6.6 The Grey Area

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  • Words: 8,275
  • Pages: 40
Season 6 Episode 6 "The Grey Area" Previously On Lost: Hurley telling Sun to buy the coat in 5.3. Kate and Claire going to the Temple in 6.5. Frank's helicopter crashing in 6.5. Desmond and Nadia meeting Richard Malkin in 6.4.

1) EXT. BEACH. DAY. The camera is the Point of View of a Person, but we don't know who. The POV opens their eyes and we are looking upwards towards a blue sky. It holds on this for a moment until the POV sits up and finds themselves sitting on the beach in the waves of the ocean. They stand up and the camera work is a bit bumpy as they seem to get their balance. They must be out of it a bit. They turn towards the jungle and we hear a strange, but familiar noise. They being walking towards it and they see Jack. He is wearing a suit and is walking towards the noise as well. He pushes past some brush and grasses and walks through them. The POV follows and walks up behind him to realize that the scene we are looking at is the crash of Flight 815! The POV watches as Jack makes his way towards the wreckage. The POV walks out towards the plane and we see Nikki walk past, then we turn to see Rose passed out on the ground. We turn again and we see Jin screaming for Sun. The POV/camera turns back and forth almost chaotically as if trying to figure out what has happened! The POV then turns and runs towards the jungle and into the trees. The POV is dodging branches and weeds for a few moments until they come up to a person laying on the ground. The POV looks down and we see who it is, it's Sun! This is why we didn't see her in the initial crash scene in 1.1, she landed in the jungle. The POV hears something and looks up. We hear cracking noises and the POV walks towards it. We can hear the engine explode in the background as the POV turns back and we see flames through the trees. The POV turns back around and walks a bit further into the jungle where we see Kate! There is someone standing over her and he writes something down. The POV moves closer and the man turns around to look towards the crash. It is Richard Alpert! Richard turns and runs off into the jungle. The POV turns and suddenly it begins to downpour. There are voices heard coming from the jungle ahead of the POV. The POV rushes through the rain and through the jungle towards the voices and that is where we see the scene that played out in 2.6 "Abandoned." Shannon: Walt! Walt! Shannon takes off away from Sayid and he follows, but trips. Sayid: Shannon! Shannon: Walt! Wait! The POV turns towards a set of other voices coming from the other direction. It turns and we see Ana-Lucia and Bernard.

Ana-Lucia: Where's Cindy?! Bernard: She was just... Ana-Lucia shushes Bernard and we hear the whispers, but the whispers turn into actual words! The POV turns around and we see Boone, Edward Mars and Libby!!! They are all looking towards Shannon as their whispers turn into words: Edward Mars: Relax, dude, I think she likes this guy... They all turn towards Ana-Lucia and the tail section group. Boone: Who's this in the woods? Libby: Sawyer, Ana... Boone then sees Libby, alive, among the tail section group and turns towards her as if he has figured out what is going on. Boone: I know it all, I know it all now! Not-so-alive Libby looks around, slightly confused, and she says: Libby: I'm in some-one's dream... Boone turns towards her, very frantic. Boone: You're going to kill her! Not really paying attention as she looks upwards into the sky, Libby shakes her head "no" and says: Libby: Ana's the trigger. Edward turns back towards Shannon and says: Edward Mars: Your time is up.

Boone starts off towards Shannon as he turns back to Libby and says: Boone: Help me! Libby, looking a little dazed, repeats: Libby: I'm in some-one's dream... Boone gives up and rushes towards Shannon to help her, but he can't do anything. He is right beside her in her face as she is unaware of him and stares at Walt. A branch cracks and there is a shot! Ana shoots Shannon! Boone turns towards Shannon in pure shock as he he says very sincerely to her: Boone: Shannon, meet me on the other side.... Edward Mars turns towards the POV and looks at it really strangely. He says in the direction of Libby: Edward Mars: Do you see her? Libby turns towards the POV and nods her head "yes." Just then the POV turns and begins running off into the jungle! The POV turns back around to see if Boone, Libby or Edward Mars are following. The the POV turns back around and we see it! Shannon is standing right there and she is wearing her pink skirt and white top and there is blood coming from where she was shot in the stomach. Shannon just stands there looking at the POV as she says: Shannon: Hey! So, how'd that coat I had Hurley tell you to get? Cute right?! The POV doesn't say anything and then the camera breaks away from the POV and is now behind it. The rain is pouring down, but neither of them are getting at all wet. Shannon: Can you see me.... Sun? The camera cuts to the two of them and sure enough, the POV was Sun! The camera focuses on Shannon and Sun staring at each-other as Sun looks absolutely stunned with her mouth hanging open. The music builds and the camera cuts to:


