6.5 The French Connection

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  • Words: 10,170
  • Pages: 39
Season 6 Episode 5 "The French Connection" Previously On Lost: The Australian Cop mentioning Sawyer's Interpol Report in 1.23. Sawyer escaping the fake Swan Station in 6.4. Locke and Boone with the Nigerian Plane in 1.19. Jin sending dead Sun off on the raft in 6.2. Margaret promising Christine help with Zach and Emma in 6.2. Locke and Christian declairing war in 6.3. Kate going into the Ancient Tunnel under Ben's house in 6.4. Juliet kidnapping Aaron in 6.4. The Smoke Monster Experiment in 6.4.

1) INT. MEETING ROOM. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. All the DI scientists are sitting in a small meeting room. There are some faces we've never seen before so this is a rather important meeting. They are all sitting in chairs facing a podium where we see Maxwell already beginning his announcement. Roberta is standing in the back near the door with Jack beside her and Deater watching over him. Maxwell speaks: Maxwell: ...with all of that said and the special abilities of Reyes, Lloyd and the dog... the Smoke Monster, as Dr. Shephard so eloquently puts it... The camera cuts to Jack then back to Maxwell. Maxwell: ...is a manifested mass that was created by Lloyd's subconscious. According the the encounters Dr. Shephard had with it, it somehow flashes people. These flashes are believed to be an electromagnetic pulse that, in essence, rips people's memories out of their mind. We believe that these memories can be from the past or future due to Reyes' ability to alter his subconscious in time. With the aide of Dr. Berger's technology, it can manifest itself into images of people or things that are within a 2 mile radius of it... this due to the late Dr. Porter's experiments on the dog and it's extra sensory perceptions. There is virtually no way to stop it seeing as how it runs on electromagnetic power... the Island itself is abundant with electromagnetic power... something we didn't take into account. Scientist: With the Smoke Monster already out there... isn't that dangerous? Maxwell: It can't be trusted, no. The plans set forth by Ms. Owen has failed. Camera cuts to Roberta then back to Maxwell. Maxwell:

The experiment doesn't seem to abide by the moral rules we intended. It seems to be controlled by the Island... Now, before you ask, I don't know how. We all know this island's capabilities and we don't fully understand them. Scientist: If it already exists... then... Maxwell: Yes, just like anything else, if it encounters itself, then there will be catastrophic repercussions. The good news, though, is that it is stuck here... on the sub-Island. We don't believe that the experiment interacts well with water, therefore it can't leave the Hydra. However, with the impending threat brought to our attention by Mr. Lorenz, that doesn't much matter. We will all be dead within a weeks time. The room falls silent and Roberta shoots a harsh look at Maxwell. Maxwell: What? It's the truth... that doesn't mean that we don't continue with our other experiments the necessary construction. The scientists all look at each other, somewhat worried. Roberta notices the anxiety in the room and walks out. She motions for Deater to follow. Jack watches her and Deater follows. As Deater walks past Jack, Jack rips Deater's gun out of it's holster without Deater noticing. Jack grabs Dr. Berger, who is standing beside him. Jack points the gun at Dr. Berger and whispers: Jack: Don't make a sound... come with me... Jack and Dr. Berger walk out of the room while everyone else has erupted into loud conversation. Maxwell notices Jack's gun on Berger and watches as the two make their way out. 2) EXT. BARRACKS. DAY. Kate takes the last beam off of Claire from the Smoke Monster's destruction of Ben's house. Kate puts her hand out and Claire takes it. As Kate pulls Claire up, Claire pulls on Kate's arm and Kate falls down next to her. Claire grabs a sharp piece of metal and holds it to Kate's throat. Claire: Why did you bring him back here?! Kate, taken back by this rather uncharacteristic action of Claire, looks at her with a bit of uncertainty and finally says: Kate: I... Locke told me I had to... to save all of you! Claire: That's why you will never be a good mum... you need to put your child first!

Kate looks at Claire and her eyes show much anger and rage. Kate kicks Claire off of her and Claire flies backwards! Kate grabs the metal object and holds it to Claire's throat as she very angrily says: Kate: I did this for you! So you could see your son again! Do you think I wanted to come back here?! Claire looks at Kate really sincerely and she relaxes. She falls backward on the ground and looks up at Kate and sighs. Claire: I'm sorry, Kate... I didn't... It's just... Kate: I know... I didn't expect Juliet to just... take him. Claire: Why would she do that?! Kate: I don't know, but... we're going to get him back, Claire... I promise... Claire: Thank you, Kate. Kate: Just remember this... I love him too. I would do anything for him, you got it? Claire: I got it... and what I said about you not being a good mum... I didn't mean it... Aaron obviously loves you... Kate: He'll love you too, Claire... The two share a moment. Kate then looks around. Kate: There's no way we're going to track her. I don't even know which direction she went in... Claire: So what do we do?! Kate:

We rest. Claire: What?! She has him... he's... out there! Kate: Neither of us have eaten or slept in days... We're at the Barracks... food and beds everywhere. We rest for a few hours then we go. Claire: Go where? Kate: We get help... Claire just looks at Kate. Kate looks like she has a plan... 3) EXT. BOAT DOCKS. HYDRA ISLAND. The camera follows a group of DI Workmen in their beige jumpsuits as they are boarding the ferry to take them to the main island. We see two men talking. DI Workman 1: Did you hear about the thing that escaped? DI Workman 2: Yeah, they're calling it the Smoke Monster. How crazy is that? DI Workman 1: Yeah, I hear there's one on the main Island too... if we... if we come across that thing when we're working... DI Workman 2: Yeah, Owen shoulda halted the construction until they found a way to stop it... DI Workman 1: That woman... she's bad news... The camera pulls back behind the two men and we see two more men walking right behind them. One of the men turn around and we see who it is: It's Sawyer! He then looks at the man to his left and it is Jin! They are both dressed in the DI Workman suits and are boarding the boat to the main island! The camera watches as the two of them walk up onto the ferry. Sawyer turns around to make sure that no one is following them as he pulls his hat down over his eyes and the flash sound begins... 4) --FLASH-- INT. AIRPORT. DAY.

