ISFP (INTROVERTED SENSING FEELING PERCEIVING) THE ARTIST They have strong appreciation for art. They take up jobs which gives them freedom to work. They are kind gentle and sensitive and also they are animal lovers. They need their personal space. ISFP’s do not like to give credits to themselves.
They are gentle, caring, deep and complex individuals. They have an artistic and creative mind. They try to find out best way to get their things done. They have a great intuition level and they are also hard to understand. INFJ holds a special place in the heart of people who they are close to.
INFP (INTROVERTED INTUITIVE FEELING PERCEIVING) THE IDEALIST Their main motive is to make the world a better place for people to live and also to find out the meaning of their life. They are thoughtful, considerate and are good listeners. They will try to avoid all the type of conflicts. They have high standards. They do not like giving themselves much credit. INFP’s generally are talented writers.