Desmond, Nadia and Ji Yeon walk up the path to Richard Malkin's house as Desmond looks around at his surroundings. He looks upwards and he sees a woman watching from the second story window as they walk up on the porch. The woman is Charlotte Malkin, but Desmond doesn't know that yet. Once on the porch Desmond sees a plaque next to the door that says "Richard Malkin, Psychic Readings." Desmond grabs Nadia's arm and whispers to her: Desmond: You dragged us to Australia to visit a psychic?! Nadia: Trust me, Desmond... you want to talk to him. Desmond lets go of Nadia's arm and they all walk inside. Richard Malkin waves them into his living room, where he gave Claire her reading. Richard Malkin: Please, have a seat... would you care for some tea or... something to eat? I know airline food is the worst... Desmond, not paying attention, is looking around. Nadia shakes her head "yes." Nadia: Please... tea would be great. Richard Malkin looks over at Desmond and notices he is uneasy. Richard Malkin: Relax, Desmond... I'll be right back with the tea. Desmond gets up and walks across the living room to a bookshelf where he looks over some photos. Nadia watches. Nadia: Desmond, please... come and sit. Desmond continues to look and then on one of the shelves he sees a bunch of photos regarding Flight 815. He picks up one of the photos and it is an obituary for Claire Littleton. He shoots a look back at Nadia and says: Desmond: Just who the hell is this guy, lass?! Nadia gets up and walks towards Desmond. Nadia: I came across his name while I was in hiding... pretending I was dead. I came here, to Australia...

Desmond: Why? Nadia: Sayid was... he was putting too much trust in Abaddon. Quite frankly, I didn't trust him... the Il Destino Sinergia didn't sit well with me. I knew it was all wrong. Desmond: Ay, but... why Malkin? Nadia: I noticed... in the papers, the list of the dead from the crash... and Desmond, I've encountered several of the people on that plane. John Locke, Charlie Pace, Sayid... Kaname Tanizaki... I didn't know what to make of it, except that maybe fate had more in store for me. I didn't trust that the plane was an accident, so I came here... to Mr. Malkin... it sounds silly, but... I thought he could give me some answers... Desmond: And... did he? Just then, Malkin comes into the room. Richard Malkin: I did... sort of. Richard Malkin walks up and gives Desmond and Nadia their tea. He then gives Ji Yeon a cup of juice. He stares at Ji Yeon for a moment then closes his eyes. He snaps out of it then turns back to Nadia and Desmond. Desmond: Sort of? Richard Malkin: Like Nadia, I too had encountered several people on that flight. Claire Littleton and Father Tunde, also known as Eko... though, I didn't know his real name or that he wasn't actually a priest until well after my encounter with him. Desmond: Eko was a priest? Richard Malkin: No... no, he was certainly not a priest. Nadia: The point is, Desmond, Mr. Malkin didn't know about Eko until after Eko died. Desmond:

I don't... I don't understand. Richard Malkin: He came to me, Desmond... in a dream... with a message that I would one day relay to you... Desmond looks at Malkin very intrigued and then at Nadia, who doesn't at all seem surprised. The music builds then cuts to: 3) EXT. BEACH. DAY. The camera is behind Sun and Shannon as they sit on the beach and look out towards the water at the sunset. It then cuts in front of them. Sun looks very disoriented as Shannon sits there taking in the beauty. Shannon: It's relaxing, isn't it? Sun just looks at her blankly. Shannon: I mean, yeah... we are dead, but think about it... no bills, no worries, no evil stepmother... and we can lay out as much as we want and never get burnt! Sun looks back towards the ocean. Shannon realizes that Sun is taking his badly. She scootches over towards Sun a bit. Shannon: You can see her, you know... any time you want to. Sun shoots a look at Shannon. Sun: Who? Shannon: Ji Yeon. Sun: How do you know about her?! Shannon smiles. Shannon: It kinda comes with the territory. Sun stands up and looks down at Shannon a bit angry. Sun:

What is this?! Some kind of purgatory?! Just then we hear another voice and Sun looks up. Voice: No... not purgatory... more like... an Evernow. This is how Isaac of Urulu explained time to Jin in 6.2 The camera cuts to who is talking to Sun and we see it is Mr. Eko! Sun: Eko? Mr. Eko: Hello, Sun. Sun: What... what is this place? Mr. Eko: I'd like to think of it as heaven... but... Sun: But? Mr. Eko: It can also be best described as a hell. Sun looks down and then around a little uneasy. Mr. Eko: Come with me, Sun... Mr. Eko turns and walks into the jungle. Sun turns to look back at Shannon, but she's gone. Sun then turns back to Mr. Eko and quickly follows him. They reach the edge of the jungle and Mr. Eko pulls back some branches and on the other side we see the scene from 3.5 "The Cost of Living" when the Smoke Monster attacks Mr. Eko slamming him up against a tree and then slamming him into the ground really hard. Eko lays there, barely alive. The Eko with Sun turns to her as she watches the scene in horror. They are standing feet from the almost dead Mr. Eko's body. Then we hear, near the trees, whispers. The whispers become words and we now see people watching as Mr. Eko is laying on the ground, almost dead. These people are Mr. Tom Friendly and Yemi! Tom: It's over. From inside the trees we hear a voice:

Voice: Who?! Tom: The black man. Voice: Right now? Right here? Off to the side we see Locke coming up when he first found Eko's body. Tom points to Locke. Tom: Locke. Yemi: Eko... Tom: Sorry. Voice: What's happening?! Yemi: I... I don't want to kill him... The voice comes out of the trees and we see it is Colleen Picket! Colleen: What just happened?! Locke says something to Yemi, but the three of them can't hear it. Yemi says: Yemi: What'd he say? Tom: Help me up? Colleen looks up towards Sun and Eko watching from across the clearing. Sun makes eye contact with Colleen, the woman she shot on the boat in 3.3 "The Glass Ballerina." Sun's eyes bug out a little as she makes eye contact with Colleen. Sun tugs on Eko's shirt as she says: Sun:

Come on... let's go... The two of them turn around and walk back towards the beach, which is just behind them now and it is now pitch black out. Sun looks at Mr. Eko. Sun: Why... why'd you show me that?! Eko: I wanted to show you what I must witness over and over again. Sun: Why? Eko: I never made peace with myself for the things I did and this is my way of repentance. Sun: Repentance? Eko: It is my own personal punishment. Sun looks away. Eko: What are your demons, Sun? Sun: I... Sun looks up and right in front of her is Colleen Pickett. Eko looks at what Sun is staring at, but he doesn't see anything. Eko: You see it now. I will leave you to it. Sun turns towards Eko and shouts: Sun: No! It is too late, Eko is gone. Sun turns back to Colleen who is walking towards Sun rather angrily. Colleen stops right in front of Sun and stares at her for a few moments until she finally says: Colleen:

I'm not angry with you, Sun... I've... I've made my peace with what you did to me. Sun, still a bit frightened, looks Colleen over. Colleen: Truth is, because you did what you did... it opened my eyes. Sun looks at Colleen like she doesn't understand. Colleen: This wasn't about Ben... or pregnancy... or any of it. It was about... it is about so much more than that. Sun: I don't understand. Colleen: Good versus evil. Bad versus good. Right versus wrong... what I was doing... and what I would have done to you on that boat... it was wrong. I realize that now. Sun: I'm... sorry. Colleen: You did what you had to do... and Sun... you aren't done doing what you have to do. Sun: What do you mean? Colleen: You have work to do. Sun: How... I... I'm dead. Colleen: That's not how you should look at this... look at this as, well... the beginning. Sun: How are we... how is this all happening? Colleen: The Island. I don't know if this happens outside of here or not, but here... you... well, you cross over. Sun:

How do I help? Who do I help? Colleen: That's not up to me to decide... I wanted to help Danny, but... he chose a different path. Sun: There's another path? Colleen: His rage led him there. He didn't see what I saw when I crossed. Sun: Led him where? Colleen: The Dark Territory. It's where they go. Sun: Not to be rude, but... I have no idea what any of this means! Colleen: You haven't seen him yet, have you? Sun: Seen who?! Who am I supposed to see?! Colleen points behind Sun. Sun turns around and there we see it. It's Jacob's Cabin! Sun turns back to Colleen, who has turned and is walking away. Sun: What, where are you going?! Colleen: You need to see him, Sun... he will point you in the right direction. Sun: Who?! Colleen turns back to Sun and says, almost as if it is common knowledge: Colleen: Jacob. Sun turns back to the cabin. Inside we see a candle being lit and the light fills the room. Sun just stares at it, very uneasy. She turns back to Colleen and she is gone. Sun

turns back to the cabin as it sits there on the edge of the jungle in the darkness. The music builds and then cuts to: --commercial-4) INT. MALKIN'S HOUSE. DAY. Desmond and Nadia are sitting down on the couch and Ji Yeon is sleeping on the chair across the room. Malkin is setting up his table as Desmond asks: Desmond: So, how did you know Claire? Malkin looks away and thinks for a moment. He then turns back to Desmond. Richard Malkin: She came to me shortly before she boarded that plane. Desmond: She wanted some sort of reading? Richard Malkin: No... no... I had been harassing her for weeks until she came to me when she realized I was right. Desmond: About? Richard Malkin: About not giving Aaron up for adoption. Desmond: Oh... but... I thought that's why she was on the plane. Richard Malkin: She was. I put her on that plane. Desmond: What? Richard Malkin: I made sure she was on that plane, on that very same flight... because I knew. Desmond: Knew what, brotha? Richard Malkin:

I knew you wouldn't press the button in time... I knew it was going to crash. Desmond, a bit taken back by Malkin's answer at first, then jumps up and grabs him and throws him onto the table! Ji Yeon wakes up and starts crying as Nadia jumps up and pulls Desmond off of Malkin. Desmond turns back and sees Ji Yeon looking scared and he lets go of Richard and backs off. He pierces Richard with his eyes as he says: Desmond: What in bloody hell were ya thinkin' man?! She was pregnant! Richard Malkin composes himself and fixes his shirt. He looks at Desmond and very seriously says: Richard Malkin: I know. She couldn't let anyone else raise Aaron. Desmond steps back for a moment and looks at Richard. Desmond: How do you know his name? Richard Malkin: I told you, Desmond... I've talked to Eko. Nadia picks up Ji Yeon and walks up to Desmond. Nadia: I'm going to take her outside... you two need to talk... and Desmond, listen to what he has to say. Nadia walks out of the room with Ji Yeon. Desmond turns to Richard Malkin. Desmond: So let's hear it, what did Eko tell ya, then? Richard Malkin: He told me that you have to go back to the Island, Desmond. It is imperative that you go back to that Island. Desmond just stares at Richard Malkin. Desmond: I just had my chance to go back... and Ben told me that I didn't have to! Richard Malkin: Well, he was right... You couldn't go back with them... for now, your place is here. Desmond begins to get a bit agitated.

