69th Annual Report Of The

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69th ANNUAL REPORT of the

ForeignTrade Zones Board to the


Foreign-trade zones are secure areas under supervision of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that are considered outside the customs territory of the United States for the purposes of duty payment. Located in or near customs ports of entry, they are the U.S. version of what are known internationally as free trade zones. Authority for establishing these facilities is granted by the Foreign-Trade Zones Board under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of 1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the Board’s regulations (15 C.F.R. Part 400). The Executive Secretariat of the Board is located within the Import Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. Foreign and domestic merchandise may, subject to FTZ Board and CBP regulations, be moved into zones for operations not otherwise prohibited by law involving storage, exhibition, assembly, manufacturing, and processing. All zone activity is subject to public interest review, and all manufacturing and processing activity requires a case-by-case review. Under zone procedures, the usual formal customs entry procedure and payment of duties are not required on the foreign merchandise unless and until it enters customs territory for domestic consumption, in which case the importer normally has a choice of paying duties either on the original foreign materials or the finished product. Domestic goods moved into a zone for export are considered exported upon entering the zone for purposes of excise tax rebates and drawback. FTZ sites and activities remain within the jurisdiction of federal, state and local governments and agencies. Zones are sponsored by qualified public or public-type corporations, which may themselves operate the facilities or contract for their operations with public or private firms. The operations are conducted on a public utility basis, with published rates. A typical general-purpose zone provides leasable storage/distribution space to users in general warehouse-type buildings with access to all modes of transportation. Most zone projects include an industrial park site with lots on which zone users can construct their own facilities. Subzones are usually private plant sites authorized by the Board through zone grantees for operations that cannot be accommodated within an existing general-purpose zone. The regulations of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board are published in the Code of Federal Regulations at Title 15, Part 400 (15 C.F.R. Part 400), and the regulations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection concerning zones at Title 19, Part 146 (19 C.F.R. Part 146). Information on foreign-trade zones is available on the FTZ Web site at: http://www.trade.gov/ftz.

69th ANNUAL REPORT of the

Foreign-Trade Zones Board to the


Published December 2008 ISSN 1544-2322

Printed on recycled paper. Federal Recycling Program

The full text of this document is available on the Foreign-Trade Zone Board’s Internet site at www.trade.gov/ftz. It is also available for purchase as a paper or microfiche reprint, or an electronic download, from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; www.ntis.gov.


FOREIGN-TRADE ZONES BOARD FY 2007 CARLOS M. GUTIERREZ Secretary of Commerce HENRY M. PAULSON, JR. Secretary of the Treasury


David M. Spooner Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration U.S. Department of Commerce Timothy E. Skud Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax, Trade, and Tariff Policy) U.S. Department of the Treasury

________ Andrew McGilvray Executive Secretary



CONTENTS Page Report of the Executive Secretary .........................................................................................


Appendices A - Board Orders, FY 2007....................................................................................................


B - Movement of Merchandise in General-Purpose Zones, FY 2007 ................................... 10 C - Movement of Merchandise in Subzones, FY 2007 .......................................................... 13 D - Summary of Statistics, FY 2003–FY 2007 ...................................................................... 19 E - Summary of Main Foreign-Status Products Received in U.S. FTZs ............................... 20 F - Administrative Actions, FY 2007 .................................................................................... 21 G - U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones by State ................................................................................. 24 H - Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms ........................................................ 56



REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY During the 2007 fiscal year, the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board issued 49 formal orders. The decisions included approvals for one new general-purpose zone and 12 new subzones. Authority was also granted for the expansion of 15 existing general-purpose zones. Other actions involved the granting of authority for revisions to zone plans, 12 expansions of the scope of manufacturing activity, as well as five approvals for new manufacturing activity in zones.1 There were 161 FTZ projects fully active during the year, with subzones in operation in more than 100 of them. The number of facilities using subzone status during the year was 256. The combined value of shipments into general-purpose zones and subzones totaled nearly $502 billion, compared with $491 billion the previous year (Table below and Appendix D). General-purpose sites received $69 billion in merchandise. Total shipments received at subzone sites amounted to $433 billion. Some 86 percent of zone activity took place at subzone facilities, which is consistent with the pattern of the past 15 years.2 Table 1: Value of Shipments into Foreign-Trade Zones, FY 2006 and FY 2007 Merchandise Received

FY 2006 ($ billion)3

FY 2007 ($ billion)3

General-purpose zones 73 69 Subzones 419 433 _____ ____ ____ Total 491 502 ________________________________________________________________


Appendix A contains a summary of each Board Order. Zone authority for manufacturing/processing activity was granted on a restricted basis in five cases, and activation/time limits were adopted in another eleven cases. The main products covered by restrictions included crude oil and textiles.


Appendices B and C contain figures on shipments into and out of general-purpose zones and subzones. Appendix D contains comparative statistics for the past five years. The figures regarding merchandise, employment, products, and other activity in zones represent the latest statistical data available based on reports from zone grantees. Some are still under review. Adjustments normally amount to less than 1 percent of aggregate shipments.


The dollar values in this report and appendices are rounded numbers. Calculations were performed before rounding using the complete numbers.


Exports (shipments to foreign countries) from facilities operating under FTZ procedures amounted to over $31 billion (Figure 2). The export figures do not include certain indirect exports involving FTZ merchandise that undergoes further processing in the United States at non-FTZ sites prior to export. Approximately 350,000 persons were employed at some 2,6004 firms that operated under FTZ procedures during the year. The main foreign-origin products received at zones are listed in Appendix E. Industries that continued to account for most zone manufacturing activity included the oil refining, automotive, pharmaceutical, and electronic product sectors. About 60 percent of the shipments received at zones involved domestic status merchandise. The level of domestic status inputs used by FTZ operations indicates that FTZ activity tends to involve domestic operations that combine foreign inputs with significant domestic inputs. The Board received and filed 58 formal applications during the fiscal year. These proposals requested authority for one new general-purpose zone and 19 subzones, as well as authorization for expansion, reorganization, new manufacturing, and other changes at existing zone projects. The FTZ Board’s notices on the applications can be found on the FTZ Board’s website (www.trade.gov/ftz) under “Notices and Board Orders.” In addition, some 86 cases were processed under the Board’s less formal administrative procedures (Appendix F). The latter cases involved routine, non-controversial changes to zone projects, such as boundary modifications and scope decisions, as well as cases processed under the temporary/interim manufacturing procedures.


Corrected – February 2009 2

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Figure 1: Foreign-Trade Zones: Merchandise Received (General-Purpose Zones and Subzones) 1987-2007



Billion $





0 1987






Foreign Status



Domestic Status*





* “Domestic status merchandise” includes both domestic-origin items and foreign-origin items that have been entered for consumption (duty-paid) prior to FTZ admission.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

Figure 2: Foreign-Trade Zones: Exports (General-Purpose Zones and Subzones) (1987-2007) 35 30 25 20

Billion $ 15 10 5 0 1987











Figure 3: Foreign-Trade Zones: Domestic Status* Merchandise Ratio (As percent of Total Merchandise Received) (1987-2007) 90 80 70 Percent

60 50 40 30 20 1987











*“Domestic status merchandise” includes both domestic-origin items and foreign-origin items that have been entered for consumption (duty-paid) prior to FTZ admission. 4

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

APPENDIX A: BOARD ORDERS, FY 2007 Order No. 1481, October 6, 2006 (Docket 12-2006) Approved the application of the Industrial Development Board of Blount County, grantee of ForeignTrade Zone 148, to expand and reorganize FTZ 148 in the Knoxville, Tennessee area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 61017-61018; October 17, 2006).

Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 62582; October 26, 2006). Order No. 1486, October 20, 2006 (Docket 63-2005) Approved the application of the Puerto Rico Trade & Export Company, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 61, to expand the subzone and the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the Merck, Sharpe & Dohme Quimica De Puerto Rico, Inc. plant (Subzone 61E) in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 62582; October 26, 2006).

Order No. 1482, October 6, 2006 (Docket 15-2006) Approved the application of the Brunswick ForeignTrade Zone, Inc., grantee of Foreign- Trade Zone 144, to establish Subzone 144A at the crop protection products manufacturing facilities of E.I. du Pont de Nemours, and Company, Inc. in Valdosta, Georgia. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 61017; October 17, 2006).

Order No. 1487, November 9, 2006 (Docket 10-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of Codezol, C.D., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 163, to expand FTZ 163 to include a site (Site 8) in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 67098; November 20, 2006).

Order No. 1483, October 20, 2006 (Docket 60-2005) Approved the application of the Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce, grantee of Foreign- Trade Zone 185, to expand the subzone and the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the Merck & Company, Inc. plant (Subzone 185C) in Elkton, Virginia. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 62583; October 26, 2006).

Order No. 1488, November 9, 2006 (Docket 9-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Brazos River Harbor Navigation District (Port Freeport), grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 149, to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the ConocoPhillips Company refinery (Subzone 149C) in Sweeny, Texas. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 67329; November 21, 2006).

Order No. 1484, October 20, 2006 (Docket 61-2005) Approved the application of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 35, to expand the subzone and the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the Merck & Company, Inc. plant (Subzone 35B) in West Point, Pennsylvania. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 62582; October 26, 2006).

Order No. 1489, November 9, 2006 (Docket 25-2006) Approved the application of the Port of Stockton, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 231, to expand FTZ 231 Site 2 to include additional acreage and to expand the zone to include additional sites in Stockton and Tracy, California. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 67329; November 21, 2006).

Order No. 1485, October 20, 2006 (Docket 62-2005) Approved the application of the Puerto Rico Trade & Export Company, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 61, to expand the subzone and the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the Merck, Sharpe & Dohme Quimica De Puerto Rico, Inc. plant (Subzone 61D) in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for

Order No. 1490, November 21, 2006 (Docket 58-2005) Approved with restrictions the application of the City of Memphis and Shelby County (Tennessee), grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 77, to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within the Brother Industries (U.S.A.) Inc. plant (Subzone 77B) in Bartlett, Tennessee. Signed by David M. Spooner, 5

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 69202; November 30, 2006).

Governments, grantee of Foreign- Trade Zone 93, to establish Subzone 93H at the manufacturing facility of Merck & Co., Inc., in Durham, North Carolina. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 74485-74486; December 12, 2006).

Order No. 1491, November 21, 2006 (Docket 16-2006) Approved the application of the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 202, to establish Subzone 202E at the warehouse and distribution facilities of Sony Electronics, Inc. in Los Angeles, Carson and Lynwood, California. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 69202; November 30, 2006).

Order No. 1497, January 4, 2007 (Docket 7-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 116, to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within The Premcor Refining Group, Inc. refinery (Subzone 116C) in Port Arthur, Texas. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 1703; January 16, 2007).

Order No. 1492, December 1, 2006 (Docket 11-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Capital Region Airport Commission, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 207, to establish Subzone 207C at the textile finishing plant of A. Wimpfheimer & Bro., Inc. in Blackstone, Virginia. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 71508; December 11, 2006).

Order No. 1498, January 22, 2007 (Docket 20-2006) Approved the application of the County of Orange, New York, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 37, to establish Subzone 37C at the photomask blank manufacturing and warehousing facilities of Schott Lithotec USA Corp, in Poughkeepsie, New York. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 6200; February 9, 2007).

Order No. 1493, December 1, 2006 (Docket 3-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Northeast Ohio Trade & Economic Consortium, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 181, to expand FTZ 181 Site 2 in Warren, Ohio. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 71507-71508; December 11, 2006).

Order No. 1499, February 5, 2007 (Docket 17-2006) Approved the application of Hitachi Automotive Products, Inc., operator of Subzone 29F, to remove a restriction on foreign status inputs admitted to the subzone in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 7403; February 15, 2007).

Order No. 1494, December 1, 2006 (Docket 14-2006) Approved the application of the Indiana Port Commission, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 177, to establish Subzone 177C at the manufacturing and warehousing facilities of Pfizer Inc in Terra Haute, Indiana. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 71507; December 11, 2006).

Order No. 1500, February 12, 2007 (Docket 29-2006) Approved the application of the Muskogee City-County Port Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 164, to expand FTZ 164 in the Muskogee, Oklahoma area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 8966-8967; February 28, 2007).

Order No. 1495, December 1, 2006 (Docket 48-2005) Approved the application of the North Carolina Department of Commerce, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 57, to establish Subzone 57C at the manufacturing facility of DNP IMS America Corporation in Concord, North Carolina. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (71 F.R. 71507; December 11, 2006).

Order No. 1501, February 12, 2007 (Docket 21-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Delaware Economic Development Office, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 99, to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within The Premcor Refining Group, Inc. refinery (Subzone 99E) in Delaware City, Delaware. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import

Order No. 1496, December 1, 2006 (Docket 64-2005) Approved the application of the Triangle J Council of 6

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 8966; February 28, 2007).

M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 13080; March 20, 2007).

Order No. 1502, April 5, 2007 (Docket 30-2006) Grant of authority to the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone 272 at sites in Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania. Signed by Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (72 F.R. 18960; April 16, 2007).

Order No. 1508, March 20, 2007 (Docket 26-2006) Approved the application of the Port of Stockton, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 231, to establish Subzone 231A at the medical supply warehousing and distribution facility of Medline Industries, Inc., in Lathrop, California. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 14516; March 28, 2007).

Order No. 1503, February 28, 2007 (Docket 4-2006) Approved the application of the Illinois International Port District, grantee of Foreign- Trade Zone 22, for manufacturing authority under zone procedures within Subzone 22N at the Michelin North America, Inc. tiredistribution facility in Monee, Illinois. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 10642; March 9, 2007).

Order No. 1509, April 10, 2007 (Docket 28-2006) Approved the application of the City and County of Denver, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 123, to expand FTZ 123 in the Windsor, Colorado area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 19879-19880; April 20, 2007).

Order No. 1504, February 28, 2007 (Docket 23-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 49, to expand FTZ 49 in the Newark, New Jersey area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 10642-10643; March 9, 2007).

Order No. 1510, April 10, 2007 (Docket 31-2006) Approved the application of the New London Foreign Trade Zone Commission, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 208, on behalf of Pfizer Inc. to expand the subzone and scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within Subzone 208A in Groton, Connecticut. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 19880; April 20, 2007).

Order No. 1505, March 13, 2007 (Docket 27-2006) Approved the application of the Brunswick ForeignTrade Zone, Inc., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 144, Brunswick, Georgia, for reissuance of the grant of authority for FTZ 144, to the Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority, which has agreed to accept sponsorship of the zone. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (72 F.R. 13080; March 20, 2007).

Order No. 1511, April 30, 2007 (Docket 22-2006) Approved the application of the Port of Houston Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 84, to establish Subzone 84S at the apparel, footwear and sporting goods warehousing and distribution facility of Academy Sports and Outdoors, in Katy and Brookshire, Texas. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 26074; April 8, 2007).

Order No. 1506, March 12, 2007 (Docket 24-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 126, to expand and reorganize FTZ 126 in the Reno, Nevada area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 13080; March 20, 2007).

Order No. 1512, May 18, 2007 (Docket 40-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Savannah Airport Commission, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 104, to expand FTZ 104 to include an additional site in the Savannah, Georgia area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 31050; June 5, 2007).

Order No. 1507, March 13, 2007 (Docket 32-2006) Approved the application of the Miami Foreign-Trade Zone, Incorporated, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 32, to expand FTZ 32 in the Miami, Florida area. Signed by David

Order No. 1513, June 8, 2007 (Docket 43-2006) Approved the application of the City of El Paso, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 68, for manufacturing authority under zone procedures within Site 2 of FTZ 68 in El Paso, 7

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

Texas on behalf of Electrolux Home Care Products Ltd. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 33976; June 20, 2007).

establish Subzone 36B at the barite grinding and milling facilities of M-I L.L.C., in Galveston, Texas. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 45220-45221; August 13, 2007).

Order No. 1514, June 21, 2007 (Docket 13-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Piedmont Triad Partnership, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 230, to expand FTZ 230 to include seven additional sites in the Piedmont Triad area, and to remove 110 acres from Site 3. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 35968; July 2, 2007).

