’in-de’pen-dent/adj. 1. not controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself; and independent person. 2. Places the citizens of Albuquerque before politics or outside interests. 3. Describes the voter in this household and
Mayor Martin Chávez.
Mayor Martin Chávez.
His ideas reflect his independence, his leadership, and his willingness to put Albuquerque before politics.
Mayor Chávez – Gets things done.
Politicians promise a lot during elections. But with Mayor Chávez, you know his accomplishments, his tenacity and his deep love for Albuquerque. Mayor Chávez gets things done…and will continue to do so.
Mayor Chávez – Because Albuquerque Matters.
Since becoming Mayor, his work has paid off in real progress for Albuquerque. He has brought new technology and high paying companies to Albuquerque like Schott Solar, Fidelity Investments, Sony Image Works and ABQ Studios. He has been a staunch supporter of small business. Mayor Chavez has grown our police department, invested in needed infrastructure, more efficient city services and landscaped our community. International corporations now look to Albuquerque when seeking to create jobs. His opponents may not like it, but Mayor Chávez gets things done. The nation is taking notice of our progress.
Leadership. Vision. Results. October 6th, vote Mayor Martin Chávez Paid for by Marty Chavez for Mayor. Printed by Greetings Etc. Inc. 2505 Commercial St NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-1121
Mayor Martin Chavez 136 Washington SE, Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-504-9314