Desmond: Look, old man, I'm havin' some difficulty trying to decode what the bloody hell you're tryin' to tell me here... just out with it! Richard Malkin: Eko said that you need to go back, but you need to do it yourself... no help from me... no one but yourself. Desmond: Ay, and how am I supposed to do that, then? Just Waltz up to the Island and say the magic password to let me in?! Richard Malkin: I don't have that answer for you, Desmond. Desmond bends down over the table and speaks directly into the face of Richard. Desmond: You know what this is? This is complete nonsense. You feel guilty for putting Claire on that plane and you want me to go back and save her... that's what this is all about then, isn't it? Richard: I... Desmond puts his hand up as if telling Malkin to shut up. Desmond: I don't even know why I believed you... I can't save Claire... I can't save the rest of 'em either. I had a vision of Claire gettin' on that helicopter, but it didn't happen... she wasn't rescued now, was she? Desmond turns to walk out, but Richard says right before he makes his exit: Richard Malkin: Maybe that vision of yours, Desmond... maybe it hasn't happened yet. Desmond turns around and looks at Malkin and shakes his head. Desmond: No, brotha... maybe not, but I don't see how I can make it happen... Desmond turns back and walks out of the room. Malkin just watches him go. The camera cuts to the hallway where Desmond turns into. Suddenly, there is a hand over his mouth and someone pulls him towards the stairs. It is Charlotte Malkin and she shushes Desmond and slips him a piece of paper. He just looks at her and she whispers: Charlotte Malkin:

Be there, tonight. She lets go of Desmond and he says: Desmond: What, who are you? Charlotte Malkin: I'm going to tell you what you have to do, but not here... now go... Desmond turns and walks out as he turns back to Charlotte and looks at her strangely. He then walks out the door. 5) EXT. JACOB'S CABIN. NIGHT. Sun is still staring at the cabin that suddenly appeared behind her, a bit unsure of herself, she stands up straight and marches up the stairs and to the door. She is about to knock on the door when it opens by itself. She pokes her head in and looks around, but she doesn't see anyone. She then slowly walks into the cabin and takes a look around. She walks over to the rocking chair and she pushes it and it squeaks. She then walks over to a book case and she sees an old compass. She then sees a book. It is "The Book of Laws." Just then the door slams shut and the candle flickers and spins around and looks at the rocking chair. She is taken back because there is now someone sitting in it, but we can only see his body as his face his mostly hidden in the shadows. She steps backwards and bumps into the bookshelf causing the "Book of Laws" to fall to the ground. She looks down at it and then back to the rocking chair. She stares for a moment, obviously frightened, and says: Sun: Are you... are you Jacob? The voice is very deep and somewhat echoed. Man's Voice: Ay, I am he. Sun: I... (gulps) I was told to see you... Jacob: You were told? Sun: I, uh... the woman outside... the one... Jacob: The one you wounded. Sun:

Yes. Jacob: Did you make peace? Sun: I... I think so, yes. Jacob: Good, Sun Kwon. Sun: How... uh... do you know my name? Jacob: I've been watching you. I've been watching all of you very closely. Sun: Why? Jacob: I've been a prisoner, Sun Kwon... a prisoner on my own Island, but my sentence is over. Sun: Who... who imprisoned you? Jacob: Richard Alpert... and his bloody science. Sun: You mean... the Dharma Initiative? Jacob: Ay, and their technology. Sun: But... why? Jacob: Twas afraid I would interfere. Sun: With their studies?

Jacob: Ay... but what they don't understand, Sun Kwon, is there is a balance to everything. Sun: I... Both of Jacob's hands come out of the shadow and into the light. He flips them over as if he is holding something in each hand. Jacob: There is white. He opens his hand to reveal a white stone. Jacob: And there is black. He opens his other hand to reveal a black stone. Jacob: There must be balance. Sun just looks on. Jacob: Which side you choose, it is entirely up to you, Sun Kwon. Sun: And how do I know which side to choose? Jacob: You already know. Sun walks up and she points to the white stone. Jacob quickly closes his hands and puts them back on his lap. Sun backs up. There is complete silence for a few moments. Neither one says anything. It is awkward as if that little exercise meant nothing. Finally, Sun asks: Sun: Why... did he make you a prisoner? Jacob: To disrupt the balance. To take control of destiny. Sun: And now?

Jacob: Now, there is white and black. Balance has been restored. Sun: But... what's going on out there... it's... it's un-balanced. They have my husband, my friends! Jacob: Then, Sun Kwon, make it even. Sun: How do I do that?! I'm dead! Jacob: Ay, but not useless. Now go. Sun turns and walks towards the door. She seems to be frustrated as she turns back and she picks up the candle. She rushes towards Jacob with the candle and she shines it in his face! The camera shows Sun's complete surprise as she sees who it is in the chair! The camera shows it and it is... her! It is Sun! She drops the candle and backs up and trips over the "Book Of Laws" and she darts out of the house into the jungle! She gets about 30 feet from the cabin and turns back. The candle is blown out and she is left in complete darkness. A voice is behind Sun as she hears: Voice: Quite a character, isn't he? Sun turns and looks up. Standing there is Locke! He puts his hand out to help her up. She reluctantly takes it and John helps her to her feet. Sun: Locke?! Locke: Hello. Sun: He, he was... he was me! Locke: Was he? Locke thinks. He then smiles as if he thinks it is comical. Locke: I'm sorry you died, Sun.