Order No. 1520, August 23, 2007 Approved the application of the Foreign Trade Zone Corporation of Southeastern Pennsylvania, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 147, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, for reissuance of the grant of authority for FTZ 147, to the FTZ Corp of Southern Pennsylvania, which has agreed to accept sponsorship of the zone. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 50327; August 31, 2007).

Order No. 1515, June 22, 2007 (Docket 41-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 70, to expand FTZ 70 to include a site in Ypislanti, Michigan. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 35968; July 2, 2007).

Order No. 1521, August 23, 2007 (Docket 8-2006) Did not approve the application of the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 202, to establish a subzone at the warehousing and distribution facility of Sharp Electronics Corporation, in Huntington Beach, California. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 50325-50326; August 31, 2007).

Order No. 1516, August 6, 2007 (Docket 6-2007) Approved the application of the Alliance Corridor, Inc., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 196, for manufacturing authority under zone procedures within FTZ 196 in Fort Worth, Texas on behalf of Motorola Inc. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 45221; August 6, 2007).

Order No. 1522, August 23, 2007 (Docket 2-2007) Approved with restrictions the application of the Northeast Ohio Trade and Economic Consortium, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 181, to reorganize FTZ 181 - Site 2, in Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, Ohio. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 50327; August 31, 2007).

Order No. 1517, August 6, 2007 (Docket 8-2007) Approved the application of the Foreign-Trade Zone of Central Texas, Inc., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 183, on behalf of Samsung Austin Semiconductor L.L.C. to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures within Subzone 183B in Austin, Texas. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 45220; August 13, 2007).

Order No. 1523, August 23, 2007 (Docket 46-2006) Approved the application of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 222, for manufacturing authority under zone procedures within FTZ 222 Site 1 in Montgomery, Alabama on behalf of ArvinMeritor, Inc. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 50325; August 31, 2007).

Order No. 1518, August 6, 2007 (Docket 14-2007) Approved the application of the Port of South Louisiana, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 124, to establish Subzone 124K at the barite grinding and milling facilities of M-I L.L.C., in Amelia, Louisiana. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 45219; August 13, 2007).

Order No. 1524, September 7, 2007 (Docket 47-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Greater Kansas City Foreign- Trade Zone, Inc., grantee of ForeignTrade Zone 15, to expand FTZ 15 in the Kansas City, Missouri area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 53228; September 18, 2007).

Order No. 1519, August 6, 2007 (Docket 15-2007) Approved the application of the Board of Trustees of the Galveston Wharves, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 36, to 8

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix A

Order No. 1525, September 7, 2007 (Docket 33-2006) Approved the application of the Town of Islip, operator of Foreign-Trade Zone 52, for manufacturing authority under zone procedures within FTZ 52 in Ronkonkoma, New York on behalf of TKD Industries, Inc. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 53229; September 18, 2007).

within Subzone 133D in Davenport, Iowa. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 56721-56722; October 4, 2007). Order No. 1528, September 28, 2007 (Docket 42-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 61, to expand FTZ 61 in the San Juan, Puerto Rico area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 56723; October 4, 2007).

Order No. 1526, September 28, 2007 (Docket 50-2006) Approved the application of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 51, to establish a subzone at the warehousing and distribution facility of MAPE USA, Inc., in Cambridge, Minnesota. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 56722; October 4, 2007).

Order No. 1529, September 28, 2007 (Docket 2-2006) Approved with restrictions the application of the Port Authority of the Greater Oklahoma City Area, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 106, to reorganize and expand FTZ 106 in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma area. Signed by David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (72 F.R. 56722-56723; October 4, 2007).

Order No. 1527, September 28, 2007 (Docket 49-2006) Approved the application of Deere & Company, operator of FTZ Subzone 133D to expand the scope of manufacturing authority approved under zone procedures


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix B

APPENDIX B: MOVEMENT OF MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL-PURPOSE ZONES, FY 2007 ($ million) Received Zone 001 002 003 005 007 008 009 012 015 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 025 026 027 029 031 032 033 035 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 049 050 051 052


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status

0.0 27.8 0.0 3.6 216.7 6.6 463.2 169.1 100.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 33.8 211.4 279.7 0.1 0.0 1340.6 667.5 1966.6 0.0 180.5 168.2 661.5 4.5 2155.9 175.7 1428.4 0.0 447.1 0.0 2879.6 0.9 304.4 10.2 1136.3 0.0 1.6

0.0 0.3 0.6 4.2 445.6 7.4 439.8 475.8 71.9 0.2 101.5 0.0 69.7 424.6 7.2 29.4 154.0 769.8 238.8 324.8 6.5 369.2 90.5 188.6 8.1 194.9 299.4 37.8 2.2 95.2 6.1 416.4 0.1 8.1 3940.9 854.4 0.0 6.5

0% 1% 100% 54% 67% 53% 49% 74% 42% 70% 100% 100% 67% 67% 3% 100% 100% 36% 26% 14% 100% 67% 35% 22% 64% 8% 63% 3% 100% 18% 100% 13% 7% 3% 100% 43% 0% 80% 10

U.S. Export 1.1 62.6 0.6 0.7 514.1 24.2 573.7 232.4 135.9 0.3 0.3 0.0 64.0 636.6 99.5 14.4 12.9 1482.4 688.9 2278.9 5.3 292.8 248.4 660.4 11.1 2159.4 474.0 1270.0 2.1 448.4 0.1 3148.2 1.2 292.5 3858.5 1893.0 0.0 0.8

0.0 3.3 0.0 7.2 38.7 0.5 351.6 456.1 27.6 0.0 80.6 0.0 3.7 37.6 0.2 13.1 140.1 625.9 200.0 12.6 0.0 265.0 8.5 188.6 0.7 135.9 0.0 136.4 0.7 95.0 5.9 31.9 0.7 9.6 78.3 60.4 0.0 7.9

Percent Export 0% 5% 0% 92% 7% 2% 38% 66% 17% 0% 100% 0% 5% 6% 0% 48% 92% 30% 22% 1% 0% 48% 3% 22% 6% 6% 0% 10% 26% 17% 98% 1% 37% 3% 2% 3% 0% 91%

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix B

Received Zone 053 054 056 057 061 062 064 068 070 071 072 073 074 075 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 089 092 093 094 098 099 100 102 104 106 113 119 120 122 125 126 129 134 135 136


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status

U.S. Export

Percent Export

318.6 0.0 113.2 128.7 529.9 599.2 133.5 0.9 2115.2 0.0 16.4 0.0 175.1 3.0 56.8 1015.7 970.7 6.4 142.3 63.8 3.9 3551.8 0.0 135.8 71.3 47.2 0.0 1.9 0.0 2.4 0.0 365.5 0.0 0.0 3.2 563.3 0.0 1.9 0.0 873.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3

20.5 2.1 30.3 316.8 19.5 648.2 1046.2 119.0 564.3 4.8 419.7 42.7 330.0 0.0 19.9 0.0 195.4 165.7 0.0 55.1 0.0 1957.0 4.7 1048.1 323.0 238.2 8.9 131.2 0.1 60.4 2.8 0.3 11.2 0.0 874.5 23.2 0.3 126.1 0.0 65.3 0.0 15.7 1.7 2.3

6% 100% 21% 71% 4% 52% 89% 99% 21% 100% 96% 100% 65% 0% 26% 0% 17% 96% 0% 46% 0% 36% 100% 89% 82% 83% 100% 99% 100% 96% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 4% 100% 99% 0% 7% 0% 100% 92% 88%

272.8 58.3 2.3 0.1 9.9 115.1 441.0 0.0 548.5 31.3 178.3 622.9 1085.3 63.7 730.1 485.2 2220.2 304.7 5.5 0.0 428.6 6.3 37.2 5.4 147.5 10.9 3.0 0.1 31.4 18.1 8552.7 1509.3 1143.9 20.3 6.2 0.0 124.8 0.0 37.1 40.5 0.0 3.9 4671.6 711.9 1.0 3.6 1183.3 0.4 441.2 1.6 186.2 0.0 7.2 1.4 1.0 117.0 0.1 0.0 46.6 11.1 1.7 0.0 206.3 8.6 10.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 832.9 0.0 588.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 126.1 1.9 0.0 0.0 836.5 1.8 0.0 0.0 4.3 10.9 0.0 1.7 6.4 2.3

18% 3% 92% 0% 5% 78% 6% 40% 12% 0% 1% 13% 7% 2% 37% 15% 2% 0% 0% 52% 100% 13% 78% 0% 0% 0% 16% 99% 0% 19% 0% 4% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 72% 100% 26%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix B

Received Zone 137 138 141 143 147 148 149 152 153 158 160 161 163 166 168 170 173 174 176 181 183 189 196 197 200 202 203 204 205 208 210 213 215 216 222 226 230 233 241 243 244 250 254 262


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status

11.6 408.2 115.6 531.3 0.0 399.6 0.0 25.5 154.5 33.1 1454.5 0.0 457.4 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 0.0 818.6 5852.1 0.0 1027.5 0.0 92.7 211.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.0 86.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.5 170.3 0.7 430.6 108.8 37.6 13.1 0.0 144.9

8.1 71.0 7.9 168.3 2.5 252.6 82.9 10.3 105.6 66.9 191.9 22.6 170.4 1.0 684.1 0.0 73.0 91.2 6.1 94.0 66.4 0.1 7459.7 26.1 201.9 347.4 9.6 0.9 3176.1 0.4 1.4 6.0 0.0 10.0 3.5 18.1 60.5 46.7 14.4 27.8 71.6 44.9 0.4 159.6

41% 15% 6% 24% 100% 39% 100% 29% 41% 67% 12% 100% 27% 62% 100% 0% 100% 91% 100% 10% 1% 100% 88% 100% 69% 62% 100% 100% 100% 36% 100% 6% 0% 100% 99% 21% 26% 99% 3% 20% 66% 77% 100% 52% 12

U.S. Export 14.5 425.6 104.5 525.8 2.5 537.5 22.9 38.2 90.6 76.2 1454.1 19.6 601.8 0.0 674.8 0.0 21.6 0.1 1.4 822.4 5060.5 0.1 9133.2 0.0 281.9 538.2 5.1 0.0 3279.9 1.4 1.3 86.8 0.0 9.6 1.9 76.1 116.1 45.4 159.6 71.3 113.3 13.2 0.0 290.1

0.3 18.0 8.3 142.9 0.0 158.0 1.1 0.0 88.4 0.3 194.5 0.0 22.7 0.6 19.6 0.1 38.1 99.5 6.1 91.0 880.9 0.1 0.1 27.4 2.2 31.4 4.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 58.0 0.6 24.2 4.1 0.2 44.8 0.4 4.9

Percent Export 2% 4% 7% 21% 0% 23% 5% 0% 49% 0% 12% 0% 4% 94% 3% 100% 64% 100% 82% 10% 15% 39% 0% 100% 1% 6% 48% 100% 0% 0% 0% 7% 100% 0% 0% 22% 33% 1% 13% 5% 0% 77% 100% 2%

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C




Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

002C 002G 002H 002I 002J 003B 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F 007G 007H 007I 008F 008G 008H 009A 009D 009E 009F 014D 015C 015D 015E 015G 015H 017B 019A 020C 020D 021C 022F 022G 022K 024B 025B 025C

0.0 16.6 2737.0 5512.8 1171.9 2444.5 977.7 72.5 18.3 0.0 11.9 16.4 4.6 0.0 1363.7 3243.7 3687.5 450.0 21.0 149.8 1.3 1152.7 29.3 152.5 80.9 0.0 12.3 15.0 2.0 9.8 4.0 3.8 0.4 0.0 181.3 20.0 956.9 0.4

0.0 0.0 1198.0 808.2 1262.2 3977.9 281.6 2.0 9.1 3.5 321.2 277.2 0.4 3.8 26.2 569.5 180.6 1623.9 2.7 1152.9 45.4 414.8 3.3 95.4 79.6 4.0 13.4 118.4 6.0 1264.8 35.5 21.9 1385.8 36.8 4.2 2.8 561.6 559.8

0% 0% 30% 13% 52% 62% 22% 3% 33% 100% 96% 94% 8% 100% 2% 15% 5% 78% 11% 88% 97% 26% 10% 38% 50% 100% 52% 89% 75% 99% 90% 85% 100% 100% 2% 12% 37% 100%

0.2 0.0 3651.5 6699.2 2458.6 5978.0 1164.2 173.3 40.8 0.0 334.3 120.8 0.0 1.4 1400.8 3895.0 3866.8 1805.7 22.4 1246.2 46.7 1544.6 32.6 104.0 155.3 25.2 27.4 81.1 4.7 1178.5 42.6 17.8 1398.2 36.8 123.4 3.8 1111.7 22.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 437.4 33.3 42.0 6.2 7.7 0.0 231.2 5.9 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 159.2 4.7 90.9 0.0 0.0 3.6 143.9 6.2 0.0 0.3 2.4 3.7 0.0 0.5 7.9 0.0 0.0 70.6 17.6 402.5 530.2

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 3% 20% 13% 100% 0% 66% 100% 61% 0% 0% 0% 8% 17% 7% 0% 0% 10% 58% 4% 0% 1% 3% 44% 0% 1% 31% 0% 0% 36% 82% 27% 96%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C

Received Zone 025D 025E 026D 026E 026F 026G 026H 027I 027L 027M 028F 029C 029D 029E 029F 031B 033C 035B 035C 035D 035E 038A 038C 038D 038E 038F 039C 039E 039G 039H 039I 040D 040G 041H 042A 043B 043D 043E 044B 044E 045F 046A 046B 046D


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

96.1 260.6 480.6 1.4 5.1 434.1 11.0 0.0 1.5 52.7 16.1 520.8 0.1 5889.3 83.9 5927.4 6.0 34.9 1552.8 690.5 73.2 2637.4 438.3 193.0 924.8 51.9 3.1 2051.7 85.7 86.9 171.5 478.0 0.3 302.9 4.4 209.5 332.7 0.0 6.0 244.8 8.4 336.0 10227.1 3821.0

100.4 58.3 423.6 3.9 6.6 26.6 29.0 0.6 3.6 240.6 48.9 63.8 8.0 1244.8 298.1 1399.8 318.6 10.1 11474.2 3967.9 36.5 5861.8 51.7 39.6 241.4 23.2 35.6 291.9 1016.6 101.6 22.9 0.6 0.0 123.7 100.8 0.2 22.3 4.7 47.3 76.5 23.0 423.2 0.0 0.0

51% 18% 47% 74% 56% 6% 72% 100% 71% 82% 75% 11% 99% 17% 78% 19% 98% 23% 88% 85% 33% 69% 11% 17% 21% 31% 92% 12% 92% 54% 12% 0% 0% 29% 96% 0% 6% 100% 89% 24% 73% 56% 0% 0%

106.1 265.1 612.5 3.4 11.7 461.8 38.0 0.0 0.8 279.4 62.4 542.9 7.7 6696.9 307.2 7200.6 336.1 27.9 12937.9 4660.8 87.4 5893.3 520.2 214.0 1024.8 83.6 126.3 2381.1 1868.7 172.7 227.9 403.5 0.3 319.4 11.1 186.7 340.3 4.7 51.9 306.5 16.9 788.9 9156.8 2463.6

93.9 58.3 290.2 1.2 0.1 0.0 5.6 0.6 3.9 0.0 0.3 36.8 0.0 439.9 79.2 0.0 19.8 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2561.7 3.1 1.9 0.7 0.0 0.0 54.3 10.4 9.3 0.5 60.0 0.0 70.3 84.2 22.0 12.6 0.0 2.2 0.0 16.5 0.0 1068.3 1357.5

47% 18% 32% 26% 1% 0% 13% 100% 83% 0% 1% 6% 0% 6% 21% 0% 6% 2% 0% 0% 0% 30% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 2% 1% 5% 0% 13% 0% 18% 88% 11% 4% 0% 4% 0% 49% 0% 10% 36%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C




Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

047B 047C 049C 049D 049E 049F 049H 049I 049J 050H 050J 052A 055B 057B 057C 059A 061C 061D 061E 061G 061H 061I 061J 070I 070T 070U 072B 072H 072L 072R 073B 075A 075C 075D 075E 075F 075G 075H 075I 077A 077B 078A 078H 079B