We see Sawyer standing with his back to a wall in an airport and over the intercom we can hear a woman giving announcements in French. Two African men walk past him and we hear them speaking in English as they say: African Man 1: They promised the shipment to be here in a weeks time... do you have the money? African Man 2: Yes, 50,000 francs, just like they said... African Man 1: Why here? African Man 2: The French carefully monitor all airports, this is the only one where we can ensure the shipment from Nigeria won't be compromised. We just pay off my contact and we are set. African Man 1: They won't check for the heroin? Man 2 hits man 1 and shushes him. He then looks at Sawyer who is watching the whole conversation. Sawyer turns away. African Man 2: No, that's why we pay him and he lets us through... got it?! The men both look at Sawyer and continue on their way. The payphone next to Sawyer rings and he picks it up. Sawyer: Yeah. Voice: You there? Sawyer: Yeah, there's no sign of her. Voice: You got the photo? Sawyer: Yeah... I'm looking at it now. Voice:

Good. Sawyer: This is big time... I'm not sure... Hibbs: Listen, you do this and we are set... got it? Sawyer: I could get in a lot of trouble... Hibbs: When I took you in from mom and dad... I gave you a chance at something big... you owe me... Sawyer: .... Yeah... got it... Hibbs: James, you know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, right? Sawyer: Yeah, Uncle Hibbs... I got it. Hibbs: Good. Now remember that. Once you make contact and it's set up, you call me back, got it? Sawyer: Yeah, I got it. Sawyer hangs up the phone and takes his hat off. His hair is cut real short and he looks around. He puts his hat back on and looks at the picture again. He looks up and he spots his contact. He says to himself: Sawyer: Bingo. Sawyer holds the photo up and we see who it is: It is Ms. Hawking! He lowers the photo and as he does this we see Ms. Hawking walking towards him! She stops right in front of him and says: Ms. Hawking: My my... I see good looks run in the family... Ms. Hawking smiles at Sawyer as the music builds and the camera cuts to:



Subtitled: "EARLIER THAT DAY" The scene picks up where Sawyer is running away from Hurley and Edward as Edward is shooting at him. Sawyer runs into the jungle and finally finds himself near a tree. He bends over to catch his breath and he turns back to make sure no one has followed him. After a few moments we hear some sort of groaning coming from the jungle. Sawyer gets up and he looks around until he finally spots where the groaning is coming from. He rushes over and we see Jin laying on the ground, shirtless with his bandages falling off and soaked in blood from the Kidney Transplant surgery. Sawyer rushes over and bends down over Jin. Sawyer: Jin-bo!? What the hell you doin' out here?! Jin doesn't answer, he just groans. Sawyer sees the wound. Sawyer: Jesus, what'd they do to you, Jin?! Jin manages to get out: Jin: Sun... Sawyer: Where's she at? They got her?! Jin: No... she's.... dead. Sawyer doesn't know what to say. He looks up and is shocked. He falls back onto his ass shocked. He snaps out of it and he bends back over Jin and begins to help him up. Sawyer: I'm... I'm sorry, man... Jin nods and he looks bad. Sawyer helps him up and puts him over his shoulder. Sawyer looks around, unsure what to do. Sawyer: Come on... we got to go back. You need some help. Jin:

No! Sawyer: Yeah... buddy... we got to get you cleaned up at least... Jin nods in agreement and the two start back towards the center of the Island. The camera fades to black. The camera comes back and cuts to the outside of the Staff Station. Sawyer sees it and he is dumbfounded. Sawyer: What the... what's this doin' here? He looks puzzled, but shakes it off and he helps Jin to the inside. The inside is all clean and white, just like how we saw it in 6.2. Sawyer looks around really unsure of what's going on and he takes Jin down the hall and passes the room where Richard is. Sawyer looks in and makes eye contact with Richard, but Jin starts to lose it. Sawyer focuses back onto Jin and takes him into one of the medical rooms and sits him down on a table. Sawyer looks around at the medical cabinets and he rushes over and goes through them. He has no idea what he's looking for and you can tell by his facial expression. Just then, someone walks into the room and Sawyer spins around. Standing there is Gina, the Asian doctor that assisted in the surgery. Sawyer: Who the hell are you?! Gina: Gina. Sawyer gives her a once over and rushes up to her grabbing her and closing the door. He pushes her across the room and gets in her face. Sawyer: What the hell'd you freaks do with him?! Gina: He donated a kidney to... his wife. The surgery failed and she died... Gina looks down upset. Sawyer looks at Jin and Sawyer's face shows true compassion towards Jin. Sawyer looks back to Gina. Sawyer: You're going to help him, you understand?! And then... you're going to get us out here... got it?! Gina: There's nowhere to go... Sawyer: Fix him!

Sawyer sits back onto a chair and watches as Gina gets some medication and bandages out and begins to tend to Jin. Sawyer notices she has a gun in her back waistband. He eyes it up and then looks at her. Sawyer: Who the hell are you people? Gina: The Dharma Initiative... Sawyer: No shii... just where are we? Gina turns to him and looks at him blankly. Sawyer: I thought we were on the Island, but it doesn't look familiar... and this place... it's too clean. I was just here not too long ago and it was abandoned... Gina: You aren't on your island, James. You're on the Hydra. Sawyer looks really confused. Sawyer: You mean... you guys have the stations here now?! Gina: Yes. Sawyer: But... why?! What the hell's going on?! Gina: I would explain, but... you wouldn't understand. Sawyer seems offended and he looks back at her gun. Sawyer: Why haven't you used that on me? Gina: Used what? Sawyer:

The gun. Gina: Because... There is silence. Sawyer: You don't want to hurt us do you? Gina looks upset as she is helping Jin. She shakes her head "no." Sawyer: Then help us. Gina doesn't answer. Sawyer: Where are my friends... where's Kate and Claire and the baby (he catches himself)... the boy... where are they? Gina: They haven't retrieved them yet. Sawyer: So... they're on the main island then?! Gina: Yes. Sawyer stands up and walks up to Gina and takes the gun out of her waistband. Sawyer: Then you're going to get us there, got it China-doll? Gina turns back to Sawyer and looks offended. Gina: I'm not Chinese... and why would I help you do that? Sawyer: If you don't... I'll make sure to let them know you helped us this far. Gina gets a look of fear on her face. Gina: Fine... but he needs to rest for a little while.

