6.8 Man In The Mirror

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  • Pages: 39

Season 6 Episode 8 "Man in the Mirror" Previously On Lost: Daniel and Kaname being sent back to the Island to 1978 in 5.16. Rousseau and her team being shipwrecked in 5.6. Richard telling Ben to get him Alex in 5.6. Richard telling Keamy to kill Alex in 6.1. Kaname not knowing how to properly do CPR in 5.17. Sam and Leonard escaping from the Number Station in 5.9. Richard recruiting Juliet for pregnancy reasons in 3.1. Daniel freaking out that Desmond blew the Swan Station in 6.1. Kaname in Room 23 in 6.2. Kaname being sent back for a second time by Roberta to make changes in the past in 6.7. Amelia warning that Roberta is lying about everything in 6.7. 1) INT. LIVING ROOM. NIGHT. The camera is focused on a coffee table and we see two glasses of red wine and we can hear the song "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson playing in the background. The link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0DkKZpnNY&feature=channel_page (Forward the song to :50 seconds). The camera pans up to a fireplace and then does a slow 180 to reveal Harper sitting on the couch watching someone. We now see that the bottle of wine is DI Red. Harper begins to giggle when the song reaches 1:10 and the camera cuts to what she is giggling at. It is Kaname and he is doing the "Moon Walk" across the living room! He is bustin' out the moves as Harper watches and starts to laugh hysterically. Lyrics: I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, Then you take a look at yourself and then make a change! Kaname finishes doing the moon-walk and he jumps on the couch next to Harper. Kaname: You like that, huh?... I invented it you know... Harper: What? The moonwalk?! Ha! She playfully hits him in the shoulder. Kaname: Hell yeah, I did!

Harper: No, ...Michael Jackson did... back in '83... Billie Jean?! Kaname looks down a bit embarrassed, but in thought. Kaname: '83, huh? I thought later... guess that was before my time... Harper looks at him strangely. Kaname notices he just messed up cause in him real time he would have only been six years old, but he had traveled back as we saw in 5.16 "The Notebook." Kaname: Uh, I meant... Harper: You're weird, Steve.... but I like it. Harper leans in for a kiss just as Daniel busts through the door and interrupts. Harper and Kaname look up surprised. Daniel looks like he has awesome news. Kaname: Marty, what you doin' here? Daniel: Can I uh... I need to talk to you... in private. Harper takes a hint and she gets up and puts her coat on. She bends down and kisses Kaname on the cheek. Harper: I have to get going anyway... I'll see you later? Kaname: Yeah... definitely. Harper: Good, cause we need to talk about Corina's pregnancy. Kaname: Good. See you tomorrow.

Harper walks out of the room and gives Daniel a rather nasty look. She goes outside. Daniel turns to Kaname and rushes up to him really excited. Daniel: I did it! Kaname: Did what? Daniel: Tonight... we uh, we sent someone to the future! Kaname: What? Daniel: Your father perfected the machine... we sent Jin Kwon back to the future! Kaname: Jin?! He was here? Daniel: Yeah, Horace kept it a secret, but like we were in the water when the Island moved... so was Jin. He was sent back in time too, but... only like a month ago. Kaname: Awesome... I think. How'd you do it? Daniel: I don't know... I wasn't there... I time tripped and my future conscious was. Kaname looks at Daniel a but confused. Daniel: That's not important, but Pierre figured something out, but listen... we sent him back to the current time, where we should be! Now, we can do that too! Kaname: Yeah, great... Daniel: What?!... oh come on man! It's just a girl... Harper isn't that great anyway...

Kaname: Yeah, but... yeah... ok... you're right. Daniel: Besides, I don't trust her anyway. I think she's up to something and I think she had something to do with hiding the fact Jin was here. Kaname: Yeah?... that's too bad. Daniel: Listen, we leave in a few days... we need to tie up loose ends here. Got it? Kaname: Yeah... sure. Daniel: Ok, I need to get back to the Swan. There's some things I want to clear up. Kaname: Alright. I'll see you later, dude. Daniel turns to leave, but turns back and says: Daniel: I'll see Charlotte again! Daniel hugs Kaname excitedly and he turns and walks outside. Kaname goes back to the stereo and turns the song up and begins dancing around again and looking at the Michael Jackson record. He says to himself: Kaname: MJ, you couldn't have waited until after I left to invent the moonwalk... you ruined my moves, man... not cool... Kaname tosses the record aside and moonwalks across the room as the camera cuts to outside the house where Harper is on her walkie. Daniel overhears her say to someone: Harper: Well, they've been transferred to the Number Station. We'll prep them for the gas and do the experiment tomorrow. Daniel thinks to himself. He says under his breath as he usually does:

Daniel: The Number Station... that's where Pierre said I put the tape for Locke... Daniel seems interested in the Number Station. Harper walks towards the other houses in the Barracks and Daniel turns and goes the opposite direction. As they both turn, we see a bright flash of light come from the treeline. The camera cuts back to the inside of Kaname's house. We see Kaname dancing like a fool across the living room when in the window, we see it: Another Kaname looking through watching himself dancing to Michael Jackson! The song picks back up at 2:50 and we hear: Lyrics: If you wanna make the world a better place, then take a look a yourself and make that... Change!!! The camera cuts to Kaname watching himself as the camera cuts to black and then:

LOST --commercial-2) INT. STAFF STATION. DAY. SUBTITLED: "1988: 2 Days Before Departure" The camera is focused on the hallway of the Staff Station when suddenly we see Ben and Horace running down the hall to the OR doors. They stop and look through as the camera cuts to inside the room where there is a woman laying on a table and we see Kaname and a nurse in the ER working on a woman who appears to be crashing. Nurse: Her heart stopped! Kaname: Damn it... get the paddles! We see the nurse grab the same paddles that Dr. Berger grabbed for Sun in 6.1. Nurse: Clear! Kaname steps back and the nurse shocks her. It didn't work. Nurse: Clear!