4667.2 3803.7 28.6 1.5 2385.4 222.1 7.6 0.0 103.1 2535.2 326.1 9.7 0.0 102.1 1.4 212.2 0.0 1.3 16.9 0.4 0.0 1233.0 8.3 2531.7 2474.0 60.5 46.5 1485.5 97.2 0.0 0.4 161.0 38.9 306.0 140.8 356.9 15.1 43.0 0.0 502.3 13.3 4480.7 43.7 44.9

1775.2 1298.5 12.4 0.0 5332.3 125.0 103.0 3.6 136.2 706.8 114.9 57.8 0.3 39.1 15.7 261.4 0.0 8.9 38.5 20.1 13.4 784.3 4.9 419.0 42.3 65.5 65.0 320.8 254.9 3.2 0.1 127.0 11.7 838.9 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.1 72.4 38.7 1288.2 85.9 0.0

28% 25% 30% 0% 69% 36% 93% 100% 57% 22% 26% 86% 100% 28% 92% 55% 0% 87% 69% 98% 100% 39% 37% 14% 2% 52% 58% 18% 72% 100% 19% 44% 23% 73% 0% 0% 1% 3% 100% 13% 74% 22% 66% 0%

6420.0 3359.1 10.6 2.5 7550.1 370.2 67.1 2.3 237.7 3220.3 444.4 51.0 0.0 123.7 20.1 363.6 0.0 11.7 16.0 7.7 7.9 1883.0 14.7 2966.9 2396.3 105.2 403.7 1625.8 432.4 3.1 0.5 278.0 35.5 805.2 137.9 354.1 11.1 0.0 0.1 571.8 52.1 4990.5 164.2 46.4

11.8 1531.7 8.7 19.8 0.0 0.0 42.6 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.5 16.8 0.3 18.0 0.5 97.8 0.0 0.0 42.8 14.9 5.3 103.3 0.0 0.0 78.1 13.1 0.0 170.0 15.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.2 345.7 5.0 7.3 1.9 44.2 0.0 0.0 1.8 775.6 1.4 0.0

0% 31% 45% 89% 0% 0% 39% 0% 1% 0% 0% 25% 100% 13% 2% 21% 0% 0% 73% 66% 40% 5% 0% 0% 3% 11% 0% 9% 3% 0% 0% 0% 31% 30% 4% 2% 15% 100% 0% 0% 3% 13% 1% 0%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C

Received Zone 081C 081D 082B 082D 082G 082H 084C 084E 084F 084H 084I 084J 084K 084M 084N 084O 084P 084Q 084R 086D 086E 087A 087B 092A 092B 092D 093C 093G 098A 099E 102D 103A 104A 104C 104D 106C 106D 107A 114A 114D 114E 115B 116A 116B


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

0.0 4.4 102.0 23.1 1208.7 38.9 0.0 4.5 2194.8 291.2 0.0 13317.8 47.8 182.9 2108.5 10708.0 8013.6 2013.6 1235.6 3127.2 0.2 2416.9 4569.2 51.8 12.5 1172.9 0.0 5.1 3784.2 931.4 175.5 1.6 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.1 0.3 565.6 138.3 0.0 575.5 6359.0 1784.1 3422.6

2.9 82.6 0.3 33.2 1182.1 26.8 0.0 1.0 953.0 0.0 0.1 378.0 0.0 0.0 306.1 4891.0 1556.7 2256.6 113.0 369.6 0.1 3911.4 5629.2 8.6 0.2 6331.3 0.1 22.4 1466.6 2508.2 47.3 0.6 0.0 448.6 52.9 28.0 16.6 59.4 0.0 0.0 489.2 5941.0 4663.4 2365.7

100% 95% 0% 59% 49% 41% 0% 17% 30% 0% 100% 3% 0% 0% 13% 31% 16% 53% 8% 11% 33% 62% 55% 14% 2% 84% 100% 81% 28% 73% 21% 28% 0% 100% 88% 100% 98% 10% 0% 0% 46% 48% 72% 41%

25.7 72.5 61.7 40.8 2378.7 23.7 5.8 0.0 3108.6 41.1 0.2 14291.8 29.4 13.2 2278.5 15574.0 9465.9 4283.1 1293.0 3358.9 0.7 5906.5 9996.7 129.9 0.0 6693.2 0.0 27.7 2023.3 3382.7 173.3 1.0 0.0 449.0 49.5 16.9 17.4 555.2 91.2 12.3 653.2 11709.0 6424.3 5680.2

0.3 0.2 41.1 14.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 5.4 0.0 175.3 0.2 825.3 25.4 69.7 0.0 60.0 87.5 0.0 13.3 99.9 0.0 256.4 112.4 0.0 0.0 731.4 0.0 0.0 3110.7 0.0 23.9 0.6 2.1 6.5 11.2 9.9 0.0 46.4 45.5 0.6 387.4 299.0 0.0 51.8

1% 0% 40% 26% 0% 0% 1% 100% 0% 81% 43% 5% 46% 84% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 3% 0% 4% 1% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 61% 0% 12% 37% 100% 1% 19% 37% 0% 8% 33% 5% 37% 2% 0% 1%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C

Received Zone 116C 116D 119B 121A 122C 122D 122E 122H 122I 122J 122K 122L 122M 122N 122O 122P 124A 124B 124C 124D 124E 124F 124H 124I 124K 125D 126B 129A 133D 141A 141B 142A 142B 142C 143A 146A 146D 147A 148B 149B 149C 149F 149G 151A


Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

3562.6 0.0 0.3 0.0 88.6 0.0 0.0 6.1 2081.0 2129.6 0.5 4324.1 664.4 2143.9 0.0 0.0 4661.2 27.9 1164.4 15968.6 4913.0 6733.5 0.8 0.0 1.9 23.3 2.9 2202.9 0.0 3.5 0.1 858.3 0.0 960.5 17.3 220.3 5881.7 26.2 0.2 0.0 4100.7 882.2 1073.6 181.5

3574.2 0.0 19.5 15.7 223.6 245.0 0.0 0.0 4193.7 4054.7 102.6 4422.2 1473.6 730.6 0.5 148.5 3015.3 42.9 4277.9 15948.5 3125.2 1625.4 1.6 0.3 4.9 47.6 1.5 367.4 49.4 30.9 2.6 3068.1 886.4 3210.7 0.3 35.5 489.8 257.5 26.1 10.6 4928.2 968.8 384.6 0.0

50% 0% 98% 100% 72% 100% 0% 0% 67% 66% 99% 51% 69% 25% 98% 100% 39% 61% 79% 50% 39% 19% 66% 100% 72% 67% 34% 14% 100% 90% 95% 78% 100% 77% 2% 14% 8% 91% 99% 100% 55% 52% 26% 0%

6840.4 0.0 19.4 0.1 249.3 2.7 0.0 5.3 6277.7 5731.4 54.0 8404.4 2114.1 2775.8 0.6 67.0 7664.3 121.1 5435.6 31898.1 7969.8 8227.8 0.0 0.0 1.1 65.8 3.1 2597.6 35.7 32.1 3.1 3932.7 838.0 4144.7 8.3 170.9 6338.6 259.3 10.9 0.7 8973.8 1823.7 1487.5 185.1

0.0 0.0 0.0 12.9 50.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 387.6 48.3 396.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.2 0.0 14.6 1.2 0.0 0.0 86.6 0.0 0.4 82.3 0.0 19.9 16.7 8.5 143.8 0.0 0.0 0.0

0% 0% 0% 99% 17% 0% 0% 8% 0% 6% 47% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 28% 0% 29% 4% 0% 0% 9% 0% 5% 33% 0% 7% 60% 93% 2% 0% 0% 0%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix C


Received Zone

Domestic Status

Foreign Status

Percent Foreign Status



Percent Export

153C 153D 154A 155C 158C 158D 160A 165A 167A 167B 168A 172A 176D 176E 177A 177B 181A 183A 183B 185C 193A 199A 199B 199C 199E 200A 202A 202B 202C 202E 203A 205A 208A 214A 219B 222A 227A 229A 229B 230A 231A 234B

0.0 111.7 11821.0 52.2 0.0 2979.1 1673.9 3427.6 4.8 4.3 0.0 2.5 5.1 34.6 1341.9 5551.5 1539.7 918.2 24.0 20.4 15.5 3085.5 2490.2 762.0 0.0 283.0 0.1 1838.5 2176.3 561.6 5.0 3.0 0.0 27.2 0.0 2752.5 957.1 697.0 0.0 0.7 119.5 14.3

33.8 169.2 5324.0 264.0 1.4 821.7 408.6 289.8 27.0 47.5 0.2 37.7 23.5 52.5 256.1 12.8 289.5 0.0 66.3 151.4 82.5 64.8 48.9 3713.3 6.1 149.0 12.1 3936.7 1406.3 596.3 19.8 12.3 0.0 95.8 12.6 796.3 659.6 314.9 4.9 26.5 28.5 4.0

100% 60% 31% 83% 100% 22% 20% 8% 85% 92% 100% 94% 82% 60% 16% 0% 16% 0% 73% 88% 84% 2% 2% 83% 100% 34% 99% 68% 39% 52% 80% 80% 0% 78% 100% 22% 41% 31% 100% 97% 19% 22%

7.4 218.5 16785.0 279.2 0.9 3635.3 1774.9 3713.4 28.7 52.8 0.2 82.7 25.1 70.9 1320.6 5186.1 1812.2 769.4 0.0 5.9 99.8 3201.5 2462.5 4400.9 6.1 432.0 7.4 5561.0 3380.6 951.4 7.5 10.7 19.0 220.9 6.0 3260.9 1577.6 734.7 1.7 25.3 153.2 10.6

24.5 72.2 228.0 26.4 0.6 164.4 319.1 12.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.1 330.1 383.6 0.0 135.8 122.0 63.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 27.9 14.3 0.0 19.6 6.3 0.0 0.1 7.2 403.0 0.0 281.6 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0

77% 25% 1% 9% 40% 4% 15% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 20% 7% 0% 15% 100% 91% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 29% 0% 0% 0% 72% 37% 0% 0% 54% 11% 0% 28% 38% 4% 0% 9%


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix D

APPENDIX D: SUMMARY STATISTICS, FY 2003–FY 2007 ($ billion) 2003





246.9 36.4 210.5

305.2 47.5 257.7

409.8 69.0 340.8

491.4 72.7 418.8

501.9 68.7 433.2






GP Zones Subzones

163.1 20.9 142.2

196.4 26.2 170.2

256.0 46.1 209.9

301.9 45.1 256.9

300.3 38.4 261.9

Domestic Status Inputs Ratio GP Zones Subzones

66% 57% 68%

64% 55% 66%

62% 67% 62%

61% 62% 61%

60% 56% 60%

Foreign Status Inputs GP Zones Subzones

83.8 15.5 68.3

108.7 21.3 87.4

153.8 22.9 130.9

189.5 27.6 161.9

201.5 30.2 171.3

GP Zones Subzones

18.8 5.0 13.8

19.2 6.4 12.9

23.3 7.1 16.2

30.4 9.7 20.7

31.6 9.2 22.4

22% 32% 20%

18% 30% 15%

15% 31% 12%

16% 35% 13%

16% 30% 13%






155 121 246

157 120 243

158 123 256

163 127 257

161 126 256

Merchandise Received GP Zones Subzones % Subzones Domestic Status Inputs1


Exports/Foreign Status Inputs Ratio GP Zones Subzones Total FTZ Projects3 Active FTZ Projects4 GP Zones Subzones 1

Domestic status merchandise includes both domestic-origin items and foreign-origin items that have been entered for consumption (duty-paid) prior to FTZ admission.


Export figures are based on material inputs and do not include value added.


The number of total FTZ projects is the sum of all projects approved by the FTZ Board, minus those that have lapsed or been terminated.


Active projects have at least one site (including subzones) in operation.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix E


GENERAL-PURPOSE ZONES Vehicles Consumer electronics Petroleum Products Machinery/equipment Textiles/footwear/leather Vehicle parts Other consumer products Other electronics products/parts Other metals/minerals Optical, photographic & medical instruments Food Products Beverages/spirits Pharmaceutical products Plastic/rubber products Tobacco products Fragrances/cosmetics/toiletries Chemical products Fats/oils Ships/boats Iron/Steel Wood/paper/printed articles Electrical machinery & equipment Stone/plaster/cement/ceramics Arms/ammunition Aircraft/spacecraft

SUBZONES $10,023 7,963 4,297 1,820 1,215 1,179 855 684 312 311 288 208 197 183 122 117 111 82 54 39 36 31 16 3 1

Crude oil Petroleum Products Vehicle parts Petrochemical Products Other electronics products/parts Vehicles Pharmaceutical products Machinery/equipment Consumer electronics Textiles/footwear/leather Other consumer products Chemical products Other metals/minerals Electrical machinery & equipment Plastic/rubber products Iron/Steel Fragrances/cosmetics/toiletries Aircraft/spacecraft Ships/boats Food Products Optical, photographic & medical instruments Dyes/pigments/paints Stone/plaster/cement/ceramics Wood/paper/printed articles Rail cars, parts & equipment Fats/oils


$140,743 9,339 7,689 2,789 2,449 2,446 2,436 2,271 715 630 460 452 450 374 305 268 145 104 102 68 55 12 7 6 5 4

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix F

APPENDIX F: ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS, FY 2007 Minor Modifications - A(27f) Zone Number Location/Company 163 61 179 20 115B 137 72 61 138 70 15 50 196 138 38A 234 27I 29 61 138 57 122L 25 138 89 92 5 61 44B 20 77A 33 70 25 124D 102 44 203A 29B

Case Number

Ponce, Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico Madawaska, Maine Chesapeake, Virginia ExxonMobil, Beaumont, Texas Dulles, Virginia Indianapolis, Indiana Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Columbus, Ohio Detroit, Michigan Chillicothe, Missouri Long Beach, California Fort Worth, Texas Columbus, Ohio BMW, Spartanburg, South Carolina Gregg County, Texas Polaroid, Boston, Massachusetts Louisville, Kentucky San Juan, Puerto Rico Columbus, Ohio Hickory, North Carolina Flint Hills Resources, Corpus Christi, Texas Port Everglades, Florida Columbus, Ohio Las Vegas, Nevada Gulfport, Mississippi Seattle, Washington San Juan, Puerto Rico IFF, Dayton, New Jersey Chesapeake, Virginia Sharp Electronics, Memphis, Tennessee Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Detroit, Michigan Port Everglades, Florida LOOP, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana St. Louis, Missouri Mount Olive, New Jersey TK Holdings, Moses Lake, Washington Ford Motor Company, Louisville, Kentucky

A(27f)-52-06 A(27f)-53-06 A(27f)-54-06 A(27f)-55-06 A(27f)-56-06 A(27f)-57-06 A(27f)-58-06 A(27f)-59-06 A(27f)-60-06 A(27f)-61-06 A(27f)-62-06 A(27f)-63-06 A(27f)-64-06 A(27f)-65-06 A(27f)-66-06 A(27f)-67-06 A(27f)-68-06 A(27f)-69-06 A(27f)-70-06 A(27f)-71-06 A(27f)-01-07 A(27f)-02-07 A(27f)-03-07 A(27f)-04-07 A(27f)-05-07 A(27f)-06-07 A(27f)-07-07 A(27f)-08-07 A(27f)-09-07 A(27f)-10-07 A(27f)-11-07 A(27f)-12-07 A(27f)-13-07 A(27f)-14-07 A(27f)-15-07 A(27f)-16-07 A(27f)-17-07 A(27f)-18-07 A(27f)-19-07 21

Action Date 10/5/2006 10/6/2006 10/10/2006 10/17/2006 10/19/2006 10/26/2006 10/27/2006 10/27/2006 11/7/2006 11/13/2006 11/13/2006 11/14/2006 11/17/2006 11/30/2006 12/1/2006 12/15/2006 12/22/2006 12/14/2006 1/3/2007 12/28/2006 1/8/2007 3/6/2007 1/12/2007 1/16/2007 1/30/2007 1/31/2007 2/20/2007 2/21/2007 2/22/2007 2/23/2007 2/28/2007 3/15/2007 3/12/2007 2/27/2007 3/16/2007 3/27/2007 3/27/2007 3/28/2007 3/30/2007

