Code No: 64256/MT
M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008 PARALLEL ALGORITHMS (Image Processing) Time: 3hours
Max. Marks:60 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ---
1.a) b)
Discuss about various interconnection networks. Give a brief note on multi computers.
2.a) b)
Explain in detail the task channel model. Write about the boundary value problem.
Write short notes on: a) Circuit Satisfiability b) Collective Communication c) Parallel performance.
4.a) b)
Discuss the method of creating arrays at run time. Write about documenting the parallel program.
5.a) b)
Explain check board block decomposition. Explain with an example canon’s algorithm.
6.a) b)
Write the method of back substitution. Explain about steady - state heat distribution.
7.a) b)
With an example explain backtrack search. Write about searching game trees.
8.a) b)
Discuss about parallel for loops. Write in detail about functional parallelism. &_&_&_&