7july Photos Thaton Hall By Abfsu

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  • Pages: 46

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Historical Photos of 7 July Incident Published by Thaton Hall (1963-64)

The Faith (Foreword) The red stream flows and its converted us to another life. This event is for our cause. That is edited and inscribed. Likes the stone pillar erected Its our solemn vow. The July mirror Its presents full of dramatic senses and Likes a motor drives the heart. Kyi Win (Pakokku) Chairman Hostel Social & Reading Association (1963-64) Thaton Hall Rangoon University




Introduction The main purpose of this small booklet “Historical Photos of 7 July Accident” is to reveals the account of student rights struggle and to keep a historical record. These July historical photos in this book can expose only small portion of the cruelty and brutality. These brutalities of 7 July, the people of Burma and the whole world had got shock and it could not be hide forever. This is the gravest mistake of this cruel regime who called themselves a revolutionary council. So called revolutionary military government will commit those crimes again and again in the future. We need to keep continue to fight against those atrocities by this military junta. That is our student duty to fulfill wishes of our comrades those who had given their lives. We need more united to keep our ongoing fighting.

The October holiday struggle is showed our solidarity and strength. We, all students, shall unite. We, Thaton Hall, solemnly declare that we continue to participate in the student cause and it should reflect the student vision and without any political affiliation. We will keep working with all students. We salute all who sacrificed their lives. March towards Victory,

Executive Committee Hostel Social & Reading Association (1963-64) Thaton Hall Rangoon University


7-7-62. Takatha (RUSU) leads the peaceful demonstration against imposed new restricted hall rules in 2 p.m. Takatha (RUSU): means Rangoon University Students’ Union


7-7-62. Peaceful march from Convocation Hall on Chancellor Road.


7-7-62. Riot polices with baton crack down brutally on peaceful demonstrators. Some leading members of RUSU got arrested.


7-7-62. Polices use brutal forces such as tear-gas bomb to disperse the crowd. Polices positioning at a water groove along Chancellor Road.


7-7-62. Students can not control their anger and start throwing stone to the police on Chancellor Road.


Students from Mandalay Hall start to shout against used of excessive forces by riot police in July 7, 1962.


Soldiers sealed off the university campus and strike against the peaceful student protesters like the battle ground in July 7, 1962.


3 Military trucks loaded with full of death bodies by military operation in July 7, 1962. Those bodies carried away and disappeared after that.


The forefront of student movement, RUSU building, could see at 6 a.m. on 8-7-62.


More than 100 students were killed and its continued to demolish the Union building. It is demolished by dynamite at 6 a.m. on July 8, 1962. The monument of Bo Aung Kyaw left a lone among debris.


Those who killed were secretly cremated in this cemetery on 8-71962. Then indefinite closure of universities started.

15 Universities closed more than 40 days and reopened. In National Day, the government afraid that student protest will occur and to avoid this, they ordered teachers to make a feast reception. Students show their defiance with chanting “National Day and a feast is unrelated” and they march around the campus on 21-11-62.


After the movement of demonstrating for the restricted hostel rules at 5 month memorial for 7 July has started at night on 07-12-62, students successfully celebrate Aung Kyaw Day on 20-12-62.


20-12-62. On Aung Kyaw Day, students catch a military spy who reporting to government in the code words of “the train was still going on” and forcing to plea at Aung Kyaw Monument.


20-12-62. On Aung Kyaw Day, students closed the main gate of Chancellor Road and demonstrated. And hang the picture of student martyr Bo Aung Kyaw at the top of the gate door.


6 months memorial service and giving donation to 50 Buddhist monks for students who died in bloody crackdown of 07-07-62 on 07-01-63.


14-01-63. Leading students group build up the “Yarkyaw, Student Movement Monument” Just beside the “Aung Kyaw Monument” at Red Square over night. The height is 7 feet 7 inches and the width is 62 inches as for the code of 07-07-62. (Yarkyaw means more than hundred students lives had sacrificed.)


07-02-63. Opening ceremony of Yarkyaw Monument and burning the Fascist effigy was held in 7th month memorial service.


07-02-62. After burning down the effigy coffin, the biggest ever student mass are marching along the Chancellor Road, hailing black flags and posters.


10-02-63. Members of Students Rights Committee, executives of Social and Reading Associations and other formal groups gather around for 12 hours long hunger strike, making speeches about the cause one by one.


07-02-62. Students show their frustration by burning down the Fascisms by symbolizing with dead coffin.


18-02-63. While students (brothers) are doing hunger strike, some students (sisters) are distributing food and drink.


07-03-63. 8 months after the incident, only a few students held memorial service briefly at the Student’ Movement monument for the sake of students as the exams are closing.


10-03-63. Some student leaders are reporting about brutal crackdown of 7 July incident to respectful national leader Sayagyi Thakin Kodaw Hmaing.


01-04-63. Students open the gate which previously blocked for demonstration, as Rangoon University was closed for Summer break.


07-07-63. Memorial service and giving donations after the release of imprisoned students at a makeshift build of temporary Union office.


07-07-63. Memorial service in front of Student’ Movement Monument at Red Square, bow down under the heavy rain for the 7 July’s comrades who were killed during the bloody crackdown.


Various kinds of publications, including poster, painting, poems and articles published by University students within a period of 07-07-62 to 01-04-63 (just before Summer Break)









This Monument erects for more than hundread lives. Yarkyaw Monument and the Takatha office, a temporary bamboo tent.

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