990 Form Pt 1

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,271
  • Pages: 7
OMB No. 1545-0047

gg0 Form

Return of OrganizationExempt From Incom-eTax


Under seciion 5t)1{c), 527, or a94?(aX1} of the lntemal Revenue Code {ercept black lung b€nefil trust or private foundation) ql the TrsasuN



Intffil R6v€nss€ryica | ) The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy s:ate reporting requiremenis. A For the 2007 calendar year. or lax 7tuzga7 6130/2008 B Chck il applicable: Addresschange


Pl€* wlBS lsbal or pdd or tYP€' See Speciffc lns*rsild3.

D Emproyer idontificalion

PRESIDENT AI{D DIRECTORS OF GEORGETOWN COLLEGE Numb€r and skeet {or P.O. box if mail is not delivdred to street address}




|ritial terurn




Amendedrotum penaing . Section s{)l{clt3) oryanizations end 4S47{a}tll noner€mpt charitab}s Application trusls must altach a complsted Schedule A {Form 9{Xl or 99}E2}.


t 202

City or lown, stataor counlry,and ZIP + 4

F Accsmetg i*Siod

K Cheek here > f| if lhe organizationis not a 509(aX3)supporting organizationand its gross receipts are normallynot more than S25,0m,A returnis not required,but It the organizationchooses to filea retum,be swe to fila a complelereturn. Gross receipts: Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12 >



a b c d e 2 3 4 5 6a b

687.5449 Cash fi



Other (specitv) >

H andaarc not applicable to sectlbn527organiaqons. H{a}ls thisa groupretumfor affiliates? [ ves E lo H{bllf Yes,"enternumber of affiliates > - - - - - -. _-. - - -. H{cl Are all afftliatesincluded? Ives Ino

0f "No,'attach a list. See instruciions.) H(dl ls thisa separa'te retumfdedby an coveredby a groupruling? I ves B]


ExemotionNumber >

M Check > f] ii the organization is not required 10attachSch.B {Form990,990-EZ,or

in Net Assets or Fund Balances I



E Telephon€ nmber

37th and O StreetsNW

G lVebsite:) www


53 i

the instructions.

Contributions,gifts,grants,and similaramountsreceived: 0 Contributionsto donoradvisedtunds Ll9 Directpublicsupport(notincludedon line1a) Indirectpublicsupport{notincludedon line1a} Governmentcontributions(grants){nol includedon line 1a) 17'052'01i1i Total(addlines1athrough'ld)(cashg 312'950'983 noncash $ Programseryicerevenueincludinggovernment feesandcontracls(fromPartVll,line93) Membershipdues and assessments Intereston savingsand temporarycash investments Dividendsand interestfrom securities It | 6a I Grossrents Less:rentalexpenses.

c Net rental income or {loss). Subtract line 6b from line 6a o o o


Otherinvestmentincome(describe> See Statement1

8a Gross amount from sales of assets other than inventory b Less:cost or other basisand salesexpenses, c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) $lqt 2. d Net gain or (loss).Combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B) Specialeventsand activities(attachschedule). lf any amountis from gaming,checkhere ) n


ool a Grossrevenue(not ineluding$ contributions reportedon line 1b) . b Less:direct expensesotherthan fundraisingexpenses

I 9a I



c Net income or (loss) from special events, Subtract line gb from line 9a


10a Grosssalesof inventory,less returnsand allowancesStmt 3 10a | b Less: cost of goods sold.




= o ul

I 10b

c 11 12 13

(attach Grossprofitor {loss)fromsalesof inventory schedule). Subhactline10bfromline10a Otherrevenue(fromPartVll, line103) Totalrevenue. Add lines1e,2, 3,4, 5, 6c,7, 8d,9c, 10c,and.11 Programseryicesffrom line 44, column(B))

14 15 16

Managementand genera|(from line 44, column (C)) Fundraising(from line 44, column (D) Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) .




18 19 N 21

For Privaq

890,093,797 91.1


17 Total expenses.Add lines16 and 44, column{A) o o o

-3,776 193


Excess or (deficit)for the year. Subtract line .17trom line 12

Net assetsor lund balancesat beginningof year (fromline 73, colurnn(A)). Otherchangesin net assetsor fund balances(attachexplanation)

1,163,918,87 -110.114,53

Net assets or fund balancesat end of vear. Combine lines 18, 19, and 20

108 rorm 990 {eoor}

Ac't and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.