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix F

Minor Modifications - A(27f) (continued) Zone Number Location/Company 119 22 49 168 38 122N 7 147 110 50 214A 196 38A 38 70 26D 26 181 7E 39 74 70 89 29C 149C 134

Case Number

Minneapolis, Minnesota Chicago, Illinois Newark, New Jersey Fort Worth, Texas Charleston, South Carolina Equistar Chemical, Corpus Christi, Texas San Juan, Puerto Rico Reading, Pennsylvania Albuquerque, New Mexico Santa Ana, California Consolidated Diesel, Lenoir County, North Carolina Fort Worth, Texas BMW, Spartanburg, South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina Detroit, Michigan Yamaha, Newnan, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia Akron/Canton, Ohio DuPont, Manati, Puerto Rico Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Baltimore, Maryland Detroit, Michigan Las Vegas, Nevada General Electric, Louisville, Kentucky ConocoPhilllips, Sweeny, Texas Chattanooga, Tennessee

A(27f)-20-07 A(27f)-21-07 A(27f)-22-07 A(27f)-23-07 A(27f)-24-07 A(27f)-25-07 A(27f)-26-07 A(27f)-27-07 A(27f)-28-07 A(27f)-29-07 A(27f)-30-07 A(27f)-31-07 A(27f)-32-07 A(27f)-33-07 A(27f)-34-07 A(27f)-35-07 A(27f)-36-07 A(27f)-37-07 A(27f)-38-07 A(27f)-39-07 A(27f)-40-07 A(27f)-41-07 A(27f)-42-07 A(27f)-43-07 A(27f)-44-07 A(27f)-45-07

Action Date 4/3/2007 4/6/2007 4/6/2007 4/18/2007 4/23/2007 4/20/2007 4/30/2007 5/29/2007 5/29/2007 6/12/2007 6/19/2007 6/25/2007 6/28/2007 6/28/2007 7/20/2007 7/30/2007 8/3/2007 8/1/2007 8/16/2007 8/27/2007 8/29/2007 8/30/2007 9/7/2007 9/12/2007 10/18/2007 9/27/2007

Scope - A(32c) Zone Number Location/Company 196 55B 75F 86D 59A 84C 57B 86D 73B 7 39I

Case Number

Motorola Inc., Fort Worth, Texas PBM Nutritionals, Burlington, Vermont PETsMART, Phoenix, Arizona Tesoro, Anacortes, Washington Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing DuPont, La Porte, Texas Volvo, Skyland, North Carolina Tesoro, Anacortes, Washington Northrop Grumman Corp., Baltimore, Maryland IPR mfg., Canovanas, Puerto Rico Turbomeca, Grand Prairie, Texas 22

A(32c)-12-06 A(32c)-13-06 A(32c)-14-06 A(32c)-01-07 A(32c)-02-07 A(32c)-03-07 A(32c)-04-07 A(32c)-05-07 A(32c)-07-07 A(32c)-08-07 A(32c)-09-07

Action Date 10/20/2006 11/17/2006 11/29/2006 2/21/2007 2/23/2007 3/6/2007 3/28/2007 4/6/2007 4/12/2007 5/10/2007 8/24/2007

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix F

Scope – A(32c) (continued) Zone Number 33C 50G 22G

Location/Company Sony, Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania Tesoro, Wilmington and Carson, California Sanofi-Aventis, Des Plaines, Illinois

Case Number A(32c)-10-07 A(32c)-11-07 A(32c)-12-07

Action Date 8/28/2007 9/10/2007 9/18/2007

Temporary/Interim Manufacturing Authority Zone Number Location/Company 86 222 196 38 26 7

Case Number

Norvanco Industries, Sumner, Washington Arvin Meritor, Montgomery, Alabama Motorola, Fort Worth, Texas Kittel Supplier, Duncan, South Carolina Perkins Shibaura, Griffin, Georgia Merck/MOVA, Caguas, Puerto Rico

T-3-2006 T-4-2006 T-5-2006 T-1-2007 T-2-2007 T-3-2007


Action Date 11/21/2006 12/1/2006 2/22/2007 5/4/2007 7/9/2007 7/23/2007

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

APPENDIX G: U.S. FOREIGN-TRADE ZONES BY STATE This list gives the address and phone number of the contact person for each zone project. If the contact person is not an employee of the grantee, the name of the grantee organization is also given. If assistance is needed from FTZ staff, U.S. Department of Commerce, please call (202) 482-2862.






FTZ No. 82 Mobile Grantee: City of Mobile Operator: Mobile Airport Authority 2062 Old Shell Rd., Mobile, AL 36607 Greg Jones (251) 471-6725 Fax (251) 471-6727

82A ADDSCO 82B Degussa 82D Sony Magnetic Products 82E Syngenta Crop Protection 82F Trigeant EP, Ltd. 82G Shell Chemical LP 82H Austal


FTZ No. 83 Huntsville Grantee/Operator: Huntsville-Madison County Airport Authority/Huntsville FTZ Corp. P.O. Box 6241, Huntsville, AL 35824-0241 Craig Pool (256) 772-3105, Fax (256) 772-3106

83A DaimlerChrysler


FTZ No. 98 Birmingham Grantee: City of Birmingham Office of Economic Development, Third Floor 710 20th St North, Birmingham, AL 35203 Keith Strother (205) 254-2799, Fax (205) 254-7741

98A Mercedes-Benz Birmingham 98B ZF Industries 98C JVC America 98D NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.


FTZ No. 222 Montgomery 222A Hyundai Motor Grantee: Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce 222B Quantegy, Inc. P.O. Box 79, Montgomery, AL 36101 Ellen McNair (334) 240-9433, Fax (334) 265-4745 Greg Jones (251) 471-6725, Fax (251) 471-6727


FTZ No. 233 Dothan Grantee: Dothan-Houston County ForeignTrade Zone, Inc. P.O. Box 638, Dothan, AL 36302 Matt Parker (334) 792-5138 Contact: Greg Jones (205) 772-3105 Fax (205) 772-3106

Panama City

FTZ No. 108 Valdez Grantee: The City of Valdez, Alaska P.O. Box 307, Valdez, AK 99686 Nancy Peterson (907) 835-4564 Fax (907) 835-4479


FTZ No. 159 St. Paul Grantee: City of St. Paul P.O. Box 901, St. Paul Island, AK 99660-0901 Linda L. Snow (907) 546-3110, Fax (907) 546-3188 FTZ No. 160 Anchorage 160A Tesoro Alaska Grantee: Port of Anchorage 2000 Anchorage Port Rd., Anchorage, AK 99501 Edward Leon (907) 343-6200, Fax (907) 277-5636



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 195 Fairbanks Grantee: Fairbanks Economic Development Corp 515 7th Ave., Suite 320, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Dean Owen (907) 452-2185, Fax (907) 451-9534


195A Flowline Alaska


FTZ No. 232 Kodiak Grantee: Kodiak Island Borough 710 Mill Bay Rd., Kodiak, AK 99615-6398 Art Isham (907) 561-3338


FTZ No. 60 Nogales Grantee: Nogales-Santa Cruz County Economic Development Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 7227, Nogales, AZ 85628 Susan Morales (520) 375-5767, Fax (520) 287-6872 [email protected]


FTZ No. 75 Phoenix Grantee: City of Phoenix Community & Economic Development Department 200 West Washington St., 20th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 Michelle T. Pierson (602) 262-5040 Fax (602) 495-5097 Phoenix.gov/BUSINESS/foreign.html

75A Conair 75B Wal-Mart 75C Intel 75D ST Microelectronics 75E Abbott Laboratories 75F PETsMART 75G SUMCO Southwest Corp. 75H Microchip Technology 75I American Italian Pasta Co.


FTZ No. 139 Sierra Vista Grantee: Sierra Vista Economic Development Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2380, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 Barry Albrecht (520) 458-6948 Fax (520) 458-7453


FTZ No. 174 Pima County 174A Imation Corporation Grantee: Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Inc. 120 North Stone Ave., Suite 200 Tucson, AZ 85701 Gerri Brunson (520) 243-1945, Fax (520) 243-1910 [email protected] www.treoaz.org


FTZ No. 219 Yuma 219B Gowan Company Grantee: Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc. 2191 E. 32nd St., Suite 218, Yuma, AZ 85365 Kia Cellestine (928) 726-5882, Fax (928) 344-4677 [email protected] www.yumaairport.com

San Luis

FTZ No. 221 Mesa Grantee: City of Mesa Office of Economic Development 20 East Main St., Suite 200, Mesa, AZ 85201 Scott Rigby (480) 644-2398 Fax (480) 644-3458 [email protected]



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 ARKANSAS

Appendix G

FTZ No. 14 Little Rock Grantee: Arkansas Dept. of Industrial Development Operator: Little Rock Port Authority 7500 Lindsey Road, Little Rock, AR 72206 Paul Latture (501) 490-1468 , Fax (501) 490-1800

14A Sanyo 14B Cedar Chemical 14D Lion Oil Co. 14E L'Oreal USA, Inc.

FTZ No. 273 West Memphis Grantee: City of West Memphis Public Facilities Board 205 South Redding, West Memphis, AR 72301 Hershel Owens (870) 732-7500 Fax (870) 732-7504 CALIFORNIA

Little Rock


FTZ No. 3 San Francisco Grantee: San Francisco Port Commission Operator: Foreign Trade Zone 3, Inc., Pier 23 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94111 Phil Eastman (415) 391-0176, Fax (415) 391-0794 www.ftz.com

3A Lilli Ann 3B Chevron 3C Tesoro Refining

San Francisco

FTZ No. 18 San Jose Grantee: City of San Jose, Office of Economic Development, San Jose City Hall 200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, California 95113 Joseph Hedges (408) 535-8186, Fax (408) 292-6719 [email protected] www.sjeconomy.com

18B NUMMI 18C Cirrus Logic 18D Hewlett-Packard 18E Space Systems/Loral, Inc.

San Jose

FTZ No. 50 Long Beach Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners of the Port of Long Beach P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, CA 90801-0570 Larry Ditchkus (562) 590-4162 Fax (562) 901-1739

50C National RV 50D Datatape, Inc. 50E Alps Manufacturing 50F Rauch Industries 50G Shell Oil Products 50H BP West Coast Products 50I Valero Energy Corporation 50J Ricoh Electronics, Inc. 50K Eastman Kodak Company

Los Angeles/ Long Beach

FTZ No. 56 Oakland 56A Mazda Grantee: City of Oakland Operator: Pacific American Warehousing & Trucking Co. 9401 San Leandro St., Oakland, CA 94603 Linda Hothem (510) 568-8500, Fax (510) 568-4483

San Francisco

FTZ No. 143 West Sacramento Grantee: Port of Sacramento 1110 West Capitol Ave. West Sacramento, CA 95691 Mike Luken (916) 371-8000, Fax (916) 372-4802 www.portofalcramento.com

143A C. Ceronix 143B Hewlett-Packard 143C Gymboree Corporation

San Francisco

FTZ No. 153 San Diego Grantee: City of San Diego 600 B St., Ste 400, San Diego, CA 92101 Lydia Moreno (619) 533-7512 Fax (619) 533-5250

153A EMD Biosciences, Inc. 153B Hewlett-Packard 153C DNP Electronics 153D Callaway Golf Company 153E National Steel & Shipbuilding Co.

San Diego


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 191 Palmdale Grantee: City of Palmdale, Economic Development 38250 North Sierra Highway, Palmdale, CA 93550 David Walter (661) 267-5125, Fax (661) 267-5155

Los Angeles/ Long Beach

FTZ No. 202 Los Angeles Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles 425 South Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731 Masa Morimoto (310) 732-3843 Fax (310) 547-4643

202A 3M 202B Chevron USA, Inc. 202C ConocoPhillips 202D IKEA Wholesale, Inc. 202E Sony Electronics, Inc.

Los Angeles/ Long Beach

FTZ No. 205 Port Hueneme Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners Oxnard Harbor District, Port of Hueneme P.O. Box 608, Port Hueneme, CA 93044 Will Berg (805) 488-3677 Fax (805) 488-2620

205A Imation Corporation

Port Hueneme

FTZ No. 226 Merced, Madera & Fresno Counties Grantee: Board of Supervisors of the County of Merced 2507 Heritage Dr., Atwater, CA 95301 John Fowler (209) 385-7686, Fax (209) 383-4959 [email protected] www.ftz226.co.merced.ca.us


FTZ No. 231 Stockton 231A Medline Industries, Inc. Grantee: Stockton Port District P.O. Box 2089 Stockton, CA 95201 Henry McKay (209) 946-0246, Fax (209) 463-2362

San Francisco

FTZ No. 236 Palm Springs Grantee: City of Palm Springs 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 Cathy Van Horn (760) 323-8175 Fax (760) 322-8325

Palm Springs

FTZ No. 237 Santa Maria Grantee: Santa Maria Public Airport District 3217 Terminal Drive Santa Maria, CA 93455 Gary Rice (805) 922-1726, Fax (805) 922-0677

San Luis

FTZ No. 243 Victorville Grantee: Southern California Logistics Airport Authority, 18374 Phantom Victorville, CA 92394 Richard Cole (760) 243-1900, Fax (760) 243-1929

243A Black & Decker Corp.


FTZ No. 244 Riverside County Grantee: March Joint Powers Authority P.O. Box 7480, Moreno Valley, CA 92552 Lori M. Stone (909) 656-7000, Fax (951) 653-5558

Los Angeles/ Long Beach

FTZ No. 248 Eureka Grantee: City of Eureka, California Office of the City Manager 531 K St., Eureka, CA 95501-1165 Marie Liscom (707) 441-4215, Fax (707) 441-4209



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 257 Imperial County Grantee: County of Imperial Department of Planning and Development Services 801 Main St., El Centro, CA 92243 Jurg Heuberger (760) 482-4236 Fax (760) 353-8338


FTZ No. 112 Colorado Springs Grantee: Colorado Springs Foreign-Trade Zone Inc., 107 N. Nevada Ave., Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Elena Nunez (719) 385-5855 Fax (719) 385-5858


FTZ No. 123 Denver Grantee: City and County of Denver 210 W Colfax, Dept 200, Denver, CO 80202 Timothy M. Martinez (720) 913-1642 Fax (720) 913-1802

123A Storage Technology 123B Artesyn Technologies 123C Eastman Kodak Company

CONNECTICUT FTZ No. 71 Windsor Locks Grantee: Economic and Industrial Development Commission of Windsor Locks Town Office Building, 50 Church St. P.O. Box L, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Dan Carstens (860) 627-1444 Fax (860) 627-7619


FTZ No. 76 Bridgeport Grantee/Operator: Bridgeport Port Authority 330 Water St., Bridgeport, CT 06604 Martha Klimas (203) 384-9777 Fax (203) 384-9686 [email protected]




FTZ No. 162 New Haven Grantee: Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, Operator: Logistic Connecticut, Inc. P.O. Box 9411, New Haven, CT 06512 Steve Davis (203) 469-1391

162A Bayer Corporation

New Haven

FTZ No. 208 New London Grantee: New London Foreign Trade Zone Commission 111 Union St., New London, CT 06320 Ned Hammond (860) 447-5203

208A Pfizer, Inc.

