71. God Brought Elijah Away But God Also Anointed Elisha Double Fold

  • November 2019
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Children Bible Overview 71


GOD BROUGHT ELIJAH AWAY BUT GOD ALSO ANOINTED ELISHA DOUBLE FOLD Teachers to read bible scripture: <2 Ki 2:1-15> Children to memorize bible scripture: Recap Children, last week, we saw how when the disheartened Prophet Elijah obtained God’s perfect will, he once again received strength. Elijah found Elisha and anointed him to be the prophet who succeeded him. Thereafter, King Ahab was killed in the battlefield by the enemies. Therefore, whenever we are disheartened and weak, we must know that God had a greater plan. He actually wants to use us to do greater things. Introduction After the death of King Ahab, many of God’s prophets were nurtured and raised in Israel and they followed Prophets Elijah and Elisha. When God’s time was up, He had intentions to take Elijah up to heaven. When Prophet Elijah knew this, he persuaded Elisha thrice to leave him (in Gilgal, Bethel and Jericho), but because Elisha knew that Elijah was loved by God and a highly valued servant, he refused to leave him and continued to follow him till the end. When they were at the Jordon river, Elijah used his cloak and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground. After they had crossed, Elijah asked Elisha, “What can I do for you before I am taken up to heaven?” Elisha replied, “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.” Elijah said, “You have asked a difficult thing but if God wills, it will be yours. Yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours, otherwise not.” As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and Elijah went up to heaven and Elisha saw him no more. Elisha personally witnessed this and he knew that God had already anointed him double fold to succeed Prophet Elijah’s works. After that, he took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the Jordon water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. There were many prophets by the river who witnessed that and they knew that God had already anointed Prophet Elisha to succeed Prophet Elijah. Without a doubt, Prophet Elisha had great power. In his lifetime, he performed more miracles than Elijah and also nurtured many more prophets who continued to succeed in the work to save and help the Israelites.

1. When God brought Elijah back, God had intentions to raise up Prophet Elisha who had greater power than Elijah 1) We must first know that God’s work will never stop. Because God loves His people, He will continue to raise up prophets to tell His people His words, so that they can see God’s guidance. [Children, God is the same today. He continues to look for people to preach His words and guide His people. Do we want to become God’s prophets?] 2) We must know that God’s work will definitely progress. The prophets whom God raised to lead His people are more and more powerful, just like how Elisha was more powerful than Elijah. [Therefore, Children, in future, all of you will be even more powerful than Teachers, and will be better able to preach God’s words, help and bless even more people, so that more people will know and believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ.] 3) We must also know that God’s work will always continue. After God took Elijah back, He raised up Elisha to nurture the many prophets around them. After they know God’s words, they went to various parts of Israel to help many of God’s people. [Therefore, Children, God tells us to learn God’s words every week so that we can tell God’s stories to our brothers and sisters at home, in school and other friends and allow them to know God, Jesus.]

2. Elisha could receive double fold anointing from God because he followed Prophet Elijah to the end 1) Elisha followed Elijah to the end because he loved God. Elisha knew that Elijah was a servant who preached God’s words. Therefore, Elisha followed Elijah to the end represented Elijah following the Lord, God to the end. 2) Elisha followed Elijah to the end because he loved God’s people. Elisha knew that he did not have the power to lead Israel by himself but he knew that Elijah was a prophet greatly used by God to lead and save the Israelites. Therefore, Elisha followed Elijah to the end, so that he could receive power and wisdom to be Israel’s prophet and help them.

3) Elisha followed Elijah to the end because he knew what God’s perfect will was. Elisha knew that God’s perfect will was to anoint him double fold through Elijah’s blessings. After that, he was then sent by God to do greater things. Elisha thus submitted to God, from the time he left his family, to the time he followed Elijah and worked as his servant and finally until Elijah was ascended into heaven. 3. After Elisha received double anointing, he fulfilled God’s greater works 1) After Elisha succeeded Elijah, God’s double fold anointing was on him. He took Elijah’s cloak, struck the Jordon river with it and the waters were separated. This represented that he succeeded Elijah as Israel’s prophet, represented God’s words and led God’s people. 2) In his lifetime, Elisha performed more miracles than Elijah to help God’s people and allow them to know that the Lord is God, to seek Him and receive His help so that their enemies do not intrude the country. 3) In his lifetime, Elisha also nurtured many students who became prophets. These students continued to follow Elisha to learn God’s words. Eventually, they became the most powerful prophets in Israel who could help the Israelites and also advised Israel’s King.

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