This time, the heart starts beating again, but it is weak. Nurse: She's not breathing! Kaname: Step back! Kaname begins giving the woman CPR. He tilts her head back and breathes into her mouth then presses on her chest. He does this a few times and he actually does it correctly. The woman's vitals pick up and Kaname rips off his mask. He turns and sees Horace and Ben at the door and he walks out of the room up to Horace and pulls him aside. Horace: How is she?! How is Corina?! Kaname: She's gonna die... just like the rest of them... you know, Horace... you should really ban unprotected sex... we can't keep losing women here. We know the cause of death is pregnancy and we can prevent women from getting pregnant! Horace: But that's why you're here. Kaname: Damn it, Horace! I'm not an Obstetrician... I'm an Oncologist!!! And this is certainly not cancer!... Besides, I'll be gone soon... Horace stops and looks blankly at Kaname. Ben takes note at the slip-up as well. Kaname looks around as if he knows he shouldn't have just said that. The camera cuts to Daniel, who is standing in the doorway. He notices Kaname slipped up and he jumps in with some news. Daniel: Uh, I think I need to talk to you (he looks at Horace). Horace starts to walk towards Daniel, but Kaname stops him. Kaname: If you continue to lie to the women about why they are dying... then I suggest you lock the OR or hide the room or something. That room is nothing more than where we've been taking them to die, Horace... Horace takes note at this and looks down.

Horace: Fine, I'll have it hidden. This is how the Secret Room in the Staff Station came about. Horace turns and walks off down the hall with Daniel. Daniel: Do you.... know.... what the Swan is for? Horace: It regulates the Island's electromagnetic build up... why are you asking me this? Daniel: Because, Horace... that's not what it does... Horace looks at Daniel a bit confused and turns around to Ben who is watching on in the background. He turns back to Daniel. Horace: We'll talk about this later, Marty... Daniel: Uh... how, how much later? Horace: Why? You got somewhere to go? Daniel raises his eyebrow and stumbles to cover up his question right after Kaname had said something about leaving. Daniel: Uh, no.. I uh, just... I just think it is important... needs addressed as soon as possible... asap. Horace: We'll meet later... at the Swan. 1800 hours. Daniel shakes his head "ok." Kaname walks over to Daniel and says: Kaname: What was that all about? Daniel:

I think I know why women die in their second trimester. Kaname: Well, maybe you should be working here then... The camera cuts to Horace and Ben who have walked outside the Swan Station. Horace says to Ben. Horace: The two men you captured with the science expedition? Have you transferred them? Ben: Yes... but I don't know why you wanted them at the Arrow Station... Horace: Don't you worry about that... I'm the boss here, I'll let you know when you need to know. Horace walks off. Ben walks off as well, but towards the jungle. Cut to: 3) EXT. JUNGLE. DUSK. Ben looks like he's been walking for a while, but he finally reaches a clearing and stops. He turns around and Richard is standing behind him. Ben: Damn it, you have to stop doing that. Richard: What is it? Ben: It's been about two weeks since she's given birth. Should I get the baby now and kill her? Richard: Well, you can't do that. Ben: I know... it's just not right to... steal her baby then kill her. Richard is rather surprised by Ben's compassion, but it's obvious Richard doesn't want to kill Danielle for other reasons. Richard: Yeah... that's it. You should do that soon.

Ben: When? Richard: Tomorrow night. Ben: Ok. Ben turns and begins to walk off, but turns back. Ben: We need to start compiling a list. Richard: For what? Ben: Well, if we purge everyone on the island, we'll need some outsiders, no? Richard: Oh, yes... Richard digs in his pockets and he pulls out a list of names. At the top is "Tom Kline." Other names on the list are "Isabel Coleridge," "Ethan Rom," "Ivan Randell" and "Goodwin Stanhope." Next to the names at the bottom is the number "102." Richard: I've compiled a few already. Ben looks at the list and he sees the number. He shoots a look up at Richard. Ben: How'd you find these people? Richard: Uh, Mikhail and I have been researching names from the Flame Station. Ben: Mikhail?! You told him?! Richard:

Yes, he's trustworthy. He and a few others will need to be spared. Ben: Such as? Richard: Harper, for one. Amelia as well. Ben: Speaking of, where is Amelia? Richard: She's in San Diego... on a scouting mission. A twin society meeting. Ben: You sent Amelia? She's 82 years old. Richard: Age is relative, Ben. Ben: Right... (Ben looks down at the paper again). What's this... 102? You plan on recruiting 102 people?! Richard: Oh, no... no... that's, that's nothing. You better go before Horace suspects something. Ben looks at Richard strangely then turns and walks off into the jungle. As he's walking, he says: Ben: I'll get the baby tomorrow night. The camera cuts to Richard as he watches Ben walk off and the music builds. The camera cuts to black. 5) INT. KANAME & DANIEL'S HOUSE. NIGHT. Daniel is sitting on the couch reading up on the Swan's manual as Kaname comes rushing out of the bedroom. Daniel looks up at Kaname and notices he is in a huge rush. Daniel: What's the matter?