New London

FTZ No. 99 Wilmington Grantee/Operator: State of Delaware Delaware Economic Development Office Carvel State Office Building, 10th Floor 820 N. French St., Wilmington, DE 19801 John Pastor (302) 577-8477 Fax (302) 577-8499

99A J. Schoeneman, Inc. Wilmington 99B DaimlerChrysler 99C GM 99D AstraZeneca 99E The Premcor Refining Group


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 FLORIDA

Appendix G

FTZ No. 25 Broward County Grantee/Operator: Port Everglades Department of Broward County 1850 Eller Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 Robert Jacob (954) 765-4620 Fax (954) 765-4628 [email protected]

25B CITGO Petroleum Corp. Port Everglades 25C Coastal Fuels Marketing 25D Motiva Enterprises 25E Chevron Products Company

FTZ No. 32 Miami 32A Hewlett-Packard Grantee: Greater Miami Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., 32B Komatsu Latin America Omni International Complex Corp. 1601 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132-1260 Liane Ventura (305) 350-7700, Fax (305) 374-7156 [email protected]


FTZ No. 42 Orlando 42A Mitsubishi Power Systems Grantee: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority One Airport Blvd., Orlando, FL 32827 Tim Shea (407) 825-3403 or Dick Cunnion (407) 825-7337, Fax (407) 825-4580


FTZ No. 64 Jacksonville Grantee: Jacksonville Port Authority P.O. Box 3005, Jacksonville, FL 32206 Deborah Lofberg (904) 630-3072 Fax (904) 630-3066 [email protected] www.jaxport.com

64A Atlantic Marine


FTZ No. 65 Panama City Grantee/Operator: Panama City Port Authority 5321 West Hwy. 98, Panama City, FL 32401 Charles Lewis (850) 767-3244 Fax (850) 767-3235

65A Eastern Shipbuilding Group Panama City

FTZ No. 79 Tampa Grantee: City of Tampa c/o Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 420, Tampa, FL 33601 Aliette Escasena (813) 276-9437 Fax (813) 221-6095

79A Reilly Dairy & Food 79B Sypris Electronics LLC

FTZ No. 135 Palm Beach County Grantee: Port of Palm Beach District P.O. Box 9935, Riviera Beach, FL 33419 Lisa Schillig (561) 842-4201, Fax (561) 842-4240 FTZ No. 136 Brevard County Grantee: Canaveral Port Authority P.O. Box 267, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Shannon Feeley (321) 783-7831x211 Fax (321) 783-3748 [email protected]

West Palm Beach

136A Flite Technology 136C Harris Corporation

FTZ No. 166 Homestead Grantee: Vision Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 43 North Krome Ave, Homestead, FL 33030 Michael E. Richardson (305) 247-7082 [email protected] www.visioncouncil.com 29


Port Canaveral


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 169 Manatee County Grantee: Manatee County Port Authority 300 Tampa Bay Way, Palmetto, FL 34221 Joseph Gontarski (941) 722-6621 Fax (941) 729-1463

169A Aso Corporation

FTZ No. 180 Miami (Wynwood) Grantee: Wynwood Community Economic Development Corp. 8001 SW 97 Terrace, Miami, FL 33156 William Rios (305) 274-0992 Fax (305) 271-2441 FTZ No. 193 Pinellas County Grantee: Pinellas County Economic Development 8778 Bryan Dairy Rd., Suire 120 Largo, FL 33777 Kathleen Good (727) 464-7423 Fax (727) 545-6719 [email protected]

Port Manatee


193A Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC

St. Petersburg

FTZ No. 198 Volusia and Flagler Counties Grantee: Volusia County Foreign-Trade Zone 440 South Beach St., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Steve Cooke (386) 248-8030 x8309 Fax (386) 248-8038

Daytona Beach

FTZ No. 213 Fort Myers Grantee: Lee County Port Authority 16000 Chamberlin Pkwy, Suite 8671 Fort Myers, FL 33913-8899 Carol Obermeier (941) 768-4382 Fax (941) 768-4900

Fort Myers

FTZ No. 215 Sebring Grantee: Sebring Airport Authority Sebring Regional Airport 128 Authority Lane, Sebring, FL 33870 Mike Willingham (941) 655-6444 Fax (863) 655-6447

Port Manatee

FTZ No. 217 Ocala Grantee: Economic Development Council, Inc Operator: Ocala Regional Airport P.O. Box 1270, Ocala, FL 34478 Matthew Grow (352) 629-8377 Fax (352) 861-2227


FTZ No. 218 St. Lucie County Grantee: Central Florida Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Larry Daum (772) 462-1564 Fax (772) 462-1579

Fort Pierce Station

FTZ No. 241 Fort Lauderdale Grantee: City of Fort Lauderdale c/o Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport 6000 NW 21st Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Clara Bennett (954) 828-4969 Fax (954) 938-4974

Port Everglades


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 249 Pensacola 249A General Electric Wind Grantee: Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion & Energy/Energy Rentals Development Commission 117 West Garden St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Mike Frey (850) 438-4081 Fax (850) 438-6369


FTZ No. 250 Seminole County Grantee: Sanford Airport Authority 1200 Red Cleveland Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 Diane Crews (407) 585-4010 Fax (407) 322-5834


FTZ No. 26 Atlanta Grantee: Georgia Foreign Trade Zone, Inc. 75 5th St., NW, Suite 1000 Atlanta, GA 30308 Julie Brown (404) 214-6904 Fax (404) 214-6901 www.georgiaftz.com

26A GM 26C Ford 26D Yamaha 26E Pratt & Whitney 26F Precision Components 26G Roper Corporation 26H Ricoh Electronics, Inc. 26I Inflation Systems, Inc 26J Eastman Kodak Company 26K Noramco, Inc.


FTZ No. 104 Savannah Grantee/Operator: Savannah Airport Commission Savannah International Airport 400 Airways Ave. Savannah, GA 31408 Ralph P. Maggioni (912) 964-0904 Fax (912) 966-7969

104A Merck 104B Wal-Mart 104C NuStar Energy L.P. 104D Tumi, Inc.


FTZ No. 144 Brunswick Grantee: Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority P.O. Box 1079, Brunswick, GA 31521 S. Nathan Sparks (912) 265-6629 Fax (912) 265-0629

144A E.I. du Pont de Nemours



FTZ No. 9 Honolulu Grantee/Operator: State of Hawaii Pier 2, 521 Ala Moana, Honolulu, HI 96813 Gregory Barbour (808) 587-5372 Fax (808) 586-2512 [email protected] www.ftz9.org

9A Tesoro Hawaii Corp. 9B Kerr Pacific 9D Maui Pineapple 9E Chevron Corp. 9F Citizens Communications Company



FTZ No. 242 Boundary County Grantee: County of Boundary P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Ronald Smith (208) 267-7723



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 ILLINOIS

Appendix G

FTZ No. 22 Chicago Grantee: Illinois International Port District 3600 East 95th Street Chicago, IL 60617-5193 Susan Kiley (773) 646-4400 Fax (773) 221-7678 [email protected] www.theportofchicago.com

22B Ford 22F Abbott Laboratories 22G sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC 22H BP Pipeline North America 22I Citgo Petroleum Corp. 22J EXXON Mobil 22K Henkel Corporation 22L Premcor Refining Group 22M Northrop Grumman Corp. 22N Michelin North America 22O Medline Industries, Inc. 22P Sony Electronics Inc. 22R Crate & Barrel


FTZ No. 31 Granite City Grantee/Operator: Tri-City Regional Port District, 1635 West First St., Granite City, IL 62040 Robert Wydra (618) 452-3337 Fax (618) 452-3402

31A DaimlerChrysler 31B WRB Refining LLC 31C Premcor Refining Group

St. Louis

FTZ No. 114 Peoria Grantee: Economic Development Council Inc 100 SW Water St., Peoria, IL 61602 Greg Truninger (309) 495-5952 Fax (309) 495-5962 [email protected] www.edc.centralillinois.org

114A Caterpillar 114C Mitsubishi Motor Mfg of America 114D E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. 114E Rockwell Automation


FTZ No. 133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois Grantee: Quad-City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 1830 2nd Ave., Suite 200 Rock Island, Iowa 61201 Katie Hobbs (309) 788-7436 Fax (309) 788-4964

133D Deere & Company


FTZ No. 146 Lawrence County Grantee: Bi-State Authority Lawrence County Industrial Development Council, 718 11th St., Suite 2, Lawrenceville, IL 62439 Terry L. Denison (618) 943-5219 Fax (618) 943-5910

146A North American Lighting & Evansville Hella Electronics 146C Fedders 146D Marathon Petroleum Company LLC

FTZ No. 176 Rockford Grantee: Greater Rockford Airport Authority 60 Airport Drive, Rockford, IL 61109-2902 Marge Bevers (815) 969-4427, Fax (815) 969-4001 [email protected]

176A Milk Specialties Rockford 176C DaimlerChrysler 176D Nissan Industrial Engine 176E Nissan Forklift Corporation

FTZ No. 245 Decatur Grantee: Board of Park Commissions Decatur Park District 620 East Riverside Drive, Decatur, IL 62521 William Clevenger (217) 422-5911

245A Archer Daniels Midland

FTZ No. 271 Jo-Daviess & Carroll Counties Grantee: Jo-Carroll Foreign Trade Zone Board 18933 A Street, Savanna, IL 61074 Don Crawford (815) 273-4371



Davenport, IA/ Moline & Rock Island, IL

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 INDIANA

Appendix G

FTZ No. 72 Indianapolis Operator: Greater Indianapolis FTZ, Inc. P.O. Box 51681, Indianapolis, IN 46251 Kent Ebbing (317) 487-7200 Fax (317) 487-7203 Grantee: Indianapolis Airport Authority

72A GM Indianapolis 72B Eli Lilly 72F DaimlerChrysler 72G DaimlerChrysler 72H Subaru 72I Alpine 72J Endress & Hauser Flowtec 72K Onkyo 72L Thomson Multimedia, Inc. 72M Fujitsu Ten 72N Alfa Laval Distribution, Inc. 72O Tetra Pak Parts Americas 72P SMC Pneumatics 72Q Rolls-Royce Corporation 72R Decatur Mold

FTZ No. 125 South Bend Grantee: St. Joseph County Airport Authority Operator: K.A.K. LLC P.O. Box 3559, South Bend, IN 46619 Mike Guljas (574) 233-2185, ext 223 Fax (219) 232-8283

125D Audiovox Specialized Applications

FTZ No. 152 Burns Harbor Grantee: The Indiana Port Commission 150 West Market St., Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204 David Haniford (317) 232-9204 Fax (317) 232-0137

152B BP Products North America Chicago

FTZ No. 170 Clark County Grantee: The Indiana Port Commission 150 West Market St., Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204 David Haniford (317) 232-9204 Fax (317) 232-0137

170A Lexmark

FTZ No. 177 Evansville Grantee: The Indiana Port Commission 150 West Market St., Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204 David Haniford (317) 232-9204 Fax (317) 232-0137

177A Mead Johnson & Company Evansville 177B Toyota Motor Manufacturing 177C Pfizer Inc

FTZ No. 182 Fort Wayne Grantee: City of Fort Wayne Department of Economic Development Office of International Trade 1 Main St., Room 840, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Ola Schechter (260) 427-1127, Fax (260) 426-1375 IOWA

FTZ No. 107 Polk County Grantee: The Iowa Foreign Trade Zone Corporation, c/o Greater Des Moines Partnership 700 Locust St., Suite 100, Des Moines, IA 50309 Steve Ferguson (515) 286-4917 Fax (515) 286-4974 [email protected] 33



Fort Wayne

107A Winnebago 107B SACMI USA, Ltd. 107C SPAL USA, INC.

Des Moines

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007




Appendix G

FTZ No. 133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois 133D Deere & Company Grantee: Quad-City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 1830 2nd Ave., Suite 200, Rock Island, Iowa 61201 Katie Hobbs (309) 788-7436, Fax (309) 788-4964


FTZ No. 175 Cedar Rapids Grantee: Cedar Rapids Airport Commission 2515 Wright Brothers Blvd. West Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Kathleen Bell (319) 286-5714 [email protected]

Des Moines

FTZ No. 17 Kansas City 17A GM Grantee/Operator: Greater Kansas City FTZ, Inc., 17B Bayer Health Care Group River Market Office Bldg 20 East 5th St., Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64106 Al Figuly (816) 474-2227, Fax (816) 421-5500

Kansas City

FTZ No. 161 Sedgwick County 161A Hospira, Inc. Grantee: Board of Commissioners of Sedgwick 161B Frontier El Dorado County, Sedgwick County Economic Development Refining Co. 350 West Douglas, Wichita, KS 67202 Sherdeill H. Breathett, Sr. (316) 268-1139 Fax (316) 265-7502


FTZ No. 29 Louisville Grantee/Operator: Louisville & Jefferson County Riverport Authority 6900 Riverport Drive, Louisville, KY 40258 Larry McFall (502) 935-6024 Fax (502) 935-6050

29B Ford Louisville 29C GE 29D Lexmark 29E Toyota Motor Manufacturing 29F Hitachi 29G Ascent Power Tech. Corp. 29H ISP Chemicals 29I NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.

FTZ No. 47 Boone County Grantee/Operator: Greater Cincinnati FTZ, Inc. 300 Carew Tower, 441 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 Ken Fightmaster (513) 579-3119 Fax (513) 579-3102

47A Clarion 47B Marathon Petroleum Company LLC 47C GE Engine Services Distribution


FTZ No. 2 New Orleans Grantee/Operator: Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans P.O. Box 60046 New Orleans, LA 70160 Jim Reese (504) 528-3264 Fax (504) 524-4156

2C Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 2D Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 2E Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 2F Northrop Grumman Ship Systems 2G Trinity Yachts Inc. 2H Chalmette Refining LLC 2I ConocoPhillips 2J Murphy Oil USA

New Orleans


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 87 Lake Charles Grantee: Lake Charles Harbor & Terminal District P.O. Box 3753, Lake Charles, LA 70602 Linda S. Manuel (337) 493-3524 Fax (318) 493-3512 [email protected]

87A ConocoPhillips 87B Citgo Petroleum Corp.

FTZ No. 124 Gramercy Grantee: South Louisiana Port Commission P.O. Box 909, La Place, LA 70069-0909 Lisa Braud (985) 652-9278 Fax (985) 652-9518 [email protected]

124A Valero Refining Gramercy 124B North American Shipbuilding 124C Motiva Enterprises 124D LOOP LLC 124E Marathon Petroleum Company LLC 124F Motiva Enterprises 124G Halter Marine 124H Bollinger Shipyards 124I J. Ray McDermott, Inc. 124J Ergon St. James, Inc. 124K M-I L.L.C. 124L Candies Shipbuilding, LLC 124M Baker Hughes, Inc.

Lake Charles

FTZ No. 145 Shreveport 145A Avaya, Inc. Grantee: Caddo-Bossier Parishes Port Commission P.O. Box 52071, Shreveport, LA 71135-2071 Brenda Levinson (318) 524-2272 Fax (318) 524-2273


FTZ No. 154 Baton Rouge 154A EXXON Mobil Grantee: Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission P.O. Box 380, Port Allen, LA 70767-0380 Karen St. Cyr (225) 342-1660, Fax (225) 342-1666

Baton Rouge

FTZ No. 261 Alexandria Grantee: Board of Commissioners of the England Economic and Industrial Development District 1611 Arnold Drive, Alexandria, LA 71303 Sammy Bonnette (318) 449-3504 x207 or Jon Grafton (318) 449-3504 x214

Morgan City

FTZ No. 58 Bangor Grantee: City of Bangor, Economic Development Office 73 Harlow St., Bangor, ME 04401 Stephen A. Bolduc (207) 992-4243 Fax (207) 945-4447


FTZ No. 179 Madawaska Grantee: Madawaska Foreign Trade Zone Corporation, Operator: Evergreen Trading Co. LLC 791 Main St., Madawaska, ME 04756 Clifford Cyr (207) 728-3660 Fax (207) 728-6370 FTZ No. 186 Waterville Grantee: Maine International Foreign-Trade Zone P.O. Box 2611, Waterville, ME 04901 John Nale, (207) 873-4304, Fax (207) 873-1122 35

179A Northern Trading Company



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 263 Auburn Grantee: Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council 415 Lisbon St, Suite 400, Lewiston, ME 04240 George Dycio (207) 784-0161, Fax (207) 786-4412 [email protected] www.economicgrowth.org/html/foreign_trade_zone.html


FTZ No. 63 Prince George's County Grantee: Prince George's County Government Administrator: Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, 1100 Mercantile Lane Suite 115A, Largo, MD 20774 Patricia Hayes-Parker (301) 583-4650 Fax (301) 9772-8540 [email protected]

Washington, DC

FTZ No. 73 BWI Airport Grantee: Maryland Dept. of Transportation Maryland Aviation Administration P.O. Box 8766, BWI Airport, MD 21240-8766 Gary Davies (410) 859-7002 Fax (410) 850-4127

73A Rotorex 73B Northrop Grumman


FTZ No. 74 Baltimore Grantee: City of Baltimore Operator: Baltimore City Development Corp. 36 S. Charles St., Suite 1600, Baltimore, MD 21201 Elizabeth Weiblen (410) 779-3838 Fax (410) 837-6363 [email protected]


FTZ No. 255 Washington County Grantee: Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Administration Building 100 W. Washington St., Suite 226 Hagerstown, MD 21740-4727 Gregory Snook (240) 313-2207 Fax (240) 313-2201


MASSACHUSETTS FTZ No. 27 Boston Grantee: Massachusetts Port Authority Massport Maritime 1 Harborside Dr, Suite 200S Boston, MA 02128 Lynn Vikesland (617) 946-4413 Fax (617) 946-4466

FTZ No. 28 New Bedford Grantee/Operator: City of New Bedford Office of City Planning 133 William St., Room 211 New Bedford, MA 02740-6172 Dave Kennedy (508) 979-1488 36

27C Lawrence Textile 27D GM 27E Polaroid 27F Polaroid 27H Polaroid 27I Polaroid 27J Polaroid 27K Polaroid 27L AstraZeneca LP 27M Reebok International


28D Polaroid 28E Brittany Dyeing and Printing Corp. 28F Acushnet Company

New Bedford

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 201 Holyoke Grantee: City of Holyoke City Hall, Room 10 Holyoke, MA 01040 Jeffrey P. Hayden (413) 322-5655 Fax (413) 534-2299 MICHIGAN

201A Hazen Paper Company 201B Mastex Industries, Inc.