Gina walks out of the room and Sawyer looks back at Jin. The camera fades to black. The camera comes back from black and we see Sawyer sleeping on a chair and Jin sitting up on the table. Jin looks around and spots Sawyer. Jin: Sawyer? Sawyer wakes up. He shoots his attention to Jin and jumps up. He rushes over to Jin and says: Sawyer: Jin-bo, you're ok! Jin: Yes... ok. Sawyer: I found you... in the jungle, man. You didn't look so hot... I'm sorry about Sun. Jin: Thank you. Sawyer: I have a chicka helpin' us out, all right? We'll be out of here in no time... she's gonna bust us off this rock... Jin looks across the room and points. Sawyer turns around. Hanging on some hangers are two DI Workman jumpsuits with a note pinned to it. Sawyer walks over and reads it. Sawyer: I never helped you, remember that... Here are two DI Workman suits. There are so many Workmen, they will never realize you aren't one of them. In the drawer to your right are... Sawyer opens the drawer and we see three guns. Sawyer: ... three guns. Here's a crude map to the ferry that runs to the main island. Be careful. Please, be careful. Mr. Kwon has been through enough and should rest as much as possible. Take care of him and yourself. Remember, I didn't help you. Sawyer looks at the map. He turns back to Jin and throws one of the Workman suits at him. Sawyer: Come on, the boat leaves in 20 minutes. Jin takes the jumpsuit and looks at Sawyer blankly and a bit uncertain.

Sawyer: Look, I know... it's really bad... but there are others out there. Kate and Claire, they need our help. Jin thinks for a minute then looks down and gets off the table. He begins to put the jumpsuit on and Sawyer smiles, but the smile is one of uncertainty whether or not this is a good idea. The camera cuts to black and it comes back to Jin and Sawyer walking down a path. Jin is walking very carefully and Sawyer keeps looking around to make sure no one suspects anything. As they are following the path, they hear it: The Sound of th Monster and a loud CRASH! They look over and see the Smoke Monster bust out of the Zoology building through the wall and it flies through the jungle right in front of them!! Sawyer and Jin look at each other with a scared look in their eye and Sawyer says in a hurried tone: Sawyer: Pick up the pace, Yoshi, we gotta move! Jin begins walking quicker and the camera cuts to the two of them walking up on the boat dock where we last saw them. They walk up onto the boat and Sawyer looks around. All around them are DI Workmen and a few of them keep making eye contact with Sawyer. Sawyer pulls Jin aside and the two of them walk to the back of the ferry and to the railing. Sawyer turns to Jin and says: Sawyer: I really don't like jumpsuits... they cramp my style. Jin: What ... is the plan? Sawyer: I don't know yet... I'm hoping someone can help me with that when we get there... Jin: No plan?! Jin looks at Sawyer like he's an idiot and Sawyer turns away like he too thinks he is stupid for not having a plan. Sawyer looks out over the water as the flash sound begins... 6) --FLASH-- INT. MS. HAWKING'S CAR. PARIS, FRANCE. DAY. Sawyer is sitting in the back of Ms. Hawking's car. It is one of those cars that have two seats in the back that face each other. Across from him sits Ms. Hawking. She is just sitting there eyeing him up and smiling. There is a great deal of awkward silence until finally Sawyer says: Sawyer: So... what's the plan? Ms. Hawking:

The plan is you make the deal happen. Simple as that. Sawyer: This isn't my typical thing... I scam, I don't broker deals. Ms. Hawking: I know, James, but Hibbs has nothing but the strictest confidence in you... and he's a confidence man, he should know! Ms. Hawking giggles at her own pun and Sawyer scrunches up his face as if it was a horrible joke. Ms. Hawking: Lighten up, my boy. You will do just fine. You walk in, meet with Mr. Chanier and give him the cash. Sawyer: ... but I'm a no-one, I'm small time. He'll think I'm playing him. Ms. Hawking: That's why you'll have this... She hands Sawyer a passport and some documents and a briefcase. He takes it and looks at the fake passport where it is his photo and the name "Salvator Boca." Sawyer: Salvator Boca?! Ms. Hawking: That's why you'll also need this... She throws a box at Sawyer. He looks at it and he sees that it is hair dye. He looks back up at Ms. Hawking like she has to be kidding. Ms. Hawking: Well... we can't have a blonde man pulling off the identity of an Italian-American mobster, now can we? I think black will suit you well, Mr. Ford. Sawyer: ... please, call me Sawyer. Ms. Hawking: I don't like that name, James... it's not you. The car pulls up to the curb and Ms. Hawking looks at Sawyer very matter of fact-like. Ms. Hawking:

Don't screw this up, James... it is the only shot we got at securing this. It is vital. Sawyer begins getting out of the car. He sees where they are. Sawyer: We're back at the airport... Ms. Hawking: Exactly. You'll find what you're looking for upstairs. Sawyer: O...k... Ms. Hawking: Oh, James... you almost forgot this. She picks up the hair dye and throws it to Sawyer. Ms. Hawking: Make me proud, James... Sawyer nods and he gets out of the car. He closes the door and he watches as Ms. Hawking's car pulls away. He turns back towards the airport as the flash sound begins... 7) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. FERRY. DAY. Sawyer and Jin are looking out over the water when they hear someone come up behind them and say: Voice: Hey, you two... you're not supposed to here, are you? Jin and Sawyer look at each other like "oh crap, we've just been caught." The music builds and the camera cuts to: --commercial-8) EXT. LARGE OPEN FIELD. DAY. The camera is focused on a field and we see Aaron walking hand-in-hand with someone through the field. The two of them continue to walk in the bright sunlight until they reach what appears to be the middle of it. Then, whoever was walking with Aaron lets go of his hand and being to walk off, leaving Aaron there all alone. The camera cuts to the edge of the field where we see Jack. Jack looks across the huge field and in the far distance we can see someone else looking back at him. The camera cuts to the other person and it is Locke! Jack and Locke stare at each other, then without warning, the two men begin sprinting towards the middle of the field towards Aaron, who is just sitting there playing. The camera cuts back and forth between the two men making their mad dash towards Aaron. The camera then cuts to Claire who is standing at another end of the field. She is sobbing and trying to break free, but for some reason, she can't move. She is suspended and can't seem to take a step forward. The person who walked

