7k Forces And Motion Test - Sen 2004

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 653
  • Pages: 4
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For questions 1 to 8 choose and circle the correct word from the brackets to make each sentence correct 1.

Force is measured in (newtons/ metres /stone /kilograms)

2. Your weight is a (push/force/upthrust/newtons) which pulls you (downwards/upwards) 3. We measure speed in (metres/seconds/metres per second/newtons) 4. The force that stops you slipping on the ground is called (friction / upthrust/ weight) 5. Weight is due to the (electrical/magnetic/gravitational) force of the Earth. 6. We can reduce friction in a bicycle by using (oil/paint/chrome/water) to act as (insulation/lubrication/distillation) of the moving parts. 7. A car goes 1000m in 1 minute. It increases its speed during the next minute. This means that it goes (further / not so far /the same distance) in a minute. 8. A car takes 3 minutes to go 1 kilometre. It then increases its speed which means that it will go the same distance in (a longer time / a shorter time / the same time)

Complete the table by choosing words from the box to give the correct name of the forces described. Description 9 A driving force created by the push of a dolphin's tail. 10 Upwards force created by water on a body dipped into it. 11 A force due to gravity

Name of Force weight thrust tension drag upthrust lift

12 Force of resistance due to air or water

For question 13 to 15, look at the diagram of forces on a car moving forward and complete the table to match up the forces with the letters A, B c or D Description of Which arrow on force the diagram? 13 Driving force due to the engine 14 Weight force due to gravity 15 Drag force due to friction



Use either the word increases or reduces to complete the description about friction in bicycles. 16.

A bicycle tyre ____________ friction between the wheel and the road.

Putting on the brakes _____________ friction between the brake block and the wheel. Oil ________________ friction between the wheel and the axle.

For questions 17 and 18, use the tug-ofwar diagrams .



17. In which of the diagrams is there a resultant (overall) force of 3000 N? A, B, C or D? __________________ 18. Which team will move to the left? A, B, C or D? __________________










The diagram below shows the directions of four forces acting on an aeroplane while it is flying. 19.









What causes force W?




What produces force Z?




What happens if X and Y are equal?

____________________________________________________________ 22.

What happens eventually to the speed of the plane if Z becomes smaller

and smaller?__________________________________________________ A swimming dolphin travels 100 metres in 5 seconds. Fill in the gaps to find out its speed. Use words to complete Questions 23 and 24, and numbers to complete questions 25 and 26 23. Speed = ______________ divided by ______________ 24. That's 100 metres divided by 5 ________________ 25. Speed = 100 / _________________ 26. So the dolphin's speed = ___________ metres per second.

A runner can run a race over a distance of 500m in 100s. Use the same method in the last question to help calculate her speed. Use numbers to complete questions 27 and 28 27.


Speed = _________ divided by ___________

So the runner’s speed = ____________ metres per second

A person on Earth has a mass of 75 kg and a weight of 750 N. On a planet with a force of gravity twice as big as on Earth….. 29.

What would be the mass of the person?


What would be the person's weight?

Well done! Now go back and check your work to make sure you haven’t made any silly mistakes.

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