Kaname: It's Corine, I think she's gonna die tonight. Daniel: Oh, I'm sorry man. Kaname: Not as sorry as Corine's gonna be... With that, Kaname runs out of the house and towards the Sonar Fence and once he gets to it he puts the code in and Ben comes walking out of the jungle. Ben and Kaname make eye contact just as the fence is deactivated. Ben: Hey.. Steve, where you off to? Kaname: Corine, she's fading... wish I could chat, but I gotta run... Ben: Good luck! Ben watches as Kaname makes his way through the fence and off into the jungle towards the Staff Station. Ben walks through the Sonar Fence, but as he does this, he hears the clicking noise of the Smoke Monster! Ben turns around and right behind him is the Smoke Monster! Ben's face turns to horror as the Smoke Monster rips past the fence into the Barracks knocking Ben out of the way! Ben sits up and watches as the Smoke Monster HOWLS and rushes towards the houses! Ben gets his walkie out and radios Horace. Ben: Horace! The Cerberus has breached the fence!!! The camera cuts to the village where we see people running to and from their houses screaming in horror as the Smoke Monster HOWLS and FLASHES its way through the Barracks! It doesn't seem to be messing with anyone as the camera cuts to Daniel coming out of his house and he turns around just as the Smoke Monster is right above him! The Smoke Monster slams into the roof of the house and Daniel runs around to the side! Pierre Chang runs out of his house and up to Daniel and says: Pierre: Daniel, what the hell's going on!? Daniel: I don't know! It just... rushed past me and started on the house!

Ben comes running towards the houses from the fence and he runs over to Daniel and Pierre. Pierre: Hold on! Pierre runs back into his house as the Smoke Monster beats on Daniel's house! A huge hole is ripped in the roof and the Smoke Monster disappears inside and all you can see is FLASHING and hear things breaking from the inside! Just then, Kaname comes running out of the front of the house! Ben sees him and then looks towards the jungle where he just saw Kaname run into! Kaname turns towards Ben and Daniel and Daniel screams: Daniel: Get out of there!!! The Smoke Monster busts out of the house and as it does this it busts open the gas pipe into the house and it explodes! BANG!!! Part of the house catches on fire and smoke is billowing into the sky just as Olivia Goodspeed and Horace come running up and the Smoke Monster hits Olivia sending her flying 10 feet through the air and landing on her back! They all turn and look at her just as the Smoke Monster bears down on Kaname, but Pierre comes running out of his house and he aims a huge gun at the Smoke Monster and fires! BANG!!! Something looking like a grenade flies out of the gun and lands in the middle of the Smoke Monster and then FLASH!!! The bomb/grenade explodes and it appears to send an electrical pulse throughout the Smoke Monster! The Smoke Monster SCREECHES and then retreats back into the jungle! They all stop for a moment and look around at what had just happened. Horace turns to Olivia and screams: Horace: Olivia!! He turns and looks at Kaname. Horace: Help her! Kaname turns and then looks at Daniel who is looking at Kaname like "what the hell are you waiting for?" Kaname turns and rushes to Olivia's side and he bends down over her. Kaname: She's not breathing! Horace: Well, give her CPR! Kaname: I, uh... I'm not too... uh...

Horace: What?! I just saw you give it to Corine this morning!! Come on!! Kaname bends over Olivia and begins giving her CPR, but he is doing it all wrong. He tilts her head towards him and the breathes into her mouth and presses on her all wrong. Ben notices this and so does Daniel. Horace looks like he's about to lose it, but just then, Harper rushes up and she moves Kaname out of the way. Harper: Move! Harper starts administering CPR to Olivia the correct way. After a few moments Olivia starts to breath again and she coughs and gasps for air as Ben and Daniel turn to Kaname. Kaname just stands there watching. Everyone rushes over to Olivia except Daniel and Ben who walk over to Kaname. Ben: I could have sworn you just went off to the Staff. Daniel: Yeah... when'd you come back to the house? Kaname: I uh, I forgot something... Ben: But... I ran back here... Kaname looks displeased at all the questioning. Kaname: That thing just tried to kill me! Now leave me the hell alone! Kaname turns and walks off as Pierre rushes up to him and puts his arm around him. Pierre: You ok?! Kaname: Yeah... I'm fine... Kaname turns and he notices Ben giving him a very untrusting look. The music builds and the camera cuts to black.

--commercial-6) INT. DANIEL & KANAME'S HOUSE. MORNING. SUBTITLED: "1988: DAY BEFORE DEPARTURE" We see Daniel sifting through the rubble left over from the Smoke Monster attack the night before. We then see Kaname walk into the house and look around. He looks over at Daniel and walks over to him. He bends down next to Daniel and says: Kaname: I'm real sorry about last night. Daniel: What? Why? Kaname: I choked... I... I couldn't save her... Olivia. Daniel: Oh, man... I get it... that thing, it just like... was out to get you. Daniel looks down, but then thinks about it. He looks back up at Kaname. Daniel: Why though? I mean... why would it... why would it target you like that? Kaname: I have no idea... Kaname gets up and he looks out the window. He sees Kaname 1 walking back from the Staff in the distance. He turns back to Daniel and with urgency says: Kaname: Dude, I almost forgot! My father wants you to meet him... now! Daniel: What? Why? Kaname: Something about the Smoke Monster... he wants you to help him fix it... or something (looks out the window) but he wants you there now! Before uh, before Horace gets his hands on you and ties you up for the rest of the day... now... go! Daniel gets up and Kaname pushes him towards the back door. Daniel stops him.

Daniel: Dude, you all right? You seem really... jumpy. Kaname: Yeah, well... I'm still a little messed up about last night. You better get over there... you know how he gets when you're late. Daniel: Yeah, true... ok, I'll catch you later man. Daniel walks out the back door and towards Pierre's house. Just then, Kaname 1 comes walking into the house and Kaname 2 ducks into the closet. Kaname 1 looks around at the total destruction and looks absolutely mortified and shocked! Just then, Daniel comes back in the backdoor and over to the kitchen table. Kaname 1 looks at him in shock as if he is speechless. Daniel grabs his work-bag and heads back out the door and says: Daniel: Almost forgot this... see ya. Daniel walks out and Kaname 1 just looks at him like "what the hell?" Kaname is about to follow Daniel, but not before Harper walks in the front door. Kaname turns around and looks at her. Kaname: What the hell happened here?! Harper: What? Kaname: Look at this place, what happened?! Harper: Steve, the Smoke Monster... it... attacked you. You don't remember? Kaname: ...Uh, no? Harper: Oh dear... I think you are suppressing it... you better lay down. Harper walks up to Kaname and lays him down on the couch. Kaname looks absolutely restless and refuses to lay back.