Aaron to the middle of the field walks up to Claire and the camera pans upward to his face. It is Christian! He says: Christian: What's done is done is done is done. Let he who shall be righteous free the world, the world, the world. Let he who's weak free me, free me, free me.... Claire tries to move, but she can't. Just then the camera cuts back to Jack and Locke both nearing Aaron from opposite sides when there is a bright flash in the sky. The camera zooms out from Aaron and pulls all the way back to reveal the entire Island and then, right where Aaron is standing there is a bright and blinding flash and a BOOM!!! Once the light clears, we see fire burning through the island in a circular manner outwards from where Aaron was standing! Just then, Claire wakes up. Claire: NO!!! Aaron!!! Kate, who is asleep on the couch across from Claire jumps up and she grabs a knife she had next to her! Kate: What is it!? Claire?! You all right?! Claire sits up, dazed and terrified. She looks at Kate in the most serious way and says: Claire: Kate, we need to find him! We need to find him... NOW! Kate: You were just having a dream... Claire: Kate, it was so real... I think something bad is gonna happen to him! Kate looks at her and sees that Claire is dead serious. She shakes her head "ok." Kate: Ok, we'll go now... let me grab some water and supplies... Kate turns and goes into the kitchen and begins packing her bag full of water bottles and and some other things. Claire sits on the chair and just stares off. She looks at Kate. Claire: Are you... are you sure that John is dead? Kate: Yeah, I saw him... he was definitely dead. We had him in a freezer for almost a month...

Claire: Yeah, ok... Kate looks at Claire strangely. Kate: Why do you ask? Claire: Oh, no reason... (she stares off) It's just... I think I've seen my father on the island too. Kate stops what shes doing and she drops a glass and it shatters on the floor. Claire looks up and Kate turns and looks back at her. Kate: Your father, you said? Claire: Yeah, why? Kate: Claire, there's something... something I need to tell you about your father... Claire cocks her head and looks at Kate very confused. Kate walks over and sits down in front of Claire and grabs her hands. Kate: Your father... well, your father is Jack's father too... Claire stares at Kate seriously for a moment then she cracks a smile like she doesn't believe her. Claire: Kate, I hardly think this to be the time for... Kate: I'm not joking, Claire... Jack's your brother... The camera focuses on Claire as she takes a giant gulp. The camera cuts to: 9) EXT. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. The camera is focused on a gun and it pulls back to reveal that it is Jack with a gun to the back of Dr. Berger's head. Jack pushes Dr. Berger ahead of him and then points the gun upwards as Berger turns around and looks at Jack. Berger: Vat are you doing, Jack?

Jack: You're going to give me some answers... Berger: Vat kind of answers? Jack: Let's start with what the hell you guys are doing here... Berger: Roberta told you, Jack... saving ze world. Jack: You know, you guys keep saying that, but I don't see you doing a damn thing to back that statement up... now... I'm going to ask again before I pull this trigger... What are you guys doing here?! Berger: You voudn't pull ze trigger, Jack... you aren't a killer. Jack aims the gun upwards to Berger's head. The music builds and Jack has the gun steadied at Berger's head.... he is about to pull the trigger then... nothing. He lowers the gun. Jack: I'll do it, you know... I've killed a man before. Berger: No, you haven't. Jack half smiles at Berger, rather devious-like as if he really has. He rushes up to him and puts the gun back to Berger's head. Jack: Take me to her office... I want you to take me to Roberta's office. Jack pushes Berger ahead with the gun. The two men begin walking again. 10) INT. RICHARD'S CELL. STAFF STATION. HYDRA ISLAND. The camera is on Richard. Suddenly, SMACK! Someone bitch slaps him across the face. The camera pulls back and we see it is Roberta. Richard closes his eyes then turns his head back to Roberta. We see Roberta truly angry for the first time as she gets in Richards face and screams: Roberta:

What the hell is the matter with you?!! Why didn't you tell me about the Smoke Monster?! Richard: If I... Roberta: If you what?! We lost Dr. Porter! We're days away from the end and the Cerberus Machine didn't work! So much for Utopian Society,eh Richard?! Richard: I couldn't tell you about that... Roberta: Why the hell not?! Richard: Because you wouldn't have gone through with the experiment. What you created... needed to be created. It was a factor in everything that has happened until now. If you didn't create it, then none of this would have happened the way I so very meticulously mapped it to happen. Roberta sits down and begins hardily laughing to herself, but at Richard. She looks at him and slams her fist down on the table. Roberta: You think this is all about you, don't you? You think you are the big hero here, huh? (she bends towards Richard and whispers in his face) I got news for you... it's not! Just then, Roberta whips out a gun, points it at Richard's face and BANG!!! Richard, tied to his chair, falls backwards onto the floor. The camera pulls back and we see Roberta lean over the table and look at him. She says: Roberta: If I find out you're hiding anything else from me... next time, it's going in your head... The camera pulls back and we see that Roberta fired at the wall behind Richard. There is a bullet in it. Roberta stands up and composes herself and walks out the door, slamming it behind her. She turns and walks down the hall and says to Deater: Roberta: Is Lorenz with the pilot? Deater: Da. Roberta: Good. Bring me the old woman...

Deater stops and turns back. Roberta walks out the doors into the jungle. 11) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Edward and Frank are walking through the jungle. Frank, with his arms tied, looks up at Edward and says: Frank: So... what kind of space program do you guys have? Edward: What? Frank: Well, you said I'm going to be a cosmonaut... Edward begins laughing and Frank doesn't like the sound of it. Not knowing what to do, Frank laughs as well. He keeps laughing and says: Frank: What's so funny... what are we laughing at? Edward: I don't know what you're laughing at, but I'm laughing at you... Edward stops and looks at Frank. He pulls out a knife and puts it to Franks face. Frank's eyes bug out a little. Edward then cuts Frank's ropes off that are around his wrists. Edward turns and starts walking again. Edward: Frank, by cosmonaut, I meant you will be flying through space... yes.... Frank: Then... I don't see where we're not on the same page... Edward: By space, I didn't necessarily mean... outer space. I meant space more in the sense of... well, time-space. Frank looks down. He then shoots a look back up at Edward. Frank: Aw, hell no! I'm not doing that again! Edward: It won't be the same, Frank. This... this is entirely different. You won't have to fly a cargo plane with a 20 ton machine on it with a gun to your head.

