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Science & Global Consciousness Fall, 2009

“The universe is a memory filled world of constant and enduring interconnection, a world where everything in-forms - acts on and interacts with – everything else. We should apprehend this remarkable world with our heart as well as with our intellect” (Ervin Laszlow, Science & the Akashic Field p. 129)

Introduction to Course

This course explores two sets of scientific beliefs about the nature of reality and how we determine what that “nature” is. Throughout the course we will refer to these two contrasting perspectives as Separateness Science and Wholeness Science. (Willis Harman, New Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Society) The dominant world view today continues to be one of Separateness Science where we believe there is a concrete measureable physical world “out there” apart from and unaffected by our conscious intentions. In contrast to this mechanical view of reality, scientific research of paranormal phenomena, ESP and the strange behaviors of the subatomic world of quantum physics assert that reality acts more like a gigantic interconnected living organism. Wholeness Science emphasizes the presence of a deep sense of oneness, of unity, of everything being a part of a universe at the most fundamental level of reality and the use of intuition as one of the ways in which we contact this greater reality. Damon Wilson makes the same distinction and includes the dimension of time as being illusionary with all events happening in the present irrespective of when we seem to experience them.

2 We see people and things as separate entities and we consider the most important things about them to be the properties that make them individual. From the other point of view, that of „clairvoyant reality‟ the important thing about an individual is his or her relationship to the rest of the universe. All beings – and even inanimate substances like rock, water and earth – are seen as parts of a whole. Time, also, is perceived differently – it does not necessarily flow in one direction at an even pace. Our everyday concepts of past, present and future are seen as illusions. (Unsolved Mysteries, p, 483) “One might contemplate what science would look like if we start from the wholistic assumption that everything – not only physical things but all things experienced including sensations, emotions, feelings, motivations, thoughts are really part of a single unity. If things are so interconnected that a change in any one could affect all, then it follows that any accounting for cause is within a specific context for a specific purpose. In the broadest sense there is no cause and effect; only a whole system evolving.” Some scientists see the resolution of these two approaches as viewing the present separateness science as a particular domain within a broader framework of knowledge, a special case where a physical system is relatively isolated from the whole and no volitional causality intervenes. William Antz (What the Bleep Do We Know?) says that another way of looking at these contrasting perspectives is to accept that “there are different levels of reality existing simultaneously and that all of them are real. The surface levels are real in their own right; it‟s only when we compare them to deeper levels that we say they are not really real; they are not the ultimate level. Arms and legs are real; cells and molecules are real; atoms and electrons are real. And consciousness is real.” This course will examine the evidence for this fundamental state of interconnection from a variety of disciplines that utilize science in their investigations. Although we will not explore this unity theme through world religions there are many consistencies between science, Buddhism and Hinduism for example. Both Hindu and Buddhist teachers assert that the world we see with our senses is maya or illusion and that something underlies this material realm that is more real and fundamental though it is

3 completely intangible. This is not that different from scientists who state that this “higher reality” at the core of the physical world could be called “information,” “probability waves” or what we will refer to as consciousness. As astronaut Edgar Mitchell says “consciousness itself is what is fundamental and energy matter is the product of consciousness.” Sociologists look at the impact of social institutions and social interaction on the behaviors of individuals. The conscious transmission of cultural beliefs and values that shape our behavior are commonly received through such major institutions as family, occupation, education and religion.

Our shared cultural beliefs contribute to the legal

and moral order that allows us to function as a modern society. What we have been taught about the nature of reality will influence how we evaluate the evidence for each of these two perspectives.

“Many of the arguments about psi phenomena are not really

about the evidence as much as they are about the underlying preconceptions of the disputants. When people are faced with seemingly compelling evidence that conflicts with long held pre conceived notions, they only rarely change their opinions with ease.” Paranormal researchers of ESP investigate the prevalence of psychic phenomena and the role that non local consciousness plays in explaining our interconnectedness with each other as individuals and as groups. Moreover, this field of telepathic consciousness can extend beyond human to human interaction to include other species as well. Non local consciousness refers to the fact that our consciousness is not limited to a specific location in the physical substance of our brain. Rather, consciousness also exists in some intangible larger field of super consciousness some refer to as the Akashic Field. Others refer to it as the „M‟ Field or the Zero Point Field. Whatever we call it, it has the characteristics of being unmitigated, unmediated and immediate. Physicists investigating the fundamental nature of reality at the subatomic level describe a universal level of interdependence and interconnectedness, a place where time, space and matter seem to exist as tendencies and probabilities rather than as absolute measureable quantities. Classical physics was reductionist. It was based on the premise that only by knowing the separate parts could you eventually understand the whole. The new physics is more organic and wholistic and it is painting a picture of the universe as a unified whole whose parts are interconnected and influence each other.

