723 A

  • November 2019
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A-) Aşağıdaki soruları cevaplayın…(2x4=8 puan)  Have you finished the homework? -- No, _____________________________ .  Has she written the letter? -- No, _____________________________ .

 Has he repaired the television? -- Yes, ___________________________ .  Have they bought a new house? -- Yes, ___________________________ .

B-) Aşağıdaki boşlukları “have / haven’t” veya “has / hasn’t” kullanarak doldurun… (2x6=12 puan)  I __________ washed my hair. ( - )  They __________ sent the mail. ( + )  My sister _________ cleaned the room. ( + )

 She __________ worn a blue hat. ( + )  Murat _________ forgotten the adres. ( - )  We ___________ watched the movie. ( - )

C-) Aşağıdaki soruları uygun biçimde cevaplayınız...(2x4=8 puan)  Did she use to eat pizza? -- Yes, ____________________ . ______________________ .

 Did he use to cook meals?

 Did she use to drive a car? -- No,

 Did she use to play

football? -- Yes, ____________________ . ______________________ .

-- No,

D) Use the verbs in Present Perfect Tense.(2x6=12) 1) I ___________________ ( finish) my homework.(+) 2) She ____________________ (eat) her sandwich yet.(-) 3) My brother ______________________ ( wash) his car yet.(-) 4) ___________ you _______________ (drink) your coffee? 5) We ________________________ (play) basketball.(+) 6) __________ your mother _____________ (go) to Ankara? E) PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH JUST AND YET.(2x5=10) 1. I have ………… finished my homework 2. They haven’t ordered the meal …………. 3. Have you cooked soup …………….? 4. We have ………….. arrived İstanbul. 5. Ahmet hasn’t bought a car ……………. F) ANSWER THE QUESTIONS (2x5=10) 1. Which is the most comfortable ? (a bed ,a chair or sofa ) ………………………………………………………………….. 2. Which is the fastest ? ( a car,a plane,or a train ) ………………………………………………………………….. 3. Which city is the most crowded ? (Ankara,İzmir or İstanbul )





……………………………………………………………………… 4. Which is the most delicious ? (ice-cream,lemon or orange) …………………………………………………………………….. 5. Who is the youngest person in your family ? (you,your father,your grandfather) ………………………………………………………………………..

F)CHOOSE THE CORRECT ONE ( 15 X 2 = 30 ) (Uygun Olan Seçeneği İşaretleyiniz) 1-Kalecik is _________ than Ankara. A) smaller B) smallest C)small D)more small 2-A plane is __________ than a car. A) expensiver B) expensivest C) more expensive D) the most expensive 3. My grandfather is ……… person in family. A) The youngest B) Older C) The Oldest D) Younger 4. January is as ……………… as February. A) Colder B) Coldest C) Cold D) More cold 5. Our house is ……….. than our school. A) The cleanest B) Clean C) More clean D) Cleaner 6. They would like …………… banana. A) Eat B) To drink C) To eat D) Drink 7. My marks are …………. Than Tom’s marks. A) Worse B) Badder C) Bad D) The worst 8. Money ……as ……….. as health. A) is / more important B) isn’t / important C) is / most important D) isn’t / the important

9-You are a good student, ………. ? …………………………… a) are you ? / No, I’m not b) aren’t you ? / Yes, I’m c) Am I ? / No, you aren’t d) Am not I ? / Yes, you are 10- A: Where … you yesterday? B: I ………. at home yesterday. a) was-were b) is-am c) were-was d) are-am 11-Atatürk …...... in Selanik and ….... Dolmabahçe Palace. a) was born-die b) were born-died c) borned-die d) was born-died 12-İstanbul is ……………. than Konya. a) bigger b) thinner c) more crowded d) more comfortable 13- Fatma’s marks aren’t ……………than Ali’s marks. a) gooder b)better c) the worst d) the best 14- Would you like …………… a bottle of mineral water ? a) drink b) drinking c) to drink d) to want 15- Can your sister put on her clothes by … …………. ? a)himself b) herself c) myself d) yourself

G) FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH “ the same as “ OR “ diffrent from” (2x5=10) 1. Handbag is ………………………………… schoolbag 2. An armchair is ……………………………………. sofa. 3. Dish is ……………………………………. plate. 4. Your grandmather is ……………………………… your mother’s mother. 5. A cup is …………………………………………… a glass.

Hasan EGE İngilizce Öğretmeni



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