawing?


moving steadily to the left accelerating to the left moving steadily to the right accelerating to the right

Questions 10–12 refer to the following distance/time graphs of the movements of a motor car.

10 Which graph represents a car accelerating? A B C D 11 What is the average speed of the car in Graph B? A 5 m/s B 50 m/s C 100 m/s D 500 m/s 12 Which graph shows a car going quickly across tarmac and then onto mud? A B C D

Hodder Science Assessment Pack © 2003 Hodder & Stoughton Educational

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