Kaname: What do you mean the Smoke Monster was here?! When?! What happened?? Harper looks really worried. She picks up her bag and pulls out a bottle of pills. She gets up and gets a glass of water from the sink as Kaname shoots up and starts rummaging through the mess. He spots his records. Kaname: No! He picks up the Michael Jackson single of "Man in the Mirror" and holds it up. It's broken. Kaname: Not MJ!! Seriously, Harper... what happened?! Harper walks back over and she hands Kaname the glass and sits him down. She hands him the pills. Harper: You are in post-traumatic shock, I think... take these, they'll help you relax. Kaname just looks at the medicine. Kaname: I don't need this! Harper: Just take it. For me? Kaname reluctantly takes the medication and sits back down. He looks over the room in disbelief. The camera cuts to: 7) INT. PIERRE'S HOUSE. Daniel walks in and Pierre is running around frantic. Daniel takes note of Pierre's erratic behavior and puts his hand out to stop him. Pierre stops. Daniel just looks at him. Daniel: Pierre, what is it? Pierre: I uh... I think I know how to ultimately stop the Cerberus! Pierre takes off again and he is gathering a bunch of electric cords and things like that. Daniel just watches as Pierre rushes about.

Daniel: What do you mean, stop it? I thought you said you created it. Not looking at Daniel, Pierre stops and he says: Pierre: I did. Pierre's face looks as if he is totally lying, but Daniel can't see this. Daniel: And I thought you said you can't stop it. Pierre: I can't... I mean... I think I can (he turns around) control it! Daniel: How? Pierre: It HATES electricity! Specifically negative charged electricity... Daniel: Ok? Pierre: We just wire the island! The Island has a rather natural electric grid to it... a pattern of electromagnetic flow... I think... I mean, I know the Cerberus thrives on it (he turns to Daniel) I know this because I created it. (Lies. He turns back around). I think if we surge electricity we can maybe summon it... or divert it at our will! Just then, Horace walks into the house and he heard everything Pierre had just said. Horace: That is absolutely fascinating, Pierre. Pierre: Thank you... now, Da... Marty, come! I need your help... Pierre starts out of the house and Daniel follows. Horace notices Pierre's slip-up. Daniel walks past Horace, but Horace stops him. Horace:

Pierre, you go ahead, I need to talk to Marty. Pierre: Ok... Marty, meet me at the electrical supply room. Pierre rushes out of the house. Horace turns to Daniel. Horace: Sit. Daniel looks worried and he sits down. Horace sits down across from him. Horace: I noticed something last night... with Steve... is he all right? Daniel: I think he was just... a bit shocked. Horace: Is he ok now? Daniel: Yeah... I think so. Horace: Good... now, because of the incident with the Cerberus we didn't get a chance to meet about your development at the Swan. Daniel: Oh... right. Horace: What did you find out? Daniel: The Swan doesn't just regulate the electromagnetic energy on the Island... Horace: It doesn't? Daniel:

No... you mean, you don't know? Horace: Just... get on with it. Daniel: It holds the Island in place... in time. Horace: In time?! What are you talking about? Daniel: You really... don't know, do you? Horace stands up and starts pacing. He looks pissed. Finally, he stops and slams his hand down on the table. Horace: What the hell does this have to do with pregnancy?! Daniel: I uh... well... when the Island had the incident... back in '79... Horace: Yeah... Daniel: It threw the Island out of sync with the rest of the world... Horace: How is that even possible? Daniel: How is relocating the entire Island using polar bears even possible? Horace doesn't say anything. That seemed to have shut him up. He sits back down. Horace: What does this all mean? Daniel:

The Island, since that time... has been skipping. You know how you throw a stone across a uh... a pond? Well... think of the Island as the stone and um... um, time... outside regular time... it's the pond. The Island bounces in and out of the regular time.... Horace: Ok? Daniel: The Swan station, each time Radzinsky presses that button... it releases the build up of energy and when the timer is set back to 108... for a few moments the Island is back in sync with the outside time. Horace: What's this got to do with pregnancy? Daniel: In the second trimester... well, from what I read... that is when the brain is developed in the fetus.... you get it?! Horace: No. Daniel: The baby isn't forming fully. When the Island is bounced back to regular time the womb... the host, the mother I mean... doesn't recognize the fetus and the mother rejects it... as if... as if it's a foreign virus. Horace stands up and puts his hands on his head. Horace: So... when the mother rejects the child... that's when the hemorrhaging starts... the mother tries to kill the fetus and in the process... kills herself. Daniel: Exactly. There's no way to stop it... unless... Horace: Unless what? Daniel: Unless you fully stabilize the Island. Horace:

And how do you do that? Daniel: Does it have a re-set button? Horace just looks at Daniel. Daniel: I'll take that as a no... How did you not know about that? I mean, you built the Swan Station for that reason, right? Horace paces back and forth. Finally he just stops and looks at Daniel and says: Horace: No. No! Damn it... no... The DeGroots did all that... and they died before I had a chance to ask all the questions... there's a lot I don't know about this place... Daniel just looks at Horace. Horace turns back to Daniel and very seriously says: Horace: You... do not say a single word about this... People wouldn't understand... and the last thing I need is people questioning my authority here. Daniel: Yeah... yeah, I got it... I got it... Horace: Good... now get out of here... Pierre needs your help. Daniel shakes his head "ok" and he walks out of the house. Horace watches him go and he picks up his walkie. Horace: It's me... we have a problem we need taken care of... no, not a thing.... a him. We need to get rid of Marty... and his friend Steve. The music builds and it cuts to: 8) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. The camera cuts to Ben, who appears to be wearing his rag "other" clothes as he sneaks through the jungle towards what looks like a camp fire. Someone gets up from the fire and Ben ducks down and scurries behind a tree. The camera cuts to who just got up and it is Danielle! She is holding a baby Alex. Just then, Ben's walkie goes off. He fumbles for it and whispers: Ben:

Yeah? Horace: Where are you? Ben: I'm uh... taking care of the transfer of the two science team men. Horace: Oh, good. Keep me updated. Ben: Ok... Ben sneaks over to the side of the dug-out that Danielle has built. He peaks around the corner and he hears her talking to herself as she writes into her diary. Danielle: ... then I saw it last night. A pillar of smoke in the sky. I think it is how they signal eachother. Ben thinks and it dawns on him. He whispers to himself: Ben: The fire at Steve's... This is the pillar of smoke Danielle told the survivors about in 1.24 when the "others" abduct children. Danielle puts her journal down and kisses baby Alex on the forehead as she lay in a makeshift crib beside her. Danielle lays down and Ben sits there for a moment. Then, Ben gets up and he cocks his gun. He sneaks over to the crib and he picks up Alex and puts her blanket over her face so she doesn't make any noise, but Danielle rolls over and Ben points the gun at her. He is about to pull the trigger before she wakes up, but then he spots it: someone running through the trees in the jungle. He looks closer and sees that it is Kaname! That takes his mind off of Danielle and he backs up with baby Alex in his hands. He goes off into the jungle. He picks up his walkie and radios someone: Ben: Harper, you there? Harper: Yeah, go ahead, Ben. Ben: You at the Staff?

The camera cuts to Harper. She is not at the Staff Station, she is at the Arrow Station. Harper: Yeah... go ahead. Ben: Is Steve with you? Harper: No, he's at my house... I gave him enough tranquilizer to keep him knocked out for a day... why? Ben: Whens the last time you saw him? Harper: Just a few moments ago... why? Is everything ok? Ben: Yeah, don't worry about it... I will catch up with you tomorrow. Ben hangs up his walkie and he picks up another walkie. Ben: Richard, meet me on the South Shore... near our meeting spot... I need you to take the baby. I have something else to keep my eye on. The music builds as Ben watches Kaname 2 make his way through the jungle towards the beach. ---commercial--10) EXT. BARRACKS. NIGHT. Horace walks up to Pierre's house and knocks on the door. Pierre comes to the door and answers. Pierre: Horace, what a nice surprise... come on in... Horace walks into the house and gets right down to business. Horace: How did the Cerberus project go?

Pierre: I think it will work... for purpose of bringing it and sending it away... that is, from wherever we construct the control box. Other than that, I don't think there is much controlling of it. Horace: I see. Where do you plan on putting this control box? Pierre: I was thinking it would work best at the Swan Station. There is ample power there. Horace: Well, how about a change of plans... you see, Pierre... I've learned that I need to remind people... remind them that I am the one in control here. Pierre: Oh? Horace: Yes. And you are going to help me. I can trust you, no? Pierre: Indeed. I have always been very loyal to you. Horace: And I thank you for that... what I need you to do is put that control box under my house. Pierre just looks at Horace strangely. Horace has a somewhat crazed look on his face. Horace: As you know, the DeGroots didn't tell us a lot about this Island or the stations when we got here... Most of which we can't explain... Pierre: Very true, yes. Horace: The people, the rest of the DI, think of this stuff as being special properties of the Island. We both know that is crap... but until we can explain it, I'm going to run with it. Pierre: I don't...

Horace: We're going to leave them believe that it is the Island's ancient powers... or whatever. You will install that box and I will proclaim that the Island has chosen me... chosen me to be it's leader. Pierre: But... that's very deceiving, Horace! Horace: Just as deceiving as you claiming you invented the Cerberus and the Swan Station... no?! Pierre just looks down. Horace continues. Horace: As I was saying... If I can control the Cerberus, that will make them believe. Put the box under my house, Pierre... and I will let you continue proclaiming that you are a scientific genius... understood? Pierre: Yes, sir... Horace: Good... The camera focuses on Horace's face. He looks like a man who is letting power get to his head. The camera cuts to: 11) INT. ARROW STATION. NIGHT. Harper is in the Arrow Station and she is about to go down into the Number Hatch when Dr. Timothy Leary walks up. We saw him with Harper when she conducted the Pythia Experiment on Sam and Leonard back in 5.9. Harper: Dr. Leary... so good to see you. Dr. Leary: Are we set then, with the experiment? Harper: Yes. It should be ready to go tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Leary:

Excellent. And if it's successful? Harper: Then that's great! Dr. Leary: What do we do with them after we're through? Horace doesn't want the rest of the DI to know that we have them, let alone that we have this station. Harper: Then, I guess we exterminate them. Just then, the camera cuts to Daniel, who apparently has tailed Harper to the station. Dr. Leary and Harper make their way down into the Number Hatch. Daniel runs over to the ladder as they climb down and he sees it: There are many people wearing white gowns walking around in the Number Station below! He looks surprised and he turns back and rushes out of the Arrow Station. The camera cuts to: 12) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. The camera is focused on Richard as he walks back into the jungle holding baby Alex and it turns to reveal Ben as he watches Kaname down the beach. Kaname is looking for something in the sand. Ben creeps closer so he can see better. He sees Kaname find some sort of cable that has been buried in the sand and it leads out into the ocean water! It is the cable to the Looking Glass Station. The camera cuts to Kaname 2 on the beach as he is uncovering the cable. Suddenly, he grabs his head and we have a mini-flash back to Room 23 where Edward Lorenz had him brainwashed! 12 A) MINI-FLASH We see images on the Room 23 screen of an old fashioned claw-bath tub with water in it. There is a water stopper on a chain that is in the drain. We see someone pulling on the chain and pulling the stopper out and the water rushing out of the bath-tub. The camera cuts to: 12 B) MINI-FLASH END Kaname 2 snaps out of it as he pulls on the cable and looks as it extends out into the ocean. He stands up and heads back into the jungle. Ben runs over to the cable and examines it. He then takes off after Kaname into the jungle. 12) INT. HARPER'S HOUSE. NIGHT. Daniel busts into Harper's house at the Barracks and up to Kaname 1 on the couch. Daniel shakes him to wake him up. Daniel: Wake up! Wake up! Kaname wakes up, slightly out of his medicated coma.