Edward moves a branch and on the other side of the path we see the runway. Sitting there, on the runway, we see a helicopter. Edward looks at it then looks back to Frank. Edward: This, this is your craft. Frank looks at the helicopter in a bit of awe. He's never seen anything like it. The camera pans on the helicopter and we see it. It looks very strange. It is a typical helicopter, but looks absolutely state of the art. 12) EXT. FERRY. DAY. The DI workman is behind Sawyer and Jin as they look each other. Sawyer unzips his jumpsuit and puts his hand down in and grabs his gun. Just as he is about to turn around the DI workman says: DI Workman: I don't have your names on the roster... you guys are from the Hydra division, aren't you? Sawyer puts his gun back and zips up. He turns around and speaks in a non-southern accent. Sawyer: That's right. DI Workman: Yeah... I heard Roberta switched you guys over to the main Island to get this stuff done... Sawyer: Yep... no rest for the wicked, eh? The DI guy looks at Sawyer oddly. He pulls out the roster and says: DI Workman: What's your names? Sawyer thinks for a minute. Sawyer: Uh, I'm Salvator, Salvator Boca. DI Workman: ... and your friend here? Jin never turned around. Sawyer sees this and he take the DI guy aside and quietly says:

Sawyer: He... he's a bit upset... he just found out... uh... his wife left him... The DI workman looks at Sawyer like he doesn't trust him. DI Workman: How'd he find that out... there's no contact on or off the island... Sawyer: Oh... uh... I wasn't... I wasn't supposed to say anything, but Roberta let him make a call... DI Workman: I didn't know we could make calls... Where'd you say you're from again? Sawyer: ... Atlantic City, New Jersey... both of us are... The DI Workman nods and turns back. He walks away and as he does this he looks back at Sawyer as if there isn't something quite right about him. Sawyer walks back to Jin and puts his hand on Jin's shoulder. Sawyer: I think I played that as cool as a hooker at Sunday mass... Sawyer wipes the sweat from his brow as the flash sound begins... 13) --FLASH-- INT. BATHROOM. AIRPORT. DAY. The camera is focused on the mirror as Sawyer whips his head up from the sink and we see a short black haired Sawyer looking at himself in the mirror. He looks at himself and says: Sawyer: You've got to be kidding me... He throws the hair dye box into the garbage and he looks back in the mirror. He smiles and puts on a fake New Jersey accent. Sawyer: How ya doin'... the name's Sal, dat's short for Salvator... He makes a "tough-guy" face then looks nervous. He says to himself: Sawyer: This will never work... who the hell am I kiddin'? Sawyer walks across the bathroom and to a payphone next to the hand-dryer. He picks up the receiver and dials. The phone rings.

Sawyer: Hibbs, it's me... I can't do this... I'm walkin'... Hibbs: You walk, I'm done with you. Sawyer: Fine. Hibbs: Fine, but you remember this... you have no one else on this planet who cares a lick about you... I've treated you as a son, James... and this... this is how you repay me? Sawyer looks down silent. Hibbs: You there? Sawyer: Yeah... I'm here... I'll do it. I'm going in now. Hibbs: Good. She give you a name? Sawyer: Yeah... Chanier. Hibbs: Don't say that out loud, man... you don't know who's around... Sawyer: I'm in the bathroom, no one's here... Hibbs: Good, now get to it. I'll see you soon. Sawyer: All right. Hibbs: Be careful, Sawbucks... I love ya man. Sawyer:

Yeah... Sawyer hangs up and picks up the briefcase. He walks out of the bathroom. The camera does a 180 and reveals a man coming out of a toilet stall. He looks as though he'd been spying on Sawyer. The camera cuts to the terminal of the airport. Sawyer, looking dashing in a suit and his jet-black hair, walks confidently through the terminal to the "Airline Offices" section. On his way down the hall he passes Frank!! Frank is wearing his pilot uniform and is walking with a few guys and he is laughing. Sawyer and Frank make eye contact with each other, but Frank is beardless and Sawyer has black short hair. Neither look anything like they currently do and that's why they don't recognize each other. Sawyer walks into an office and the camera pulls back. Above the door it reads "Oceanic Airlines." The music builds and the camera cuts to: ---commercial--14) --FLASH-- AIRPORT. FRANCE. DAY. Sawyer is walking down the hall out of the Oceanic Airlines office. He makes it to the terminal entrance and we notice he doesn't have the briefcase anymore. As he is walking through the terminal he sees a guy out of the corner of his eye speaking into a walkie talkie. Sawyer then realizes he has been caught. The camera cuts to the man and we see its the same guy from the bathroom. Sawyer picks up his pace and he begins walking faster towards the exits. Suddenly, behind him there are two men following him. Sawyer turns back and sees this. Sawyer then loosens his tie and takes off running towards the exit! The men all jump into action and run out after him. The camera cuts to the outside "Passenger Pick-up" area and as Sawyer runs out the doors we see men on each side rush him. Sawyer backs away from them towards the road as the guy from the bathroom runs outside and pulls his gun on Sawyer. The man takes out his badge and shows it to Sawyer as he says in a French accent: Agent: Stop right there, Mr. Ford... Sawyer stops and turns back to the guy. Agent: My name is Agent Russo. Interpol... we've been tailing you since you landed in Paris... we know all about your history in the US, James. Sawyer: What?! I didn't do nothin'! Agent: Really? You didn't do nothin'... Alaine Chanier ring a bell? Sawyer looks down and not too happy. Agent Russo: How does one go from running petty scams to illegally purchasing aircraft, James? Sawyer looks up at Agent Russo as if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Agent Russo notices this and chuckles.

Agent Russo: You don't even know what you just bought, do you? Sawyer doesn't say anything. Agent Russo moves closer with his gun still pointed at Sawyer. Agent Russo: Listen, I can make this all go away... just tell me who your working for... simple as that... Sawyer is about to talk, but just before he does, a car squeals up behind him and the rear door is flung open. We see Ms. Hawking sitting inside. She screams out: Ms. Hawking: Get in James! Sawyer hesitates for a moment, but then he dives inside the car and Hawking slams the door shut. The car peels out and down the ramp. Agent Russo throws his hands up and screams: Agent Russo: Follow them, no one leaves the premises! The camera pans on the car speeding away as the flash sound begins... 15) EXT. FERRY. DAY. The ferry is pulling up to dock and Jin and Sawyer watch. Sawyer turns to Jin and says: Sawyer: As soon as we get off this boat, we make our escape... Jin: Where? Sawyer: Into the jungle... just run. Don't look back. Jin: Where we going? Sawyer: We're gonna find Kate. Just then, a DI Worker whistles and waves to Jin and Sawyer to leave the boat. Jin and Sawyer glance at each other and walk off the ferry onto the dock. They walk down the dock and stay behind as all the other men walk off into the jungle. Sawyer hits Jin's