Car.No. 11282y

Da nat include amouhts repafted on line 6b, Ab,9b, 10b, or 16 af Part L

{Dl Fundraisiilg

paidfromdonoradvised na Grants tunds{attach schedule} ( ca sh $ .- - " nonc a s h $ -) lf thisamount grants, includes loreign ctreck here) fJ Othergrantsand allocations{attachschedule) 0; (cash$ 9!,906,3/t8nonush$ grants. llthisamount includesforeign checkhere ) n 23 Specific assistance to individuals {attach schedule) Slmt 6 24 Benefits paid to or for member$ (attach schedule) ?sa Compensationof cunent officers,directors, key employees,etc. listedin PartV-A Gompensationof former officers,directors, key employees,etc. listedin PartV-B

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 a7 38 39 ,t0 4'l 42 € a b

Compensation andotherdistributions, notincluded above,to penons{asdefined disqualified underseclion4958(g(l}and persons inseclion4958{c}(3}{B} described Salariesand wages of employees not included on lines 25a, b, and c Pension plan contribulions not included on Iines25a, b, and c Employee benefits not included on lines 25a - 27


Payrolltaxes Prolessionalfundraisingfees . Accountingfees Legalfees Supplies Telephone 382,247

Postage and shipping Occupancy Equipment rental and maintenance. Printingand publications Travel

247 851

Gonferences,conventions,and meetings. Interest Depreciation, depletion,etc. {attachschedule) Otherexpensesnot coveredabove{itemize): See StatemenlI

c -_ - ------. d

e t

s Total functional expenses. Add lines 22a through 439. {Organizations completlng columns (B)-(D),cany these totals to lines 13-15) Joint Cosis. Check ) fi if you arefollowingSOP98-2. Areanylointcostsfroma combined educational campaign andfundraising solicitation feportedIn(B)Program services? . > n yes E No |f.Yes,"enter{i}theaggregateamounlofthesejointcosts$-;(ii}theamounta||ocatedtoProgramservices$-; 44

{iii} the arnounfallocatedto Managementand generalg

; and (iv) the amosnt allocatedto Fundraisingg

rorm990 1roo1

Form 990 {200f

Page 3

Statemeni of Service the instructions. Form 990 is availablefor public inspectionand, for some people,seryesas the primaryor sole sourceof informationabout particularorganization'Hovrthe publicperceivesan organizationin such casesmay be determinedby the informatid;d;"t*; a on its retum.Therefore,pleasemakesurethe returnis completeand accurateanOtuttydescribes,in part lll, the ord;iz;i;r,'; programsand accomplishments. What is the organization'sprimaryexemptpurpose?F


All organizationsmust describe their exempt purpose achievementsin a clear and concise manner.State the number of clients served, publicationsissued, etc. Discuss achievementsthat are not measurable.(Sectionsof {cXS)and (4) organizationsand 4947(a){1}nonexemptcharitablelrusts must also enterthe amounto{ grantsand allocatio;did #;;j 6 See Statement g

(criniJa;dailod;ii;n;-- $



(Grantsand allocalions $ f Total of

lf this amountincludes

(Required ror ff1 {cx3}and ild 494/(ai(1) {4}orgs., lrusts:buloptronai lir olisc.)

grants, check here )

il,iiiiir.iieird;6b1"-"id-;*;'iah;;; n

---------------]-riini;afti.;:i;;iiriaiJr;r.jiiii-sr;r6-;hecri6drd F n lf this amounlincludes


Program.Service Expens€s

equalline44, column(B),

check here )


rorm990 (zooz)

Fom 99o {2007}

Balance Sheets Note:


fhe r'ns

Where required, attached schedules and amaunts e/ithin the description column should be for end-of-yeal amounts only,

Savingsand temporarycash investments

tBl Endof year 147,191 137

47a Accounts receivable b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 48a Pledges receivable b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts

49 Grantsreceivable SOa Receivables trom cunent and formerofficers,directors,trustees,and ,(eyemployees(attachschedule) b Receivables from other disqualified percons(as definedundersection 4958it{lDandpersonsdescribed in section49SS(c)(3)(B) {attachschedule) 51a Other notes and loans receivable(attach 39,810,874 schedule) $eq Siatementt0. l 5lal b Less:allowancefor doubtfulaccounts 52 Inventoriesfor sale or use 53 Prepaidexpensesand deferredcharges 5{a Investrnents-publicly-traded securities. > b Investments-olhersecurities{attachschedule) > 55a Investments-land, buildings, and equipment: 0 basis l55a |

s4 12,545

b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedu le).