Daniel: I was right! Harper's up to no good! They have some sort of.... some sort of experiment going on in this... Number Station. Kaname: Huh? Daniel: They're going to kill everyone down there! I need to help them. We need to help them before we leave tomorrow. Kaname: Cool. Kaname passes back out. Daniel gets up and seems pissed and frantic. He rushes out of the house. The camera cuts to Daniel as he sneaks into the house of Horace and Olivia. He sneaks across the room and looks around the corner where we see Olivia walk into her bedroom and shut the door. Daniel sneaks out into the living room and rifles through Horace's desk looking for something. After a few moments he finds it! He pulls out a set of keys and they have one of those floatation devices on it so if you drop it into the water they don't sink. Just then, we hear the door and Daniel looks up. It is Horace! Daniel looks panicked as he rushes back to the side room and begins out the window as Horace walks in and immediately sees his desk is open. He hears something from the side room and he goes over and sees someone outside running away from the house. He runs to the window and he sees it is Daniel. He pulls out his walkie and makes a call. Horace: Marty knows too much... I want you to take him out... no, no... wait until tomorrow. I want you to make it look like it was an accident. We don't need people asking questions. The music builds and cuts to: 13) EXT. SECRET STORAGE HATCH. NIGHT. We see Kaname 2 coming out of the secret storage hatch where Richard hid Claire when she pretended to be dead after he saved her from Christian in 6.1. Kaname comes out with oxygen tanks and flippers. Ben looks on completely dumbfounded at these stations and hatches. He watches as Kaname makes his way back towards the beach. Ben rushes over to the storage unit and goes in. The camera cuts to: 14) EXT. JUNGLE. DAWN. Danielle wakes up at her dug-out and she looks at her makeshift crib. She sees that Alex is missing! She jumps up and runs into the dugout and grabs a gun. She stands there screaming: Danielle:

Alex!!! Alexandra!!! Brennan!! I want my baby back!!!! She looks completely broken as she turns back and forth completely frantic. 15) EXT. ELSEWHERE JUNGLE. DAWN. Richard is holding baby Alex and he looks down at her and says: Richard: I'm very sorry I had to take you from your mother, but it is the only way... Alex makes baby noises. Richard: That's right... you are going to help me tame Benjamin... he needs a distraction, yes he does (in a baby voice). He needs something to keep him pre-occupied from what's really going on here... and that's going to be you... 16) EXT. BEACH. MORNING. We see Kaname 2 on the beach putting his diving gear on and we see Ben watching him from the distance. Kaname wades out into the water and grabs on to the cable and submerges under the water. Ben seeing this, quickly puts on his diving gear. The camera cuts to: 17) EXT. UNDERWATER. MORNING. We see Kaname follow the cable to the Looking Glass, which is not lit up. He pulls himself down the cable until he finally reaches the moon-pool and he pulls himself up above the water. The Station looks completely empty. He gets out of the water and begins removing his wetsuit and tanks. He turns and looks around until he finally grabs his head and we sink into another mini-flash. 17 B) MINI-FLASH Kaname is watching the video again, but this time we see images of a keyboard and someone playing a song. We hear short reverse snippets of "Good Vibrations" being dramatically mixed. Kaname turns his head and we see Edward Lorenz humming the song as he plays it for Kaname. We faintly hear Edward say: "What, this is a classic!" Kaname snaps out of the mini-flash. 17 C) END OF MINI-FLASH Kaname looks around and he sees the control room. He rushes over to it and swings open the door. As he enters the room, we see Ben emerge from the moon pool. The camera cuts to Kaname in the control room and he is playing around with the key-pad humming the song to himself punching in the correct numbers. Just then we hear a CLICK CLICK! Kaname turns around and Ben is standing there holding a gun at him. Ben: Hello.

The music builds and cuts to: ----commercial---18) INT. LOOKING GLASS. MORNING. SUBTITLED: "Day of Departure" Ben is standing there holding the gun at Kaname 2. Ben: Just who the hell are you? Kaname: Kaname Tanizaki... and... Just then, Kaname throws a "programming manual" across the room and Ben watches it cross the floor. With Ben distracted, Kaname lunges towards him and attacks him!! Kaname lands on top of Ben and the two of them wrestle for the gun, but Ben manages to get a few good punches in, but Kaname smashes Ben's head off the floor and Ben looses the gun. Ben, very angry, sucker punches Kaname in the throat! Kaname falls over and Ben grabs the gun! He stands over Kaname and says: Ben: Well, Mr. Tanizaki, we have much to talk about. Kaname grabs at his throat because he can't breath. The camera cuts to: 19) INT. NUMBER STATION. DAY. The scene plays out just as it does in 5.9. Harper takes the drawing Sam did and hands it to Timothy Leary. Harper: So, you think the experiment's a success? Timothy: It's hard to say. The gasses are said to make the subjects into something of a prophet. Harper: I don't think this drawling hardly constitutes a premonition. Timothy: Only time will tell, now won't it?

