7.the Black Death

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 164
  • Pages: 11

THE BL ACK D EATH Name ______________________ Group ____ Teacher ___________ In thi s p r oje ct , you wil l be r eq ui r ed t o p r odu ce a pi ec e o f wor k w hi ch de sc rib es lif e i n Engla nd du rin g t he tim e of the B lac k Dea th . You will b e able to u se th e in for ma tio n us ed i n le sso ns as w el l as y ou r o wn r es ea r ch.

Topics for this project are:

Symptoms of the disease Conditions in the towns Attempted cures Effects of the Black Death Mar ks wi ll be giv en for r esear ch, pr esenta tion , content , use of dia g r ams and or igin al ity .

Due in by ________________________

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