Investments--other (attachschedule)Stmt.t1.

57a Land, buildings,and equipment: basis b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) Stmt t2 .


| 57ai



Otherassets,includingprogram-related investments (describe> -9se 5l_et9rn-err_t_!_3_-_-__,__ __._- . ) Total assets {mustequatline 74).Add lines45 throughSg Accountspayableand accruedexpenses Grantspayable . Defenedrevenue Loansfrom ofiicers,directors,trustees,and key employees(attach schedule). Tax-exemptbond liabilities(attachschedule)$e9 Statemeni.14 Mortgagesand other notespayable(attachschedule)_Stttlt1.5. Otherliabilities(describe> 9e9-Sln!eqr_e!-t_!_6 _ _----)


Total liabilities. Add lines 60 throuoh 65

59 60 61 62 o o 63 .o o 64a J


Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here > EI and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 24. u o o 67 Unrestricted {E 68 Temporarily restricted. (! c! tt r o o rl) o o o





99,674,202 711,142 761

Organizalionethat do not follow SFAS11?,checkhere> I and completelines70 through74. 70 Capitalstock, trust principal,or cunent funds. 71 Paid-inor capitalsurplus,or land,building,and equipmentfund 72 Retainedeamings,endowment, accumulaled income.or otherfunds 73 Tolal net assets or fund balances.Add lines67 through69 or lines 70 through72. (Column(A)must equalline 19 and column{B}must equalline21) 74

Total liabitities and net assets/fund balances. Add lines 66 and 73

rorm990 ieoor)

Form 99O(?007)

Reconciliationof Revonueper Audiled FinancialStatementsWiin nevenueper Return lSeetfre instructions.l a b I 2 3 4

Total revenu6,gains,and othersupportper auditedfinancialstatements Amountsincludedon linea but not on part l. line 12: Net unrealized gains on investments

Donaiedservicesand use of facilities. Recoveriesof prior yeargrants Other(specify):

Add linesbt throughb4 Subtractline b lrom line a d Amountsincludedon Partl, line12,but not on linea: 1 Investmentexpensesnot includedon part l, line 6b

0 116



other(specifu): .9e-e .9!f!9.ry!g.r!! -1.7

Add lines dI and d2 Total revenue (Part l, line 12). Add linesc and d

a b 1 2 3 4

c d I 2


Heeonciliation of AuditedFinancialStatements Total expensesand lossesper auditedfinancialstatements Amountsincludedon linea but not on part l, line 1Z:


Donated services and us6 of facilities . Prior year adjustments reported on part l, line 20 .

Lossesreportedon Part l, line 20 Other{specify): Add linesbl throughb4 Subtractlineb lrom linea ,Amounts includedon Pa* l, line12, but not on linea: Investmentexpensesnot includedon part l, line 6b

other(specify):-Qee _9!f!g-T9_tt!.1.9. Add lines dl and d2


r ,i i niri.A oarineicanoa' . . . . . . : : : : : : : .;

(A) Name and address

See Statement19


Tltle and average hours per week devoted to oosition

(g ftpens€ account other afioudlces

rom 990 1zmrl

Form 99o (2004

eage 6


75a Enterthe total numberof officers,directors,andtrustcespermittedto voteon organization businessat board me e ti n g s .> ----_-__,-,_ Are any officers,directors,trustees,or key employeeslistedin Formg90, part V-A,or highest compensated employeeslisted in ScheduleA, Part l, or highestcompensated professional and other independent contractorslisted in ScheduleA, Part ll-A or ll-8, related to each other through family or business relationships? lf "Yes,"attacha statementthat identifiesthe individualsand explainsthe relationship{s) c Do any cfficers, dlrectors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, part V-A. or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part l, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part ll-A or tFB, receive compensation from any other organizations, whether tax exempt or taxable, that ar€ related to the organization? See the instructions for the definitionof "related organization.". . > lf .Yes," attach a statement that inctudes the information described in the instructions. {--Poes the organization have a written conflict of interest

Formero{|icers,Directors,Truslees,andKeyEmp|oyeesTrratReceivedcornpe"'aii.@ officer, director, trustee, or keyemployee received compensation orotherbenefits oeiow) uuring il"'i""r, l;stthar {descriueo personbelowand the enter

amountof compensation or otherbenefitsin theappropriate cotumn. seti meirfiti""t'irns.t

{Al Name and address

p) ftntdhnb.,s to empbvee (El Expeflse benefilplars& tlefened' accouil and other albwances

See Statement20

Other fnfgrmation (Seethe instructioii.