chest and motions to "come on." They start off, but not before the DI Workman stops them and hands a shovel to Sawyer. DI Workman: This isn't the Hydra... we don't slack off here... now let's go... Jin looks at Sawyer and reaches for his gun. Sawyer shakes his head "no." Sawyer takes the shovel. Sawyer: You got it... boss. DI Workman: I'll be keeping my eye on you two... now move it! Jin and Sawyer walk off towards the direction all the other men were headed. Jin looks at Sawyer and says: Jin: No Kate? Sawyer: ... not yet, Pokemon, not yet... The camera watches as they walk into the jungle then it cuts to: 16) EXT. BARRACKS. DAY. Kate and Claire are walking past the sonic fence and into the jungle ahead. Claire stops and looks in. Kate sees this and turns around. Kate: What's wrong? Claire: The monster... it's still out there. Kate: ... I wouldn't worry about that anymore... Claire looks a little uneasy towards Kate. Kate turns and continues walking. Claire catches up and questions: Claire: What happened down there... you know, in that tunnel. Kate: Nothing. There was nothing down there...

Claire: Kate, why are you lying to me? The monster stopped attacking us right before you came out... now what did you do? Kate: Claire, I swear to you... there was nothing down there. Now, let's focus. Claire looks at Kate knowing very well Kate is withholding information. Claire: Where are we going? Kate: I told you, to get help. Claire: Who though? Kate: Don't worry about that, not yet anyway... Claire: You know, for someone who doesn't want to be the leader, you sure are acting a lot like Ben. Kate turns and snaps back at Claire: Kate: I'm nothing like him! I'm trying to help you... understand? Claire is a bit taken back. Claire: Yeah... yeah, ok. Kate continues. She realizes she was just a bit harsh and she tries to make up for it by asking: Kate: You all right... you know, with what I just told you back there? Claire: Well... I guess. I mean, what choice do I have? Kate:

He was real worried about you, you know... he started losing it around the time your mother told him. Claire stops. Claire: My mother?! She came out of the coma?! Kate: Yeah... I guess I left that out... Claire is all smiles as she clutches onto Kate and gives her a big hug. Claire laughs and Kate smiles. Claire: That's fantastic! Kate looks away. We see her looking into the jungle as a whisp of black smoke trails past. She looks at it like she knows it is there. She watches as it trails off. 17) INT. MARGARET'S OFFICE. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. Margaret walks into her office and she walks over to two beds where we see Hurley and Walt both laying there. They are restrained in the beds by straps around their legs and arms. Margaret turns around and she is frightened when we see a gun right in her face! The camera pulls back and we see Christine holding the gun to Margaret's face. Christine looks likes she's about to lose it. Christine: I helped you!!! I saw what you did to them!! That wasn't part of the plan!! Margaret: Christine, you don't want to do this... put the gun down... we can talk about this... Christine: Shut up!! You're psychology isn't going to help you... not this time!... Christine looks at Walt. Christine: Is he going to be all right? Margaret: Yes. He should be fine, but we need to keep him sedated. Christine: What about Hurley? Margaret:

He should be fine too. He's just a bit shaken up... we all are. Christine: I don't care about how you are... you... you're going to hold up your end of the bargain... where are my children!? Margaret walks towards her desk and Christine watches her. Christine: Stop! Right there! Stop! Margaret: I'm just getting their file... Margaret picks up the file and in the process she reaches for what looks like an alarm. Christine sees this and she cocks the gun. Christine: Don't even think about it... Margaret continues to reach for the alarm. Christine lunges towards Margaret and takes her down! The two are on the floor and Christine starts hitting Margaret in the face!! She picks up the gun and puts the barrel of it in Margaret's mouth! Christine speaks through her teeth. Christine: Now... you will take me to my children!!! Margaret, stunned, shakes her head quickly. 18) EXT. RUNWAY. DAY. Frank and Edward walk towards the plane. Frank puts his hand on it and looks it over in awe. Just then, Maxwell comes out of the jungle towards them. He says: Maxwell: You sure he can handle this? Edward: If I wasn't, then I wouldn't have asked him to do this. Maxwell: Does he know what's involved? Edward: I was just getting to that. Maxwell:

Allow me... Maxwell steps towards Frank and pushes Edward out of the way. Edward doesn't look too happy. Maxwell: What you'll be doing here, Frank... is making a delivery. Frank: Where? Maxwell: Tut, Tut... you don't talk until I'm done... Frank just stares at Maxwell. Maxwell: You know how to follow bearings, do you Frank? Frank: Yes.. Maxwell: It's quite simple then, stay on this bearing (he hands him a piece of paper) and flick this switch (he points to a red switch in the cockpit) when you near the highest possible electromagnetic output somewhere near the altitude of 2,000 feet. Frank: 2,000 feet?! Maxwell: Well, yes, you have to leave the Island's pull, Frank. Then, you have to come back into it. I will be blunt with you... chances are, you won't survive. Frank's eyes get big and he just stares at Maxwell speechless. Maxwell: We've had seven or so pilots die already, but Edward here thinks you maybe the one who makes it. Frank: Well.. that's uh... that's reassuring... Frank looks at Edward. Edward winks. Frank:

Why... am I doing this though? Maxwell: Well, you are making a delivery. Frank: Where though? Maxwell: Not where, Frank... when... Frank looks confused. Maxwell walks to the back of the helicopter and we see that there is something connected to it by a rope. Maxwell walks to the back and uncovers the shipment. The camera cuts to Frank and his face looks a bit confused and pissed. He turns to Edward. Frank: I'm delivering... macaroni and cheese?! The camera cuts back to Maxwell and he is standing beside a food pallet that is very similar to that we saw Hurley find in the jungle. Maxwell: Yes... you're making a food drop. If you don't, then the people waiting for it will starve to death. The camera cuts to Frank who looks unsure of the whole thing then back to the food pallet. The camera cuts to: 19) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Christine has Margaret at gunpoint leading the way to somewhere. Margaret: You don't understand... Christine: Understand what?! Margaret turns around and looks at Christine. Christine raises the gun. Margaret: I wasn't going to help you cause there's no point! Christine: What? Margaret:

She's going to kill them all, Christine... I tried to reason with her, but... she... there's no changing her mind! Christine looks confused. Margaret points to her left. The camera pans over and we see a large cage, looked to be for large birds, and inside are about 15 people. We recognize these people. They are the "others!" The camera pans across their faces until it stops on Zach and Emma. Christine sees them and her face lights up. She rushes over to the cage and bends down in front of her children. Christine: Are you ok?! Zach and Emma shake their heads "yes." Christine is all smiles until she sees Zach's expression. He is looking behind Christine and he looks scared. Christine notices this and quickly turns around to reveal Margaret rushing towards her with a large rock over her head as if she's going to bash Christine in the head with it! Christine ducks out of the way and rolls onto her back and aims the gun at Margaret! Margaret regains her footing and charges towards Christine and then BANG!! Margaret stops dead in her tracks and drops the rock behind her. She looks down and we see it. Christine shot her in the stomach. Margaret looks back down at Christine and drops to her knees. Christine, speechless and shocked, grabs Margaret and helps her lay down. Christine: I'm so sorry! I... why'd you try to hit me with a rock?! Margaret tries to talk, but can barely breath. She's in shock. She manages to get out: Margaret: You... need to stop her... Margaret reaches in her pocket and pulls out a set of keys. She hands them to Christine. Margaret: She's... I'm sorry... I tried (cough) to stop her, but she's insane... she's going to kill you all... everyone. Christine: Why?! Margaret: For Utopia. With that, Margaret's head hits the ground and she's dead. Christine looks on with a tear in her eye. She snaps out of it and grabs the keys and unlocks the cage and she hugs Zach and Emma tight. The camera cuts to: ----commercial---20) INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DAY.

Jack, with the gun to Dr. Berger's head, enters Roberta's office and Jack pushes Berger down onto a chair. Jack: Don't move. Jack walks around to the back of Roberta's desk. Dr. Berger: I don't know vat you expect to find, Jack... Jack: Since no one will give me any answers, I'm gonna find them myself. Jack starts rifling around Roberta's desk. Dr. Berger: I assure you Jack... she has ze best intentions... Jack comes across something and he looks at it. He reads through it and his jaw drops. He gets up and walks over to Dr. Berger and shoves the paper in his face angrily. Jack: Yeah?! Then what the hell's this?! Dr. Berger takes the paper and begins reading through it. He looks stunned. Dr. Berger: Jack... I... I had no idea! Jack rips Berger up out of his seat. Jack: No?! Wha the hell! What kind of operation is this?! Dr. Berger: Zis... I didn't know... I vouldn't have signed up if I knew zis... Jack: You had no idea? Dr. Berger: If I knew she planned on killing all of you... no, Jack. Vat kind of doctor do you think I am?! Jack eases up on Dr. Berger. Jack:

Good... I bet you didn't see this either... Jack picks up another document. He hands it to Berger. Berger looks at it. It is a list. A list of names with Xes over them. Dr. Berger's name is Xed out. Margaret, Sanjit, Edward and several other DI employees are also Xed out. At the top it says "To be terminated." Dr. Berger looks up at Jack shocked. Jack: Looks like you didn't make the cut either... The camera cuts to: 21) INT. HYDRA BUILDING. HALLWAY. DAY. Roberta is walking down the hallway with Amelia. Amelia looks different that we remember. She looks healthier. Amelia looks at Roberta and says: Amelia: So... nothing has gone as planned then? Roberta: No, but that doesn't mean we can't continue with the plan. Amelia: What do you think he'll say about all this? Roberta: Hopefully he'll agree. If not... this was all for nothing... The two women stop outside of a door. Roberta pushes a button outside the door and takes a deep breath. There is a buzzing noise and the doors open. Roberta and Amelia walk in. The camera cuts to an angel behind a man in a darkly lit room sitting at his desk. There are tubes coming out of him into a machine, much like that of Hanso! The man is bald, we can see that from the back. Roberta and Amelia timidly walk in and up to his desk. They look scared. Roberta: Things aren't going well. Man: I know. Roberta: Should we move forward? Amelia: We can still salvage the cause...

Man: Terminate it. Roberta: You mean... Man: Shut it down... Amelia and Roberta just look at each other and seem very unhappy. 22) EXT. JUNGLE. MAIN ISLAND. DAY. Jin and Sawyer are making their way to the work-site until Sawyer just stops in his tracks. He looks forward and he looks a bit bewildered. Jin looks on as the camera does a 180 and reveals what they are looking at. In front of them is the Swan Station, but it is under construction! We see the massive hole dug out and we see men pouring the cement of the long tunnel that will, when completed, lead up to the hatch door that Locke blew open. Sawyer and Jin look at each other a bit stunned. Just then the DI Workman puts a hand on each Jin and Sawyer's shoulders and says: DI Workman: I knew you two didn't quite add up... They turn around and there are men pointing guns at them. DI Workman: When I told Ralph here that you two were from Atlantic City he reminded me that southern New Jersey was a part of the blast-zone... Sawyer looks confused. Sawyer: Blast zone? DI Workman: Shoot them! Sawyer and Jin just stare at the men as the DI Workman moves out of the way and the others point their guns at Jin and Sawyer. The camera cuts to: 23) EXT. RUNWAY. HYDRA. DAY. Frank is in the cockpit of the helicopter. He straps on his helmet and turns to Maxwell. Frank: When am I going... not that I know when I am now or anything... Maxwell:

1996. It's preset, all you have to do is fly and release when the light indicates you are there. Then, you just fly back the way you came. Frank nods and powers up the chopper. He lifts off as Maxwell and Edward step back. They look at each other. Edward: You left out the part about how by doing this he rips open the airspace over the island's co-ordinates. Maxwell: What does it matter? Edward: If there's any air traffic over the same area in Tunisia or the South Pacific... Maxwell: What are the chances? The camera cuts to Frank high above the island as he is about to fly into a cloud. There is electricity flashing in the cloud before him and he looks at his bearings. There is a yellow light flashing saying that he is above the Island's magnetic field. He presses a button and lowers the helicopter down into the cloud. He begins to lose control of the helicopter just as another light flashes indicating that he is above the target. The camera cuts to the interior of another plane and we see two men looking at a map. They are African in descent. The one man looks at the other and says: Man: How long until France? Man 2: We're somewhere over Tunisia... They enter a cloud right in front of them and there is electric activity inside. They looks at each other and the camera pulls back to reveal Yemi tied up with a gag in his mouth! Just then, as they make it through the cloud, they see it! Frank's helicopter is right in front of them! The pilot pulls back on the steering column and the plane narrowly misses Frank and it takes a nosedive down towards the island! The camera cuts back to the helicopter and Frank hits the release button for the food as he pulls up on the steering column! The food drops and Frank manages to get the helicopter above the cloud, but not before he loses complete control. He picks up the radio and screams: Frank: Mayday! Mayday! I'm goin' down!! 24) EXT. SWAN CONSTRUCTION. MAIN ISLAND. Sawyer and Jin are standing there as they hear something from above. The look up and see it! It's Franks helicopter careening out of control down towards them! Sawyer and Jin get up and run towards the jungle as the flash sound starts...