Sun: They said I wasn't dead... Locke: In conventional terms, you are dead. Locke: I see you chose a stone. Which one? Sun: ... the white? Locke: It doesn't really matter. They just represent balance. Come with me. Locke puts out his hand and Sun takes it. The camera cuts to the two of them as they stand on top of one of the mountain peaks on the island. It is now bright and sunny out. Sun looks around and turns to Locke. Sun: How? Locke: When you cross, you are freed from the shackles of time and space. We can see everything at all times. Sun: ....how? Locke: Not everything can be explained in words, Sun... I suppose that you are forced to have some faith. Sun: What is this? Locke: This is the Island. Sun: What's that?! Sun points to a billowing cloud of smoke coming out from the trees below. Locke:

A helicopter crashed. Sun: Who was on it? Locke: Your friend, Frank. Sun: Is he dead!? Locke: Not yet. Sun: How do you know all this?! Locke: I spent a lot of time... and a lot of energy in becoming one with this place. I guess you could say it paid off. Sun: This is... Locke: You will get used to it. Sun: What is the point? Why don't we just go over there and put an end to these people? Locke: We can't disrupt the balance between the, for lack of better terms, the living and the dead. It's all abou... Sun: Balance... yes, I get it... what can we do? Locke: We can guide them. Sun: They can't see us though. Locke:

Sure, but you have to make yourself available... and they have to have strong feelings for you... either good or bad. Basically, they have to want to see you... on some level. Out of love or hate... or guilt or compassion... Sun: Oh. Locke: Speaking of, I have to go pay a visit to someone. Sun: Wait! Locke turns back to Sun. Sun: Which stone did you pick? Locke: What does it matter? Sun: I want to know who's good and who's not. Locke: That whole concept, it's... it's kind of a grey area. Locke turns back around and beings walking off. Without turning around he says: Locke: And Sun, the answer is yes....you can even see her... Sun smiles and Locke turns and walks off. 6) EXT. TEMPLE. DAY. Claire and Kate are standing in front of the Temple and Kate turns back to Claire. Claire: Are you sure about this? Kate: I think. Kate turns back towards the Temple and she walks in. We see the hardened magma from the Island's Volcano blocking the staircase that lead down to the chamber. Kate looks at it and she closes her eyes in disappointment. She turns back towards the

entrance and standing there is Locke. Kate steps backwards and falls over herself a little. She looks at him as if he isn't real. Kate: Jeremy? Locke: I go by John... or Locke, when I'm here. He smiles. Kate doesn't seem amused. Kate: I don't care how it is even possible you are here, but I need you to answer me when I ask you this... Locke: Sure. Kate: Why did you make me the leader?! Locke: I didn't. Kate: Damn it, John... then the Island, why'd it make me the leader?! Locke: It wasn't the Island either. Kate: Then what?! Locke: Richard did. Kate: Richard?! Locke: I thought it was the Island... I thought these hieroglyphics and the scripture and the Smoke Monster... the prophecies... I thought they were all the work of the Island. Kate: They aren't?

Locke: No... it was all the work of Richard. Kate: How?! Locke: That, well... that you will have to ask him. Kate: Then what are you all about John?! Locke: I'm here to help you. Kate: Help, how? Locke: First, you need to find a way to Richard. I think he'll help you from there. Kate: How am I supposed to do that? Locke: You are going to take it back. Kate: How? How do I go up against hundreds of them when I have like... 6 of us? Locke: You use Ben Linus. Kate looks at Locke a bit confused and Locke smiles at her. The music builds and it cuts to: ---commercial--7) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Sun is walking through the jungle and she walks up to what appears to be a picnic. She looks up and sitting around a checkered blanket is Rose, Bernard and Miles! Rose looks up and says: Rose:

Sun! Would you like to join us?! Sun is taken back. She shakes her head, but finally, as if accepting it, smiles and nods "yes." She sits down. Rose: How are things?... Well, other than the obvious... Sun: I.. I don't know. Bernard: Yeah, it's like that at first, but you get used to it... could you pass me the applesauce? Sun looks down and beside her is a jar of applesauce. She picks it up and hands it to Bernard. Rose: He's obsessed with applesauce... always has been. She smiles and gives Bernard a kiss. Sun watches in awe, but also in a bit of enjoyment. Sun: So... you two are together? Miles interjects. Miles: Yep... and if you don't do something about it, you and your honey will be together soon too. Sun: What?! Miles: Rose... the peanuts, please. Rose hands Miles the peanuts. Miles: Oh, yeah... Jin's dead if you don't get to work. Sun: What do you mean, what do I do?! Miles:

First of all, you need to let go of the past. Rose: He's right. There is no point. Sun: How do I... Rose: It took me a while too... until I realized I needed to help the cause... you know... help out Hurley when he was looking for that equation to show that strange Leonard man. Miles: Right... to get you guys back to the Island. To stop the man with the tubes. Sun: Man with the tubes? He's dead. I shot him. Miles: Yeah, about that... wrong man with tubes. I didn't mean Hanso. Sun: Then who? Miles: I don't know, I could never see his face... but I know this. He has to be stopped if you want Jin and Ji Yeon to see each other again Rose makes a "oh no you didn't" face as if Miles is not telling the truth about that little piece of information. She then smiles as if the lie is harmless. Miles: You need to see it for yourself. Just... concentrate and follow my lead. Miles turns towards Sun and sits Indian style. He closes his eyes and he takes Sun's hands. Suddenly there is a FLASH. They are both now in the office of the man with the tubes. Sun looks around and sees him. Sun: Where are we? Miles: This is where I saw it happen. He orders the whole thing to be shut down, which... will end up killing everyone... Sun:

Everyone dies?! Miles: I can't see that far in advance... something must happen because it just ends. It's as if everything just... stops. The man from the desk slams his fist down. A photo falls off the desk and next to Sun. She picks it up and looks at it. It's a bio on Desmond. As she does this Miles says: Miles: Concentrate. Sun holds on to the photo and then suddenly she gets a few flashes of images. 1) Desmond and Ji Yeon. 2) Frank at the controls of some sort of ship. 3) The man with the tubes and Desmond. The flash ends. Sun looks at Miles. Miles: You saw something, didn't you? Sun: Yes. Yes! Miles: You have to go now, don't you? Sun: I think I do. The camera pulls back and we see Rose and Bernard and the picnic again. Rose looks at Sun. Rose: It's kinda fun, ain't it? Sun smiles and she kind of sarcastically says: Sun: Fun... yeah. Bernard: Good luck. Sun: Thanks. Sun gets up and walks off. She turns back to the three of them having their picnic. She smiles, strangely. The camera cuts to:

8) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Jin and Sawyer are running from the site where the helicopter crashed and where the DI were hot on their trail. They finally stop running and they turn back. Sawyer looks at Jin and says: Sawyer: What the hell... what are the chances that helicopter would just... fall from the sky like that? Jin: Fate. Sawyer: What?! You belive in that mumbo-jumbo?.... Oh, you're Hindu aren't you... ok. Jin just looks at Sawyer like he is a moron. Jin: Not Hindu. Sawyer: All right. We need to find Kate. Suddenly, right behind Sawyer, Kate and Claire walk out. Claire: You don't have to look much further... Sawyer turns around and sees Kate. He rushes up to her and picks her up and swings her around. Sawyer: Boy am I happy to see you! Kate smiles, but only for a moment. Sawyer sees this. Kate: You won't be for long. Sawyer: Aw, damn it... why freckles? And... where's Aaron?! I thought he was with you! Claire: Juliet took him after the Smoke Monster attacked us. Kate:

We need to get on that island and we need to get Richard and the others off of it. Sawyer: What the hell... I just busted out of there and you want me to go back?! Kate: I need you to go back and I need you to find out where he is. Sawyer: I can save ya some time sweetheart. He's in the medical station.... the uh, the fake medical station. Claire: Huh? Sawyer: They have replicas of the stations on this island, but on that one. I don't get it.... right now, they're building the Swan Station down there in the valley. Kate and Claire look confused. Kate: All the more reason to find Richard. Sawyer: Why the hell is he so important all of a sudden?! Kate: Because... he knows what we have to do... he knows why we all ended up here in the first place. Sawyer: Wha...How? Kate: He arranged for it all to happen... Sawyer looks off a bit confused, but also a bit agitated as if a few things are suddenly making sense to him. Sawyer: That son of a bitch... Kate: Exactly... and we need him.

Sawyer: Well, tell me boss... since you have all the answers, just how the hell we gonna do that? Claire looks around as if she is looking for something. She interrupts: Claire: Where'd Jin go? They all turn looking for him. Sawyer whips around. Sawyer: Jin?! Jin-bo!? Damn it... The camera cuts to: 9) INT. BAR. NIGHT. Desmond, Nadia and Ji Yeon are sitting in a bar in Australia. They look as if they are waiting for someone. Desmond keeps looking at his watch. Desmond: Bloody hell, she said she'd be here twenty minutes ago... Nadia: Maybe Mr. Malkin stopped her. Desmond: This whole thing was a mistake. Nadia: Desmond, how could you say that? After everything you've seen... why would you not believe that Malkin was telling the truth? Desmond: Because! Desmond slams his hand down on the table. He looks at Nadia sincerely. Desmond: Because every damn time I put my faith into someone... it turns out to be a lie. Nadia: What do you mean? Ms. Hawking? The DS? Desmond: Ay, for starters... my whole life... it was all a lie. Everything was planned out for me.

Nadia: That's what this is about, isn't it? You don't want to go back because someone is telling you that you have to... Desmond just looks at her. Desmond: Ay... I can't even trust myself, lass. I shot myself in the head for God's sake... and I couldn't even kill myself. Nadia: Because, Desmond... your job wasn't done... and maybe Malkin is right... Maybe it still isn't. Desmond thinks for a moment then looks at Nadia. Desmond: It is if I end it now... come on, we're not waiting any more. We're going home. Desmond gets up and we hear Ji Yeon say: Ji Yeon: Mommy! Desmond turns back to Ji Yeon and looks at her. Desmond: What did she say? Nadia: She said... mommy. Desmond looks at Ji Yeon who is now looking at him. She says again: Ji Yeon: Mommy! The camera cuts to Ji Yeon and sitting beside her is Sun, but only Ji Yeon can see her. Sun smiles. Sun: That's right... mommy. The camera turns back to Desmond who looks guilty. Nadia smiles and says: Nadia: I think she's trying to guilt you.

