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STRATEGIES OF SUCCESS / WINNER IN PROFESSIONAL CAREER 1. Basic theme of success •Success does not mean absence of failures, it means attainment of ultimate objectives, winning the war, not every battle •Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently (thru’ systematic approach) 2. Definition of successSuccess is progressive realisation of goals in life. Progressive means that success is a journey & not a destination; after we reach one goal we go to the next & the next 3. Goals are very important as they give us a sense of direction 4. Some obstacles to success No plans – lack of Goals •Lack of priorities •Ego, Fear of failure •Lack of Focus & procrastination •Overcommitment – doing too much alone •Lack of commitment & Lack of Training •Lack of Hardwork & dedication


5. STRATEGIC STEPS TOWARDS ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE•Adopt a Lifestyle of Setting & Achieving Goals a Progressive Growth Program –this can be done in three stages namely – •What you want to achieve translate it into clear cut Goals (what) •How you want to achieve them ie step by step stages to reach them (how) •When you plan to achieve them step by step timetable (when) •An important step in achieving Goals is not to get disheartened with failures here & there while playing the games, if necessary do your SWOT more carefully; redraw the steps & timetable in pursuing goals dedicatedly till they are achieved •Steps towards building a positive attitude in work / lifestyle – follow the following stepsa) Change focus, look for positive b) Make it a habit of doing it now c) Develop an attitude of continuous learning d) Stay away from negative influences e) Learn to like things that need to be done f) Start your day with the positive g) Summing up Recipe


CHANGE FOCUS, LOOK FOR POSITIVE •We need to focus on positive things in life – start looking what is right in a person / situation instead of looking what is wrong. Because of our conditioning for spending too much time on wrong’s we spend much less time to see positive picture- a change in work philosophy follow example of digging gold where to get a gram of gold one has to move tons of earth / dirt •Negative people will always find reason to criticize people with negative attitude will blame everybody around, parents, teachers, spouse, economy, Govt & the whole world for their failures & get caught in vicious circle. You find such people everywhere , home, family, offices & are called energy suckers. Unfortunately in our Country it has become our National Character to spend most of the time in fault finding & criticism •They spend most of their time / life in registering complaints & forget their blessings •Turn out lights to see how dark it is •Always look for cracks in mirrors of life •Positive people know how to enjoy life •Spend so much time in improving yourselves that you have no time to criticize •Draw lessons from mistakes of the past, & focus on achievement of future •Think only the best; work for the best & expect only the best – a real positive philosophy of life 3.

MAKE IT A HABIT OF DOING IT NOW– Incomplete tasks drains energy like a leak in a tank •If you want to build & maintain a positive attitude, get into the habit of living in the present & doing things now rather than postponing for tomorrow •Completed task approach is fulfilling, energizing & satisfying •Lot of people suffer from disease called Paralysis of Analysis, whenever you ask them for any work the answer is “they are analysing it ” & the work never gets completed or is done when the utility is gone, if we utilise our present to fullest we are sowing seeds of better future •To build positive attitude learn & practice the phrase Do it now, as per golden words of Bejamin Franklin –never leave till tomorrow what you can do today GET INTO CONTINUOUS LEARNING MODE – •We are living in information age where knowledge is virtually doubling every year with so much information flowing from all around making it important for present generation to continuously keep learning & up dating themselves to face the competitive environments & make a successful career out of it •Everybody is born with five senses (touch, taste,sight, smell & hearing). Successful people need to develop a strong sixth sense called Commonsense to handle day to day problems wisely which again comes thru’ continuous learning & developing positive thinking •Positive thinkers are winners who recognise their limitations but focus on their strengths & on the other hand loosers recognise their strengths but focus on their weaknesses •BUILD A POSITIVE SELF ESTEEM – •Selfesteem is the way we feel about ourselves, when we feel good within our confidence goes4

up & thereby our performance goes up; as there is correlation between feeling & behavior •As human beings we have need to give & take but a positive personality with high esteem is one who tries to give more to the society than he takes from it •STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE INFLUENCES•Today we live under influence of media, peer pressure & environment & there is lot of deterioration in our social environments eg drugs, crime & violence. In USA by the time a youngster gets out of High School he has watched 15000 murders, equal no’s of scandals & 5 times alcohol related commercials thru’ TV & Media all leading to high crime rate •In India we are following the same pattern & moving away from our major strength, our social value system we need to correct such negative influences from our society •If you want to become achiever you should associate with achievers, thinkers & good performers. Adopt role models in your life. If you associate with complainers, you become one eventually. Good example – an eagle egg was placed in the nest of a chicken & little eagle grew up thinking it was a chicken, it did nit learn to fly & went round with chicks looking for insects on the ground, one day he saw an eagle flying majestically & asked what is that beautiful bird is.The chicken told him that you cannot fly like him because you are a chicken.Thus eagle chick because of peer influence did not develop the vision & lived & died as a chicken •If you want to soar like an eagle you have to learn the ways of an eagle & not allow negative influence to drag you down 5