25) ---FLASH-- INT. MS. HAWKING'S CAR. DAY. Sawyer and Ms. Hawking are in the backseat of the car as they pull up to a helicopter pad. Ms. Hawking looks at Sawyer and says: Ms. Hawking: You've done well, James. You sure they have no trace of our interaction? Sawyer: No... he made a call to Norway. That's where the plane is... What kind of plane is worth that much trouble? Ms. Hawking: Don't you worry about that. What you need to worry about is getting out of France and never coming back... the helicopter will take you to an airfield where there is a jet waiting for you. Keep your nose clean, James... and remember that we've never met. Sawyer shakes his head and they both get out of the car. Sawyer walks up to the helicopter as another car pulls up and the window rolls down. Ms. Hawking walks up to the window and looks in. She hands papers to a man sticking his hand out the window. Ms. Hawking: I held up my end of the bargain, now it's time for you to do yours... The camera pans down to the papers that the man is now looking at. They are photos of an out of commission Oceanic Jet! The camera pans up and we see that the man holding them is Charles Widmore! Widmore: I have contacts in Indonesia... we can get the bodies there when we need them... Ms. Hawking: Good, now, if you'll excuse me, I need to see a man about an engagement ring in London... Ms. Hawking walks away from the car and the camera cuts to Sawyer getting into the helicopter. Someone puts his hand out to help Sawyer in and the hand has a DS ring on it. The camera pulls back and we see that it is Hibbs! He is in the DS! Sawyer gets into the helicopter and shuts the door as the flash sound starts... 26) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. SWAN CONSTRUCTION. DAY. Sawyer and Jin land just in time for Frank's helicopter to come crashing down right on top of the DI men that were about to shoot Sawyer and Jin!!! Sawyer and Jin turn back and look at the wreckage as it burns. Jin turns to Sawyer and motions to go. The two men take off into the jungle. The camera cuts back to the helicopter that is in flames. 27) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Claire and Kate are walking through the jungle and they come to a clearing. Claire looks around and doesn't seem to happy about the location.

Claire: Why'd you bring us back here?! This is where they shot at us! Kate: The hieroglyphics on the walls in the tunnel under Ben's house... they're the same as the ones on the pillars. This one! The camera does a 180 and it is revealed that Kate and Claire went back to the Temple. Kate runs up to the pillar and sees a hieroglyphic. She points to it. Kate: I think it's Aaron! The hieroglyphic is of a small child standing alone with fire all around it. 28) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. The camera is focused on Aaron and someone is holding his hand. The camera pans up and we are looking at Jacob's Cabin! The camera pulls back to reveal Juliet and Aaron. She looks down at him then pulls him along towards the cabin. Juliet: There's someone who wants to see you... The two of them walk to the cabin and go inside. Aaron looks around and Juliet lights a candle. The light flickers then it eventually fills the room. Sitting in the rocking chair across the room is Christian Shephard! He looks up at Juliet. Christian: You've brought me my grandchild... Juliet: Yes... like we agreed. Christian: Good. Juliet turns to walk out. Before she leaves Christian says: Christian: I suppose you haven't talked to John then... Juliet stops in her tracks and turned around. Juliet: What? Christian:

He changed the game... the agreement no longer stands, but thank you, Juliet, for bringing him to me anyway... Christian flashes a devious smile and a strong wind blows Juliet out of the cabin and on to her ass! She quickly turns to look back, but it's gone! The cabin has vanished. Juliet stands up quickly and spins in circles looking for it. She throws her hands up in the air and looks really upset as the music builds and the camera cuts to:

LOST On the Next Lost.... VO: Many have perished in the journey... Quick Shots of: 1)Boone 2) Shannon 3) Libby 4) Ana-Lucia 5) Mr. Eko 6) Nikki & Paulo 7) Charlie 8) Michael 9) Cindy 10) Bernard 11) Rose 12) Miles 13) Sun VO: But they continue to visit the survivors... Another relvelation is uncovered... On The Next Lost... Cast in order of Appearance: J. Clark Maxwell.......Ben Stein Roberta Owen..........Kathy Bates Jack Shephard........Matthew Fox Dr. Hans Berger........Philippe Brenninkmeyer Deater...................??? Scientist................??? Claire Littleton........Emilie de Ravin Kate Austen...........Evangeline Lilly DI Workman 1.........??? DI Workman 2.........??? James Sawyer Ford..Josh Holloway African Man 1.........??? African Man 2.........??? Albert Hibbs...........Robert Patrick Ms. Hawking..........Fionnula Flanagan Jin Kwon...............Daniel Dae Kim Gina.....................Song Yun-ah Christian Shephard..John Terry John Locke............Terry O'Quinn Aaron Littleton.......??? Richard Alpert........Nestor Carbonell

Edward Lorenz.......Jaleel White Frank Lapidus........Jeff Fahey Agent Russo..........GĂ©rard Depardieu Margaret Washburn.Lauren Ambrose Walt Lloyd.............Malcolm David Kelley Hurley Reyes..........Jorge Garica Christine DeVries.....Jody Thompson Ameilia..................Julie Adams TubeMan/Superior...??? Nigerian Man 1........??? Nigerian Man 2........??? Yemi.....................Olekan Obileye Charles Widmore.....Alan Dale Juliet Burke............Elizabeth Mitchell Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

What is the Construction and the Fake Stations all about? What is Roberta's plan? Who is the man Roberta and Amelia went to see? What does Kate know about the Smoke Mosnter? What was Claire's dream about? Is Frank really dead?! What is Christian going to do with Aaron?

Questions Answered: 1) 2) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Sawyer's Interpol record. How they got the fake plane for the Sundra trench. Widmore and Hawking planted the plane. Hibbs is Sawyer's uncle and part of the DS. How the food drops occured. How the Nigerian drug plane crashed on the island.

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