Desmond: Ay, and it's working... Desmond sits back down. Desmond: We'll give her 10 more minutes... Sun hears Desmond say this and she smiles. She looks at Ji Yeon and says: Sun: Good job! Sun kisses Ji Yeon on the forehead. The music builds and the camera cuts to: ----commercial---10) EXT. JUNGLE. NIGHT. Sawyer, Kate and Claire are walking around the jungle looking for Jin. The camera cuts to about 20 yards away where we see him. He is looking at something and it is Sun. Jin: Sun? Sun: Yes. It's me, but listen to me, Jin... this is very important. The camera cuts back to Sawyer and Kate. Kate: Jin! Sawyer: Where the hell... Jin! Kate stops for a minute and looks at Sawyer. Kate: Are you all right? Sawyer: Yeah... you? Kate: Yeah... I guess. What... what's going on over there? Sawyer:

I don't know, freckles, but I'll tell you it ain't good. They're... doing stuff to us... testing us or something. Kate: Testing you? How do you mean? Sawyer: I think they're building the stations here... I think they are the ones who put the stations here. Kate looks at Sawyer as if she wants to know more, but just then Jin walks up to them. Jin: We have to go. Sawyer: What the hell, where were you? Jin: We need to help Frank. Sawyer: You mean, Greybeard? Jin: He was in the helicopter when it... Boom! Sawyer: Damn it. Come on, where's Claire? They turn around and Claire is now gone. Sawyer: Why can't you people just stay in one place?! They turn back around and Claire is standing right behind Sawyer. Claire: I'm right here... Sawyer: Oh. Kate:

Let's go... The 4 of them take off towards the helicopter crash, but there are whispers around them. Jin turns towards them. He smiles. He turns and heads off with the rest of them. The camera turns towards the whispers and we see Sun standing there with Miles as their whispers turn into words. Miles: ...so what did you see? Sun: I saw... happiness. Sun turns towards Miles and smiles. The camera cuts to: 11) INT. BAR. AUSTRALIA. Desmond looks down at his watch. He looks up at Nadia. Desmond: That's it. Let's go... Just then Charlotte Malkin walks up and puts a notebook down on the table in front of Desmond. He looks up at her. She pulls up a chair from the adjacent table and sits down and gets right to it. Charlotte Malkin: My father isn't telling you the complete truth. Desmond looks at Nadia as if he was right. Charlotte Malkin: My father was paid off by the DS to make sure Claire was on that plane. There were hundreds of them... all DS, that made that plane and those people go down with it. Desmond: But... Charlotte Malkin: Hawking was the leader. She and this man... Richard. Nadia: How do you know all this? Charlotte Malkin: My father isn't psychic, I am, well... sort of. Desmond:

What? Charlotte Malkin: Eko told me to tell you that you need to go back... that part of what my father told you is true. Desmond: Why would they... Charlotte Malkin: I guess their agendas are similar, but that's all I know. Eko told me that you need to go back and you need to save them.... something about you being... the ulti... Desmond: Ultimate protector. Charlotte Malkin: Yeah, that's it. I died for a few hours a few years back and when I did... I went to that Island that you were on... I saw things. Nadia: You died and went to the Island? Charlotte Malkin: I know, it sounds absurd, but... I think Eko took me there. I think he wanted me to tell you about this. Whatever it is he wants you to do, Desmond... it is very important. Desmond: That's all well and good, lass, but... how am I supposed to do this? Charlotte Malkin: He said that it's up to you. He said that the balance... in order for the balance, you need to make your own decisions. Charlotte doesn't seem sure of what she just said and looks at Desmond as if she hopes he understands. Desmond: My own decisions... Nadia: This is it, Desmond... it's your time to decide... to take control. Charlotte Malkin: I'm sorry, but... I have to get back. If my father knows I talked to you then... he'll be very unhappy.

Desmond: Anything else? Charlotte Malkin: Oh... yes. She opens the notebook that she sat down in front of Desmond. Charlotte Malkin: He said for me to show you this. Desmond looks down. It is a drawing of polar bear. Beside it is a set of numbers. 32, 24, 51. Charlotte Malkin: I don't know how accurate it is. I drew it from memory... and sorry, I don't know what it means... Desmond looks at it and he smiles. Desmond: No worries... I know exactly what it means. Charlotte smiles and she gets up. She begins to walk away but she turns back and smiles at Ji Yeon as she says: Charlotte Malkin: Don't worry, you'll see you daddy again. She turns and walks out. Desmond and Nadia look at each other. Nadia looks at the drawing and says: Nadia: What's it mean? Desmond: It means that you need to get her ready, we're leaving for Britain. The camera focuses on the three of them then cuts to: 12) EXT. NEAR SWAN CONSTRUCTION. DAY. Sawyer, Kate, Claire and Jin are on the edge of the construction site. There are DI guys all around the burnt helicopter. Sawyer looks at Jin and says: Sawyer: I hate to break it to ya, but I don't think Frank coulda survived that.

