8 Activities Of Human Centered Design (hcd)

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  • Pages: 15
activities of Human Centered Design

activities off

H Human Centered C t dD Design i

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activities of Human Centered Design


Identify your users and their characteristics “Know thy user, and you are not thy user” – Arnie Lund d Walk in their shoes and climb into their head to learn and understand their culture, context of use, aspirations, motivations and behaviors.

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activities of Human Centered Design

2 Identify your usability requirements Ask yourself: What will be measured ? How it will be measured ? What level of the measure is required ?

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activities of Human Centered Design

3 Record and analyzing your users’ tasks In the future everyone will be famous for 15 “In minutes” – Andy Warhol Choose the right tasks to test. test Tasks should be aligned with your project requirements.

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activities of Human Centered Design

4 Understanding your users’ mental models “All our id ideas and d concepts t are only l iinternal t l pictures” i t ” - Ludwig Boltzmann

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activities of Human Centered Design

4 This raises a number of issues for design: g you y expect p the user to have? •What mental model might •What mental model should they have? •How should you convey an appropriate mental model to the user (which may have implications for training)? •How should you design the interface to reflect the mental model? •How do you represent the mental model?

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activities of Human Centered Design

4 And Finally … The model must be discussed with representative end users to ensure that it really does correspond to their understanding

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activities of Human Centered Design


Identify d f appropriate styles l , standards, d d patterns and d guidelines d l Before you start to create the user interface, you should create project specific guidelines for the task. You mayy have to tailor the user interface g g guidelines, to cover the areas that are relevant for the type of user interface you will develop. When knowledge is captured in the form of a guideline, it it’ss known as a prescriptive theory. Prescriptive theories suggest actions to take that will lead to desired results. Guidelines aren’t rules to be enforced. They don’t eliminate creativity and innovation from the design process process. Instead guidelines are a vital part of our decision strategy during the design process

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activities of Human Centered Design


Design the interface picture is worth a thousand words. An “A p interface is worth a thousand pictures.” – Ben Shneiderman

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activities of Human Centered Design


Prototype the interaction and interface Design an experiential quality into your prototypes to convey to end users a prototypes, representative experience with the product, system or space you will develop. Design your prototypes t t tto understand, d t d explore, l or communicate what it might be like to engage with the product, system or space you`re designing

www.di8it.com | [email protected] | @di8it

activities of Human Centered Design


Prototype the interaction and interface 1: Make it quick and dirty 2: It doesn doesn'tt have to be 3D. It could be virtual 3: You've got to test it with your users 4: Then make changes from user feedback 55: Then move on to p piloting g

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activities of Human Centered Design


Evaluate ! Use the DECIDE method

Determine the goals. g Explore the questions. Choose the evaluation approach and methods. Identify the practical issues. issues Decide how to deal with the ethical issues. Evaluate, analyze, interpret and present the data.

www.di8it.com | [email protected] | @di8it

activities of Human Centered Design

There you have it … but not necessarily in that sequence! It’ss an iterative process… It process www.di8it.com | [email protected] | @di8it

activities of Human Centered Design

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Identify Id tif the th users and d th their i characteristics h t i ti - Know K thy th user and d thy th user isn`t you. Identify the usability requirements (1)What will be measured (2)How it will be measured (3)What level of the measure is q required Recording and analyzing users’ tasks. Every one has 15mins of fame fame. Understanding users’ mental models "All our ideas and concepts are only internal pictures". pictures" Identify appropriate styles and guidelines Design the interface Prototype the interaction and interface Evaluate . www.di8it.com | [email protected] | @di8it

activities of Human Centered Design

Who we are? We are a unique digital agency specialising in user experience research and human centred design. We have expertise in web, digital TV and mobile devices supporting you from initial concepts through prototype to polished design. Our aim is to help you create enjoyable products, products engaging services and grow compelling experiences - making life for your customers just a little bit better.

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