7th Grade Science Overview

  • May 2020
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Team 7B Science Overview Teacher: Mr. Schayer Phone: 860-828-0323 ext 110 E-Mail: [email protected] Homework Mailbox #2358 Website: http://schayerscience.pbworks.com It is with great excitement that I welcome both you and your parents/guardians to Team 7B and more specifically to my science class. This year will challenge you to use the knowledge you gained in sixth grade science in order to explore many new scientific topics. Through the integration of class lectures, hands-on experiments, class projects and technology, I am confident that you will find this year to be both exciting and educational. The information that follows explains many of my classroom policies and procedures and details materials that will be needed for this academic year. Should you or your parents have any questions please feel free to ask. I look forward to having you in my class this year! Welcome!

Units of Study: The year begins with a brief review of the scientific inquiry process (to include lab reporting skills) as well as the metric measurement system. From there we progress into our unit on simple machines, where we will study how the mechanical advantage of using inclined planes, pulleys, and levers effects the work being performed. Following this unit, we will study energy, to include potential and kinetic energy as well as various forms of mechanical and chemical energy. After the energy unit, we will begin our study of body systems. In this unit we will learn the basics of plant and animal cells and use this knowledge to study the structure and function of the human digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and musculoskeletal systems. Our final unit of the year will be the study of geology. In this unit we will study how constructive and destructive forces have shaped the earth, and will more specifically study weathering, glaciation, erosion, and tectonic plates. Materials Needed: • 1 composition notebook (this will be your “Think Tank” notebook) • 1 science binder or notebook (to be used exclusively for science) • 1 science folder • Pens, pencils, erasers “Think Tank” Notebook: Each student will be required to keep a composition notebook, which will be used on a daily basis as a way of reviewing the previous day’s material. At the beginning of each class, students will be presented with a question and will be expected to write down both the question and its answer in his/her “Think Tank” notebook. This “Think Tank” will then become a valuable resource when studying for quizzes and tests. “Think Tank” Notebooks will be checked for completeness occasionally throughout the quarter. Science Binder/Notebook: In addition to keeping a “Think Tank Notebook,” students are required to

keep a three ring binder or notebook that will be used exclusively for science. This binder/notebook will house all class notes, handouts, classwork, lab guides, tests, quizzes, and lab reports. ePortfolio: Students will be required to keep and update an electronic science portfolio (ePortfolio) this academic year. The ePortfolio will take the form of a pbwiki page that is secured and password protected so that only the student and the teacher can view the contents of the portfolio (this webpage and its password will be provided to the student by Mr. Schayer). Within the portfolio, the student will provide documentation that he or she has met the science standards for a given unit. Such documentation will take the form of responses to posted questions, lab reports, and projects. Portfolios can be edited and modified continually until the student has shown evidence of having met each standard. At the conclusion of the year, the student, the teacher, and the parents will be able to see the academic process made by the student by simply viewing his or her ePortfolio. More information regarding the set-up, management, and grading of this portfolio will be forthcoming. Introducing the S.U.E.’s (Student Unit Expectations) In an effort to hold students accountable to the Connecticut Science Grade Level Expectations, I have modified these standards to make them more student friendly. At the beginning of each unit, students will be provided with an overview of the expectations of the unit, and will need to document (in some way) that they have met each standard prior to the conclusion of the unit. Students will be given options for documenting their completion of each standard and all documentation will be housed in his or her eportfolio. Homework: Students will be assigned thought provoking homework a few times each week. Homework not completed on time (with the exception of absences or extenuating circumstances) will receive a zero. The completion of homework is vital to the success of the student in the classroom. Homework is posted on the board daily. Should you forget to write down your homework on any given day, it is always recorded on my homework hotline (Homework Mailbox #2358) and posted on my website (http://schayerscience.pbworks.com). Quizzes, Quests, Tests, & Lab Practicals (Performance Based Assessments): Students will be assessed formally through quizzes, quests, tests, and lab practicals. Students will always be given ample notice prior to the assessment and will be provided with study guides and in-class review sessions. Certain units will require weekly quick quizzes that will be given every Friday during the given unit. Quarter grades are determined based on an accumulation of points. Therefore dividing the total points earned by the total possible points, will determine a student’s overall quarter grade. Re-Take Policy:

In an effort to promote mastery of science topics students will be given the opportunity to re-take any assessment PRIOR to the final unit test. In order to re-take an assessment the student must schedule an individual meeting with Mr. Schayer either during period H or after school. During this meeting, we will review misconceptions and errors made on the previous assessment and will develop a study plan for the re-take. No retakes will be allowed without this meeting. No re-takes on final unit assessments (tests) will be allowed. Extra-Help: Students are encouraged to take ownership over their own learning and therefore seek extra help whenever needed. I am always available during period H and by appointment after school. Each month a calendar detailing my availability after school is posted and students can sign up for any day(s) they’d like. My former students always said they found these extra-help sessions to be extremely useful.

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