911 Commission Report Supporting Document Issue 15jan09

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6JAN2009 TO MS WILHELM NATIONAL ARCHIVES RECORDS DIVISION Dear Ms Wilhelm, First of all, thank you for replying! As you can probably tell, I am rather frustrated at the unreasonable amount of time unclassified documents required to support claims made by the 911 Commission have been sequestered! The best comparison I can make is if I turned in a high school research paper and told the teacher I would provide my references after graduation, then telling him he could request those documents through a court of law if he desires them before I go on to bigger things! This sounds a bit unreasonable, doesn't it? Also, if you are under the false impression that I am merely a book worm and theorist that likes to spend his free time trying to fill an emotional gap due to misunderstanding of ludicrous explanations of an earthshaking event that is used as the pretext for engaging this country's warriors in two wars, your are completely and sadly mistaken!! As I expressed over a year ago, this is a matter of utmost importance and to assume otherwise is as incorrect as it is presumptuous!! These unclassified documents do not require processing through the classified sensitization regimen prior to release! I have 20 years experience with classified documents and their handling, so somebody is fibbing to somebody!! I provided you with the exact documentation I was looking for in my initial 18Sep2007 email (also a part of this stream) so I would assume that previously requested information would be posted in the first release on 14Jan09 and very easy to find, which would show due diligence on your part!! I do not understand why a mention of cubic feet of documentation is a discussion topic, unless the commission dumped those in your lap in that condition, which would make even the most casual observer wonder what the commission's capability or intent was in assimilating that evidence into an intelligent report! After all, this is what millions of our tax dollars payed for, is it not? Referring to the 20Aug2004 letter in which supporting documents were sequestered and turned over to your care, I also notice that members of the commission were given access to the documents over these many years and would appreciate it if the required visitation documentation and receivership inventory documentation is also provided for public review on your website. For some 60% of the documentation to still be under lock and key from public review for unsubstantiated and unreasonable reasons and an undetermined time-frame is basically unsatisfactory and can no longer be accepted as a valid excuse, no matter what your office's personnel issues are!

In addition, I do not find it currently reasonable to provide you with my personal request for specific information as I tend to believe what is requested is what is made unavailable! Finally, this is not meant to be a personal attack on you so do not take it as such! I believe you are very possibly being informationally manipulated and data overloaded on purpose! If that is the case, please do not feel the need to keep it secret from the public, as we will understand better which side of the fence you sit on if we know your exact predicament! From: Legislative Archives To: Guy Razer Sent: Monday, January 5, 2009 9:43:03 AM Subject: Re: 9/11 records Dear Mr. Razer: This National Archives will be releasing the 9/11 Commission records that have been processed (approx. 150 cubic feet) on January 14. We will have folder title lists and series descriptions available online as of that date (www.archives.gov). We will also have scanned images of the interview summaries for those interviews that have completed declassification review. Approximately two-thirds of the collection remains unprocessed. The review is very labor-intensive and we have not been able to complete more than 150 feet. I know this information will disappoint you, but we have done the best we can with the available resources. Please visit our website on January 14 to review our finding aids and begin your research. If you can identify boxes or folders you would like to see from the online finding aid, we can have those materials pulled for you if you would like to visit the National Archives' research room to view the records. You can send a list of boxes you would like to review to our e-mail box: [email protected]. Sincerely, Kristen Wilhelm Center for Legislative Archives >>> Guy Razer 1/2/2009 12:21 AM >>> I WANT IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE 911 COMMISSION REPORT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS!!!! 2JAN2009 IS THE DAY!! NO MORE STONEWALLING!!! Hello...I'm back!! Nobody listened to me the first time in Sep2007!! It is tme to release those documents!! I hope you have already completed the paperwork and have these available for public view on the 2nd, which would be today!!! I will be calling!!

EMAIL 18SEP2007 Kristen, Yes indeed...very helpful...thank you! I have a question though: Reference this statement from page 1 of the letter: Because the Commission was established in the legislative branch, its records have not been subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and we understand that the FOIA will not apply to Commission records even after they are transferred to NARA. Even though I don't believe the first portion of the sentence to be Constitutional, I would like to know if the second part of the sentence is even truly correct. ie, Can NARA take legal action to open those unclassified documents immediately, instead of waiting an obviously politically driven period of time used to cover the arses of some very powerful perps. What I am asking, "Is NARA and documents under its legal jurisdiction subject to the Freedom of Information Act?" I mean, isn't it what the Commission's letter states in the first paragraph? When the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") terminates, by statute, on August 21, 2004, the records of the Commission will be transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for preservation and public access. This letter sets forth the Commission's continued interest in government and public access to information created or gathered during its investigation and establishes criteria under which these records will be made available. The Commission has established a policy of making available to the public as much information as possible BOTTOM LINE....I WANT IMMEDIATE PUBLIC ACCESS TO THOSE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND I BELIEVE THE RELEASE OF THOSE DOCUMENTS TO BE AN ISSUE OF NATIONAL SECURITY MUCH MORE IMPORTANT TO U.S. THAN COVERING THE TRACKS OF SOME POLITICALLY POWERFUL ELITESTS!!! BASICALLY 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB AND NARA IS CURRENTLY IN POSSESSION OF EVIDENCE THAT WILL PROVE IT!!...EXAMPLE 1: RODRIGUEZ TESTIMONY OF EXPLOSIONS AND LOCATIONS THEREOF. EXAMPLE 2 FIREMEN FIRST RESPONDERS TESTIMONY OF MULTIPLE EXPLOSIONS ALL OF WHICH ARE NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE REPORT NOTES AS EVEN HAVING BEEN CONDUCTED!!! PS This is important stuff and I am no conspiracy nut, but rather a die hard patriot fighting desperately to save what is rapidly becoming a nation in severe disrepair!!!

Guy S. Razer, LtCol, USAF (Retired but not Tired, Inspired!) ----- Original Message ---From: Legislative Archives To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:23:53 AM Subject: 9/11 records Dear Lt. Col. Razer: I understand from my colleague, Rod Ross, that you requested the letter from Chairman Kean and Vice Chairman Hamilton authorizing the National Archives to close the records of the 9/11 Commission until January 2009. Attached is a .pdf of that letter supplied to me by the Archives' Office of General Counsel. If you have any problem reading the attached .pdf, it will be posted on NARA's electronic reading room by this time next week. The url is: : http://www.archives.gov/foia/electronic-reading-room.html I hope this information is helpful. Sincerely, Kristen Wilhelm Center for Legislative Archives ________________________________ Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

Guy S. Razer, LtCol, USAF (Retired but not Tired, Inspired!) In a land where tyranny is the primary rule of law, the only 2 unpatriotic acts, in the arena of communication, are silence and ungood doublequackspeak (1984 Newspeak)!!! www.SuperEagle69.com http://fightingtyranny.ning.com/profile/GuyRazer www.myspace.com/supereagle69 Member/Associations: www.PatriotsQuestion911.com www.Pilotsfor911Truth.org www.V911T.org (Veterans for Truth) www.ae911truth.org (Architects and Engineers) www.stj911.org (Scholars for Truth & Justice)

www.Visibility911.com Interviews on file with: www.currentissues.tv www.v911t.org www.Pilotsfor911Truth.org www.Visibility911.com

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