The camera cuts to the Arrow Station above and we see Daniel pull the alarm. Just then, an alarm sounds and Harper and Timothy look at each-other. Timothy stuffs the drawing into his lab coat pocket and him and Harper begin to run for the ladder up to the Arrow. Some of the other subjects in the room begin to get restless by the sound as Harper punches in the code to open the hatch door at the top of the ladder. She does this and begins to climb the ladder. Timothy follows, but not before Leonard grabs his legs and pulls him off. Sam then rushes up the ladder and pushes Harper off as well. Leonard and Sam climb the ladder as Harper follows them up. They get to the top and Leonard attempts to seal the room off, but Harper pushes him out of the way and gets out. Sam comes from behind Harper and hits her over the head with some kind of tank (like an oxygen tank) and Harper is passed out. Leonard shuts the manhole cover over the room and seals it. Leonard and Sam run out of the Arrow. The camera pans onto Harper who is passed out and then to the outside of the Arrow Station. Daniel is standing there and he looks at Sam and Leonard. Daniel: You two are the only ones who made it out?! Sam: Yes yes yes. Leonard: Hit him! Sam is about to hit Daniel, but Daniel stops him. Daniel: No! I'm helping you escape! Look! Here! Daniel hands Leonard a set of keys and a watch. Daniel: It's to a boat!... A motor boat, that will get you off this Island! Do you understand me?! Sam: Yes.. yes.. Daniel looks at the two frantic men as the alarm still sounds off in the background. Daniel grabs Leonard and says: Daniel: Run down this trail to the beach... are you listening?! And once you get there... take this boat on a bearing of 325 out five miles... don't go any further than five miles!! Leonard: Yes!

Daniel: Good God, I hope you remember this... take it out that far. Ok? At exactly 7:00 you will see a faint light come from the top of that mountain... over there! (he points) The Island's electromagnetic power will be diverted for a very slight moment... long enough for you to leave the Island's pull unaffected! Do you understand?! Leonard: Yes, I do.... I do... Daniel: Good... now go! Leonard and Sam take off down the trail and Daniel looks at his watch. It says 4:20 p.m. He looks up towards the mountain. Daniel: Ok, Kaname... it's go time. The camera cuts to: 20) EXT. BARRACKS. DAY. Kaname 1 stumbles out of Harper's house and walks towards the jungle line. He looks down at a note from Daniel that reads: "Meet at the Orchid to leave. We must leave at 7:00!" Kaname goes into the jungle and is making his way through the trees when someone steps out in the path in front of him. It is a big DI guy. The DI guy grabs Kaname and with one twist of the neck, SNAP!!! Kaname drops to the ground, dead!! The DI guy picks up the note and reads it. 21) INT. LOOKING GLASS STATION. DAY. Kaname 2 is strapped to the chair and Ben throws water on him. He wakes up and looks at Ben. Ben says: Ben: Where did you come from? Kaname: What? Ben takes out a stun-gun and zaps Kaname with a volt! Kaname screams! Ben: Where did you come from!? Kaname:

I... I... Ben zaps him again! Ben: I'm not playing games! I know you aren't Steve. I knew the second I saw you giving CPR! Kaname seems out of it. Kaname: I know... and the thing is, I know CPR... I just forget how to do it... it musta been... been when they sent me back from the future! It must be some sort of side-effect! Ben: Who the hell are you?! ZAP!!! Kaname: Ok!!! Stop!!! My name's Kaname Tanizaki!!! I'm from the... future... I think. Ben: How... I... who sent you?! Kaname: I can't tell you that! ZAPPP!!! Kaname screams in pain!!! Kaname: I don't know!!! Ben, I don't know!! Ben: How do you know my name? Kaname: You're Ben Linus... leader of the "others." Ben just looks at the dazed Kaname. Ben: What? What others? Kaname:

You lead the "others"... after you kill off the DI... in a purge.... you... lead a team of people... until... Ben: Until what?! Kaname: Until Widmore comes with the freighter... that's when it all... went to crap. Ben: Widmore? He... finds the island? This explains why Ben leaves the Island in 1996 to tell Widmore he has to stop looking for the Island and why Ben keeps close watch on Widmore in the future. Kaname: Yeah... it's the... beginning of the end... Ben: What are you doing down here?! Kaname: I'm here to turn off the jamming equipment... Ben: For what reason?! Kaname: I don't know... they made me do it... Just then, the Station's intercom goes off and it is the DI guy that just killed Kaname 1 radioing Horace. Ben notices. Ben: This place must pick up all communication. Intercom DI: Horace, I just killed him... Steve I mean. I can't find Marty, but he left a note with Steve. It says to meet him at 7:00 at the Orchid for departure... whatever that means... Kaname's eyes light up. He shoots a look at Ben. Kaname:

They killed me?! They can't kill me!! If they kill me then we never get back to the Island in the future!! Ben: What?! Kaname: Me... you and me and Jack and Kate... we never get back to the Island!!! You have to trust me!!! Ben... I need to go, I need to meet with Daniel! If I don't... If I don't.. then.. we will never get back to the Island in the future! Ben just looks at Kaname really uncertain. Ben: If they... killed you, then the future is already screwed up!? Kaname: Not if I pose as myself... shouldn't be too hard.... look, Ben... if I don't do this... we'll all die in the future. Do you understand me?! Ben thinks for a minute. Ben: Fine! But what does this do?! This Station? Kaname: I... if you turn off the jamming device then... you can see the Island from the outside. They wanted me to turn it off. I don't know why. Ben: Then I got to make sure it never gets turned off... Fine, I'll let you go, but... you better be telling the truth and you're gonna tell me a hell of a lot more on the way to the Orchid... Kaname: Ok.. ok ok ok... let's go! Ben begins untying Kaname and the camera cuts to: 22) EXT. ORCHID STATION. NIGHT. Ben and Kaname 2 make it to the Orchid Station. Kaname looks at his watch. It is 6:50. Kaname: Damn, just made it...