FTZ No. 16 Sault Ste. Marie Grantee: Economic Development Corp. of Sault Ste. Marie 1301 W. Easterday Ave. Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 James F. Hendricks (906) 635-9131 Fax (906) 635-1999

16A Northern Imports, LLC

Sault Ste. Marie

FTZ No. 43 Battle Creek Grantee: City of Battle Creek Operator: BC/CAL/KAL Inland Port Authority of South Central Michigan Development Corp. P.O. Box 1438, Battle Creek, MI 49016 Jan Burland (269) 962-7526 Fax (269) 962-8096

43B Mead Johnson 43C Abbott 43D Perrigo Company 43E Pfizer Inc

Battle Creek

FTZ No. 70 Detroit Grantee: Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 8109 East Jefferson Detroit, MI 48214 W. Steven Olinek (313) 331-3842 ext 306 Fax (313) 331-5457

70A Ford 70B DaimlerChrysler 70C Ford 70D Ford 70E Ford 70F GM 70G GM 70H DaimlerChrysler 70I Mazda 70J DaimlerChrysler 70K GM 70L GM 70M GM 70N DaimlerChrysler 70P DaimlerChrysler 70Q DaimlerChrysler 70R DaimlerChrysler 70S BASF 70T Marathon Petroleum Co. 70U Wacker Chemical Corp.


FTZ No. 140 Flint Grantee: City of Flint Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce 519 S. Saginaw St., Suite 210, Flint, MI 48502 Greg Nicholas (810) 600-1431

140A GM

Saginaw/Bay City/ Flint

FTZ No. 189 Kent/Ottawa/Muskegon Counties Grantee: KOM Foreign Trade Zone Authority 401 W. Fulton Ave., 121E Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Sonja Johnson (616) 331-6811 Fax (616) 331-6744

189A Diesel Technology 189B ESCO Company

Grand Rapids


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007



Appendix G

FTZ No. 210 St. Clair County Grantee: Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County 735 Erie St., Suite 250, Port Huron MI 48060 Doug Alexander (810) 982-9511 Fax (810) 982-9531

Port Huron

FTZ No. 51 Duluth 51A MAPE USA, Inc. Grantee/Operator: Duluth Seaway Port Authority 1200 Port Terminal Dr., Duluth, MN 55802-2609 Ray Skelton (218) 727-8525, Fax (218) 727-6888


FTZ No. 119 Minneapolis-St. Paul Grantee: Greater Metropolitan Area FTZ Commission 6040 28th Ave. South, St. Paul, MN 55450 Steven J. Anderson (612) 725-8361 Fax (612) 725-6498

119B Wirsbo 119D Wisconsin Dairies 119E Plastic Products 119F Artesyn Technologies


FTZ No. 259 International Falls Grantee: Koochiching Economic Development Authority P.O. Box 138, International Falls, MN 56649 Paul Nevanen (218) 283-8585 Fax (218) 283-4688

259A Arctic Cat, Inc.

International Falls

FTZ No. 92 Harrison County Grantee: Mississippi Coast Foreign-Trade Zone P.O. Box 40, Gulfport, MS 39502 Bruce Frallic (228) 863-5951, Fax (228) 863-4555

92A Trinity Marine 92B Northrop Grumman 92C Northrop Grumman 92D Chevron Corp.


FTZ No. 158 Vicksburg/Jackson Grantee: Vicksburg/Jackson Foreign-Trade Zone Operator: Jackson Municipal Airport Authority P.O. Box 98109, Jackson, MS 39298-8109 Dirk Vanderleest (601) 939-5631 x200

158C Alliant Aerospace 158D Nissan North America 158E Ergon Refining, Inc.


FTZ No. 262 Southaven Grantee: Northern Mississippi FTZ, Inc. 384 East Goodman Rd., PMB #123 Southaven, MS 38671 Preston Herold (972) 201-2969 Fax (972) 201-2989 MISSOURI


FTZ No. 15 Kansas City Grantee/Operator: Greater Kansas City FTZ, Inc., River Market Office Building 20 East 5th St., Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64106 Al Figuly (816) 474-2227 Fax (816) 421-5500

15A Ford Kansas City 15C Yulshin USA Ltd. 15D Bayer Corporation 15E Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing 15G Pfizer, Inc. 15H Midwest Quality Gloves, Inc.

FTZ No. 102 St. Louis Grantee: St. Louis County Port Authority 121 South Meramec, Suite 900 St. Louis, MO 63105 Beth Noonan (314) 615-3958, Fax (314) 615-7666

102A Ford 102B GM 102C Florsheim Shoe Company 102D Bayer Cropscience LP


St. Louis

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007





Appendix G

FTZ No. 225 Springfield Grantee: City of Springfield Airport Board 5000 W. Kearney, Suite. 15 Springfield, MO 65803 Robert D. Hancik (417) 869-0300 x2001 Fax (417) 869-1031


FTZ No. 88 Great Falls Grantee: Great Falls International Airport Authority 2800 Terminal Dr., Great Falls, MT 59404-5599 Cynthia Schultz (406) 727-3404 Fax (406) 727-6929

Great Falls

FTZ No. 187 Toole County Grantee: Northern Express Transportation, Inc. 301 First St.. South, # 3, Shelby, MT 59474 Deborah Clark (406) 434-5203 Fax (406) 434-2761


FTZ No. 19 Omaha Grantee: Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce 1301 Harney St., Omaha, NE 68102-8104 Marisa Ring (402) 978-7940 Fax (402) 346-7050

19A Syngenta Crop Protection


FTZ No. 59 Lincoln 59A Kawasaki Motors Grantee/Operator: Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Manufacturing Lincoln Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 1135 M St., Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508 Lisa Darlington (402) 436-2379 Fax (402) 436-2360


FTZ No. 89 Clark County Grantee: Nevada Development Authority Operator: Nevada International Trade Corporation P.O. Box 98076, Las Vegas, NV 89193 JoAnne Tornberg (702) 361-1453

Las Vegas

FTZ No. 126 Sparks Grantee: Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada 201 W. Liberty St., Suite 200, Reno, NV 89501 Chuck Alvey (775) 829-3700 Fax (775) 829-3710 [email protected] www.edawn.org

126A Porsche 126B Taiyo America


FTZ No. 81 Portsmouth Grantee: Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors P.O. Box 369, Portsmouth, NH 03802-0369 Geno Marconi (603) 436-8500 Fax (603) 436-2780

81A Nashua 81C CE Nuclear Power LLC, Westinghouse Electric Co. 81D Millipore Corp.



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 NEW JERSEY

Appendix G

FTZ No. 44 Morris County Grantee: NJ Commerce & Economic Growth Commission 20 W. State St., P.O. Box 820 Trenton, NJ 08625 Carol McPhillips (609) 292-8210 Fax (609) 633-3672 [email protected]

44B International Flavors & Fragrances 44E L’Oreal USA, Inc 44F Tiffany & Co.

New York/ Newark

FTZ No. 49 Newark/Elizabeth Grantee: Port Authority of NY and NJ 225 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor New York, NY 10003-1606 Ellen Nesheiwat (212) 435-4260 Fax (212) 435-4204 [email protected] www.portnynj.com

49B GM 49C Bristol-Myers Squibb 49D Merck 49E ConocoPhillips 49F Chevron Corp. 49G Hewlett-Packard 49H Firmenich 49I AZ Electronic Materials 49J Movado Group 49K In Mocean Group, LLC

New York/ Newark

FTZ No. 142 Salem/Millville Grantee: South Jersey Port Corporation P.O. Box 129, Camden, NJ 08103 Joseph A. Balzano (856) 757-4969 Fax (856) 757-4903

142A Valero Refining Co. 142B NuStar Energy L.P. 142C Sunoco, Inc. (R & M)


FTZ No. 200 Mercer County Grantee: County of Mercer, New Jersey Division of Economic Development P.O. Box 8068, Trenton, NJ 08611 Wayne Staub (609) 989-6059 Fax (609) 695-4943

200A Conair


FTZ No. 235 Lakewood Grantee: Township of Lakewood, New Jersey 231 Third St., Lakewood, NJ 08701 Russell Corby (732) 364-2500 ext. 5256 NEW MEXICO

FTZ No. 110 Albuquerque Grantee: City of Albuquerque, Aviation Dept. P.O. Box 9948, Albuquerque, NM 87119-1048 Bruce Perlman (505) 768-3000 Fax (505) 842-4278


110A Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC 110B Louisiana Energy Services, LLC

FTZ No. 197 Dona Ana County Grantee: Board of County Commissioners of Dona Ana County, New Mexico 430 South Main, Las Cruces, NM 88001-1205 Janine Divyak (505) 647-7237 Fax (505) 647-7310 NEW YORK

FTZ No. 1 New York City Grantee: City of New York 110 William St., New York, NY 10038 Patricia Ornst (212) 312-4226 Fax (212) 312-3916

El Paso

1A Pfizer, Inc. 1B Bulova Corporation



New York/ Newark

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 23 Buffalo Grantee: County of Erie, ECIDA 275 Oak St., Suite 150, Buffalo, NY 14203 Edward J. Arnold (716) 856-6525 Fax (716) 856-6754

23C Buffalo China

FTZ No. 34 Niagara County Grantee: Niagara County Industrial Development Agency 6311 Inducon Corporate Dr., Sanborn, NY 14132 Susan Langdon (716) 278-8750 Fax (716) 278-8757



FTZ No. 37 Orange County Grantee: County of Orange c/o Orange County Department of Law 255 Main St., Goshen, NY 10924 Laura Matlow (845) 291-3150 Fax (845) 291-3167

37A GM 37B Bally 37C Schott Lithotec USA Corp

New York/ Newark

FTZ No. 52 Suffolk County Grantee: Suffolk County H. Lee Dennison Bldg., 2nd floor Veterans Memorial Hwy, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Carolyn Fahey (631) 853-4833 Fax (631) 853-4888

52A Festo Corporation

New York/ Newark

FTZ No. 54 Clinton County Grantee/Operator: Clinton County Area Development Corporation 61 Area Development Dr., Plattsburgh, NY 12901 Adore Kurtz (518) 563-3100 Fax (518) 562-2232 FTZ No. 90 Onondaga Grantee: County of Onondaga c/o Greater Syracuse FTZ, Ltd. 572 S. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13202-3320 Carol Hill (315) 470-1848,F ax (315) 471-8545


90A Smith-Corona


FTZ No. 109 Watertown 109A NY Air Brake Grantee: The County of Jefferson c/o Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency 800 Starbuck Ave., Suite 800 Watertown, NY 13601 James Fayle (315) 782-5865, Fax (315) 782-7915

Alexandria Bay

FTZ No. 111 JFK Intl. Airport Grantee: The City of New York 110 William St., New York, NY 10038 Patricia Ornst (212) 312-4226 Fax (212) 312-3916

New York/ Newark

FTZ No. 118 Ogdensburg Grantee: Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority, One Bridge Plaza, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 Wade Davis (315) 393-4080 Fax (315) 393-7068



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 121 Albany Grantee: Capital District Regional Planning Commission, One Park Place, Albany, NY 12205 Rocky Ferraro (518) 453-0850 Fax (518) 453-0856 [email protected] www.cdrpc.org

121A AMRI-Rensselear, Inc. 121C MPM Silicones, LLC


FTZ No. 141 Monroe County Grantee: County of Monroe Department of Planning and Development 50 W. Main St., Suite 8100 Rochester, NY 14614 Judy Seil (585) 753-2020 Fax (585) 753-2028

141A Eastman Kodak 141B Xerox 141D Gleason Corporation


FTZ No. 172 Oneida County Grantee: County of Oneida Operator: Mohawk Valley EDGE 153 Brooks Rd., Rome, NY 13441 James P. Castilla (315) 338-0393, Ext. 236 Fax (315) 338-5694 [email protected] www.mvedge.org

172A Oneida Ltd.


FTZ No. 57 Mecklenburg County Grantee: North Carolina Department of Commerce Operator: Distribution Technology, Inc. P.O. Box 7123, Charlotte, NC 28241-7123 Mark Miralia (704) 587-5587 [email protected]

57A IBM 57B Volvo Construction Equipment 57C DNP IMS America Corp.


FTZ No. 66 Wilmington Grantee: North Carolina Dept. of Commerce Operator: N.C. State Port Authority P.O. Box 9002, Wilmington, NC 28402 Lance Kenworthy (910) 343-6228 Fax (910) 763-6440 [email protected]

66B Deere-Hitachi


FTZ No. 67 Morehead City Grantee: North Carolina Dept. of Commerce Operator: N.C. State Port Authority P.O. Box 9002, Wilmington, NC 28402 Lance Kenworthy (910) 343-6228 Fax (910) 763-6440 [email protected] FTZ No. 93 Raleigh/Durham Grantee: Triangle J Council of Governments c/o World Trade Center North Carolina P.O. Box 12276 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Pamela Davison (919) 558-9394 Fax (919) 549-9390 [email protected]


Morehead City/Beaufort

93A Mallinckrodt Medical 93B IBM 93C Merck 93D R. G. Barry 93E Custom Manufacturing Services, Lucent Technologies 93G Revlon Consumer Products Corp. 93H Merck & Co., Inc.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007



Appendix G

FTZ No. 214 Lenoir County Grantee: North Carolina Global TransPark Authority 2780 Jet Port Rd., Suite A, Kinston, NC 28504 Darlene Waddell (252) 522-4929 x714 Fax (252) 522-5778 [email protected]

214A Consolidated Diesel 214B Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc.

Morehead City/Beaufort

FTZ No. 230 Piedmont Triad Area Grantee: Piedmont Triad Partnership 7025 Albert Pick Rd., Suite 303 Greensboro, NC 27409 Penny Whiteheart (336) 668-4556 Fax (336) 668-3749 [email protected] www.piedmonttriadnc.com

230A United Chemi-Con 230B Unifi, Inc. 230C Banner Pharmacaps, Inc.


FTZ No. 103 Grand Forks 103A Imation Corporation Grantee: Grand Forks Regional Airport Authority 2787 Airport Dr. Grand Forks, ND 58203 Steve Johnson (701) 795-6981 [email protected] www.gfkairport.com


FTZ No. 267 Fargo Grantee: Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo, P.O. Box 2845 Fargo, ND 58108 Shawn Dobberstein (701) 241-1501 [email protected] www.fargoairport.com


FTZ No. 8 Toledo Grantee: Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority One Maritime Plaza, 7th Floor Toledo, OH 43604-1866 Randy Campbell (419) 243-8251 ext 140 Fax (419) 243-1835 [email protected]

8A Jeep 8B DaimlerChrysler 8C DaimlerChrysler 8E Giant Products 8F BP-Husky Refining, LLC 8G Lima Refining Company 8H Sunoco, Inc.