Did the organizalion make a change in its activities or methods of conducting activities? lf ,,yes," attach a detailed staiement of each change . ] . 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not repor;tedto the IRS? . lf "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1 ,000 or more during the year covered by this return? lf "Yes," has it filed a tax retum on Form 990-T for this year? . 79 Was there a liquidaiion,dissolution,termination,or substantialcontractionduring the year? lt,,yes,', attach a statement


8Oa ls the organizationrelated{otherthan by associationwith a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership,governingbodies, trustees,officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempr


b 8'ta b Form99) (zoo7)

Form 9s0 (2004

eage 7

No 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? b lf "Yes," you may indicatethe value of these items here. Do not includethis

amountas revenuein PartI or as an expensein Part ll. (Seeinstructionsin Partlll.) Lga! 83a Didthe organization comptywiththe publicinspectionrequiremenls for returnsandexemptionapplications? b Didthe organization complywith the disclosurerequirements relatingto quidpro guo contributions? 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gilts that were not tax deductible? b lf "Yes,"did the organization includewith everysolicitationan expressstatementthat such contributionsor

gifts werenot tax deductible? (5),or (6) organ'rzations. 501(c)(4), a Weresubstantiallyall dues nondeductibleby rnembers? . . : : : Didthe organization makeonlyin-houselobbyingexpenditures of $2,000or less? ll "Yes"was answeredto either85aor 85b,do not complete85c through85h belowunlessthe organization receiveda waiverfor proxytax owed for the prior year. Dues,assessments, and similaramountsfrom members Section162(e)lobbyingand politicalexpenditures Aggregatenondeductible amountof section6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices

85 b

c d e f Taxable amount of lobbying and politicalexpenditures(line BSd less 85e) . l85f Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line g5f? h lf section6033(e)(1)(A) dues noticeswere sent, does the organizationagreeto add the amounton line B5f


to its reasonableestimateof dues allocableto nondeductiblelobbyingand politicalexpendituresfor tfre followingtax year?


501(c)f) orgs. Enter:a lnitiationfees and capital contributionsincludedon line 12 . b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities 87 501(c)(12)orgs. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders b Gross income from other sources, (Do not net amounts due or paid to other

sourcesagainstamount$due or receivedfrom them.) 88a At anytime duringthe year,did the organizationown a SOYo or greaterinterestin a taxablecorporationor partnership,or an entitydisregardedas separatefrom the organizationunderRegulationssections 341.77At2 and 301.7701-3?lf "Yes,"completePartlX . b At any time duringthe year,did the organization,directlyor indirectly,own a controlledentity within the meaningof section512(bX13)? lf "Yes,"completePartXl .> 89a 5O1(c)(3) organizations. Enter:Amountof tax imposedon the organization duringthe year unden section4s11>---------------------Q-; section4g1z>_--__-_-_-_---____-_-9-; section49s5>-_--_----- -_-q b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organizationengagein any section 4958 excessbenefittransaction duringthe year or did it becomeawareof an excessbenefittransactionfrom a prioryear? lf "yes," attach a statementexplainingeachtransaction c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organizationmanagersor disqualified personsduringthe yearundersections4S12,4955,and 4958 0 .> d EntenAmountof tax on line 89c, above,reimbursedby the organization . > All organizations.At any time during the tax year, was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? f All arganizations.Did ihe organizationacquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contracl?

s For

supporting organizations and sponsoing organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did the supporting organization,or a fund maintainedby a sponsoringorganization,have excess businessholdings at any time during the year?

90a b

in the pay period that includes March 12, 2007 (gee


t90bl 9la

..,..?9.?ftT-.?.19 "...... 20057

of Foreign Bank ram 990 {zooz}

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