7 Corals & Coral Reefs

  • October 2019
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“Corals and Coral Reefs” A presentation compiled from various sources by

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA, Zoology Dept. Bhavan’s College, Andheri. Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Sites from which presentations have been downloaded and later editted. I am indeed thankful to them for their kindness and support : http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/cb/org/organelles.html http://faculty.pnc.edu/jcamp/parasit/parasit.html http://www.amnh.org/rose/hope/creatinghope/ http://www.biology.eku.edu/SCHUSTER/bio%20141/POWERPOINT %20NOTES/Intro%20to%20Protozoa_files/fullscreen.htm http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~zoology/eeob405/ http://www.tulane.edu/~wiser/protozoology/pwpt/ http://www.iep.water.ca.gov/suisun/photos/wildlife.html http://www.uta.edu/biology/marshall/2343/ http://www.uta.edu/biology/faculty/faculty.html http://www.okc.cc.ok.us/biologylabs/Documents/Zoology/PowerPoint.htm http://bio.fsu.edu/ http://www.aw-bc.com/ http://www.nhm.org/ http://www.geo.cornell.edu/eas/education/course/descr/EAS302/presentations/ It is very easy to find mistakes in these presentations…..I request you to kindly rectify them and supply me the modifications needed at [email protected] Thanks a lot and have fun in teaching & learning Zoology…. Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

What are Coral Reefs ?

• located in coastal zones of tropical oceans • formed by mutualism between polyps & algae • polyps secrete hard limestone deposits that remain when polyps die • Limestone = calcium carbonate = CaCO3

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Corals are Animals Phylum : Cnidaria

“plant-like” animals symbiotic algae zooxanthellae Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Coral Reefs Importance:

Coral Biodiversity

• high biodiversity, like “tropical rain forests of ocean” • Removing of CO2 from the atmosphere • protect coastlines from storms & high waves • nurseries for many fish species • disappearing

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Problems : Bleaching Coral Bleaching The algae within the corals die off. WHY? • Runoff of silt increases water turbidity and thereby prevents photosynthesis. • Increase in water temperature and UV radiation leads to physiological stress. Consequences Unable to grow, and repair leads to dieing of coral reefs. • Currently over 60% of the world’s coral reefs are threatening by human activities. Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Picture of a Coral reef

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Corals need: • warm water • clear water • nutrient-poor water Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Vulnerability & Human Impacts Vulnerability: • slow growing • easily disturbed • thrive only in clear water Human Impacts: • sediment runoff & effluent • increased UV radiation • fishing with cyanide & dynamite

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

1.Types of Coral reefs

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation


Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

3.Volcanic Island Reefs

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

4.Barrier reef & Lagoon

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

5. B. Reef Lagoon System

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

6.Volc Island c Reef+Lagoon

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

7.Coral Reef Atolls

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation


Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

9.Patch Reefs of Lagoons

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

10.Cross Section of Atoll

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

11.Island c reef & lagoon

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

12.Frg Reef Around Cont Shelf Island

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

13.Frg reef along Cont Margin

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

14.Reef Growth

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

15.Reef Constr Process

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

16.Scleractinian Coral Framework builders

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

17.Non-Scl Coral Frm build

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

18.Coralline Algae Frm build

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

19.Other Frm builders

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

20.Reef Sediments

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

21.Reef Cementers

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

22.Reef Erosion Process

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

23.Mechanical Erosion

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation


Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

25.Direct Bioeroder:Parrotfish

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

26.Direct Bioeroder:Sea turtle

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Direct Bioeroder:Sponge

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

27.Fauna of Coral Reef

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

28.Charles Darwin

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

29.HMS Beagle

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

30.Formation of coral reef Atoll

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

31.Volcanic eruption

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation


Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

33.Tectonic Plate Fractures

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

34.Formation of Volcanic Islands

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

35.Ages of Coral Islands

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Slow Subsidence after Volcano

Stages of coral reef development

• If in tropical shallow water, coral reefs can form on the tops of volcanoes

Figure 2-30

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Ocean depths during past Ages

Atoll and barrier reefs in the Society Islands near Australia

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

As an island ages, it subsides and erodes and progresses through a series of steps: • • • • •

volcanic island fringing reef barrier reef atoll drowned seamount Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation


Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

ATOLL : ring of coral with a central lagoon

Subsidence Theory

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

36.Subsidence Theory

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

so influences the shape of atolls Daly’s Glacial Control Theory:

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

Coral Reefs and Atolls Markers of Tropical Climate And Sea Level Change

Dr. PARVISH PANDYA’s presentation

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