FTZ No. 40 Cleveland Grantee: Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority 1375 E. Ninth St., Suite 2300, Cleveland, OH 44114 Arlene James (216) 241-8004 Fax (216) 241-8016

40A Ford 40B GM 40C Ford 40D Lincoln Electric 40E Mr. Coffee 40G Ben Venue Labs 40H Motch Corp.


FTZ No. 46 Cincinnati Grantee: Greater Cincinnati FTZ, Inc 300 Carew Tower, 441 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202-2812 Ken Fightmaster (513) 579-3119 Fax (513) 579-3119

46A General Electric Aircraft Cincinnati Engines 46B Honda 46D Honda 46E Nine West Distribution Corp.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 100 Dayton 100A GM Dayton Grantee: Greater Dayton Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 100B Delphi Automotive Systems 3600 Terminal Dr., Suite 300 100C DaimlerChrysler Vandalia OH 45377 Marci Wright (937) 264-354 Fax (937) 454-8284 FTZ No. 101 Clinton County Grantee: ABX Material Services, Inc. 145 Hunter Dr., Wilmington, OH 45177 Suzanne Scheiner-Albl (937) 382-5591 x2508 Fax (937) 382-2452 [email protected]



FTZ No. 138 Franklin County Grantee: Columbus Regional Airport Authority 7161 2nd St., Columbus, OH 43217 Kathy Mills (614) 409-3606 Fax (614) 491-0662 [email protected] www.rickenbacker.org/ftz/

138D Globe Metallurgical 138E Avaya, Inc. 138F E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.


FTZ No. 151 Findlay Grantee: Findlay/Hancock County Chamber of Commerce 123 E. Main Cross St., Findlay, OH 45840 Douglas Peters (419) 422-3313 Fax (419) 422-9508

151A Cooper Tire


FTZ No. 181 Akron/Canton Grantee: Northeast Ohio Trade & Economic Consortium (NEOTEC) P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001 Ronald W. DeBarr (330) 672-4080 Fax (330) 672-2259 [email protected] www.neotec.org

181A Marathon Petroleum Company LLC


FTZ No. 264 Washington County Grantee: Southeastern Ohio Port Authority 200 Putnam St., Suite 500 Marietta, OH 45750 Mike Jacoby (740) 373-3233 Fax (740) 373-4256 [email protected]


FTZ No. 270 Lawrence County Grantee: Lawrence County Port Authority 216 Collins Ave. South Point, OH 45680 Viviane K. Vallance (740) 377-4550 [email protected]


FTZ No. 53 Rogers County 53B TEPPCP Crude Pipeline Grantee: City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority LP 5350 Cimarron Rd., Catoosa, OK 74015 Robert W. Portiss (918) 266-2291 x19 Fax (918) 266-7678



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 106 Oklahoma City Grantee: Port Authority of the Greater Oklahoma City Area Operator: Dept. of Airports of the City of Oklahoma City, 7100 Terminal Dr., Unit 937 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 Matthew Weaver (405) 623-5335 Fax (405) 680-3211 www.foreigntradezone106.org


106A GM 106C Imation Enterprises Corporation 106D Xerox Corporation 106E ConocoPhillips

Oklahoma City

FTZ No. 164 Muskogee Grantee: Muskogee City-County Port Authority 4901 Harold Scoggins Dr., Muskogee, OK 74401 Scott Robinson (918) 682-7886, Fax (918) 682-3609


FTZ No. 227 Durant 227A Valero Refining Grantee: Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. Company P.O. Box 1335, Durant, OK 74702 Sherry Harlin (580) 924-5094, Fax (580) 920-2745 www.ruralenterprises.com/c_about_foreign_trade.php

Dallas-Fort Worth

FTZ No. 45 Portland Grantee/Operator: Port of Portland 121 NW Everett, Portland, OR 97209 Suzanne Brooks (503) 944-7509 Fax (503) 944-7250


45A Beall Pipe 45C Alcatel Submarine Networks 45E Tofle USA 45F Epson Portland, Inc.

FTZ No. 132 Coos County Grantee: International Port of Coos Bay Commission P.O. Box 1215, Coos Bay, OR 97420 Martin Callery (541) 267-7678

Coos Bay

FTZ No. 184 Klamath Falls Grantee: City of Klamath Falls Dock Commission City of Klamath Falls, 500 Klamath Ave. P.O. Box 237, Klamath Falls, OR 97601-0361 Jeff Ball (541) 883-5316, Fax (541) 883-5399 FTZ No. 206 Medford-Jackson County Grantee: Jackson County, Oregon 10 South Oakdale, Medford, OR 97501 Susan Slack (541) 774-6035, Fax (541) 774-6455 PENNSYLVANIA FTZ No. 24 Pittston Grantee: Eastern Distribution Center, Inc. 1151 Oak St, Pittston, PA 18640-3795 Michael J. Horvath (570) 655-5581 Fax (540) 654-5137 FTZ No. 33 Pittsburgh Grantee: Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania 425 Sixth Ave., Suite 500, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 F. Brooks Robinson (412) 471-3939 x21 Fax (412) 471-1740 [email protected] www.ridc.org 45

206A Carestream Health, Inc.

Rogue Valley International Airport

24A Olivetti 24B Cherokee Pharmaceuticals, LLC

Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton

33B Verosol 33C Sony Technology CenterPittsburgh 33D Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 35 Philadelphia Grantee: Philadelphia Regional Port Authority 3460 N. Delaware Ave., Second Floor Philadelphia, PA 19134 David K. Harvey (215) 426-2600 Fax (215) 426-6800

35B Merck 35C Sun Company 35D ConocoPhillips 35E Aker Philadelphia Shipyard


FTZ No. 147 Reading Grantee: FTZ Corp of Southern Pennsylvania 19 N. 6th St., Suite 201, P.O. Box 1457 Reading, PA 19603 Pamela J. Shupp (610) 376-4237 [email protected] www.goBEP.com

147A C&J Clark America 147B Souriau USA


FTZ No. 247 Erie Grantee: Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority 208 E. Bayfront Pkwy., Suite 201, Erie, PA 16507 R. P. Schreckengost (814) 455-7557 Fax (814) 455-8070


FTZ No. 254 Jefferson County Grantee: North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission 651 Montmorenci Road, Ridgway, PA 15853 John Weible (814) 371-1506


FTZ No. 272 Counties of Lehigh and Northampton Grantee: Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation P.O. Box 21750, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002 Jarrett Witt 610-266-0523, Fax (610) 266-7623

Lehigh Valley

FTZ No. 7 Mayaguez Grantee/Operator: Puerto Rico Industrial Development Corporation P.O. Box 362350, San Juan, PR 00936-2350 Maria Isabel Romero (787) 758-4747 x4417 Fax (787) 754-5995

7B CORCO Mayaguez 7C Bristol-Myers Squibb 7D Bristol-Myers Squibb 7E E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co 7F CPC/CPR 7G Schering-Plough Products 7H Ortho Biologics, LLC 7I Abbott Pharmaceuticals PR LTD./Abbott Diagnostics International Ltd. 7J Bristol Myers Squibb 7K Lilly del Caribe, Inc. 7L Patheon Puerto Rico, Inc.

FTZ No. 61 San Juan Grantee/Operator: Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company Box 195009, San Juan, PR 00919-5009 Lionel A. Lopez (787) 793-3090 x203 Fax (787) 756-6190 www.comercioyexportacion.com

61A Searle & Company San Juan 61B Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC 61C SB Pharmco Puerto Rico 61D Merck 61E Merck 61H Baxter Healthcare 61I Shell Chemicals Yabucoa, Inc 61J PepsiCo 61K Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 46

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 163 Ponce Grantee: CODEZOL C.D. P.O. Box 333, Mercedita, PR 00715-0333 Johnny Fernandez (787) 259-4445 Fax (787) 841-5522



FTZ No. 105 Providence & North Kingstown Grantee: Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. 315 Iron Horse Way, Suite 101 Providence, RI 02908 John Riendeau (401) 278-9100 Fax (401) 273-8270



FTZ No. 21 Dorchester County Grantee: South Carolina State Ports Authority P.O. Box 22287, Charleston, SC 29413-2287 Suzan E. Carroll-Ramsey (843) 577-8144 Fax (843) 577-8191 [email protected] www.scspa.com/business/ftzs/ftz.asp

21A Porsche 21C Lanxess, Inc.


FTZ No. 38 Spartanburg County Grantee: South Carolina State Ports Authority P.O. Box 22287, Charleston, SC 29413-2287 Suzan E. Carroll-Ramsey (843) 577-8144 Fax (843) 577-8191 [email protected] www.scspa.com/business/ftzs/ftz.asp

38A BMW Manufacturing 38B Borg-Warner Automotive Powertrain Systems 38C FUJIFILM Manufacturing USA 38D Faurecia Interior Systems 38E Black & Decker Corp. 38F Benteler Automotive Corp. 38G Kravet, Inc.


FTZ No. 127 West Columbia Grantee/Operator: Richland-Lexington Airport District, Columbia Metropolitan Airport P.O. Box 280037, Columbia, SC 29228-0037 Brenda Lindsay (803) 822-5018 Fax (803) 822-7815 [email protected]

127A AUTECS 127B JBE, Inc.



FTZ No. 220 Sioux Falls Grantee: Sioux Falls Development Foundation 500 West Hangar St., Sioux Falls, SD, 57104 Rock Nelson (605) 782-7217, Fax (605) 782-7212 [email protected] www.internationalportinfo.com

Sioux Falls


FTZ No. 77 Memphis 77A Sharp Grantee: The City of Memphis 77B Brother Memphis & Shelby County, Division of Planning & 77C Komatsu America Development, City Hall 125 North Main St., Memphis, TN 38103 Maggie Conway (901) 576-7417 Fax (901) 576-7101



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007


Appendix G

FTZ No. 78 Nashville Grantee: Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County c/o Mayor's Office of Economic and Community Development 222 3rd Ave. N., Suite 475, Nashville, TN 37201 Paul Ney (615) 862-6021, Fax (615) 862-6025 [email protected]

78A Nissan 78E Saturn 78G Columbia Specialties 78H Sanford LP


FTZ No. 134 Chattanooga Grantee: Chattanooga Chamber Foundation 811 Broad St., Chattanooga, TN 37402-2626 Steven Hiatt (423) 763-4333, Fax (423) 267-7242

134A Komatsu America


FTZ No. 148 Knoxville 148A GlaxoSmithKline Grantee: Industrial Development Board of 148B Panasonic Electronic Blount County, Operator: Greater Knoxville Devices Corporation of America Foreign-Trade Zone c/o Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee P.O. Box 2110, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-2110 Jeff Deardorff (865) 482-9890, Fax (865) 241-9891


FTZ No. 204 Tri-Cities Grantee: Tri-Cities Airport Commission P.O. Box 1055, Blountville, TN 37617-1055 Mark Canty (423) 325-6090, Fax (423) 325-6095

Tri-City Regional Airport

204A Siemens Industrial

FTZ No. 223 Memphis Grantee: Memphis International Trade Development Corporation P.O. Box 613307, Dallas, Texas 75261 (Ms.) Lou Thomas (972) 915-0083 Fax (972) 929-9927


FTZ No. 12 McAllen Grantee/Operator: McAllen Economic Development Corporation 6401 S. 33rd St., McAllen, TX 78501 Joyce Dean (956) 682-2875, Fax (956) 682-9111 www.mftz.org


FTZ No. 36 Galveston 36A Deepsea Flexibles Grantee: Board of Trustees of the Galveston 36B M-I L.L.C. Wharves, Operator: Port of Galveston P.O. Box 328, Galveston, TX 77553 Diane Falcioni (409) 766-6121, Fax (409) 766-6107


FTZ No. 39 Dallas/Fort Worth Grantee/Operator: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board P.O. Drawer 619428, DFW Airport, TX 75261 Michael Pyles (972) 973-4653 Fax (972) 574-8069

Dallas/Fort Worth

FTZ No. 62 Brownsville Grantee/Operator: Brownsville Navigation District 1000 Foust Rd., Brownsville, TX 78521 Jo Lynne Saban (956) 831-4592 Fax (956) 831-5353 48

39B GM 39C Sanden 39E Fossil Partners 39F Zale Corporation 39G Exel Global Logistics, Inc. 39H American Eurocopter LLC 39I Turbomeca U.S.A.

Brownsville/Los Indios

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 68 El Paso Grantee: City of El Paso 501 George Perry, Suite i, El Paso, TX 79906 Jose Quinonez (915) 771-6016 Fax (915) 772-2491 [email protected] www.elpasotexas.gov/ftz

El Paso

FTZ No. 80 San Antonio Grantee: City of San Antonio Economic Development Department P.O. Box 839966, San Antonio, TX 78283 Carmelina Davis (210) 207-6529 Fax (210) 207-8151 [email protected] www.saftz.com

80A Bausch & Lomb 80B Colin Medical Instruments 80C Friedrich Air Conditioning 80D R. G. Barry

FTZ No. 84 Harris County Grantee: Port of Houston Authority 111 East Loop North Houston, TX 77029 Jack Beasley (713) 670-2604 Fax (713) 670-2564

84C DuPont Houston 84E Gulf Coast Maritime 84F Valero Refining 84H Shaffer, Inc. 84I Tuboscope Vetco Int'l 84J Shell Oil Co. 84K Dril-Quip 84L Tadiran Microwave Networks 84M Hydril USA Manufacturing 84N Pasadena Refining System 80O EXXON Mobil 84P Houston Refining LP 84Q Equistar Chemicals 84R Michelin North America 84S Academy Sports & Outdoors

San Antonio

FTZ No. 94 Laredo Grantee: City of Laredo Operator: Laredo International Airport 5210 Bob Bullock Loop Laredo, TX 78041 Humberto Garza (956) 795-2000 Fax (956) 795-2572


FTZ No. 95 Starr County Grantee/Operator: Starr County Industrial Foundation P.O. Box 502 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 Hector Soliz (956) 487-2709 Fax (956) 716-8560

Rio Grande City

FTZ No. 96 Eagle Pass Grantee: City of Eagle Pass Operator: Maverick Co. Dev. Corp. P.O. Box 3693 Eagle Pass, TX 78853 Judith Canales (830) 773-6166 Fax (830) 773-6287 [email protected]

Eagle Pass


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 113 Ellis County Grantee: Midlothian Trade Zone Corporation Operator: Trade Zone Operations, Inc. 1500 N. Service Rd., Highway 67 Midlothian, TX 76065 Mark Nichols (800) 235-7378, Fax (949) 706-7994

Dallas/Fort Worth

FTZ No. 115 Beaumont Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc. P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704 David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367 Fax (409) 835-0512

115A BASF Corporation 115B EXXON Mobil

FTZ No. 116 Port Arthur Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc. P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704 David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367 Fax (409) 835-0512

116A Motiva Enterprises Port Arthur 116B Total Petrochemicals USA 116C Premcor Refining Group 116D US DoE Strategic Petroleum Reserve

FTZ No. 117 Orange Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc. P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704 David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367 Fax (409) 835-0512

Port Arthur

Port Arthur

FTZ No. 122 Corpus Christi Grantee/Operator: Port of Corpus Christi Authority 1305 N. Shoreline Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Sonya Lopez-Sosa (361) 885-6187 Fax (361) 881-5162 [email protected] www.portofcorpuschristi.com/FTZ122.html

122C Trigeant, Ltd. Corpus Christi 122D Gulf Marine Fabricators 122E Bay Ltd. 122H TOR Minerals Intl 122I Citgo Refining & Chemicals 122J Valero Refining Co. 122K Sherwin Alumina Co. 122L Flint Hills Resources LP 122M Valero Three Rivers 122N Equistar Chemicals 122O International Resistive Co. 122P Kiewit Offshore Services 122Q Baker Hughes, Inc.

