Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِبِسْمِ الِ الرّحْمنِ الرّحِيم In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِوَالْفَجْر [89:1] I swear by the daybreak,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٍوَلَيَالٍ عَشْر [89:2] And the ten nights,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِوَالشّفْعِ وَا ْلوَتْر [89:3] And the even and the odd,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِل إِذَا يَسْر ِ ْوَاللّي [89:4] And the night when it departs.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٍك قَسَمٌ لّذِي حِجْر َ ِل فِي ذَل ْ َه [89:5] Truly in that there is an oath for those who possess understanding.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٍف فَعَلَ رَبّكَ ِبعَاد َ ْأَلَ ْم تَرَ كَي [89:6] Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with Ad,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِإِرَمَ ذَاتِ الْ ِعمَاد [89:7] (The people of) Aram, possessors of lofty buildings,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِق مِ ْثلُهَا فِي الْبِلَد ْ َالّتِي لَ ْم يُخْل [89:8] The like of which were not created in the (other) cities;
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِوَثَمُودَ الّذِينَ جَابُوا الصّخْرَ بِا ْلوَاد [89:9] And (with) Thamud, who hewed out the rocks in the valley,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِعوْنَ ذِي الَْوْتَاد َ َْوفِر [89:10] And (with) Firon, the lord of hosts,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِالّذِينَ طَغَوْا فِي ا ْلبِلَد [89:11] Who committed inordinacy in the cities,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
َفََأكْثَرُوا فِيهَا الْفَسَاد [89:12] So they made great mischief therein?
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٍسوْطَ عَذَاب َ َعلَ ْيهِمْ رَبّك َ َّفصَب [89:13] Therefore your Lord let down upon them a portion of the chastisement.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِإِنّ َربّكَ لَبِا ْلمِ ْرصَاد [89:14] Most surely your Lord is watching.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ُفَأَمّا الِْنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ا ْبتَلَهُ رَبّهُ فَأَكْرَمَ ُه وَنَ ّعمَه َِفيَقُولُ رَبّي َأكْرَمَن [89:15] And as for man, when his Lord tries him, then treats him with honor and makes him lead an easy life, he says: My Lord honors me.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
وَأَمّا إِذَا مَا ا ْبتَلَ ُه فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِ ْزقَهُ َفيَقُولُ َربّي ِأَهَانَن [89:16] But when He tries him (differently), then straitens to him his means of subsistence, he says: My Lord has disgraced me.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
َل تُكْ ِرمُونَ الْ َيتِيم ّ ل بَل ّ َك [89:17] Nay! but you do not honor the orphan,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ِعلَى طَعَا ِم الْمِسْكِين َ َوَلَ تَحَاضّون [89:18] Nor do you urge one another to feed the poor,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ل لّمّا ً ْث أَك َ وَتَأْكُلُونَ التّرَا [89:19] And you eat away the heritage, devouring (everything) indiscriminately,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
حبّا جَمّا ُ َن ا ْلمَال َ حبّو ِ ُوَت [89:20] And you love wealth with exceeding love.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ت الَْ ْرضُ َدكّا َدكّا ِ كَلّ إِذَا دُ ّك [89:21] Nay! when the earth is made to crumble to pieces,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ك وَالْ َملَكُ صَفّا صَفّا َ ّوَجَاء رَب [89:22] And your Lord comes and (also) the angels in ranks,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ُوَجِيءَ يَ ْومَئِ ٍذ بِجَ َهنّمَ َيوْ َمئِذٍ يَتَ َذكّرُ الِْنسَان وَأَنّى لَهُ الذّكْرَى [89:23] And hell is made to appear on that day. On that day shall man be mindful, and what shall being mindful (then) avail him?
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
حيَاتِي َ ِت ل ُ يَقُولُ يَا َليْتَنِي قَدّ ْم [89:24] He shall say: O! would that I had sent before for (this) my life!
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٌفَ َيوْمَئِذٍ لّ ُيعَ ّذبُ عَذَابَهُ أَحَد [89:25] But on that day shall no one chastise with (anything like) His chastisement,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ٌق وَثَاقَ ُه أَحَد ُ ِوَلَ يُوث [89:26] And no one shall bind with (anything like) His binding.
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ُطمَئِنّة ْ ُيَا َأيّتُهَا النّ ْفسُ ا ْلم [89:27] O soul that art at rest!
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
ًضيّة ِ ضيَةً مّ ْر ِ جعِي إِلَى َربّكِ رَا ِ ْار [89:28] Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him),
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
عبَادِي ِ فَادْخُلِي فِي [89:29] So enter among My servants,
Surah al-Fajr (The Dawn)
وَادْخُلِي جَ ّنتِي [89:30] And enter into My garden.