LEARN TO LIKE THINGS THAT NEED TO BE DONE•In life few things need to be done whether we like it or not, like a child going to a nursery school; a mother caring for the child •In personnel life or profession many a time one has to do lot of things which are not to your liking as there are no options available. The strategy for success advocates that in such situations one should learn the art of positive approach to develop liking for things which need to be done, by doing first what is necessary thereafter what is possible & eventually you are doing the impossible- a Win –Win situation •Negative approach will harm both the work & the one who does the work – a Loose – Loose situation START YOUR DAY WITH THE POSITIVE – •To make every day a positive day read or listen something in the morning when the subconscious mind is receptive •To bring about a positive change we should commit ourselves to positive behavior & practice them daily till it becomes a habit & finally a part of your personality.


TO SUM UP RECIPE FOR SUCCESS •Is like Baking a Cake; the Right Ingredients in Right Proportion; otherwise you might under Bake it or over Bake it. With Right Recipe & Practice & sometimes with occasional failure it sometimes becomes easier to win. •Like Yoga which has to be practiced regularly & dedicatedly to keep body & mind in sound position. In the same way Strategies for Success consists of simple steps which have to be learned & practiced regularly & dedicatedly to achieve desired Goals & continuous improved performance, which are necessary for a Successful Career. •Periodically measure your performance by Benchmarking against a proper standard (budget, target, KRA), identify the gaps in performance objectively & honestly. •Work out a continuous improvement plan thru’ SWOT analysis of your Performance specially your failure’s / serious gaps. If necessary take help from your seniors / career councilors to make it more realistic. •Finally periodic review / appraisal (self, peers, seniors) to judge effectiveness & do fine tuning towards continuing betterment towards achieving excellence.



Write down three ways you can use the success principles in following areas of your lifea) Work b) Home c) Socially


List areas in your personality where lack of discipline is hurting. Try to estimate its cost to you – Tangible; Intangible.


Recall any recent Adversity in your life & try to answer these questionsWhat lesson I have learnt And how can I use the lesson to my advantage in future life

11. Define your Goals in life (5,10,15 yrs from now) Put them in priority orders & how you intend achieving them – a brief Action Plan 13. After going thru’ this lesson Draw an action Plan how you can do your work -Better -Faster -More efficiently


Work Shop I - Achieving Professional success thru’ Performance Management •Meaning of professional success – it is a progressive realization of goals ( individual / team / organizational ) in professional life. Progressive means that success is a journey & not a destination, it is an ongoing process, after we reach one goal we reach the next & the next, like climbing a ladder or a mountain till you reach the top •Success does not mean absence of failure it means attainment of ultimate objectives, winning the war not every battle •Winning is a process of system & time management that is why it is said that “Winners do not do different things, they do things differently” not a magic but only a dedicated system approach •For winning most important step is setting & achieving of goals therefore maintain a sharp focus on this step & use the SMART approach for setting goals in which – S stands for specific & denotes clear, understandable & challenging M stands for measurable- quantity, quality, time & money management A stands for achievable, challenging but within reach of a competent / committed person R stands for relevant to objective of organization & alignment of individual & corporate goals T stands for time management to be completed within time schedule to be measures stage wise Most Common Obstacles in Way of Success •Goals not SMART – thus lacking sense of direction & focus


•Lack of Team Work, Ego, fear of failure •Lack of Focus & procrastination •Over commitment – doing too much alone •Lack of commitment / lack of training •Lack of hard work & dedication Strategic steps towards achieving success in professional life Adopt a life style of setting & achieving goals thru’ a progressive growth plan This can be done in three stages • Namely what you want to achieve, translate it into clear cut goals ( what ) •How you want to achieve them – step by step stages to reach them (out) •When you plan to achieve them – a step by step time table (when) •Important in achieving goals is not to get disheartened by failure here & there, when it happens do your SWAT more carefully, analyze the reason & read out the steps & time table in pursuing goals dedicatedly till they are achieved Build a positive attitude & work culture around you – following steps would help •Change focus, look for positive •Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today- getting to do it now mode