They all look at the helicopter. Just then, something drips on Claire's face. She wipes it away and it is blood. She looks up and says: Claire: Is that your man? They all look up and Frank is hanging from a parachute in the tree above them. Sawyer smiles. Sawyer: It sure is! The camera cuts to Sawyer up in the tree cutting Frank's parachute cord. Frank falls from the tree and lands on the ground below. Kate quickly looks him over and she sees that he has been deeply cut. Kate: He's losing blood fast... Claire: Well, what do we do?! Jack isn't around. Kate: No, but, I think I can handle this... I need a needle. Sawyer: Where the hell am I supposed to get a needle? Claire reaches into her pocket and she pulls out a needle and thread and some yarn. Sawyer just looks at her. Sawyer: What the... why'd you.. Claire: I've kept it on me since Aaron was born. Kate looks at Claire sadly. Claire: I always knitted him him things... but I guess I don't need it anymore. Claire hands it to Kate. Kate looks at her and says: Kate: We're going to get him back, Claire.

Claire gives a slight smile and Kate smiles back as she sticks the needle into Frank's side just as she did for Jack back in 1.1. Sawyer watches, but gets squeamish and turns to Jin. Sawyer: How'd you know we had to save him? Jin: Fate. Jin says it as he smiles at Sawyer because of what Sawyer said earlier. Jin: There is one more thing we must do. The camera cuts to: 13) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. Jin and Sawyer are digging. The camera pulls back and they put their shovels down on the ground. Jin and Sawyer bend over and they picks up Sun's body. They are standing in their graveyard next to all the graves of those that have died and they have buried. There are track marks from the beach leading from the raft that Jin had put Sun on all the way up to the graveyard. They place Sun's body into the grave and Jin picks up his shovel and starts putting dirt into it. Sawyer just looks at him and says: Sawyer: You don't want to say a few words? Jin: I already talked to her. She wanted this. Sawyer just looks at Jin and continues shoveling dirt into the grave. The camera cuts back to Claire and Kate as they watch on. Frank is laying beside them. Claire turns to Kate and says: Claire: What did you see back there, at the Temple? Kate: I saw the light. Claire: Huh? Kate: I figured out what we have to do. Claire:

And... what's that? Kate: We need to take back the Island... and... Claire: And? Kate: ... and it's not going to be easy... some of us aren't going to make it... Claire: What... who? Kate: I don't know... but... I do know this... Kate turns to Claire and looks very serious. Kate: We need to stop Jack. Claire: Stop him?! From what? Kate: From making a terrible mistake. Claire: Stop him how? Kate bluntly looks at Claire and says: Kate: Whatever it takes. Claire: ... you don't mean... Kate: If we have to kill him, then... we kill him. The camera shows Kate's face and how serious she is and Claire just looks at her, stunned. The camera pulls back as Jin and Sawyer continue to bury Sun and the sun is setting in the background. Then without a rise in music, the camera just cuts to:

LOST (Note: All "Whispers" were text taken directly from reliable conversions of the real whispers used in the show) On the Next Lost.... VO: Kate has taken charge as the leader and has a plan... Clips of: 1) Kate with Locke. 2) Kate telling Claire that they have to stop Jack. VO: They are going to infiltrate the DI... 1) Clip of Sawyer and Claire walking up to the DI as they have guns drawn on them. 2) Clip of Kate and Ben with Frank watching from the bushes. VO: But the DI has a plan as well... 1) Sanjit with Widmore at gunpoint as Daniel and Charlotte watch. 2) Deater with a gun as Hurley and Walt hide. 3) Kaname being put into what looks like the Chamber with Roberta and Jack watching. VO: Who's Plan Will Succeed... On The Next Lost... Cast in order of Appearance: Jack Shephard........Matthew Fox Rose Nadler............L. Scott Caldwell Jin Kwon................Daniel Dae Kim Sun Kwon..............Yunjin Kim Kate Austen...........Evangeline Lilly Richard Alpert.........Nestor Carbonell Sayid Jarrah...........Naveen Andrews Shannon Rutherford.Maggie Grace Walt Lloyd.............Malcolm David Kelley Ana-Lucia Cortez....Michelle Rodriguez Bernard Nadler........Sam Anderson Boone Carlyle.........Ian Somerhalder Edward Mars..........Fredric Lehne Libby Staples.........Cynthia Watros Desmond Hume.......Henry Ian Cusick Charlotte Malkin......Brooke Mikey Anderson Nadia Abed Jazeem..Andrea Gabriel Richard Malkin.........Nick Jameson Ji Yeon Kwon..........??? Mr. Eko.................Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Tom Friendy..........M.C. Gainey Yemi.....................Olekan Obileye Colleen Pickett.......Paula Malcolmson Jacob...................???

John Locke............Terry O'Quinn Claire Littleton........Emilie de Ravin Miles Straume........Ken Leung Frank Lapidus........Jeff Fahey Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4)

What did Kate mean about stopping Jack? What is Kate's plan? What/who is Jacob? What does Desmond have to go to the UK for?

Questions Answered: 1) What the whispers are. 2) What some of the visions are. 2) Part of who Jacob is. 3) Richard Malkin is also DS. 4) The roles and the rules of the "dead." They can guide, but they can't do.

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