4 In quantum physics the observer influences the object observed. There are no isolated observers of a wholistic universe but everything participates in the universe. Research in quantum physics suggests it is no longer possible to regard the physical world as separate from our conscious impact on it. Finally, Spiritual and Metaphysical Researchers encourage us to expand our consciousness and consider other dimensions of time and space as well as the existence of parallel universes, multiple selves, time travel and the human survival of death. The traditional scientific method of research may be less useful exploring non physical phenomena and other tools of investigation should be used. Andrew Newberg MD (Why we Believe What we Believe) who has studied the mystical spiritual experiences from the point of view of neuroscience say that people who have such experiences and then come back to our ordinary world “still perceive that reality to be more real, to represent the truer more fundamental form of reality; the material world that we live in is a more secondary reality for them.” Ultimately one may draw upon mystical „experiencers‟ who visit these other dimensions for insight into the purpose and meaning of life and even to ponder the nature of God Consciousness itself.

Required Books for Course Rupert Sheldrake, The Sense of Being Stared At Fengler & Varnum, Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire, Book I Fengler & Varnum, One Time: Many Worlds (purchase in Soc Dept) Marlo Morgan, Mutant Message Down Under Peter Russell, The Global Brain Awakens (order from Amazon) Masaru Emoto, Hidden Messages in Water Jill Taylor, My Stroke of Insight Kenneth Ring, Lessons from the Light


COURSE OUTLINE SEPT 2, 9, 16, 23,30

I Consciousness, Intention & Matter A. Local Consciousness – The Sociological Perspective B. Culture, Beliefs, Paradigms and Social Interaction a. Distinguishing Science from Scientism C. Non Local Consciousness – Interconnectedness & Intercommunication – Multidisciplinary ESP Perspectives a. Human – telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition i. Subconscious physiological connections ii. Remote Viewing iii. The Ganzfeld Technique b. Interspecies Communication –Canine Telepathy c. The Consciousness of Plants, Water & Cells D. Collective or Global Consciousness a. Transcendental Meditation & The Extending Maharishi Effect b. Random Event Generator Research i. The Global Consciousness Project c. From a Low to a High Synergy Society Readings: R. Sheldrake, The Sense of Being Stared At P. Russell, The Global Mind Awakens M. Morgan, Mutant Message Down Under

Recommended Readings Andrew Newberg, Why We Believe What We Believe Dean Radin: Entangled Minds Dean Radin: The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena Rupert Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home Richard Broughton, Parapsychology: The Controversial Science Michael Schmicker, Best Evidence 2nd Edition

6 Russell Targ, Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and the Transformation of Consciousness Chris Carter, Parapsychology & the Skeptics: A Scientific Argument for the Existence of ESP Cleve Backster, Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells P. Tompkins & C. Bird, The Secret Life of Plants Dale Graf, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness Charles Tart, The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science & Spirit Together

OCTOBER 7, 14 II Creating Our Reality – Consciousness and the Akashic Field A. Pendulums & Dowsing Rods – Intermediate Linkages B. Manifestation in Everyday Life d. e. f. g. h.

Basic Principles Beliefs, Conscious & Unconscious The Role of Attachment Manifestations of the Third Kind Channeling from the Akashic Field

C. Prayer, Healing & the Mind a. Three Eras of Medicine D. PK – Bending Spoons & Repairing Watches Readings: Fengler, Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire, Book I Emoto, Hidden Messages in Water

Recommended Books Larry Dossey, Healing Words: The Power of Prayer Fengler & Varnum, Manifesting Your Heart‟s Desire II




OCTOBER 28 NOVEMBER 4 III Time, Space, Matter & Consciousness - The Physicist‟s Perspective A. The Truman Show – Metaphor for Expanded Consciousness a. b. c. d.

What is Real and How Do We Know It? Matter = Energy Historical Examples Simulation & Hypnotic Suggestion

B. Macro Reality – Time & Space as Variables 1. Time Travel C. Micro Reality – Matter as Fluctuating Tendencies and Probabilities 1. Wave or Particle? 2. The Role of the Observer 3. The Entangled & Participatory Universe D. Infinite Parallel Worlds & Multiverses E. The Quantum State: One Time: Many Worlds Readings: Fengler & Varnum One Time: Many Worlds Film: What the Bleep Do We Know? Recommended Readings: William Antz et.al, What the Bleep Do We Know? Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment Gary Schwartz, The Energy Healing Experiments Joe Dispenza, Evolving Your Mind Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe




IV Science & Cosmic Consciousness - Spiritual Perspectives A. Pantheism B. The Many Lives of Our Higher Selves a. The Case for Reincarnation b. Healing through Hypnotherapy C. From OBE to NDE 1. Nearing Death Awareness & ADCs D. Toward “Unity” Consciousness – Transcending the Illusion of Separation Through Love 1. Laszlo‟s eternal recycling of universes 2. Expanding into God Consciousness Readings: J. Taylor, My Stroke of Insight B. Weiss, Same Soul, Many Bodies K. Ring, Lessons from the Light Recommended Readings: C. Laszlo, Science & the Reenchantment of the Cosmos R. Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body D. Fontana, Is There an Afterlife? B & J Guggenheim, Hello From Heaven C. Bowman, Children‟s Past Lives



3:30 pm

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