•Develop an attitude of continuous learning & updating your knowledge •Stay away from negative influences •Learn to love your customers, organization & yourself •Start your day with positive frame of mind •Summing up recipe a simple formula CHANGE FOCUS, LOOK FOR POSITIVE •We need to focus on positive things in life – start looking what is right in a person / situation instead of looking what is wrong. Because of our conditioning for spending too much time on wrong’s we spend much less time to see positive picture- a change in work philosophy follow example of digging gold where to get a gram of gold one has to move tons of earth / dirt •Negative people will always find reason to criticize people with negative attitude will blame everybody around, parents, teachers, spouse, economy, Govt & the whole world for their failures & get caught in vicious circle. You find such people everywhere , home, family, offices & are called energy suckers. Unfortunately in our Country it has become our National Character to spend most of the time in fault finding & criticism •They spend most of their time / life in registering complaints & forget their blessings •Turn out lights to see how dark it is •Always look for cracks in mirrors of life •Positive people know how to enjoy life


•Spend so much time in improving yourselves that you have no time to criticize •Draw lessons from mistakes of the past, & focus on achievement of future •Think only the best; work for best & expect the best – a real positive philosophy of life MAKE IT A HABIT OF DOING IT NOW– Incomplete tasks drains energy like a leak in a tank •If you want to build & maintain a positive attitude, get into the habit of living in the present & doing things now rather than postponing for tomorrow •Completed task approach is fulfilling, energizing & satisfying •Lot of people suffer from disease called Paralysis of Analysis, whenever you ask them for any work the answer is “they are analysing it ” & the work never gets completed or is done when the utility is gone, if we utilise our present to fullest we are sowing seeds of better future •To build positive attitude learn & practice the phrase Do it now, as per golden words of Bejamin Franklin –never leave till tomorrow what you can do today GET INTO CONTINUOUS LEARNING MODE – •We are living in information age where knowledge is virtually doubling every year with so much information flowing from all around making it important for present generation to continuously keep learning & up dating themselves to face the competitive environments & make a successful career out of it 4

•Everybody is born with five senses (touch, taste,sight, smell & hearing). Successful people need to develop a strong sixth sense called Commonsense to handle day to day problems wisely which again comes thru’ continuous learning & developing positive thinking •Positive thinkers are winners who recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths & on the other hand loosers recognize their strengths but focus on their weaknesses •BUILD A POSITIVE SELF ESTEEM – •Self esteem is the way we feel about ourselves, when we feel good within our confidence goes up & thereby our performance goes up; as there is correlation between feeling & behavior •As human beings we have need to give & take but a positive personality with high esteem is one who tries to give more to the society than he takes from it •STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE INFLUENCES•Today we live under influence of media, peer pressure & environment & there is lot of deterioration in our social environments eg drugs, crime & violence. In USA by the time a youngster gets out of High School he has watched 15000 murders, equal no’s of scandals & 5 times alcohol related commercials thru’ TV & Media all leading to high crime rate •In India we are following the same pattern & moving away from our major strength, our social value system we need to correct such negative influences from our society •If you want to become achiever you should associate with achievers, thinkers & good performers. Adopt role models in your life. If you associate with complainers, you become one eventually. Good example – an eagle egg was placed in the nest of a chicken & little eagle grew up thinking it was a chicken, it did nit learn to fly & went round with chicks looking for insects 5

•up thinking it was a chicken, it did not learn to fly & went round with chicks looking for insects on the ground, one day he saw an eagle flying majestically & asked what is that beautiful bird is.The chicken told him that you cannot fly like him because you are a chicken.Thus eagle chick because of peer influence did not develop the vision & lived & died as a chicken •If you want to soar like an eagle you have to learn the ways of an eagle & not allow negative influence to drag you down LEARN TO LIKE THINGS THAT NEED TO BE DONE•In life few things need to be done whether we like it or not, like a child going to a nursery school; a mother caring for the child •In personnel life or profession many a time one has to do lot of things which are not to your liking as there are no options available. The strategy for success advocates that in such situations one should learn the art of positive approach to develop liking for things which need to be done, by doing first what is necessary thereafter what is possible & eventually you are doing the impossible- a Win –Win situation •Negative approach will harm both the work & one who does work – a Loose – Loose situation START YOUR DAY WITH THE POSITIVE – •To make every day a positive day read or listen something in the morning when the subconscious mind is receptive •To bring about a positive change we should commit ourselves to positive behavior & practice them daily till it becomes a habit & finally a part of your personality. 6