FTZ No. 149 Freeport Grantee: Port Freeport P.O. Box 615, Freeport, TX 77542-0615 Phyllis Saathoff (979) 233-2667 x4258 Fax (979) 233-5625 [email protected] www.portfreeport.com

149A BASF Freeport 149B DSM Nutritional Products 149C ConocoPhillips 149D Seaway Crude Pipeline 149E BP Products North America 149F Equistar Chemicals 149G Dow Chemical

FTZ No. 150 El Paso Grantee: Westport Economic Development Corp. 1865 Northwestern Dr., El Paso, TX 79912 Brent Harris (915) 877-4300

El Paso

FTZ No. 155 Calhoun/Victoria Counties 155C Alcoa Grantee: Calhoun-Victoria Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., P.O. Box 397, Point Comfort, TX 77978 Robert Van Borssum (361) 987-2813 Fax (361) 987-2189 50

Port Lavaca-Point Comfort

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 156 Weslaco Grantee: City of Weslaco 255 S. Kansas Ave., Weslaco, TX 78596 Anthony Covacevich (956) 968-3181 Fax (956) 968-6672


FTZ No. 165 Midland Grantee: City of Midland c/o Midland International Airport P.O. Box 60305, Midland, TX 79711 Tommy Martin (432) 560-2200 Fax (432) 560-2237

165A WRB Refining LLC


FTZ No. 168 Dallas/Fort Worth 168A B&F Systems Grantee: Metroplex International Trade 168B Ultrak Development Corporation, Operator: Foreign Trade Zone Operating Co. of Texas P.O. Box 742916, Dallas, TX 75374-2916 (Ms.) Lou Thomas (972) 915-0083 Fax (972) 929-7228

Dallas/Fort Worth

FTZ No. 171 Liberty County Grantee: Liberty County Economic Development Corporation Foreign-Trade Zone 171 P.O. Box 857, Liberty, TX 77575 John Hebert (936) 336-7311, Fax (936) 336-9285


FTZ No. 183 Austin 183A Dell Computer Corporation Austin Grantee: Foreign Trade Zone of Central Texas, Inc. 183B Samsung Austin City of Round Rock, 301 W. Bagdad Ave. # 210 Semiconductor, LLC Round Rock, TX 78664-5835 Joe Vining (512) 255-5805 Fax (512) 218-3286 FTZ No. 196 Fort Worth Grantee: Alliance Corridor, Inc. c/o Hillwood Development Corporation 13600 Heritage Pkwy., Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76177 Tom Harris (817) 224-6008, Fax (817) 224-6060

Dallas/Fort Worth

FTZ No. 199 Texas City Grantee: Texas City Foreign-Trade Zone Corp. P.O. Box 2608, Texas City, TX 77592 Doug Hoover (409) 643-5927 Fax (409) 942-1073

199A BP Products North America Houston 199B Marathon Petroleum Co. 199C Valero Refining 199D Seaway Crude Pipeline Co. 199E ISP Technologies

FTZ No. 234 Gregg County Grantee: Gregg County, Texas 269 Terminal Circle, Longview, TX 75603 Shelby Keys (903) 643-3031 Fax (903) 643-7371

234A Eubank Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. 234B Letourneau, Inc.

FTZ No. 246 Waco Grantee: City of Waco, Texas c/o Economic Development Division Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1220, Waco, TX 76703 Kris Collins (254) 752-6551, Fax (254) 752-6618 [email protected] 51

ShreveportBossier City

Dallas/Fort Worth

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 251 Edinburg Grantee: City of Edinburg 602 W. University Dr., Suite B Edinburg, TX 78539 Ramiro Garza (956) 383-7124, Fax (956) 383-7111


FTZ No. 252 Amarillo Grantee: City of Amarillo c/o Amarillo Economic Development Corporation 801 S. Fillmore St., Suite 205, Amarillo, TX 79101 Brian Jennings (806) 379-6411, Fax (806) 371-0112


FTZ No. 258 Bowie County Grantee: Red River Redevelopment Authority 107 Chapel Lane, New Boston, TX 75570 Duane Lavery (903) 223-9841, Fax (903) 223-8742

ShreveportBossier City

FTZ No. 260 Lubbock Grantee: City of Lubbock Lubbock International Airport , Reese Technology Center, 5401 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lubbock, TX 79403 Warren Warner (806) 775-2048 Fax (806) 775-3133


FTZ No. 265 Conroe (Montgomery County) Grantee: City of Conroe P.O. Box 3066, Conroe, TX 77305 Jerry S. McGuire (936) 539-4431

265A WLS Drilling Products, Inc.


FTZ No. 269 Athens Grantee: Athens Economic Development Corp. 100 W. Tyler St., Athens, TX 75751 Chris Potter (903) 675-4617, Fax (903) 675-4830 [email protected] www.atjensedc.com

Dallas/Fort Worth


FTZ No. 30 Salt Lake City Grantee: Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City 451 S. State St., Rm. 306, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Chris Shoop (801) 535-7103

Salt Lake City


FTZ No. 55 Burlington Grantee: Greater Burlington Industrial Corp. P.O. Box 786, Burlington, VT 05402-0786 Frank Cioffi (802) 862-5726 x12 Fax (802) 860-1899 FTZ No. 268 Brattleboro Grantee: Brattleboro Foreign-Trade Zone LLC 8 University Way, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Joe Famolare (802) 257-4755


FTZ No. 20 Suffolk Grantee: Virginia Port Authority 600 World Trade Center, Norfolk, VA 23510 Kevin Burwell (757) 683-2120, Fax (757) 683-8500 52

55A Pedigree 55B PBM Nutritionals, LLC

Burlington International Airport


20B Newport News Shipbuilding Norfolk-Newport 20C Western Refining News Yorktown, Inc. 20D Canon Virginia

Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 137 Washington Dulles International Airport Grantee: Washington Dulles Foreign-Trade Zone 44701 Propeller Court, Ste. 100 Dulles, VA 20166 Anita Kayser (703) 572-8714 Fax (703) 572-8418


FTZ No. 185 Culpeper County Grantee: Culpeper-County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 109 S. Commerce St., Culpeper, VA 22701 Norma Dunwody (540) 825-8628 Fax (540) 825-1149

185C Merck

FTZ No. 207 Richmond Grantee: Capital Region Airport Commission 1 Richard W. Byrd Terminal Dr. Richmond International Airport, VA 23250 Russell L. Peaden (804) 226-8520 Fax (804) 625-2610

207B Hewlett-Packard Company Richmond207C A. Wimpfheimer & Bro., Petersburg Inc.

FTZ No. 238 Dublin Grantee: New River Valley Economic Development Alliance, Inc. 7520 Lee Highway, Fairlawn, VA 24141 Oliver Crosswhite (540) 267-0007 Fax (540) 674-9613

New River Valley Airport

WASHINGTON FTZ No. 5 Seattle Grantee/Operator: Port of Seattle Commission P.O. Box 1209, Seattle, WA 98111 Kent Christopher (206) 728-3569 Fax (206) 728-3280

Puget Sound

FTZ No. 85 Everett Grantee: Port of Everett P.O. Box 538, Everett, WA 98206 Carl Wollebek (800) 729-7678 or (425) 259-3164 Fax (425) 252-7366 FTZ No. 86 Tacoma Grantee: Port of Tacoma One Sitcom Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98421 Janice Oldenburg (253) 593-4550 Fax (253) 428-8643

Front Royal

Puget Sound

86A Tacoma Boatbuilding 86D Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. 86E Panasonic Shikoku Electronics

Puget Sound

FTZ No. 120 Cowlitz County Grantee: Cowlitz Economic Development Council 1452 Hudson St., U.S. Bank Building, Suite 208 Longview, WA 98632 Ted Sprague (360) 423-9921 Fax (360) 423-1923


FTZ No. 128 Whatcom County Grantee: Lummi Indian Business Council 2616 Kwina, Bellingham, WA 98226 Marc Taylor (360) 384-2395 Fax (360) 384-5521

Puget Sound


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix G

FTZ No. 129 Bellingham Grantee: Port of Bellingham P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677 Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500 Fax (360) 671-6411 [email protected] www.portofbellingham.com

129A BP West Coast Products LLC

Puget Sound

FTZ No. 130 Blaine Grantee: Port of Bellingham P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677 Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500 Fax (360) 671-6411 [email protected] www.portofbellingham.com


FTZ No. 131 Sumas Grantee: Port of Bellingham P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677 Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500 Fax (360) 671-6411 [email protected] www.portofbellingham.com


FTZ No. 173 Grays Harbor Grantee: Port of Grays Harbor P.O. Box 660, Aberdeen, WA 98520-0141 Leonard Barnes (360) 533-9515 Fax (360) 533-9505

173A Lamb-Grays Harbor


FTZ No. 203 Moses Lake Grantee: Moses Lake Public Corporation Port of Moses Lake, Grant County Airport 7810 Andrews St. NE, Suite 200 Moses Lake, WA 98837-3204 Craig L. Baldwin (509) 762-5363 Fax (509) 762-2713

203A TK Holdings Inc.

Port of Moses Lake

FTZ No. 212 Tacoma Grantee: Puyallup Tribal Foreign-Trade Zone Corp. 1850 Alexander Ave., Tacoma, WA 98421 John Bell (253) 573-7871 Fax (253) 272-9514

Puget Sound

FTZ No. 216 Olympia Grantee: Port of Olympia 915 Washington St. NE, Olympia, WA 98501 Kari Qvigstad (360) 528-8000 Fax (360) 528-8090

Puget Sound

FTZ No. 224 Spokane Grantee: Spokane Airport Board 9000 W. Airport Dr. #204 Spokane, WA 99224 Gratton O. Sealock (509) 4556419 Fax (509) 624-6633 [email protected] www.spokaneairports.net



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007 WEST VIRGINIA

Appendix G

FTZ No. 229 Charleston Grantee: West Virginia Economic Development Authority North Gate Business Park 160 Association Dr., Charleston, WV 25311 David Warner (304) 558-3650, Fax (304) 558-0206

229A Toyota Motor Manufacturing 229B E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.

FTZ No. 240 Martinsburg Grantee: West Virginia Economic Development Authority North Gate Business Park 160 Association Dr., Charleston, WV 25311 David Warner (304) 558-3650, Fax (304) 558-0206 WISCONSIN

Front Royal

FTZ No. 41 Milwaukee Grantee: Foreign Trade Zone of Wisconsin, Ltd. P.O. Box 340046, Milwaukee, WI 53224 Vincent J. Boever (414) 571-0748

41A AMC 41C GM 41E Bay Shipbuilding 41H Mercury Marine


FTZ No. 167 Brown County Grantee: Brown County, Wisconsin 2561 S. Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54304 Dean Haen (920) 492-4950, Fax (920) 492-4957

167A Robin Manufacturing 167B Polaris Industries

Green Bay

FTZ No. 266 Dane County Grantee: Dane County, Wisconsin City-County Building, Room 421 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Madison, WI 53703 Kathleen Falk (608) 266-4114, Fax (608) 266-2643 WYOMING


FTZ No. 157 Casper Grantee: Natrona County International Airport 8500 Airport Parkway, Casper, WY 82604-1697 Dan E. Mann (307) 472-6688 x12



Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix H

APPENDIX H: GLOSSARY OF TERMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND ACRONYMS Admit, Admission are the CBP terms describing the shipment of merchandise into U.S. foreign-trade zones under CBP supervision (19 C.F.R. 146.1). Board means the Foreign-Trade Zones Board, which consists of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce (chair) and the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, or their designated alternates. CBP is the abbreviation of United States Customs and Border Protection. CFR is the abbreviation for the Code of Federal Regulations. Customs means United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Domestic origin/duty paid describes zone merchandise that is mainly of domestic origin, but also includes foreign-origin merchandise on which customs entry and duty payments have been made prior to admission to the zone site. Domestic status (also, domestic status inputs) is used synonymously with domestic-origin/duty-paid (see above). Domestic status is the customs status (19 C.F.R. § 146.43) for domestic-origin and duty-paid foreignorigin zone merchandise. Entry for consumption is the term that describes the general CBP process of filing the appropriate customs documents that allows merchandise to be brought into the commerce of the United States (19 C.F.R. 141). With respect to foreign-trade zones, this process occurs when merchandise is shipped from the zone into U.S. commerce. EXP refers to an expansion of a general-purpose zone or subzone. Exports describes the category of merchandise that is forwarded from zone sites to destinations in foreign countries. EXT refers to an extension of a time limit placed on zone sites or activity. Foreign-trade zone is a restricted-access site, in or adjacent to a CBP port of entry, operated pursuant to public utility principles under the sponsorship of a corporation granted authority by the Board pursuant to the ForeignTrade Zones Act (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u) and regulations (15 C.F.R. Part 400), and under supervision of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Foreign status (also, foreign status inputs) describes zone merchandise admitted to a zone site under CBP supervision that is normally of foreign origin. Such merchandise is admitted to zone sites without being subject to formal customs entry procedures and payment of duties, unless and until the foreign merchandise enters customs territory for domestic consumption. Foreign status merchandise is further categorized by CBP as either nonprivileged foreign or privileged foreign.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix H

Forwarded (also, shipped) describes the category of merchandise that is shipped from or forwarded from zone sites after release by CBP. This category includes merchandise that is forwarded to destinations in the U.S. market as well as merchandise that is exported (i.e., forwarded to markets in foreign countries). FR is the abbreviation for the Federal Register. FTZ means a foreign-trade zone. FY is the abbreviation for fiscal year. The fiscal year for the federal government begins on October 1 and ends September 30 of the following year. Grant of authority is a document issued by the Board that authorizes a zone grantee to establish, operate, and maintain a zone project or a subzone, subject to limitations and conditions specified in the Board’s regulations (19 C.F.R. Part 400 and 19 C.F.R. Part 146). The authority to establish a zone includes the authority to operate and the responsibility to maintain it. Manufacturing means activity involving the substantial transformation of a foreign article resulting in a new and different article having a different name, character, and use. Merchandise received involves merchandise received into activated FTZ space under FTZ procedures by foreign-trade zones and subzones. It includes foreign status merchandise and domestic status merchandise. MFG refers to manufacturing activity within a general-purpose zone or subzone. Non-privileged foreign status is one of two customs categories of foreign status merchandise (See 19 C.F.R. 146.42). Such merchandise is evaluated based on its condition at the time it is shipped from the zone to the U.S. market and entered for consumption by CBP. NPF refers to non-privileged foreign status. NZ is the abbreviation for a new zone. PF refers to privileged foreign status. Port of entry means a port of entry in the United States, as defined by part 101 of the CBP regulations (19 C.F.R. Part 101), or a user-fee airport authorized under 19 U.S.C. 58b and listed in part 122 of the regulations of the CBP (19 C.F.R. Part 122). Privileged foreign status is one of two customs categories of foreign status merchandise (See 19 C.F.R. 146.41). Such merchandise maintains its status based on its condition when it was admitted to the zone. Thus, when the merchandise is shipped from the zone to the U.S. market and entered for consumption by CBP, it is evaluated based on the time-of-admission condition even though it might have undergone a transformation in the zone. Processing, when referring to zone activity, means any activity involving a change in condition of merchandise, other than manufacturing, that results in a change in the customs classification of an article or in its eligibility for entry for consumption.


Annual Report of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board – FY 2007

Appendix H

Subzones are a special-purpose type of ancillary zone authorized by the Board, through grantees of public zones, for operations by individual firms that cannot be accommodated within an existing zone, when it can be demonstrated that the activity will result in a significant public benefit and is in the public interest. SZ is the abbreviation for subzone. USC is the abbreviation for the United States Code. Zone means a foreign-trade zone (see above) established under the provisions of the FTZ Act and regulations. The term also includes subzones, unless the context indicates otherwise. Zone grantee is the corporate recipient of a grant of authority for a zone project. The term “grantee” means “zone grantee” unless otherwise indicated. Zone operator is a corporation, partnership, or person that operates a zone or subzone under the terms of an agreement with the zone grantee or an intermediary entity, with the concurrence of the CBP port director. Zone project means the zone plan, including all of the zone and subzone sites that the Board authorizes under a single grantee.


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