Ben: You have to never let anyone know about this... you could screw everything up... you understand? You are regular Kaname... Kaname: Got it. I guess... I guess I'll see you in the future then... Ben: Definitely... Take care of yourself until then. Kaname and Ben shake hands and Kaname gets in the elevator and goes down. Just then, Horace and the DI guy run up to Ben. Horace: Have you seen Marty?! Ben: He's dead... Horace. I killed him myself. Horace smiles. Ben gives Horace a really dirty look because now Ben knows a lot more about the Island than he did a day before. Horace and the DI guy turn back. Horace: I got to get to the Arrow, there was an alarm. Catch you later, Ben. Ben: Yeah... later. Horace and the DI Man turn and walk off. Ben turns towards the Orchid and notices a drop of blood on his sleeve. He wipes his nose and he has a nosebleed! The music builds and cuts to: 23) EXT. OCEAN. NIGHT. Sam and Leonard are sitting on their boat and Sam looks down at his watch. It is 6:59. Sam looks at Leonard. Sam: We can never tell anyone about this place... do you understand? Leonard: Yeah... they'd never believe us... they'd say we're crazy...

Sam shakes his head in agreement. Just then, in the sky over the island, we see a light pour out over the mountain. Daniel and Kaname 2 just departed. Sam and Leonard take off out of the Island's magnetic pull. The camera cuts to: 24) INT. ORCHID STATION. NIGHT. SUBTITLED: "PRESENT TIME" Roberta is sitting in a chair with her gun still aimed at Jack sitting across the room slumped up against the wall. She looks at her watch. Roberta: It's been two hours and nothing at all has changed!!! What the hell went wrong!? The camera cuts to Dr. Berger against the wall looking down at Kaname 2! Maxwell: Maybe nothing has changed because his duplicate he sent back didn't make it. Roberta: But he's a damn factor!! He can change the past... this is a must!!! Roberta gets up and paces back and forth. Jack pipes up. Jack: What does preventing me from getting on that plane prove anyhow, Roberta? Roberta, real annoyed, walks over to Jack and gets in his face. Roberta: You don't get it, do you Shephard? You fool... I used your hero charm against you... you had a friggin' gun to my head... If I didn't make this all about you, you wouldn't have let us come up here to the Orchid! To send Kaname back to turn off the jamming equipment in the Looking Glass..... so that they woulda found your black box on the Island and found you people who crashed. This wasn't about you, Jack... this was about preventing all of you from ever getting as far on this damn place as you did. If they found your plane then the Island would never have been moved and the end would have happened without all this crap!! Jack looks absolutely furious as Maxwell looks at Roberta like this is all news to him. Maxwell: That was your plan in sending him back? To usher in the end? Roberta turns around and gives a smart-ass look at Maxwell. Roberta:

Yeah, Clark... the end! These factors are preventing the end from coming... by having them get saved... it woulda made the end inevitable... but noooo... Kaname couldn't preform a single task because this idiot couldn't brainwash him correctly! She directs that at Edward and in a rage she lifts the gun and pulls the trigger! BANG!!! Edward is shot in the chest and falls to the floor!!! She swings back around and madness fills her eyes. Roberta: WHY DIDN'T THIS WORK?! Dr. Berger stands up, very defiantly and says: Dr. Berger: Because, maybe he vas not ze factor... Roberta: What?! Dr. Berger: Maybe Kaname was ze protector... Roberta: How's that even possible?! Jarrah is dead! Dr. Berger: Oh... think again, bitch. Roberta just stares at Dr. Berger and Jack shoots a look at him too. The camera cuts to: 25) INT. DR. BERGER'S OFFICE. BACKROOM. NIGHT. The camera is focused on a heart-rate monitor that is flat-lining. It pans down to a bed with straps on it, but they appear to have been ripped off. The bed is empty. The camera pans down further and we see it: a chart for Sayid Jarrah!!! The camera pans up to the door outside and it is wide open as it swings in the breeze. The music builds to a dramatic peak and cuts to:

LOST On the Next Lost.... VO: The Stage is Set... Clips of:

1) The DI putting Claire and Sawyer into cells. VO: The Battle Will Begin... 1) Clip of Roberta firing at Jack and Berger. 2) Kate and Ben looking over a cliff at the Hydra Island. VO: And Each Side Has a Secret Weapon... 1) Shot of Juliet. 2) Shot of Charlotte. Cast in order of Appearance:

VO: On the Next lost...

Harper Stanhope.......Andrea Roth Kaname Tanizaki.......Steve Tanizaki Daniel Faraday..........Jeremy Davies Nurse......................??? Horace Goodspeed.....Doug Hutchinson Ben Linus.................Michael Emerson Richard Alpert...........Nestor Carbonell Pierre Chang.............Francois Chau Olivia Goodspeed.......Samantha Mathis Danielle Rousseau......Mira Furlan Timothy Leary...........Steven Chester Price Sam Toomey.............Russell Fletcher Leonard Simms..........Ron Bottitta DI Guy.....................??? Roberta Owen...........Kathy Bates Jack Shephard...........Matthew Fox Dr. Hans Berger..........Philippe Brenninkmeyer J. Clark Maxwell.........Ben Stein Questions Asked: 1) Why does Ben have a nosebleed? 2) Why does Roberta want the end so badly? 3) How much did Kaname tell Ben on the walk to the Orchid? Questions Answered: 1) Why Kaname didn't know how to give CPR in 5.17. 2) Sending yourself back in time may cause the duplicate to forget things. 3) Sending someone back in time doesn't send the actual person, it sends a duplicate (i.e.bunny video). 4) How Ben found out some things about the future. Why he seems to know things. Kaname told him. 5) When Daniel had Alex stolen. 6) Why Richard wanted Alex. To preoccupy Ben. 7) How Leonard and Sam escaped the Island. 8) Why women who are pregnant die.

9) How the Smoke Monster was controlled by Kate and Ben. 10) How Ben and Richard came up with people off-island, such as Ethan and such. 11) Sayid is alive! 12) The Stations were there before Horace and Pierre. The DeGroots gave it to them as is.

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