•To bring about a positive change we should commit ourselves to positive behavior & practice them daily till it becomes a habit & finally a part of your personality. TO SUM UP RECIPE FOR SUCCESS •Is like Baking a Cake; the Right Ingredients in Right Proportion; otherwise you might under Bake it or over Bake it. With Right Recipe & Practice & sometimes with occasional failure it sometimes becomes easier to win. •Like Yoga which has to be practiced regularly & dedicatedly to keep body & mind in sound position. In the same way Strategies for Success consists of simple steps which have to be learned & practiced regularly & dedicatedly to achieve desired Goals & continuous improved performance, which are necessary for a Successful Career. •Periodically measure your performance by Benchmarking against a proper standard (budget, target, KRA), identify the gaps in performance objectively & honestly. •Work out a continuous improvement plan thru’ SWOT analysis of your Performance specially your failure’s / serious gaps. If necessary take help from your seniors / career councilors to make it more realistic. •Finally periodic review / appraisal (self, peers, seniors) to judge effectiveness & do fine tuning towards continuing betterment towards achieving excellence. 7

Action Plan – Strategies of Success in Professional Life – Assignment I •Identify your professional goals over next 1, 2, 3, 5 yrs (KRA’s, targets, budgets) •Do Swot analysis of your personal traits & identify your strengths & weaknesses towards achieving your professional goals, briefly state how you want to achieve them( be specific) • self appraisal & identifying development needs. Based on achievement of goals / objectives for individual / teams draw out your competency matrix by ranking following performance parameters on a scale of 1 to 5 & work out your cumulative score. Justify your ranking by giving some instance / example of your live experience Where your score is 3 or less, suggest training & development program to uplift your skills Make a honest appraisal so that analysis is effective & realistic •Job knowledge •Communication skills •Planning skills •Decision making skills •Leadership skills / Interpersonal / team relation ship •Personality traits (temper, ego,lack of focus, punctuality, behavior) •Hardwork & dedication •Self development Time Management


Action Plan – Strategies of Success in Professional Life – Assignment II 2.

Write down three ways you can use the success principles in following areas of your lifea) Work b) Home c) Socially


List areas in your personality where lack of discipline & time management is hurting, take a live example Try to estimate its cost to you – Tangible; Intangible.


Recall any recent Adversity in your life & try to answer these questionsWhat lesson I have learnt And how can I use the lesson to my advantage in future work situation


After going thru’ this lesson Draw an action Plan how you can do your work -Better -Faster -More efficiently

Sum up how you feel after doing this program same, some what better, much better

Give suggestions how we can improve this program further


Performance Management Definition • It is an integrated process that aligns, organization goals with the individual / group / team / departmental goals through a dynamic system of goal settings, performance appraisals, training and development, monitoring, and correction programs into a common system. The aim is to ensure that employees / teams performance is continuously supporting the companies strategic goals / objectives. • Performance Management is thus a process through which a manager • Develops individual / group / team goals based on the organization goals • Focuses on developing capabilities, processes and systems to achieve the desired goals • Has continuous interaction to identify / remove bottlenecks with employees • Evaluates and rewards the performance in achieving organization goals Steps in Implementing Effective Performance Management System • Setting direction by sharing and communicating organizational goals through vision / mission values and strategies in the organization and translating them into achievable goals • Clarity of roles and responsibility in achieving those goals • Planning and Setting goals through MBO / KRA / Targets / Budgets by involvement & participation of people who have to achieve them. 10

•Creating a work culture that practices & promotes productivity & performance ( 4 P’s ) – involvement & participation in goal setting, empowerment thru’ information sharing, open door communication, recognition for good work, counseling for poor work & exit for bad work. Periodic open house meet to encourage suggestion & innovative ideas, departmental meetings to promote team work •Establish a monitoring & feedback computerized system, that measures progress & highlights exceptions & deviations from the goals •Coaching & support system to correct deviations •Performance appraisal is just one element in performance management which helps to identify the gaps between actual & planned performance of individuals & teams, focuses on strengths & weaknesses to work out training & development programs & serves as a base for rewards, recognition & compensation •Align processes & work flow to match the performance parameters towards achievement of organizational goals & minimize barriers which create hindrances & bottleneck •Performance Management is not a one time exercise but an on going process thru’ which performance is assessed by a computerized online system & timely action taken to correct the deviations. It is therefore dynamic in nature •Performance Appraisal which is only a sub part of performance management evaluates an employee’s performance current or past, relative to his performance standards. It also provides the employee with feed back on deficiencies in performance development needs & incentive / rewards so as to maintain improvement in his performance 11

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